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There have been lots of epic fails, with every updates or "improvements", but I have never seen it as bad as this "feature".
I ve been always polite, but here I have to admit, that Nordeus people are IMO low minded and unable to communicate as well. This explanation is soooo unclear, not a single number in it, do you really think we will make experiments to test at which level which skill developes slower and how much slower, does it depend on age etc. etc.? And then it can be changed over night without any message as always?
Instead of doing something against real mutants created by upselling ONLY, T11 hurts teams which just train their players carefully through many seasons.
Two more episodes of "Fixed in Jamaica" are done, but I will freeze it until this insanity changes, I guess its already the end. Zero motivation to waste my time anymore in such a ridiculous game, most likely I quit completely after the season.