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Thread: Need answers from Nordeus...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Need answers from Nordeus...

    If the strongest player on the pitch (8-star, on fire) is under-performing 2 games in row, tell me:

    1. Why I should waste money and resources to bring players to 8-star?
    2. Why I should waste morale boosters to bring morale at max?

    Need answers from Nordeus...-1gpppppp.jpg
    Need answers from Nordeus...-1gppppppp.jpg
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  2. #2
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    bcs messi or mbape play bad game from time to time in real matches,at least that was their explanation, but in same time is normal to put goalie to take corner kicks without danger of be countered on empty net

  3. #3
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    Sep 2014
    Here we go... Third game for him being on fire... In the last two, a yellow card in each... While on fire...

    Need answers from Nordeus...-1gpppppppppppppp.jpg

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steppenwolf View Post
    Here we go... Third game for him being on fire... In the last two, a yellow card in each... While on fire...

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    It is a aggressive player, so this means that internally a role of aggressive player is attached to jim and you can't change this by training him, and too, it is a bad programmed one for what you are saying. I always recommend to test players vs a 1* team once you sign them, to know about their internal programming -max. ratings that can achiebe, and behaviour linked to the internal roles assigned by the engine- and then you can decide if its worth to invest and spend resources on him. Seems you trained the wrong player, and you still thinking or waiting for Top Eleven to be a proportional simulator where basically you earn the win once you're better in quality, so in a fixed and rigged way, and it never was like that. Thats what Ive been trying to explain you, despite the years you've been playing you are taking it from the wrong expectative.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    It is a aggressive player, so this means that internally a role of aggressive player is attached to jim and you can't change this by training him, and too, it is a bad programmed one for what you are saying. I always recommend to test players vs a 1* team once you sign them, to know about their internal programming -max. ratings that can achiebe, and behaviour linked to the internal roles assigned by the engine- and then you can decide if its worth to invest and spend resources on him. Seems you trained the wrong player, and you still thinking or waiting for Top Eleven to be a proportional simulator where basically you earn the win once you're better in quality, so in a fixed and rigged way, and it never was like that. Thats what Ive been trying to explain you, despite the years you've been playing you are taking it from the wrong expectative.
    well, i agree with some of those you say, was sold some players after one season bcs i wasnt satisfied with his overal season performance, but there is still some situation all those scripts are messed up, and that happen every season, for example, guy tank season, take all good players to bench and play with 2-3 star team, that bring team 60% bellow my team, and what happen? barely win those match, my team concede goal from free kick scored by 2 star player withou skills even i have def with wall and block skill and keeper is 6 star, same with corners, in same time my attackers 7 and 8 stars scored 3 goals and 3 star keeper has 8 saves, not normal, also all the time i ask why not allow counter attacks when keeper is on set pieces no one answered me

  6. #6
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    well, i agree with some of those you say, was sold some players after one season bcs i wasnt satisfied with his overal season performance, but there is still some situation all those scripts are messed up, and that happen every season, for example, guy tank season, take all good players to bench and play with 2-3 star team, that bring team 60% bellow my team, and what happen? barely win those match, my team concede goal from free kick scored by 2 star player withou skills even i have def with wall and block skill and keeper is 6 star, same with corners, in same time my attackers 7 and 8 stars scored 3 goals and 3 star keeper has 8 saves, not normal, also all the time i ask why not allow counter attacks when keeper is on set pieces no one answered me
    Aren't scripts exactly. Every time you sign a new player, the engine assigns him a internal role. These are limited roles to have determinant players and a realistic squad, so thats why you can not buy 11 STs that scored 40 goals with the porevious team, and have 11 players, or even 3 scoring that amount, since the roles always will be linked to animations which have limitations in contributive (% efficency that each player have) and dominance power (% of animation slots, from the 25 match animations that a player can have) so, it isn't a script exactly, it is the way the roles are given, and these roles are usually stable, so a key player that have the role as key player will be determinant because of the internal programming, and then, the visual skills just affect slightly the player behaviour, since these affect the beatability margin -quality diffeance between your team and the oppo- and this margin is what sets the starting scenario parameters.

    Rememebr that a 2* inside the team have no impact at all because the engine takes the team AvQ vs team AvQ to simulate this, and you can see people in FAs with x5 9*s and x6 1*s that because of this, because the engine never simualates a 1vs1, they still win.
    If the engine was realist, a 1* defender would be always overcomed, by a 9* or even a 4*.

    Then,there are temporal roles that exist to make you manage, and these are applied to the FK/Corners men. Usually there is a best player for each one of these tasks,and the 2 players (or 1 for both) have a stable role for days, until it moves to another player, or because you sign a new player, the internal team liswts change and the best player for FK is then another.

    Always, to expose the internal programming, and find roles etc play a friendly vs a 1* team.

    The ratings too tell you about the potential of players, a key player will be MotM and get max. rating streaks, the max. rating is 9-10(it is the same a 9 or a 10) so, then, each player have an amount of max. personal rating streak available. Like, 10-9-10 and then a drop, maybe a 8 will come. These rating variations can tell you which players, will improve or vanish in the upcoming game and thats why before the finals I tend to force a rating drop for all the team, so to force a push.
    The engine have a system, and all is about to understand the process and the viewpoint that uses to convert data in animations,

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Aren't scripts exactly. Every time you sign a new player, the engine assigns him a internal role. These are limited roles to have determinant players and a realistic squad, so thats why you can not buy 11 STs that scored 40 goals with the porevious team, and have 11 players, or even 3 scoring that amount, since the roles always will be linked to animations which have limitations in contributive (% efficency that each player have) and dominance power (% of animation slots, from the 25 match animations that a player can have) so, it isn't a script exactly, it is the way the roles are given, and these roles are usually stable, so a key player that have the role as key player will be determinant because of the internal programming, and then, the visual skills just affect slightly the player behaviour, since these affect the beatability margin -quality diffeance between your team and the oppo- and this margin is what sets the starting scenario parameters.

    Rememebr that a 2* inside the team have no impact at all because the engine takes the team AvQ vs team AvQ to simulate this, and you can see people in FAs with x5 9*s and x6 1*s that because of this, because the engine never simualates a 1vs1, they still win.
    If the engine was realist, a 1* defender would be always overcomed, by a 9* or even a 4*.
    Well, isnt it a point of buying strong player that he will be overpower or overplay weaker one? Why buy a expensive players if game decide that they cant pass trough defenders 50% weaker? no sense in it
    Cant remember any other game where strengthening team dont make you stronger if oponent are weak, think ppl will play iron mask for example, if 20 lvl ship can beat 85 lvl ?

  8. #8
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    Well, isnt it a point of buying strong player that he will be overpower or overplay weaker one? Why buy a expensive players if game decide that they cant pass trough defenders 50% weaker? no sense in it
    Cant remember any other game where strengthening team dont make you stronger if oponent are weak, think ppl will play iron mask for example, if 20 lvl ship can beat 85 lvl ?
    It isn't the same, a L20 beating a L85, compared with a 7* vs 7* squads, one, full of 120% players and the 2nd, wih 9*+1*.
    We have 2 different situations, and the engine variables change the list of players that will determine the result of a match, for a reason.
    One day, the 1* defender, will look like he overcome the 9* ST because of the engine system, and in another scenario if the 1* have to have an impact, will lose all attempts to stop the 9*.
    In a case where the 9* meets a 1* and, lets imagine that of course by power, the 9* overcomes the 1* defender, this would turn the game in something crazy, with the players doing 50 movements, to always face a lower player with each one of the 11 players available on the field, and at this point then we will need to think about, the calculation to stop a 9* between 2 players, so? how many 5* are needed to stop a 9*? and the development of this option, would bring us to a real non sense and a game without stability, and not playable.

    So thats why at some point is OK that the engine uses the main team quality vs team quality to set the basic parameters, and a margin and then to create a different scenario each time, the engine selects a different number of players thta will matter during the match.
    You can like it, or hate it, but, precisely, this formula is what doesn't create a rigged game, with a L85 winning a L20 by default. The variability in the scenarios and thats what managers should learn to read.

  9. #9
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    that is exactly what i say, manager skills are not of much use, if manager skill is only to hope and pray for oponent players dot have too much boost than better move live match and put casino wheel, that way will know what to expect
    Isnt it normal that preparing for match meen look for oponent team weak spot and push on it to break defense? Why waste time on strategy to say "hmm he is dense in midle side are weaker spots will attack there" than game decide, o no, those players need to be balanced to prevent break from sides-that is nor fair and nice at all
    By uderstanding game you think it is this- ok, i will put weaker players on his strongest players so game will balance it and i can get him by surprise on orher part of pit-? I know it is blunt explanation but with all those %%, balancing, game engine etc etc i see it that way
    Strangely, i never won match against 30+% oponent in champion league finals, so i should feel better now, bcs i am not bad manager just need to learn how to exploit those game interventions in teams
    P.S.when i complain why i ended for 6-7 consecutive seasons vs same teams that are way over me, answer was that no many teams of my lvl in server, but checking cup first stage teams i found 21 team that was my lvl and 10% up or down of me
    That i mention bcs in those seasons there was teams who has 2 or 3 players 160, 180 or 200+ % power whos normaly fill my net with 7+ goals every match, so where is there those balancing/engine stuff when 180% attackers face defenders of 115 and 120 goalie? Tried all, dif formation, zonal, man to man, etc, outcome was the same
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  10. #10
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    that is exactly what i say, manager skills are not of much use, if manager skill is only to hope and pray for oponent players dot have too much boost than better move live match and put casino wheel, that way will know what to expect
    Isnt it normal that preparing for match meen look for oponent team weak spot and push on it to break defense? Why waste time on strategy to say "hmm he is dense in midle side are weaker spots will attack there" than game decide, o no, those players need to be balanced to prevent break from sides-that is nor fair and nice at all
    By uderstanding game you think it is this- ok, i will put weaker players on his strongest players so game will balance it and i can get him by surprise on orher part of pit-? I know it is blunt explanation but with all those %%, balancing, game engine etc etc i see it that way
    Strangely, i never won match against 30+% oponent in champion league finals, so i should feel better now, bcs i am not bad manager just need to learn how to exploit those game interventions in teams
    P.S.when i complain why i ended for 6-7 consecutive seasons vs same teams that are way over me, answer was that no many teams of my lvl in server, but checking cup first stage teams i found 21 team that was my lvl and 10% up or down of me
    That i mention bcs in those seasons there was teams who has 2 or 3 players 160, 180 or 200+ % power whos normaly fill my net with 7+ goals every match, so where is there those balancing/engine stuff when 180% attackers face defenders of 115 and 120 goalie? Tried all, dif formation, zonal, man to man, etc, outcome was the same
    Lower the team quality, at the end of the season if you aren't in the top server, so if you are lower than 100% you will prevent +1 level teams in your competitions in many cases.
    Then, the key is to understand the internal roles dusplay in your team, and develop the right players and, of course discard players if needed, to invest resources with efficency. Always remember that to know your players potential you have to text them vs a 1* opponent, so then you can oversize the internal programming and see the roles assigned intenannyl by the engine. Too remember that the engine does a simulation checking the 1vs1 team quality distance to set the margin and the scenario parameter, the beatability margin is arround a 30% but sometimes it can reach a 50% of distance where a team surprisingly is able to earn a tie.

    You see the teams as formations, but the engine see the teams as lists that have to fill and then each player available have some animations linked and a dominance power that determines how many of the 25 match animations can cover overall, so, don't look at the "weaker spots" looking at the field, but thinking how the engine simulates the match. There is no weak point as I explain you, the engine select few players to be determinant and this is based on variables, mainly the ratings that have variations, so, for example, there are players that have like 8-6-8-6-8 so here you can predict a drop and probably or, the player will not participate in any animation, or will fail earning a 6 very likely. The Key players tend to keep streaks of 2-3 max ratings after the drop and each player have a own behaviour.

    Look at the game like what it is, a engine reading numbers and checking lists, and having a process, this has nothing to do with the reality and you have to understand this in first place to improve the way to manage. The animations are just to make the data look like realistic but it is so wrong to try to read and understand why we have some scores from the animations viewpoint without understanding in first place the process used by the engine.

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