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Lower the team quality, at the end of the season if you aren't in the top server, so if you are lower than 100% you will prevent +1 level teams in your competitions in many cases.
Then, the key is to understand the internal roles dusplay in your team, and develop the right players and, of course discard players if needed, to invest resources with efficency. Always remember that to know your players potential you have to text them vs a 1* opponent, so then you can oversize the internal programming and see the roles assigned intenannyl by the engine. Too remember that the engine does a simulation checking the 1vs1 team quality distance to set the margin and the scenario parameter, the beatability margin is arround a 30% but sometimes it can reach a 50% of distance where a team surprisingly is able to earn a tie.
You see the teams as formations, but the engine see the teams as lists that have to fill and then each player available have some animations linked and a dominance power that determines how many of the 25 match animations can cover overall, so, don't look at the "weaker spots" looking at the field, but thinking how the engine simulates the match. There is no weak point as I explain you, the engine select few players to be determinant and this is based on variables, mainly the ratings that have variations, so, for example, there are players that have like 8-6-8-6-8 so here you can predict a drop and probably or, the player will not participate in any animation, or will fail earning a 6 very likely. The Key players tend to keep streaks of 2-3 max ratings after the drop and each player have a own behaviour.
Look at the game like what it is, a engine reading numbers and checking lists, and having a process, this has nothing to do with the reality and you have to understand this in first place to improve the way to manage. The animations are just to make the data look like realistic but it is so wrong to try to read and understand why we have some scores from the animations viewpoint without understanding in first place the process used by the engine.