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Thread: Need answers from Nordeus...

  1. #21
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steppenwolf View Post
    What kind of test vs 1* teams you are talking about? I played 2 friendlies against the same 1* team, the second game with less condition. In the first game all my players had ratings over 7.5 and the score was 2 - 0. In the second game only few players had ratings over 7.0 and the score was 10 - 0. My best player of all times wasn't in those few with ratings over 7.0...
    Pleasse if you have time, share here the capture of the match events, and the final team ratings.**

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    You know, for example, that you can not create a "good player" intentionally.
    Every key player I had in my teams was created intentionally... These are the last four from Celtic 1888...

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    Need answers from Nordeus...-1gooooooooo.jpg
    Need answers from Nordeus...-1goooooooooo.jpg
    Need answers from Nordeus...-1gooooooooooo.jpg

  3. #23
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steppenwolf View Post
    Every key player I had in my teams was created intentionally... These are the last four from Celtic 1888...

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    Your first post is the reply to yourself-

    "If the strongest player on the pitch (8-star, on fire) is under-performing 2 games in row, tell me:

    1. Why I should waste money and resources to bring players to 8-star?
    2. Why I should waste morale boosters to bring morale at max?"

    Here there are different points to cover, the first is, that a player have to be predetermined by default to be successful.
    Despite all, you can win by margin, of course. But you can differentiate a player well programmed by default from a bad programmed for the fluency that your team have when is playing.
    Another point is, the beatability margin of your oppos, of course, if you push a player, he'll gain distance in the simulation, but this has nuances.
    How many times we've seen upsellers with 340%s in skills complaining because their "investment" doesnt work as expected? like, finishing 340% and barely the player scores?
    Too we have to consider that, by definition, as the engine only simulates the attacking playstyle, this will always link players to fill the lists and bring animations, with the corresponding variables, and these variables will create alternation when determining which player solves a match.
    You can perfectly notice when you have a squad that plays fluidly or, when it seems stuck.
    It is a deep science in realitym and IMO these overall rating you shared are nice, but, to understand the team situation more in detail, and the reason why the players may underperform at certain games, or why some times the score can seems stuck to 0 etc.. this is a very general analysis and will not help you. At least it didn't...

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    You want it simple, and it isn't xD the engine uses lists and numbers and a beability magin+variables, to place the different players that have animations linked to them in the 25 match animation slots. This is the easiest way to resume what the engine does.

    I can try to be minimalist, but, you have to understand that I will try always to bring you a explanation about the process that the engine uses IMO so, my idea is that if people understand the process, then they can play in the same direction.

    Attachment 138980
    i understand, but you see, there is alot of ppl playing this game who dont have big knowledge of programing and PC-s to follow explanations. I have some myself, not enough, but i know is easy to add few lines of program that will close gap betwen quality of players but allow that player quality still be present. One of question i wanted to ask actualy was questoned from my friend: why game itself offer me 400, 700 or 880 token worth player if game again decide that player is too strong and balance his power? why dont offer player with max of 89 tokens that dont need intervention from engine?
    Have more of that kind of questions that really can be answered shortly
    P.S. (again) if game has 25 animations in mstch than even more piss me off when i play important match and in 90 min draw pop up messege says goal,without animations,match ends and you lose
    And sorry, i am not english speaker so dont mind if there is some wrong words and grammary
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  5. #25
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    Here, how "balancing" is working... Yesterday, in 5 - 1 win, my best player had match-up against the weakest opponent's player, the only 5*... He couldn't score, despite being top scorer, performer and assistant in the league... Today, in 2 - 0 win, he had match-up against the strongest opponent's player, the only 7* and he scored both goals... It should be the opposite, to score 2 yesterday and to struggle today, against almost equal match-up, but no, not in this game...

  6. #26
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steppenwolf View Post
    Here, how "balancing" is working... Yesterday, in 5 - 1 win, my best player had match-up against the weakest opponent's player, the only 5*... He couldn't score, despite being top scorer, performer and assistant in the league... Today, in 2 - 0 win, he had match-up against the strongest opponent's player, the only 7* and he scored both goals... It should be the opposite, to score 2 yesterday and to struggle today, against almost equal match-up, but no, not in this game...
    It is not a "balancing", it is the variable. What you can not follow with your sheet, is the rating variations, that may tell you a bit about the expected upcoming game performance. Thats why I', asing you to share the ratings, from the 2 tests and the main team page where you have the 5 last ratings of each player, there you can see the behaviour. If, a player have a max. of 3 games with a max rating, after a 10-9-10- it comes a drop, it doesn't matter the opponent quality, as this is to create a scenario variability and thats why probably you end up saying- "It should be the opposite, to score 2 yesterday and to struggle today, against almost equal match-up, but no, not in this game..."
    To create unique scenarios the engine uses only few players of each squad to be determinant in a match (it does a player simplification), so, those who have a expected rating drop, or can be vanished, or underperforming.

    Following my criteria, is how one can manipulate the ratings, in order to earn a rating push in a particular match. You synchronize a drop before a final, to force a push, and works mostly of times, because the engine have a way to proceed to simulate.

    Then, remember that,
    If you play vs a % team that is some levels below you, what you do, is to equalize all your players at the same star,
    because the simulator, have a margin that is covered, after this distance of 180% all players are in the same line, so you can, by doing this, expose the internal programming, and you will notice that maybe a 3* or even a scores more than a 9* because vs a team -50 levels or -2000% your team is absolutely uniform because the simulator reach the max. distance that can cover.
    That's how you expose the internal programming to test the players.
    Last edited by khris; 02-19-2022 at 10:58 AM.

  7. #27
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    i understand, but you see, there is alot of ppl playing this game who dont have big knowledge of programing and PC-s to follow explanations. I have some myself, not enough, but i know is easy to add few lines of program that will close gap betwen quality of players but allow that player quality still be present. One of question i wanted to ask actualy was questoned from my friend: why game itself offer me 400, 700 or 880 token worth player if game again decide that player is too strong and balance his power? why dont offer player with max of 89 tokens that dont need intervention from engine?
    Have more of that kind of questions that really can be answered shortly
    P.S. (again) if game has 25 animations in mstch than even more piss me off when i play important match and in 90 min draw pop up messege says goal,without animations,match ends and you lose
    And sorry, i am not english speaker so dont mind if there is some wrong words and grammary
    Just don't worry.
    It is way more simple to understand than what it seems, it is in reality a very simple process the one used by the engine, and there isn't so much margin or mysteries in reality.
    why game itself offer me 400, 700 or 880 token worth player if game again decide that player is too strong and balance his power?
    As a manager I never recommend to purchase these players. For me a 28 seasonal based game, shouldn't be that expensive and shouldn't recommend you offers of 400-800+ tokens per player when we know that a 3* player trained with resources will overcome him by far.
    why dont offer player with max of 89 tokens that dont need intervention from engine?
    Here the same, I only can say that you can send a suggestion to Nordeus regarding this matter using the Form in the Bugs&Technical problems subforum.

    if game has 25 animations in mstch than even more piss me off when i play important match and in 90 min draw pop up messege says goal,without animations,match ends and you lose

    Well I mean, aprox 25 actions. The engine fills lists using the available and elegible players to fill animation slots, some are visual and some are written animations, and in the practice for the engine it doesn't matter to show a goal in the 90' or in the 25'. For the engine it is the same, sonce the position of the animations is affected by the variations in the settings and lists of players used...
    Last edited by khris; 02-19-2022 at 10:46 AM.

  8. #28
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    There you go... Players' ratings from the last 22 games, team's ratings and ratings of my 3 best performers...

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    Need answers from Nordeus...-1gnnnnn.jpg
    Need answers from Nordeus...-1gnnnnnn.jpg
    Need answers from Nordeus...-1gnnnnnnnn.jpg
    Need answers from Nordeus...-1gnnnnnnn.jpg
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  9. #29
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Now, it looks more like the NASA
    And technically, looking that there is a player getting 10s constantly, means that the opponents margin should be quite factible... but in reality you only have 1 single key player... the amount of 7's and the lack of 10's tell you that you have a problem that, IMO can be perfectly resolved.
    You could have a more much fluid team and preventing your team from these sudden and unexpected drops that may do a effect of vanishment of your whole squad....

    In reality these ratings explain a lot... so, what would I suggest you to do now? test as you did the main team in the max distance that the simulator allow you which is 180, so a -180 means a team from -9 levels at least. There, your players, all of them will be set by the engine at the same exact star and you will be able to expose the internal programming.
    Then, you do the same with the subs and reserves. You expose them because if a good role, with a lot of dominance power assigned is set to them, it may be imposible for you to go to the market and once the new player joins your squad, he will get the calibration assigned, and it will not be able to get a strong role internally.
    the same you do if you detect players with aggressive roles, you keep them as reserves, so as the engine limites the roles, to do not assign 10 aggressive roles, the chance to get an aggressive player is drastically reduced.

    Then, the ratings are linked to the contributive power, which means effectivity mainly in the actions, but then there is the dominance power too set in each player.
    This, determines the influence and how many animations he can have assigned.

    So, here, if you notice, that one of those playrs that dont get 9's, appear always, means that are stealing chances and animations that could be assigned to another player.
    The lists of dominance power change and are rebuilt, always once you do a sub, for example, because a player overcomes another in the list.
    These numbers of course or any report, will tell us the domination power so, you have to see now, for example, Lampe, IMO this is a bad programmed player and if he's having a good amount of animations assigned, it is affecting your team fluency. I would get rid of him, honestly.
    But keep in mind that if there is that player earning such amount of 10's with 7's this mean that the margin is viable, and that players around are impacting so negatively.
    You may experiment with starting with Zorbo instead of Rosic, it may be a better option, this 8 in the round 18 where it seems to be a general drop but a push in defence can mean something.
    Last edited by khris; 02-20-2022 at 12:24 PM.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Aren't scripts exactly. Every time you sign a new player, the engine assigns him a internal role. These are limited roles to have determinant players and a realistic squad, so thats why you can not buy 11 STs that scored 40 goals with the porevious team, and have 11 players, or even 3 scoring that amount, since the roles always will be linked to animations which have limitations in contributive (% efficency that each player have) and dominance power (% of animation slots, from the 25 match animations that a player can have) so, it isn't a script exactly, it is the way the roles are given, and these roles are usually stable, so a key player that have the role as key player will be determinant because of the internal programming, and then, the visual skills just affect slightly the player behaviour, since these affect the beatability margin -quality diffeance between your team and the oppo- and this margin is what sets the starting scenario parameters.

    Rememebr that a 2* inside the team have no impact at all because the engine takes the team AvQ vs team AvQ to simulate this, and you can see people in FAs with x5 9*s and x6 1*s that because of this, because the engine never simualates a 1vs1, they still win.
    If the engine was realist, a 1* defender would be always overcomed, by a 9* or even a 4*.

    Then,there are temporal roles that exist to make you manage, and these are applied to the FK/Corners men. Usually there is a best player for each one of these tasks,and the 2 players (or 1 for both) have a stable role for days, until it moves to another player, or because you sign a new player, the internal team liswts change and the best player for FK is then another.

    Always, to expose the internal programming, and find roles etc play a friendly vs a 1* team.

    The ratings too tell you about the potential of players, a key player will be MotM and get max. rating streaks, the max. rating is 9-10(it is the same a 9 or a 10) so, then, each player have an amount of max. personal rating streak available. Like, 10-9-10 and then a drop, maybe a 8 will come. These rating variations can tell you which players, will improve or vanish in the upcoming game and thats why before the finals I tend to force a rating drop for all the team, so to force a push.
    The engine have a system, and all is about to understand the process and the viewpoint that uses to convert data in animations,
    So Khris are you saying that it's better to train just 5 players in your team and leave the rest as 1* since those 5 will determine the outcome of each game?

    Also is it possible to manipulate the assignment of internal roles? Will selling off the entire team and leaving only those 5 players cause them to get the important roles?

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