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Thread: Goonskies - From Rags to Riches

  1. #71
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    Season End

    yep, just cant get a hold on that account anymore

    === GOONSKIES ===

    skippy kidoodles

    === RAGS TO RICHES ===

    The back stabbing of the century. Rags to Riches assistant fitness machine cleaner Znofrelius back stabbed his one and only friend on the server. Mud-slinging appeared between the two in the upcoming days of the final match. "After all the torment we went through, we came back on top. Thank you he-who-should-not-be-named, I shall continue the sacrifice of lonely 40-year-old virgins in your honor."

    Kurnia (the other manager), has yet to reply to Znofrelius' latest mud-sling.

    === ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ===

    as usual goonskies be first
    just 1 goal difference, a double rainbow worth of pain!!! josiane FC and doit FC have been forever etched in my hitlist. **** *** ... (an hour later) ... *** ****. all washed out from my system. *looks at liverpoop arse review* **** *** ...
    keep trollin' manpogo ;P

    good thing this cheered me up. cant wait for his reply

    only to be shot down again with no tranny?
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  2. #72
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    Packing it on the Throne, a Chamberpot Appears!

    === GOONSKIES ===

    Having seen the transfer market (or as people refer it to, the tranny) is fully operational, Head Coach Fonzacus decided it was time to splash some cash to silence the noisy neighbor next door, the wildly successful backup groundskeeper Znofrelius. Fonzacus, gambled most of Goonskies' money on nineteen-year-old right midfielder (crap, forgot his name). After the one token transfer win, it has been discovered that Alec Chamberpot was indeed a NordGen (TM) escaped monkey. More news on the matter after the estimated first week break!

    === RAGS TO RICHES ===

    Backup groundskeeper Znofrelius is in a perplexed state. Not wanting to be outdone by a fluke of the moment one-token-bid win loser Fonzacus, Znofrelius also looked into the tranny and did not find any player of value. "Rags to Riches are about finding quality youngsters and moulding them into tomorrow's superstars. We do not just accept any player, escaped monkey or not, into our ranks like the flop you just read about above this paragraph."

    === ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ===

    next on goonskies, ryu miyaibi

    TBH i dont think i have to do much on ragsies, but yeah since were practically stinkin' rich ATM might as well buy some NGs
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    Last edited by littledude072; 02-12-2014 at 07:41 AM.
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  3. #73
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    League Opening Day Sermon-ey

    === GOONSKIES ===

    The epic dream league for Head Coach Fonzacus! Many teams are equal in terms of quality. Many dreams will be crushed by the ever so beloved Fonzacus. The league Goonskies have been put into is the dream league for most. A levelled ground to have not only quality be of importance, but experience, determination, and downright official bribing. "Ah looks like a fun season. No tokeners sighted in my league. Although I do have a Top Eleven friend in the same league, I will not hesitate to put him down with my trusty Advanced Pride of Hiigara."

    === RAGS TO RICHES ===

    The epic dream stated above has been shot down for Cluckin' Bell delivery driver Znofrelius. The first league game of the season ended in a draw against one and only friend, Kurnia FC's Kurnia. Mud-slinging appeared between the two as Znofrelius is always the first to throw the stone.

    The league Rags to Riches have been put in is a slightly off-balanced league, but an overall fair league. Kurnia FC have been desperate to make their move in the transfer market in order to scare Rags to Riches, but it has failed.

    === ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ===


    ironically im scared of dirtmound and mayday since they both are the richest in the league. something tells me some tokenersll pop up from the woodworks soon enough. also, ill venture into the friendzone by adding random strangers in the league. i hope they give me candy when i enter in unmarked, fully shaded vans like i do
    thinking about changing the stadium name too after reading through spotted kittens thread
    Ye Olde Wankin' Grounds


    balanced enough league. 2 strongses, 2 abandonedses. still have tons of money left over, could probably buy some more NGs but yeah, tokenses count be low. need precious
    ill also have to venture into the friendzone here too
    cant think of a name for the stadium though, sad but true
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    Last edited by littledude072; 02-12-2014 at 07:44 AM.
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  4. #74
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    Long Awaited Update

    === GOONSKIES ===

    The league shaping up to Head Coach Fonzacus' prediction. Skirmishes have been seen between active managers as every point counts. The battle to the top of the food chain taking place each and every day as teams are taking turns being the top. Managers are being active in the transfer market in order to get the last laugh. It is a brutal fight for first, and it will surely last long after the season has ended.

    Not having qualified for the Champions League and having been knocked out of the Cup by a much weaker team with a home loss, there is only one target for Goonskies.

    Fonzacus feels the transfer market fever is dying, and joins the hunt for players in the classic transfer market. Newly acquired nineteen-year-old midfielder Matthew Flame Me Knee (Frank Tatiefang) for one token is the latest addition to the Goonskies squad.

    === RAGS TO RICHES ===

    With the same opening premonition as Head Coach Fonzacus, bobblehead vendor Znofrelius is seeing an interesting league as well. Having seen the same fate as Goonskies in the Cup, with an added bonus of losing to a team in an illegal formation due to an injury, and barely hanging on to Champions League Round Qualifier, Rags to Riches have put the League as top priority.

    Znofrelius having more success in every aspect than Fonzacus, succeeded in capturing two more Nordeus (TM) escaped monkeys codenamed "Avira Antivirus" and "Slanted Slingshot", each for just one token as well.

    === ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ===

    i really need to put better formattings instead of naming them something different every season -.-. im talking about the usual league table upload names and stuff. its annoying naming them differently instead of setting a unique easy to remember name like lets say goons S(eason)1 D(ay)2 or something

    just a sneak peak, upgrading the 2nd post and turning it into an updated home page as seen on other team showcases. its not going to have in game screenies since i think theyre boring, but (A) scanned hand drawn pics, (B) sketch pad drawings, or (C) paint pics with mouse. hoping it wont be C xD
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    Goonskies - From Rags to Riches-antiviralslingshot.jpg  
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  5. #75
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    Angry beasts have awoken for both teams. Goonskies FC have just awaken from their ever so patented Slumpity Slump Slump Dance, Rags to Riches are also going through their Limpity Limp Limp Dance. Both teams are in dismal condition. Will their be enough sacrifices to go around after the wee hours of the night?

    === GOONSKIES ===

    Taboo struck AC Milan as they keep dropping points as Goonskies FC once did so many moons ago. The childish game of who-goes-first wages on as Goonskies FC Head Coach Fonzacus decided to watch matches, and support the underdogs. Tempers flared as opposing managers started to become active, and found Fonzacus supporting not only enemies, but enemies' enemies as well. This does not bode well with Goonskies FC as it seems all the other managers have taken arms against them.

    === RAGS TO RICHES ===

    A colossal game the size of The Colossal Titan from Shingeki no Kyojin will take place in the early morning. Kurnia FC Head Coach Kurnia (i know, lame ey?) decided to respond to Grocery Bagger Boy Znofrelius' latest mud-sling. How many Hentai Hikou no Ichimi and Liverpudian will remain after the match? None, as Wankin' Goons are stationed nearby to "save" the survivors from "life".

    === ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ===

    goonskies seriously needs an update, too bad i dont have much money on there

    ragsies, oh ragsies, so many injuries, so little time...
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  6. #76
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    Desperation and the Damsel in Distress

    === GOONSKIES ===

    Desperation looms over Goonskies FC's Head Coach Fonzacus as Goonskies are struggling in the dream league of theirs. Points are being dropped game after game as the league season day rolls by twenty. Wankin' Goons are in an uproar as no changes have been made by Fonzacus as they are yet again without money. The dream league of theirs may throw many curve balls in the upcoming last games of the season, and with the points so close, but yet so far, will there be a chance for Goonskies to rip the title away?

    "Trollinho has bee spotted lurking in the distance whispering such nonsense as 'tank' but tanking will ruin my pride and honor. I like it rough, bring it! I will try and bury the hatchet I had used to rip open the other competitors recently. This league has been ever so much fun, I want the next season to be like this, too."

    === RAGS TO RICHES ===

    The damsel in distress that is the League Title has been crying for a saviour since the beginning of time. Rags to Riches' shark-bait hoo haa haa Znofrelius is longing to rescue the princess of Top Elevenia from the clutches of The Evil Stepsister Trollinho. Unwanted children of the Old Woman who lived in a shoe (played by Rags to Riches, Sesor, Win, and the ugly fugling Kurnia ;P) are vying to rescue her at all cost, sabotaging other step-stepbrothers' matches in the process.

    "My enchantress, shoe cleaner, and overall best friend pet rock Pebbles has been warning me since the beginning of time this will be a fight till the finish. Brutal backstabbings and improbable probabilities (played by Trollinho) still lurk in the distance."

    === ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ===

    what a fun league for both. might as well add some friends to make sure the season after this is just as fun
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  7. #77
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    Cup of Tea on the Edge of a Bridge

    time to freshen up, i smell trollinhos presence here

    === Cup of Tea on the Edge of a Bridge ===

    The dream league stated before by Fonzacus Znofrelius ended in disaster. Head Coach Fonzacus' team Goonskies FC did not make promotions, even with the disruptions caused by the behated manager. The Shrooms Cup plays soon as Fonzacus is not doing much at the moment. Baffled by the away draw against ?? FC, Fonzacus sips his tea while chatting with long time rival and alter ego Recycle Bin Cleaner Znofrelius.

    "Loser, you ain't maked no Champions League. Even Kurnia maked it [sips cup of tea] bwahahaha..." says Fonzacus. Znofrelius replied with "Pffft, you ain't even got no promotion, and you still as broke as Vista, son"

    Znofrelius, barely made promotional slot. The Cup on paper looks very favourable for Rags to Riches, but as we all know anything goes. Rags to Riches are now rich and on par with Goonskies FC with a few tokens. It may be time to venture into the Negotiations tab.

    === ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ===

    ah ISP, yous suck hard. didnt get to review the league closing...
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  8. #78
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    ...And the League is Open

    will update later on, too lazy to do this ATM
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  9. #79
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    Danger Looms Over Goony Toons and Ragsville

    Both Head Coach Fonzacus and Pompom Packager Znofrelius are enraged as a rabid chipmunk on helium. Goonskies FC and Rags to Riches are not doing as well as he-who-could-not-be-named-due-to-bad-sector thought. Both teams did not qualify for Champions League, and to add injury to injury, both teams are knocked out of the Cup as well. Ironically, no injury has been reported on either teams despite failed attempts of kicking one's bucket. How will this season unfold as rough waters are as enraged as two, yes two, rabid chipmunks on helium?

    It has been reported that home games are more favourable after an unknown update. Perplexed with the new profound ability to watch many games, Fonzacus Znofrelius does not know how to react. "I am not used to this new gift, but I humbly accept it oh great Trollinho. I am rarely at home during my timezone's prime-time kick off so yeah, spice it up a bit. Ah well, another season of barely watching games, it's all good"
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  10. #80
    Famous Qambu Yaasi's Avatar
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    I am not used to playing CL in the afternoon before League matches, not even used to watching my CL matches! haha...I do believe it'll affect my league performance considering that my team this season is a one-man team, or sometimes a two-man team.
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