yep, just cant get a hold on that account anymore
skippy kidoodles
The back stabbing of the century. Rags to Riches assistant fitness machine cleaner Znofrelius back stabbed his one and only friend on the server. Mud-slinging appeared between the two in the upcoming days of the final match. "After all the torment we went through, we came back on top. Thank you he-who-should-not-be-named, I shall continue the sacrifice of lonely 40-year-old virgins in your honor."
Kurnia (the other manager), has yet to reply to Znofrelius' latest mud-sling.
=== ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ===
as usual goonskies be first
just 1 goal difference, a double rainbow worth of pain!!! josiane FC and doit FC have been forever etched in my hitlist. **** *** ... (an hour later) ... *** ****. all washed out from my system. *looks at liverpoop arse review* **** *** ...
keep trollin' manpogo ;P
good thing this cheered me up. cant wait for his reply
only to be shot down again with no tranny?