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I've been reading all these moans about the game and have decided to contribute my own thoughts.
First of all, I am now just finishing my 16th season in the game. YES, I've been frustrated at times, but that's life. In those 16 seasons, I've won 6 trophies (4 league, 2 CL), so not as many as some of the players even in lower levels. But I play for the enjoyment of it. Now I do buy a small amount of tokens each season, (usually around 60). But now to the topic. Of course there are problems with the game (what on-line game doesn't have them). Most of the significant faults can be got around by the players themselves and don't need the programmers to sort it.
FRIENDLIES: This seems to be the main issue. Sure, unwanted matches are a pain, but that can easily remedied by us ourselves. Only have friends who are of similar mind to us. If you get these matches that you don't want, simply unfriend the person (if in game), or contact the other person and tell them not to send these requests (if on FB). I have just under 100 in game friends on here, and I only get unwanted requests on average once every two seasons.
KICK-OFF TIMES: This can be a problem, but with a global game, time zones etc, will sometimes be troublesome, so I can't really see there is a simple solution.
MATCH RESULTS: OK, we've all lost to much lower quality teams, on more than a few occasions, but that is the nature of sport. Would the game be better if the stronger team always won? I doubt it. It would get boring. And incidentally, I can't remember on too many occasions, a player complaining that they didn't think it fair that they'd beaten a much stronger team, when they shouldn't have.
INJURIES: Now this issue seems a real problem. I have to agree with people who say there are too many, but there again, nobody can know for sure what sort of tackling our opponents are using, and also we can attract injuries ourselves by using the "hard tackling" setting.
STATS/RATINGS: Frankly I can't see any issue with these. Sure, they bare no resemblance to completed matches, but does it REALLY matter? In all the time I've been playing, there is probably only a handful of times that I've even bothered to read them.
NAME CHANGING: Now this is the part that really irritates me. Some people want this facility to be free. Why? The name of a player (or their shirt number), makes no difference to the game play. Changing a name or number is only cosmetic value, and if anyone is sad enough to want to change them, then why shouldn't they pay. I've had a striker and a winger wearing #1 before. So what?
Now for the only real problem I have with the game, ILLEGAL FORMATION. I don't think this should be applicable. If we want to play without a striker, or have just two defenders, that should be our right.
On the whole, I don't think this is a bad game, and for the most part, I am happy with it. Sorry this is a bit long, and I guess I'll just be shot down for my comments, but this is my opinion.