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Thread: Is the Tactical Part of Top Eleven 2019 Broken?

  1. #21
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    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by MNK Kaskada View Post
    If your team is playing good all the time, team form shall start droping down and you shall lose eventually. So what to do, I preffer losing in group stage of CL or in the Cup games with not so much diference. Both of my quadra seasons were not so good ass those seasons where I was winning almost every game but lost every final or semifinals.
    I have noticed that last season, clean sheets on cup and superleague but lost the finals, however i have an impossible league and lost many games so that kind of contradicts your reasoning!

  2. #22
    Apprentice Ludo_Mansio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MNK Kaskada View Post
    If you turn off 2D animation, then you shall have more (only) comments. If that is what you want.
    I agree, it's the animations that are misleading. There seem to be a series of pre-scripted animations (we've all seen the same goal over and over again) and the game just picks the ones it thinks are most appropriate. So I don't think you can tell anything about how you're team is playing or what their positions are from the animations... for me it's just; did I score, did they score, who is having possession, that's all you can tell from the animations. The text is probably a little more informative as you can get a better idea of which players are making mistakes etc.

    I also agree with Khris that this isn't a game where we can genuinely influence the tactics. We can turn toggles on and off to try and affect the outcome of the game, but they're all just factors that go in to the roll of the dice. I'd like to think that the game continues to calculate the chances of goals etc as a match is played (i.e. we can actually influence the outcome during a match) but I don't think we have any evidence of that, and in reality it's just as likely that the calculation is done before the match starts and whatever we do during a match has no effect.

  3. #23
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomu741 View Post
    Well maybe tactics arent broken but screen animation is broken. For example i had mr with up arrow and seen that opponent ml is playing very good (had goal and good rating) than later i gave down arrow to my mr and than i saw in comments that my mr is blocking opponent's ml. So it's works but in other hand i didnt see any changes in live animation. So i think we shouldnt rely on live animation but pay more attention to comments during the match but the problem is that those comments are very rare .
    Again like mentality option. It writes that attacking mentality gives more opportunities to attack but in live animation it's only show where your team start your attacks - defensive from the back, attacking - long ball to the strikers. So it;s stupid - i want play attacking but i want that my team start to build attacks from the back and not from the my strikers but in this game it isn't that way.
    Yeah, you saw an area that needed more defensive protection, you put a defensive arrow, the feedback should be that the player responsible for this zone go provide more defensive contribution. The same should apply for when you see that your team needs support in attacking an area, you instruct a deeper lying player to move up there with an offensive arrow, but like I said the feedback from animations is not as expected. Maybe you are right that animations are broken, or maybe both animations and the tactical instructions are broken to some extent, but whatever is wrong Nordeus should be looking into it and fix.

  4. #24
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    From my experience i would say we can influence the result during a match, but the thing is as all in life, our intention may be the best and theoretcly work but luck plays an inportant role!

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by NUNO FC View Post
    From my experience i would say we can influence the result during a match, but the thing is as all in life, our intention may be the best and theoretcly work but luck plays an inportant role!
    you also dont know what changes your opponent is making at the same time, assuming they are present, its when they arent present that i get frustrated with it, i've had it where my team is 2-0 up at the hour mark and without me changing anything and my oppo not present suddenly i lose 3-2, wtf?

  6. #26
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Another example. I started the match today with mixed passing, and the passing seemed mixed but with more highlights showing long passes. Later I changed to long, and nothing much changed. I changed to short passing and nothing much changed neither, and the highlights kept showing players passing long. Does the engine consider the certain settings set before the match only or what? The only things that seem to have effect is making substitutions and the change in whole team mentality. Ah, also some parts of the animations are clearly broken because one player made at least 1 assist (I think two), including showing his playmaker icon, but then no assists were added in his statistics profile.
    Last edited by Tactician; 09-27-2019 at 02:27 PM.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Ah, also some parts of the animations are clearly broken because one player made at least 1 assist (I think two), including showing his playmaker icon, but then no assists were added in his statistics profile.
    Evidently, I have a lot of examples. 1, Player get yellow card at corner. 2, Penalty SA is swap between GKs (my GK doesn't have it, oppos GK has it, animation shows my GK has it, oppos GK doesn't have it). 3, Player get 2 yellow cards (red) but still on the field, actually another player get yellow. 4, Animation and text comments are totally out of sync.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grandef View Post
    Evidently, I have a lot of examples. 1, Player get yellow card at corner. 2, Penalty SA is swap between GKs (my GK doesn't have it, oppos GK has it, animation shows my GK has it, oppos GK doesn't have it). 3, Player get 2 yellow cards (red) but still on the field, actually another player get yellow. 4, Animation and text comments are totally out of sync.
    All bugs that last to be fixed, i've already opnedned a thread for the corners in the bug section

  9. #29
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Again today... I did not feel that I was influencing any part besides making substitutions. My team scored, they continued to score, but I did not feel that I was in any part of it. I see parts where I could improve, I make changes, no response at all; the team plays as if I was not the manager. I do not feel any connection. I feel that some things are either disabled or broken in this game.
    Last edited by Tactician; 09-28-2019 at 11:49 AM.
    Altiplano likes this.

  10. #30
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    I still believe there's a tactical element to it. I had to maneuver some round-robin wins against higher rated opponents in the past couple of seasons and if I wasn't there to change the tempo, to change the player, to change the set-piece taker, to change the mentality and formation- we would have lost like it suggested on paper. But, because I was there, I was able to edge out the result needed to advance which probably made the cocky manager who assumed he was favorite and didn't attend pissed off. But I think that, since this update, it just recently began feeling this way. Last update, it felt scripted like I would put in a new player for a player rated 5.3 and it was like it didn't matter and within seconds the sub would go from 6.5 to 5.3 as well....
    The Warpstars - League Level 25 - Club Record: 746W - 120D - 146L
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