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Thread: Guide: Understanding the 2016 Training System

  1. #51
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Savage_1 View Post
    Sorry if I missed it but did you test the effect of goalkeeping training on non-goalkeepers? I would be interested in the results as this would determine whether you should include goalkeepers in a general training session or train them separately or drop the goalkeeping practice from your general training session.
    There's no point to train field players with the drill GK training, it doesn't contain skills for them. But almost every other drill contains skills for goalkeepers. The only 4 exceptions are: Press the play, Use your head, Stop the attacker and Hurdle jumps. These drills are useless for goalkeepers. So if you are adding GKs to your FPs' drill schedule, avoid these 5 drills, and you'll be more or less OK. This schedule probably won't be optimal though.
    You can also check the table in my next post below to see what drills are suitable for GKs.
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 11-03-2016 at 06:40 AM.

  2. #52
    Pro ibangali's Avatar
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    I found Phy drills are really good for GK, it's kind of one stone 2 birds

  3. #53
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibangali View Post
    I found Phy drills are really good for GK, it's kind of one stone 2 birds :D
    That's an illusion, because there are grey skills for GK as well as white. So grey skills are getting penalty while white skills from these drills are getting bonuses.
    The bad thing: you can't cover all the skills only by physical&mental. Anticipation, Punching and Aerial reach will be left out. Another bad thing: you're leveling grey skills that have little (if any) impact on GKs performance. You actually are wasting some experience by doing it. So no, unfortunately, it's not a good idea to train your GKs with P&M. One or two in your GK training schedule would be enough or maybe even that amount would be too much.
    Check the table (all drills are lvl1):
    Guide: Understanding the 2016 Training System-gkdrills.jpg

    Numbers are experience (Condition loss points to be exact) that skills are getting from drills.

    As for me, the only P&M drill I use in my GK training schedule is Sprint. And I never train the whole team for... well, training. Only for bonuses for which I use Very Easy schedule: 2x Warm-up, 2x Video analysis, 2x Skill Drill.
    After I get daily bonuses, I train each player only individually with optimal (I hope ::) schedule I made only for him.
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 11-03-2016 at 07:35 AM.

  4. #54
    Pro ibangali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabez Teh View Post

    What if i powertrain my player in OLD version, he gets his cones and after i log out and relog into NEW version? What will happen? All "cones" goes equally to important (white highlighted) / not important (greyed out) skills??? ooor my player gains more "cones" in white skills and less gain in greyed out skills???

    So far I know, using old version, gain skill point and without adding or assigning those points if you login to new version then those skill points won't stay or save for later use.

  5. #55
    Apprentice The_Savage_1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toxcatl View Post
    There's no point to train field players with the drill GK training, it doesn't contain skills for them. But almost every other drill contains skills for goalkeepers. The only 4 exceptions are: Press the play, Use your head, Stop the attacker and Hurdle jumps. These drills are useless for goalkeepers. So if you are adding GKs to your FPs' drill schedule, avoid these 5 drills, and you'll be more or less OK. This schedule probably won't be optimal though.
    You can also check the table in my next post below to see what drills are suitable for GKs.
    Yes, it's obvious not to train your outfield players (alone) with GK training. However, if you were lazy (like me) and want to minimise the number of training sessions required and therefore wish to sometimes train all your players at once (with a mix of attack, defense & physical), is there a wastage on your outfield players by including GK training in the mix or does the game recognise it's a waste and allocate that part of the session somewhere else for the outfielders?

    I do realise I can train GKs with everybody else and they will still make gains but due to all the wasted gains in creativity, aggression, etc I would ideally like to throw in a GK training if it didn't penalise the outfielders. I have done it a bit already, without analysing the results, but I did notice that GKs will still make gains in creativity, aggression, etc and not necessarily in the GK training skills.

  6. #56
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    I disagree with most of these last few posts about GK Training.

    These opinions 1) don't acknowledge the possibilities of mixing GK Training for outfield players. Al's research doesn't indicate that overall skill point is lost using GK Training or other "grey" skill training, just that skill distribution for each position can be manipulated and tuned using "grey" and "white" skill training. Think this is being misinterpreted.

    Bigger concern is 2) making unfounded assumptions about the importance of grey/white/ and overall skill balance and development.

    There is no way to prove, right now, that a GK with high creativity isn't more effective at using his kicking skill to start a counterattack. Or that speed isn't also used in calculating saves that factor reflexes as well. An AMC might not shoot from as far or as powerfully as his greyed out strength declines. These mechanics and calculations are unknown to use, and Al has put in a lot of effort to keep things facts-based here.

    I played against a team whose ML/ AML was the biggest goal threat, but his defense grey skills were below 10%, besides positioning. So, Dick's passing up that lane and walk by him all match. Manager let him become balanced to have negligible defending skills
    Last edited by LeManiaque; 11-06-2016 at 12:26 PM.
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  7. #57
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeManiaque View Post
    I disagree with most of these last few posts about GK Training.

    These opinions 1) don't acknowledge the possibilities of mixing GK Training for outfield players. Al's research doesn't indicate that overall skill point is lost using GK Training or other "grey" skill training, just that skill distribution for each position can be manipulated and tuned using "grey" and "white" skill training. Think this is being misinterpreted.
    I wrote an "you are wrong" post but then made a few test and... you know, you actually are right here!
    I made 6-8 trainings [6x GK Training] on a field player and after that gave him one Slalom Dribble (all skills are white), and he got PLENTY skill points. So that means the experience is never lost, but stored to be distributed later when there's a chance.
    I was wrong about GK Training and field players, it's not pointless to include this drill along with GKs to a mass training. Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by LeManiaque View Post
    Bigger concern is 2) making unfounded assumptions about the importance of grey/white/ and overall skill balance and development.

    There is no way to prove, right now, that a GK with high creativity isn't more effective at using his kicking skill to start a counterattack. Or that speed isn't also used in calculating saves that factor reflexes as well. An AMC might not shoot from as far or as powerfully as his greyed out strength declines. These mechanics and calculations are unknown to use, and Al has put in a lot of effort to keep things facts-based here.
    Well, these four skills are grey for a GK. I don't believe leveling them is a wise thing to do. Because even if they're in use (they might be, but we'll never know), they're not as important as white skills. Otherwise they would be highlighted too. So if you're going hardcore, I think they should be avoided - it's better to have +1% in a highlighted attribute than in a grey one.
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 11-06-2016 at 04:50 PM.
    LeManiaque likes this.

  8. #58
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    Al started a great discussion for all of us managers.!

    I wonder how the GK skills pay off for outfield players. Like, is there a limit? Or a penalty, lowering the TEF when they are applied? A few more details to sort out before we know how best to use GK Training. I do think it's a good drill to advance, because oh this effect.
    Al Svanberg likes this.

  9. #59
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    Guide: Understanding the 2016 Training System-26-new-tef.png

    Hi guys!

    I have updated the OP with this table, now with TEF for a 23 y/o FT. I recon its the same for a 22 y/o, and probably 24 y/o too. But I am not sure. Anyone have any input on this?

    As you can see, it get really really expensive to push a 21< y/o from 7 to 8 stars. As a one time cost, its cheaper than taking a 18 y/o 99%, but you have to do it at that cost every season for a while.

    The numbers are fairly good, maybe a decimal could be moved here and there if the data was bigger but not by much.
    Toxcatl, LeManiaque and ibangali like this.

  10. #60
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    I want to test some budgeting scenarios, since we can basically equate green packs to total skill addition per season. It's just up to us to manage how they distribute. Is there team always better with 1 player of 7 stars at age 25 because he was great before, or to have 3 young players at 5 stars, manipulating their skill balance... Multi season development.

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