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Thread: Individual Training Planner

  1. #1
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Oct 2016

    Lightbulb Individual Training Planner


    After the last update this tool has little to nothing value.
    It can predict and calculate nothing useful.
    Fell free to ignore it.

    Oh yeah, I'm no longer playing this game and I don't check the forum.

    ITP is a little tool that helps you plan training sessions in Top Eleven. You are going to need either Microsoft Office or LibreOffice (free and open-source software) to work with it.

    ITP calculates the experience distribution for any player and any set of drills, let you compare different drills to each other to find the best one, and helps you avoid wasting condition on grey skills. It looks like this:

    Individual Training Planner-untitled.png

    download ITP for MS Office -- you are going to need Excel 2007 or later version
    download ITP for LibreOffice -- LibreOffice is free and open source alternative to MS Office, you can download LibreOffice here

    read how to use ITP -- click or just scroll down to the post #4 of this thread

    ITP doesn't work in Google Sheets! You have to download it and open in Excel or LibreOffice. Use links above or attached files ( for Excel, for LibreOffice).

    Current version is 1.1.1

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or found a bug, or whatever.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 05-25-2018 at 10:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Excellent effort, very exciting

  3. #3
    Famous Cloverfield's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Fantastic work!!!

  4. #4
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Thank you, guys!

    How to use ITP

    Every player has key (white) and non-key (grey) skills (or abilities, it's the same thing). Although the effect of skills is unknown, it is logical to assume that grey skills have less impact on player's performance (proof... kind of). So it is probably a good idea to avoid them in the training, though it's not always possible.
    Set of key (white) and non-key (grey) skills is determined by players positions only.
    Skills gain 1% when they receive a certain amount of experience points (XP).
    Very easy drills give 1 XP (on level 1, Amateur), Easy -- 2 XP, Medium -- 3 XP, Hard -- 4 XP, Very Hard -- 5 XP. Although these numbers can be found in the drill descriptions in the game, we don't know how much XP is needed to gain +1%. It depends on player's age, amount of stars and so-called Talent -- a hidden parameter that determines how fast players can learn. Players with high Talent are called fast trainers or FT, read more about them here.
    XP from a drill goes to all its skills equally, if they are all key skills. For example, Hurdle Jumps is a Hard drill (4 XP) and trains 3 skills (Bravery, Aggression and Speed) for 4 / 3 = 1.33 XP each on level 1, if all these skills are white.
    If there are grey skills, they receive 25% less experience from training, and this XP goes as bonus to the white skills of this drill equally. So a drill with grey skills trains its white skills faster, but for the cost of XP spent on grey skills. Total quality gain of the player is unaffected: drills of the same level improve player's quality with the same rate regardless of having or not having grey skills. Read this guide to learn more about TE Training system.
    There is a skill cap -- 340%. If you try to train a skill more than that, XP will be simply lost (proof). Be careful not to reach the cap!

    0. Excel version
    Download ITP for MSO and open it in Excel 2007 or later version. Enable macros:

    Individual Training Planner-0-enablemacros.png

    LibreOffice version
    Download ITP for LO and open it in LibreOffice.
    To enable macros you have to go to Tools -> Options (or press Alt+F12) -> LibreOffice -> Security -> Macro Security. Here you can either set Security Level on Medium, re-open the file and enable macros...
    Individual Training Planner-0-enablemacroslo.jpg

    ...or create a trusted location, move the file there and open it again:
    Individual Training Planner-0-trustedsourcelo.jpg

    1. Go to Setup sheet and set levels of drills.

    Individual Training Planner-01-setup.png

    2. Go to a player's sheet. Double click on the sheet's tab ("Ivanov" on the picture) to rename it. If you need more than one player's sheets, start to drag the sheet's tab and press and hold Ctrl. This will create a copy of the sheet.
    Now set player's positions and press APPLY button. If no position is selected, all skills will be set as key skills.

    Individual Training Planner-02-positions.png

    3. There are two tables on this sheet, let's start with the bottom one. It contains all the drills with XP distribution depending on player's set of key and non-key skills. This set is for MC/ML, all the drills are level 4 (World Class):

    Individual Training Planner-03-drills.png

    Grey columns are non-key abilities, colored columns are key abilities.
    Numbers in cells are experience points. Look at the picture, if you train this MC/ML with Skill Drill lvl 4, he will get 0.33 XP to Heading, 0.49 XP to Dribbling and 0.49 XP to Creativity.

    Drills that contain only key (white) skills are highlighted. On the picture above those drills are: Pass, Go and Shoot, Slalom Dribble, Video Analysis, Hold The Line, Sprint and Long Run. GK Training is always highlighted; read about GKT trick here.
    Two last columns (CL and XPL) are Condition Loss and XP Loss. XPL is a sum of XP to grey skills; the less, the better.

    4. Drills have different condition loss. If we want to find the most efficient drill to train a skill you want to train, we need to check XP divided by CL, not just XP.
    There is a drop-down menu in the top-left corner of the table:

    Individual Training Planner-04-exp-effi.png

    Select Efficiency and press APPLY button. The table will become like this:

    Individual Training Planner-05-efficiency.png

    Now the numbers in cells are XP divided by CL and multiplied by 100 to avoid unnecessary fractions. In other words, numbers now indicate how much XP goes to a skill if you spend exactly 100% Condition on this training. Now it is possible to compare drills to each other. An example from the picture: if you want to train Dribbling to this player, the fastest drills to do exactly that are Skill Drill and One on One Finishing (both give 65 XP to Dribbling for 100% Condition), but they are also waste some XP on grey skills (Heading and Finishing, respectively). The next drill is Sprint (58 to Dribbling) and it doesn't waste XP.

    5. You can add drills from the bottom table to the upper one to see the XP distribution from chosen set of drills. Press "+" button near drill's name to add it, "−" will remove the drill. No need to press APPLY button here.
    It doesn't matter if the bottom table shows Experience or Efficiency, the drill will be added with experience showed.

    Individual Training Planner-06-drillset.png

    The bottom row of this table is Total. It shows total XP that goes to each skill as well as percentage of total XP gained in this session. On the picture: Speed will get 3.68 XP or 19% of total XP from this training session.

    Another example
    Let's have a look at the same player, MC/ML, all the drills are level 4. Let's say our player already has Speed near skill cap (340%) and we want to train Shooting (he is a Free-kick specialist, why not).
    Here's his Efficiency table, again:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	05-efficiency.png 
Views:	2058 
Size:	47.6 KB 
ID:	92756

    Shooting Technique has the biggest number (87) and therefore will train Shooting faster than any other drill, but 50% of XP will be wasted on grey skills. PGS! with efficiency 58 can't be used, because it trains Speed. Wing Play (54) is slow and you will lose ~40% of XP to grey skills. Set-piece Delivery (47) is the slowest, but probably the best option anyway. Or not, you decide =]


    It's just something I need. Don't pay attention.
    Individual Training Planner-capture.jpg
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 04-01-2018 at 09:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Pro ibangali's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    Toronto, Canada
    Hi Toxcatl
    I tried with your training planner, "drills lvl" & "drills xp" works fine but there are no "calculate" & "check key abilities" button on FieldPlayer 1, 2 & GK.

    Also can you plz explain little more about 6 drills on those FieldPlayer; do we have to copy past those drills from "drills xp " or ....?
    Toxcatl likes this.

  6. #6
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ibangali View Post
    Hi Toxcatl
    I tried with your training planner, "drills lvl" & "drills xp" works fine but there are no "calculate" & "check key abilities" button on FieldPlayer 1, 2 & GK.

    Also can you plz explain little more about 6 drills on those FieldPlayer; do we have to copy past those drills from "drills xp " or ....?
    Thank you for your reply.

    It should be like this:
    Individual Training Planner-button.jpg

    On the screenshot you can see "Calculate!" button and checkboxes on the skills (there's no button to set key abilities, but checkboxes). I suspect you see none of them in the file...
    Have you enabled editing and macros? What version of Excel do you use? I use Excel 2016 and have saved the file in Excel 97-2003 format, I don't understand why it doesn't work for you, guys v_v ¡Ay, caramba!

    User have to copy-paste drills from "drills_xp" to player's sheet, check the checkboxes to highlight key attributes and then press "Calculate!". This will fill the table with numbers and apply penalties and bonuses depends on the amount of grey skills of the drill.

    By the way, do you see combo-boxes in the "drills_lvls" sheet?
    Individual Training Planner-lvls.jpg

    Thanks again! Let me google this...

  7. #7
    Pro ibangali's Avatar
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    Toronto, Canada
    I don't have excel so I use google's excel :P
    Yes, it not button checkbox and not showing, also bottom row where is "Total" shows errors

    On drill lvl sheet doesn't show drop down menu or combo box for lvl numbers but I manually entered.

    If you have google a/c then can you do it on google excel please, also assign edit/view/excess permission to public
    Last edited by ibangali; 11-03-2016 at 07:14 PM.

  8. #8
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Ah, Google, that's why. No, unfortunately, I can not do it there =[ It contains macros, and without them it's impossible to reach the same functionality. Sorry, you have to have Excel to use it.

  9. #9
    Pro ibangali's Avatar
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    Toronto, Canada
    Well then it's not my tea

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Uppsala, Sweden
    I have tried it and it is fantastic! Highly recommended.

    With my excel version/computer I couldn't get it to adjust for grey abilities, but it is still very fun, useful and addictive for me!

    Edit: Lol, just a warning, I was up to like 1.30 am on a work night last week fooling around with this looking at different combos. Its highly addictive!
    Last edited by Al Svanberg; 11-05-2016 at 08:34 PM.
    Toxcatl likes this.

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