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Thread: Formations after UPDATE

  1. #31
    Apprentice Jean.Monico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcmacdaniel View Post
    It seems more vulnerable to long passes than mixed or short passes.
    It is a great system to know though since when the opponent is vulnerable to it, it can be utterly dominating.
    Humm. On paper, gegenpressure is used to break the efficiency of Long passes and avoid counter-attacks - you press the opponent, so he has no time to aim for the long pass, and when he tries it, it's like he just gets rid of the ball and your defense gets it easily.
    And, again on paper, it should be vulnerable to Short passes - your players running insanely to get the ball, but the opponent doesn't even try hard and pass the ball to a close colleague (when thinking a lot is not necessary).

    Anyway, it's a just a theory that, in the real field, might work or not. And I wish I knew how it's designed in top11 so we could use it properly ;/
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  2. #32
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    Agreed, it would be nice to get more insight.

    I've heard multiple theories, but everyone has a different one and they contradict each other and what not. I've heard the passing/marking one mentioned hear by toxcatl. I've heard another theory where their the relationship is between mentality/passing, and the four with only two options have no relationship to anything with a normal or mixed option (it's based on no mixed/normal option for some orders but not others; would this be a problem for someone writing code for the game engine?). I've heard another that its all semantics.
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 11-24-2017 at 10:29 PM.
    Level 40 Manager

  3. #33
    Addicted k1tb's Avatar
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    4-5-1 V style is working pretty well, but I haven't find the "right" orders to my team. It seems that V-Style is good balanced formation.
    I don't want to play only with counter attacks, but V-Style is mostly a counter attacking formation? Any suggestions?

    Before update it was easy setting up orders for V-Style, but after update....

    // Also I have noticed that many managers are using 4-2-3-1 formation. It is balanced and working well. As it has strong defense and also very good attack. You can use counter attacks with this formation as well as you can play without them. 4-2-3-1 seems to be as 4-4-2 was @ the old version ( 2017 ) .
    Last edited by k1tb; 11-26-2017 at 10:39 AM.

  4. #34
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Today I played three games against more or less equal teams and one against -15%. I used this formation with Attacking mentality:
    Formations after UPDATE-screenshot_20171126-214951.jpg

    I'm not gonna give other orders, because I don't believe in preset orders. I start with everything mixed/off and change them during the game.
    My opponents were 451v twice (asso), 4-2mc-3-1(very chaotic positioning in attack) and 4-4-2 (the weaker team).

    The results were astonishing, especially in asso games. In those my opponent was present, but I have won in both games, 7-1 and 0-5. Statistics was in my favour too. The other results are 7-1 again and 6-1.
    I am more and more sure that M2M is better against Short passes and High pressing against Long, but maybe I just see what I expect to see. We, people like to do this.

    Today was the most productive day of this season. Or maybe ever, if I take into account my opponents' quality. Sometimes I feel like I know this game. I know I don't, but it feels like it =]

    It wasn't their day.
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 11-27-2017 at 12:12 AM.
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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by k1tb View Post
    4-5-1 V style is working pretty well, but I haven't find the "right" orders to my team. It seems that V-Style is good balanced formation.
    I don't want to play only with counter attacks, but V-Style is mostly a counter attacking formation? Any suggestions?

    Before update it was easy setting up orders for V-Style, but after update....

    // Also I have noticed that many managers are using 4-2-3-1 formation. It is balanced and working well. As it has strong defense and also very good attack. You can use counter attacks with this formation as well as you can play without them. 4-2-3-1 seems to be as 4-4-2 was @ the old version ( 2017 ) .
    Regarding 4-5-1v style, in real-life it might be solely a defensive formation, i'm not sure. In this game, it's very effective as an attacking formation. I personally believe 4-5-1v attacking is one of the most dangerous tactics in this entire game, because most managers play it defensive I think, so it creates a scenario where the opponent is expecting their opponent to be using a defensive/neutral counter-attacking strategy and plan accordingly, and are blindsided by the attacking v-style.

    I'm not sure the game engine knows the difference between defensive and attack mentalities. I think their are is a spectrum between neutral orders and extreme orders, with normal/mixed being the most neutral and hard attacking short/long pass and hard defending short/long pass being the most extreme. Neutral orders like normal/flanks/mixed/off/high/normal/zonal/off will should stabilize the engine and decrease the odds of a troll result. Whereas going towards the extremes will both increase the odds of winning as a 30%+ underdog and losing as a 30%+ favorite.

    Here is my club history, it's just my attempt to establish some credibility. I understand others have a good history in this game and may disagree with me. But hopefully this at least helps result in my ideas being given some thought, even if it results in them being proven false.
    Formations after UPDATE-1-association.jpg
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 11-27-2017 at 02:56 AM.
    k1tb, Toxcatl and Jean.Monico like this.
    Level 40 Manager

  6. #36
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Last edited by Toxcatl; 01-13-2018 at 01:36 PM.
    It wasn't our day.

  7. #37
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    In your pic, your DC is allone vs two ST but I think this box is brighter than the box of your ST facing only one DC

  8. #38
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    In your pic, your DC is allone vs two ST but I think this box is brighter than the box of your ST facing only one DC
    That's because I'm facing a very weak team today, like 65% (I'm 115%+). Also my DL and DR both can play as DCs, and they're staying close to the border, so they add possession too. Oh, and my DMC can play DC as well =]
    It's an illusion I have only one DC on this picture. Actually I have four, lol.
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 11-27-2017 at 10:26 AM.
    It wasn't our day.

  9. #39
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    I have thought about the thing M2M against short passes and High Pressure against long passes and counter attacks. It’s easy to find opponent’s passing tactics watching the completed passes stats. Now: what if I want do the opposite in-match: state a passing tactics (long/mixed/short) that works well against my opponent’s defensive tactics? How can I find out if my opponent uses low or hard pressing style, if he has counter attacks on or if he uses zonal or M2M?


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  10. #40
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    I have no idea tbh. It is possible to say if he plays defensive though, so I just assume that it goes with counter-attacks. I usually choose tactics using this rock-paper-scissors system: Attack > Possession > Defence > Attack... It is not a science, I have no idea if it's right or not. There are too many other factors in play.
    As for High pressing and m2m, I just don't care when I choose my passing. If I have low % of completed passes or need def/possession, I set Short. If I have high % or need attack, I set Long. After that I just watch how the new orders change the statistics (passes, shots) and react accordingly.

    If I have better stats, I do nothing. Even if I'm attacking and leading, and current score suits me just fine. Do not fix what's not broken. Many times I switched from attacking tactics to defending, and everything went to hell. It looks like my attackers keep their team occupied, and if I reduce my attacking efforts, that lets them to play the game as they want it.
    Or maybe this is just my delusions.
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 11-27-2017 at 01:18 PM.
    It wasn't our day.

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