same problem here, two days without being able to enter in the game, not download anything, no network traffic while loading the game.
same problem here, two days without being able to enter in the game, not download anything, no network traffic while loading the game.
I am no longer to load the game on my MacBook since the game has been updated. It just freezes completely. I've tried on Safari and Chrome and it does exactly the same. Not impressed!
Any chance of someone fixing this game?
This is what happens when I get on to the home page. It freezes and my friends list doesn't appear and takes ages to load. Also when I play Top Eleven on Facebook the screen resolution is broken. (Bottom 2 screenshots)
Last edited by danclifford; 09-14-2017 at 05:08 PM.
I have big problems with top eleven. On my office computer (win10) i can log in and play top eleven. But on my home computer (XP) the game freeze. It loads until this screen and then nothing:
I also tried on my mobile but I reach this screen:
And I can not see confirmation field so I am stuck on that screen also.
It is really frustrating because I log in everyday, I gathered many tokens... and at one point I was first place on the table, and doing great in all competitions. Then weekend come and I could not log in from my home (XP) computer and on monday I could only see that I lost all games and droped out of all competitions. And this weekend same story, I reached champion leauge final and I could not log in from my home to be in that game, but I could only see (in my office again) that I lost the final. Now I have my vacation, I will not be in the office for 2 weeks, and I can not log in from my home computer. So I will stop playing this game forever (and I played it from the beginning. Good buy top eleven, I hope one day you will fix all bugs.
I've been having problems loading my account ever since the last few updates and still no fix. The screen resolution is awful on my MacBook and just freezes for a minute when the home screen comes up.
I came here to find a solution but it seems so called moderators are not even responding to this thread anymore..
My problem still hasn't been fixed either.
I too have recently found it getting stuck whilst loading on my p.c. Yes, I turned it off n' turned it on again, Sometimes I only get half the screen to load, a bit of a problem when you can't give instructions from the sidelines or use boosts![]()
Win Lose or Draw, Always White.M.O.T.
"Java sript error" on both my browsers (Chrome + Firefox) since this morning: what is going on ?
Club: FC Lomagne
Level: 33
Current Season (44): League (ON STRIKE), CL (N/A), Cup (In - Quarter-Finals)
Previous Season: League (11th), CL (Final), Cup (Last 16)