I guess I have to remind something![]()
By the way, I am okay if you say so Gabez, really I respect you.
I guess I have to remind something![]()
By the way, I am okay if you say so Gabez, really I respect you.
morning video clicking, setting the formation, oooh wait i'm playing 451V all the time since i'm half-active
training after 1 or 2 matches until 10%
-not attending my matches
-not participating in asso BS
aaaaand that's it!
Old days i was the captain of my self-created asso and i have managed/suggesting(ed to) my teammates counter-formations (active facebook subgroup) short version: i was an enthusiastic kind of captain. Also was active chat user if each of our enemy has changed her/his formation etc.
Don't care anymore. (edit: don't care anymore if my oppo in normal competition has changing her/his formation or whatevs)
Is this statisfied your curiosity about "my half-active definition"?
Last edited by Gabez Teh; 11-04-2017 at 09:40 PM.
I still hold the belief that any team can get trolled irrespective of quality, and when you perceive that you are getting trolled it's just the game engine's way of telling you that you need to change something in order to manage that particular scenario, if you can do that then you will live to fight another day against the troll that's why I like following the live commentary because it gives me a clearer picture as to what is going on in the field. So I think troll results are a vital part of the game without them the game would be too predictable, nordeus shouldn't remove them but rather reduce their occurrence.
As for association tournaments, the game engine is obviously broken it keeps spitting out ridiculous results every weekend.
Agreed. Was trolled today (cl sf) of sorts. I was weaker team but engine double yellowed me and decided it wasn't to be my day. Guess this happens in real life tho and I have been the beneficiary the other way. Hopefully will lead 2 good luck in my cup final. Who knows but it's just a game anyway. Keep it fun. Association games are silly at the moment tho.
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Ok my turn to post trolls this season. I will only say thay this kind of strange results I have notice 4 times this season- my team suddenly stop playing:/
Yesterday Cup final (21 lvl)
opponent average 103% vs me 124% (condition and morale full)
tactic 3-2-4-0-1 vs 4-1-2-2-1
Start the game, I started safe 4-1-2-2-1V def-mix-mix-on/ low- normal- zonal- off
1-0 at 06' corner ST scores
2-0 at 19' corner ST scores
I change to 4-1-2-2-1V def-mix-mix-on/ low- hard- zonal- off
3-0 at 31' action MR scores
I change to 4-1-2-2-1V hard def-mix-mix-off/ low- hard- zonal- off
4-0 at 34' action MR scoreswhile I was changing the settings
4-1 at 42' action my AMR scores
end of first half
52' I sub my ST and nothing to loose so I change to 4-1-2-2-1V normal-middle-short-off/ low- hard- zonal- on to have more balls from the middle and blocks this crazy attacks
5-1 at 64' action ML
6-1 at 84' action MR
It seems that my team get catch in to counters ( 2 corner goals??)
Screens after the match:
Stats and AM report ( after the game, before the game all of my players had full morale)
And now is the most important question: why suddenly team start to loosing without any reason?:/
Any suggestion appriciated.
Last edited by brolly; 11-08-2017 at 06:48 PM.