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Thread: Do you like the idea of skipping Levels ?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    IF you buy or train 1 player only to 9 stars , that won't push you 3 levels above ... You need at least 8-11 ...

    IF you do that, you'd unlock two levels above you and yes your players would lose their advantage but eventually you would be unlocking new stronger players on auction, scout , negotiations ...

    Skipping levels should be an OPTION 2 available to the current system of the game which is based on slow progress.

    In other words there should be two options not only one:
    A- slow progress one level each month for people who don't like to invest money.
    B- Quick improvement (skipping levels ) for people who like to invest money and do fast train.
    Last edited by USARABAT; 12-26-2017 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Altiplano View Post
    Why waste time, effort and space running leagues full of bots just to generate the following seasons CL and SL? And this is why high level players end up facing plus 3 level teams.
    I can see why the suggestion was made to skip leagues. It would help fill up the higher levels with active teams.
    EXACTLY ! That's the main purpose of my suggesting... I spent 33 seasons and now in 33 level. I don't remember facing more than 4-5 active managers in every season after season 10. There are many (bot - abandoned teams NOW between level 34 and top server ... Why WE , the active managers, can't take their place if we had resources and skills instead of WASTING MORE TIME to take their position?
    Last edited by USARABAT; 12-26-2017 at 11:34 AM.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    I liked the option of the old TE, to take over a new club from the beginning.
    I joined the game in July 2015 and I don't remember I've seen this option. But I would like to take over a new club in level 40 or 45 (not below my current level) if it was abandoned by his manager.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toxcatl View Post

    USARABAT, you clearly can't predict any consequences of what you've proposed. I do see the positive results but your mind can't or don't want to see the advantages

    It serves no purpose What will it bring to the game, what problems will it fix?

    I will mention just few :
    1- abandoned teams will go down the server gradually month after another instead of remaining at the same level as ghost teams and new ambitious managers will replace them quicker ...
    2- saving time to reach higher leagues and increase competition: active managers will face only active managers ...

    Helps poor Bill Gates to reach high level quickly? Why would anybody want it? You think playing on a high level is somehow better?
    Stupid questions ....

    Leveling up in this game gives you nothing except a number, that represents -- roughly -- how long you play this game.

    It brings more competition among active managers at least ...

    Why do anybody would want to skip a level? To lose -40% or -60% of players quality at once, and make the game harder for no reason?

    They will lose 40-60% true , but they will unlock new levels .... they will be 5 * stars again and face 5 * teams and their auction / nego/ assistant will unlock stronger players ... it's much better than the actual system which favors BULLYING. Again, this should be AN OPTION for people who would like to invest real money and not obligatory to anyone

    I'm glad Nordeus won't implement anything any way.
    It's just an idea and I don't give a **** if they do implement it or no ... but if they do , they will gain more money

    And, I'm sorry, your idea is pointless, strange and stupid... oh damn it! =]
    It might be stupid and strange from your perspective, but for damn sure it's NOT pointless ...
    Last edited by USARABAT; 12-26-2017 at 11:39 AM.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    Anyway just for you, imagine if you can skip by 2 levels and the highest level si 70, you would have to play 35/36 seasons, that's still more then a year and half which anyway is a huge amount of time.

    Every server has a MAXIMUM number of managers (let's say 100,000 ) categorized into 60-70 levels according to the date of joining.

    What I am suggesting is to (option1) allow ALL managers (let's say 100,000 ) to have equal access to the most strongest players on the server( at the first two days of the season, each according to his own resources same as in real world (or option 2) to buy 7 -8-9 stars players from auction. At the end of day 2 , the auction closes and managers will be categorized according to their power EACH SEASON, not according to the date of joining the game.

    Examples: manager who invest let's say 500 dollars to purchase very strong players to jump and play lets say in level 10
    Managers who watch free videos and reach a team with 7 or 8 stars will be forced to skip one level next month.
    Managers who don't train their team will lose - 20% and go down in one level and give their space to a manager from a lower level.
    This suggestion will also make many teams stay in same level although they were in top 8 in their league because they didn't train their team enough or buy stronger players ...

    The top server will always remain let's say 75. and players will also will have a maximum lets say 350 that they can't exceed. ( a football player is not a super man ) but the managers will go up and down according to their power / training ...

    Now we're playing in a triangular shape game that has a large base ( thousands of managers ) and small peak ( only tens ).

    Some thoughts
    Why don't the game ALLOW ( not force- as this suggestion should be an option not obligatory) ITSELF to take a square shape ( same amount of managers at low - middle - high leagues ) , a diamond shape users with a small base large body and small amount of managers at peak or even an upside down pyramid with large amount of managers at the top (day 1 they join the game and stay at top as long as they maintain their team in good shape or go down the pyramid if they don't ... ?
    Last edited by USARABAT; 12-26-2017 at 03:38 PM.

  6. #16
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Altiplano View Post
    Not only do you need 14 teams to create a league, but Nordeus needs 8 leagues at every level on every server to generate the following seasons champions league and super cup. This means 112 teams at every level in every server.
    Except in the top server, in the case that there's 1 league only there with 14 teams, all these join the CL + the teams of the proper levels.... same with the Cup, what we called "Shark Cup" here since time ago...

    Just as info'... by the way I keep my thesis about the creation of a top server and punish inactives with the decrease of training and building levels.
    A relegation zone only can be implemented IMO if all the players over 5* are sold... buuut.... xD

  7. #17
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    I don't know if I get the "spirit" of your thread but want to spot that in higher levels doesn't mean that there are better or more active teams.
    My reserves in a different server, have many friends, old players of the game (levels 45-50 and above).
    Most of them now are boring and don't care or play their seasons in auto.

    Good active teams can be in every level.
    I remember I made this suggestion in an old thread


    Of course that needs more flexibility in changing servers.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    I don't know if I get the "spirit" of your thread but want to spot that in higher levels doesn't mean that there are better or more active teams.
    My reserves in a different server, have many friends, old players of the game (levels 45-50 and above).
    Most of them now are boring and don't care or play their seasons in auto.

    I know that man , i have many close friends at higher leagues and top server ...
    That's why I suggested the idea of DEGRADING in parallel with skipping levels (go down one level at least ) teams who don't train enough their team/ buy better players / below 8th position / or abandoned their team.

    Here's a new suggestion: Degrading teams who don't watch 15 games out 26 in their league.

    This is the only way you reward active and ambition managers and punish reckless / careless ones ...

    No body has yet answered my question : why does a team who is abandoned by his manager stays in league 56 for example for 3 months and then the system replace his old players and stays in same level longer, while many active / ambitious/ skilled/ or maybe rich managers are ready to take his place ?
    Last edited by USARABAT; 12-26-2017 at 12:57 PM.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Except in the top server, in the case that there's 1 league only there with 14 teams, all these join the CL + the teams of the proper levels.... same with the Cup, what we called "Shark Cup" here since time ago...
    At my server , there are at least ( I see two - not sure if there are more ) two leagues at top server ( at least 24 teams ) ... some of them inactive ...
    khris likes this.

  10. #20
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    That's why I suggested the idea of DEGRADING in parallel with skipping levels (go down one level at least ) teams who don't train enough their team/ buy better players / below 8th position / or abandoned their team.
    - That's a very bad suggestion.
    Remember all those pro tanking teams (mostly the Turks and others) in top100.
    They will end at LV1 with all the benefits (stadium, sources, experience ...)

    No body has yet answered my question : why does a team who is abandoned by his manager stays in league 56 for example for 3 months and then the system replace his old players and stays in same level longer, while many active / ambitious/ skilled/ or maybe rich managers are ready to take his place ?
    LV56 it's time you 're playing the game and where are you know.
    Doesn't mean that a Championship of LV56 is better than a championship of LV26.
    Or a manager of LV56 is better than a manager of LV56.
    When I was here in the forum as LV12 manager, with 10 months experience in the forum, I was giving advice or info to managers from levels 20 or 30.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

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