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Thread: I need help …. Guide

  1. #41
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    approved post**
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 11-30-2018 at 04:30 PM.

  2. #42
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaLioS View Post
    The issue is that Khris wrote that the "attack" effects after the update are not anymore there for high pressure and it's just a defense boost with condition lost. So it doesn't make you team vulnerable to counters and etc. Basically my question was about this, if you agree or not by your experience.
    The update of september 2015 added 2 boosters, one for MtM and another for high press.

    The attack booster, is linked to the High Pressure, and the defense one is linked to Man to man option, both are actually active in exchange of more condition, and both options (boosters) works like the training bonuses, these bonuses of 10% (15% activated) just affect a random number of players inside the team (5-6 in more measure).
    Activate always MtM and High press give more guarantee, in exchange of a higher condition usage.
    Same as the win bonus, that one can say that, don't affect, but it does in some way (a % of win options), too you have the option to activate the condition bonus during the match, what saves condition in a X number of players mainly and allow a resources saving.

    I defended literally, that the orders are not linked to a system that faces the 1vs1 settings, simply the game selects what works and what do not work individually and separately for each team, as you know can be "obvious" that if the oppo loses the DR, attack for the left side but, if the game has chosen by default that you only will have success for the right, then there's no way.

    Too I wrote many times about the mentioned point, that orders are not linked in a way that, are faced "tactically". Some people comes here and thinks that, High pressure = pressure in the oppos field, and that's wrong. Play inoppos field = attack/hard attack mentality and the pressure is like the "effort" or, play calmly to save condition in the low pressure.

    And well, my thesis always has been this, that counters don't work, as the main source to do the calculations are the internal qualities of the players, and there's no guide of how to win in a let's say, a 70% of guarantee, there wasn't, and now that the beatability margin seems that has been increased and you can draw 1-1 vs a -40% these guides works less....IMO

    Knowing this, exist the option to, set the game to "provoke the fail" creating a weakness. As the game set's the match scenario looking at your starting orders, for example in my last Cup finale, after use a 4-2-3w-1 during all edition, I moved the ST as AMR, playing without ST and, x2 AMs, so the game looks this, does the calculations (giving more, or less chances in your favour) and if the game selects that with this setting you only can win, by switching a player as ST, that's the way.

  3. #43
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    If you play the football player in a position other than the one you should play, then he doesn't play well at his position, is that correct?
    When he returns to the position he needs to be back again, he doesn't play well?

  4. #44
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    Hey guys
    My name raskita, I new in this forum I want to join hehe

  5. #45
    Rookie Bobby Setyo Hadi Nugroho's Avatar
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    Haloo.... 📣

    Does anyone understand the use of arrows ??
    Is there really any use ??
    If there are, what are the uses for:
    1. player
    2. team games
    3. How much does it affect (points 1 & 2)

    *Need help for playing on 2019..

  6. #46
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    The update of september 2015 added 2 boosters, one for MtM and another for high press.

    The attack booster, is linked to the High Pressure, and the defense one is linked to Man to man option, both are actually active in exchange of more condition, and both options (boosters) works like the training bonuses, these bonuses of 10% (15% activated) just affect a random number of players inside the team (5-6 in more measure).
    Activate always MtM and High press give more guarantee, in exchange of a higher condition usage.
    Same as the win bonus, that one can say that, don't affect, but it does in some way (a % of win options), too you have the option to activate the condition bonus during the match, what saves condition in a X number of players mainly and allow a resources saving.

    I defended literally, that the orders are not linked to a system that faces the 1vs1 settings, simply the game selects what works and what do not work individually and separately for each team, as you know can be "obvious" that if the oppo loses the DR, attack for the left side but, if the game has chosen by default that you only will have success for the right, then there's no way.

    Too I wrote many times about the mentioned point, that orders are not linked in a way that, are faced "tactically". Some people comes here and thinks that, High pressure = pressure in the oppos field, and that's wrong. Play inoppos field = attack/hard attack mentality and the pressure is like the "effort" or, play calmly to save condition in the low pressure.

    And well, my thesis always has been this, that counters don't work, as the main source to do the calculations are the internal qualities of the players, and there's no guide of how to win in a let's say, a 70% of guarantee, there wasn't, and now that the beatability margin seems that has been increased and you can draw 1-1 vs a -40% these guides works less....IMO

    Knowing this, exist the option to, set the game to "provoke the fail" creating a weakness. As the game set's the match scenario looking at your starting orders, for example in my last Cup finale, after use a 4-2-3w-1 during all edition, I moved the ST as AMR, playing without ST and, x2 AMs, so the game looks this, does the calculations (giving more, or less chances in your favour) and if the game selects that with this setting you only can win, by switching a player as ST, that's the way.
    Bump as i need to clarify what the condition bonus does? I am reading here it is saves condition for a few players but am also being told it doesnt do that. But instead reduces the penalty for low condition.

  7. #47
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Condition bonus doesn't reduce the condition loss during the game.
    Reduce the penalty in calculations because of low condition.

    - Also if you use high pressing or man to man, gives extra condition loss but that doesn't go to gaining.
    - Extra time (and c.l.) gives extra gaining.

    cl> condition loss
    For example
    a training with a set that gives 18% cl, a player gain 4% skills
    a match with 22% cl , gain 5% skills
    a match, using high pressing and mtm, gives 40% cl and gain also 4% skills
    a match with extra time and 30% cl , gain 5%

    The effect of cl depends of the Wheel of Fortune I describe here

    In some games the cl penalty multiplies X10 and gives a critical disadvantage, in other games it's just a X1 and has minor effect.

    So someone can say, "Look, I played with players condition in reds but still won."
    Ok, but if continue that, after 2-3 games you may loose badly from a weak team.

    If the condition bonus effect was to reduce c loss, then using it 5 times would have been obvious.

    So I find condition bonus when in some games you use high pressing and man to man from the start and the games goes to extra time.
    In this case it can be helpful.
    But if addition bonus give something % extra, I prefer to use attack or defense.
    Usually I have a lot of supporters so I have the 15% ball possession from there (and my presence of course) .
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 06-16-2019 at 06:45 PM.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  8. #48
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Some hints about how the game works

    - A sub gives an extra green so good to get it as you may have 50 official games + asso games + friendlies + events.
    - With a sub, you can reverse a bad score or if the game is stuck in a not desired score.
    Don't be too late, round 60-65' min it's ok.
    First half is too early I think (except for a GKs really bad performance)
    At break time it's ok if it's not going good.
    - If you 're winning 1-0 but the game is tight, don't do a sub. This can reverse the score but for the other side.
    - If you sub a defender, you may conceded a goal, so do that only for an injury or your defender has really bad rate (bellow 5,8) or a card and bad rate or you have nothing to loose.
    - If one player has a yellow card, keep an eye in his rate. If it's still high, above 7, keep him in the game.
    If it's decreasing 1-2 times in a row, sub him to protect him from a 2nd yellow.
    Also keep an eye in his morale.
    Morale many times is working like an indicator who is in a low form or gonna make a bad performance or a fatal action in a next game.
    So don't rush to have them all in a max morale because you won't be able to recognize that player.
    - If you see your oppo manager doing 2-3 subs, better activate the mtm order so to boost a little your defense.
    Might be a dangerous situation.
    - Do 2 subs and keep the last one for the end.
    - You don't know what can happen . I mean an injury.
    Remember that there is the rule of only one injury in a TE game so if you had already one injured player, you are secure from that.
    - About 85' -86' it's the last min you can make a sub. After that it's too late (except some times when there is a delay in your clock).
    - Players you can make a sub are
    MCs - if the have bellow 6,8
    AMs if the have bellow 7
    ST if the have bellow 6,8
    DMC if have bellow 7-6,8
    GK if have bellow 6
    For the GK I usually make an exception. If conceded a goal early and his rates go from red to red, is the player I might sub early in the game.
    Better a -1* -2* sub player than a player with very bad rate.

    If your free-kick taker has a low rate (a bad day) , you may not sub him but put another player for the free-kicks.

    There are two old bugs in the game
    A delay in the stats > go in some other screen of the menu and return to the game to see the fresh one.
    A delay in a sub > After your sub, move another player in his (same bx, not position) so to tab another time the V button.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 06-16-2019 at 07:44 PM.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  9. #49
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    For the GK I usually make an exception. If conceded a goal early and his rates go from red to red, is the player I might sub early in the game.
    Better a -1* -2* sub player than a player with very bad rate.
    I have read many posts of yours, saying that GK is cosmetic, express the roll-dice of the game and more.
    If so, why to sub a GK if it's not about his performance and abilities ?

  10. #50
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Yes, I still believe that GKs role is cosmetic and most of the times just represents the Luck part of a game or give an alibi for your loss.
    But still we 're trying to do the right thing.
    Some games are fixed but some games which start bad, we can reverse the flow of the game.
    Here a game I had yesterday in CL.
    Opponent was much weaker and not present.
    Yeah, the right recipe for a troll game
    I could see the signs that the game is going for a troll even if I scored at 61' the 1-2.
    My GK had a low rate and that continued in reds, decreasing bellow 6.
    I could see a conceded goal coming so I subbed my GK.
    That didn't help me as the goal of oppo came at 88'.
    So the game was fixed not to win.
    Look at the comment now - John Weir (my GK who came from the bench at 81') lacked motivation - lol
    This fixed game was to blame my main GK Dida for the not-win.
    But as I subbed him, so that crazy comment went to my sub-keeper.

    I need help ….  Guide-cl-semi-1st-draw-2-2.jpg

    I need help ….  Guide-cl-semi-1st-draw-2-2-rates.jpg

    If you see games like this, that means you did the right thing but beaten from the AI of the game, not because you did something wrong or opponent manager was better.
    So you keep the same things for the second leg, hopping that bad Luck won't strike you twice (usually doesn't).
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 06-18-2019 at 09:47 PM.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

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