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Thread: Best training drills

  1. #11
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by stinkybg View Post
    hmm i get full defense after 4x first drills. Then i must do second one 3x skill drill and 3x warm up 3x. You sure second one is right? not 3x first 3x second?

    To be exact, my recipe is following:

    I train 8 players from bench and reserve, because I don't want my main squad to ineffectively lose condition on this. I never use 2x bonus video, because this videos is better to be spent on Rest packs.

    I start with:
    4x [Warm up, Skill drill, Video an, Skill drill, Warm up, Video an] (I don't know if drills order matters; I haven't noticed, but I'm not absolutely sure)
    After that I have Defence with Possession on maximum, and Attack with Condition on approximately 60-70% between 8% and maximum. If I do two more of that schedule, Attack goes on 90-95% (ffffuuu!) and Possession on max. So I do this instead:
    2x [Warm up, Skill drill, Video an, Skill drill, Warm up, Skill drill]
    And this do the job, all bonuses become maximum just for 27% of Condition.
    I tried to swap Video analysis with third Warm up, in this case Possession ends up on 90-95%, so it doesn't work either.

    Btw, if one bonus needs just a little more, let's say Attack for example, just do [Warm up, Skill drill] for 4 attacking players. And next time try to slightly change the schedule. That's how I found my recipe. As I said, it might be a little different for other managers, we all have different teams.

    P.S. For those who don't know: GK, D* and DM* players count as defenders; M*, AM* and ST count as attackers; DM*, M* and AM* count as midfielders. Of course, player with several position may fall in several categories at the same time. For example, player with [DML, ML] is counted as defender, attacker and midfielder at the same time. But he is still one player (you need 8 players for Condition bonus).
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 03-17-2017 at 08:30 AM.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Hmm tomorrow i will try again. Because i saw that defense was full so i removed video. But apparently it has some attack effects too

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Also found that without one video analysis drill, the gain in condition bonus is lower.
    But it could be my selection of players.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Well i am using 30 condition thing from each easy and very easy 4x then 5th session to finish attack and defence w skilldrill pass and shoo and video 6.75x4 + 3 = 30. Drills in order very easy then easy

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Order of drills matter. Very bad effect if not starting w warm up
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  6. #16
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stinkybg View Post
    Order of drills matter. Very bad effect if not starting w warm up
    If you end a session with Stretch, Condition bonus gets a nice boost. Attack - doesn't. I'm not sure about Defence and Posession. I'm gonna try to make a better schedule tomorrow.
    27% CL is the best I got so far.
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  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    so after all, there is some real-life logic applied on the team bonuses! start with warm-up and end with Stretch, wow.

  8. #18
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryC View Post
    so after all, there is some real-life logic applied on the team bonuses! start with warm-up and end with Stretch, wow.
    You can start with Stretch as well. Check these drills descriptions in-game.
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    I don't observe this "nice boost" on condition bonus when finishing with Stretch.
    IMHO it's the same as when finishing with Warm-Up, it just burns more condition. Did I do anything wrong?
    In my tests always started with Warm-Up.

  10. #20
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryC View Post
    I don't observe this "nice boost" on condition bonus when finishing with Stretch.
    Yeah, me neither. But I swear, I compared to similiar schedules, but can't find what was it... FFS, it seems I made a mistake. Sorry =[
    I also continue my experiments, but can't get any better that 27% without videos.
    It wasn't our day.

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