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Thread: How to train your players properly after the update

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    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    How to train your players properly after the update


    Hello guys,

    So I waited almost 2 weeks after the GK fix update, that someone would come up with a thread like this. And like you already know, no one did. Maybe everyone is still angry at Nordeus because of the update. But they won't change it back. We need to adapt or quit... I wanted to quit, but I can't. So I will try to adapt and I need your help.
    Tomorrow the new season starts and we all want to train our players at the beginning of it. Lets put something on!

    Well, also the title is a bit controversial and exaggerated. This is not a thread, where I can explain to you every little secret. I wanted to share my experiences training different players after the update. And I want you guys to click on this thread, get inspired and try stuff yourself. And, of course, share your experiences as well. So that we understand, what we must do and how we can train the best way possible.

    Also I want to give a shoutout to the 2 Youtube-Channels called "Top eleven Chanel" and "GrubiT11", who also made videos about the new training system and helped me understanding it better.

    Lets get started!!

    The Basics

    What we need to understand with the new training system is, that Nordeus wants us to not only train a few skills and make mutant players. "Mutants" are players, who have really high values in "white skills" (also known as important skills, that affect the quality of a player on the position he plays in, in the simulated games) and low values in "grey skills", that don't matter for him in his position, but also count for his overall quality %.

    So basically you could create players with 340% (maximum) in white skills and displayed 1% in grey skills (also negative grey skills actually, but that doesn't matter) while keeping their overall quality fairly normal. If you want to see such players go into the association top 100 and look at the top associations. You will find a lot of players, who are trained like this with the help of multiple accounts.

    This is, in my opinion, still possible to an extend. But it is a lot harder to do. You will see what I mean when we get in detail with examples.

    What is also important is, that when you train a drill on one specific player, which involves white and grey skills, the white skills will improve twice as fast as grey skills. This is really important and helps us training our players in a proper way after the update! And it causes the training to be less effective... We waste condition on training grey skills, that the player doesn't need. We so need more rest packs to grow him the same amount then with the old system.

    Also important - When a skill reaches around 140-150%, you cant train it anymore when you only train that skill. For example: When you train a DC, who already has 140% in both marking and positioning the exercise "Hold The Line", he will gain very slow and after a few more % gain nothing anymore. It doesnt matter if you train hold the line 100x. He will not get any % in his attributes and you just waste your rests. This is why we need to mix drills.

    First example

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot-2018-5-26 Play - Top Eleven - Be a Football Manager.jpg 
Views:	1279 
Size:	40.7 KB 
ID:	101732

    This a player from my squad. He was a youth player at the start of the season and I trained him only with the free condition he gets every day. I also refused to use GK training when it was still possible, because at the time he was learning his SA and it wouldn't have benefit him anyway.

    The last days I trained him Hold the Line and Gym to improve his Marking and Positioning, as well as his Strength and Fitness. All of these skills are very important for a DC and are white skills.

    2 Days ago he reached 140% in Marking. It then got a lot harder for me to improve his skills with "Hold the Line", I would have wasted condition. I now trained him "Press The Play", which, next to Marking and Positioning, also improves Tackling, Aggression and Bravery. Skills, that are far from hitting 140%. As you can see, on his drills he also further improved Marking and Positioning, while also leveling up the other skills.

    There are a few things I don't know quite exactly yet - for example can I train Hold the Line again tomorrow when he looses a star and 20% in his skills? How far can I train Positioning and Marking when also train other Skills, that are white skills and get higher as well? I will test and I want to hear your experiences also.

    Second example

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot-2018-5-26 Play - Top Eleven - Be a Football Manager(1).jpg 
Views:	1245 
Size:	41.2 KB 
ID:	101734

    Now, lets take a look at this guy. He is my ML since he was 18 years old and while only training his white skills, his grey skills decreased a lot over the course of the seasons. He is not a mutant by any means, but he is a very well trained player with high focus on his white skills.

    When I want to keep developing him, I need to carefully select my drills. When I train "Sprint", which increases Fitness, Speed and Dribbling, he will not gain anything and I would just loose my packs. It would have been the best drill for him in the old training, but not now anymore.

    However, yesterday I chose to try "Piggy in the Middle", which trains him Fitness, Aggression, Passing, Tackling and Positioning. 3 White skills and 2 Grey skills. In 15 sessions (so in total 90 Piggys, costing 9% condition in average, so 15 sessions cost 135% condition = 9 green packs) he gained 2% in Fitness, 2% in Passing, 2% in Positioning, 1% in Tackling and 1% in Aggression. So he gained a total of 6% in white skills, which are by the way already really high, and only 2% in ineffective grey skills.

    So in general, Piggy in the Middle is an somewhat effective training for a ML now after the update, when he has already high skills in most of his white attributes and doesn't grow with exercises like Sprint or Slalom Dribble anymore...

    Need your help!

    These are my experiences and things I picked up so far after the update. I hope, I could give you a little insight on how to effectively train your players after the update. Remember - training will never be as effective as before, where you could only train white skills and also use the GK training to help you. But it is still possible, to create good players, you just need more rests to get the same result. Or just lower your aim... Before I tried to push my new players to 120%, I doubt I manage to get them there now. I will try to aim for 110% next season and see how I get along with my green packs over the course of the season.

    Please try stuff out yourself and post your results here in this thread! Together we will find out the best way to train our players after the bad, bad update.

    There are many things I could not test yet or maybe I misinterpret so far. Feel yourself free to correct me.

    Cheers and have a good start in your new season!
    Last edited by Der_Ryan_M; 05-26-2018 at 02:06 PM.
    GLFC, madflo19, grubi125 and 6 others like this.