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Thread: A Guide for fast trainers

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    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    A Guide for fast trainers

    I started this guide but keep adding season by season, maybe it's too confusing for someone to follow it.

    So I made a summary, it's in

    old summary
    page 18, post 172

    also a useful F.A.Q. #139

    bot teams names #272

    GK glitch

    End of old version - new auction system

    but I believe that you can read many interest posts and to see many cases level by level.

    Hi ! Although I ‘m new in top eleven (I started at July 16th, now LV3) I find out some conclusions I would like to share with, about fast trainers. This is for low levels. Update if I‘ll go in higher levels.
    Below I will show you some examples from my team.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	team 29-8-14.jpg 
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ID:	28871

    Ok , this is my team, LV3, 7th day of season 3, 30 August 2014.
    Sorry it’s in my home language, greeks , but I believe you understand the meaning.

    This is a training in a practice game, in hard mode (3 bars) for all players, with condition of all players at 99, morale also (except SANTOS and MAICON, it was 96-7).
    Here the results of practice.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	training hard 29-8-14.jpg 
Views:	11032 
Size:	86.3 KB 
ID:	28872

    I read a lot in the forum and I ‘m sure that there is a factor that gives the results of every player in the game.
    The TR Factor is VALUE/SALARY. Here you can see a board with results.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	xl  results.jpg 
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Size:	73.4 KB 
ID:	28873

    Doesn’t matter my level or the numbers but the analogy VALUE/SALARY= TR FACTOR. You can find the values of the players in different levels in another (thanks for the useful ) thread of Khris .

    Things that affect TR FACTOR :
    Age of the player , the origin is 18-21 y.o., after 21 don’t bother training hard (maybe 22-23 just for a little conservation).

    The STARS (it’s the same for every LV, just the Quality (Q) is different) :

    6 STARS, he isn’t a fast trainer, his salary is very high so the TR FACTOR is small.
    Mine 6th star players are CAFU, hade a raise of 33, it means he needs 3 trainings in practice match, in hard mode, to gather 1 skill point per day and RIVALDO (my scout player for this season) who also has low TR FACTOR. The only thing is that they can gather some times 1 skill point after an official game but still its not enough. Of course they are excellent players.
    5 STARS, it’s difficult to find a fast trainer with 5 stars. My 3 faster trainers have TR FACTOR : FRANCES 69,74 SILVA 66,67 ROBINHO 65,89 and had a raise about 100 (gained a skill point) in this practice. They cost me from 5,3/ 4,8/ 5,8 Millions. With 1/3 of the price you can find a player with the same quality but not a fast trainer. It means every year he is losing a star. Be carefull with expensive players with high wages.
    So, from the example :
    Faster trainers in this level can gain 2-3 skill points from hard training plus 1 s.p. from a game, so
    4 sk.points (per day) X 25 days = 100 sp , meaning next year they will keep their 5th star .
    This will only last for 2-3 years max. The good thing is they can help you if you are going for the league or CH. LEAGUE.
    4 STARS : You can find faster trainers than 5 stars f.trainers because they have smaller wages so TR FACTOR is bigger. Mine 4stars faster trainer FALCAO (DC/DMC) , has 101 TR FACTOR, gaining 145-155 in practice game but I have 4 other defenders with 5-6 stars and I prefer to use them for difficult games.

    3 STARS : They are the faster trainers. You can find players with very big TR Factor (value/wage) like SHEHATA and KAKA who are gaining 1,5 skill point in hard training as you can see but the problem is that they can’t help the team cause they lack of quantity compare to 4-5 stars players and they need a lot of greens and reds to feed for power training. So it’s difficult to have many players in your team if you’re going for the league or CH.L. like me . I must shell one of those two. It’s a good case if you’re tanking .

    Doesn’t affect the TR FACTOR : Player’s position, nationality, rate of the game.

    A player with high TR F and a rate of 5-6, still can win more skill points from a player with low TR F and higher rate. See the example.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	31-8-14 raise after game.jpg 
Views:	10673 
Size:	94.9 KB 
ID:	28874

    In conclusion :
    Fast training (power training) it’s an expensive hobby. You need money to buy good players (usually they have 2-3 times more than non fast trainers), token for biding, green and reds for resting and covering the injuries. If you’re not a token buyer or farmer don’t bother. If you have someone in your team, develop him and sell him to buy 2 good players same level at 24-27 y.o.

    If you are big token buyer, buy 3-4 young scouts and some 5stars players and you have a great team. Don’t bother buying greens/reds for token.
    If you are a farmer or small token buyer it’s worthy, specially if you’re tanking for a year.
    And of course be a good manager, watching many times during the day the team (games, condition, morale) and training when the bars are full.

    I’m in my 3rd season , small token buyer (250T/year), small farmer, won 2 leagues, 1 CH.L., 3rd position in CUP and in my 3LV league I’m 1st , with good chances for last four in CH.L. and a difficult cup. My purpose on going for power training is to save my skill points so (some) next season conquer the triple crown.

    I ‘ll keep in touch with some posts and examples later.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 02-17-2019 at 05:35 PM.