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Thread: Training mini guide and tips - The day after

  1. #31
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Read carefully post #3 again.

    Cannot be more analytic .
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Hi Niko,

    Thanks for replying. I did see the post and your screenshot, was wondering if something like 80% quality will still be trained faster for the SA.

  3. #33
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    A 5* 80% academy 14 token player need 35 greens to get a sa.
    A 5* 95% ft, new player, need 50 greens.

  4. #34
    Newbie dragoseu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Hello all ,

    I'm new to the game, I just started on 14th July, but I wanted to thank Nicolgiorgos for all his tons of analytic data and information, for a noob player, this is the MUST READ info if you want to have a long career in the game. So, many virtual beers from me Nicolgiorgos !!!

    I also have a question, I know you can train solo players, but will the effect of the training be the desired one ? I saw in the game that it said you need to train at least 4 players to get the bonus .... I know it's a rookie question, but that's what I am . Many thanks in advance for the answer .

    Cheers ,

  5. #35
    Rookie DaLioS's Avatar
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    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by bofrei View Post
    Hi Niko,

    Thanks for replying. I did see the post and your screenshot, was wondering if something like 80% quality will still be trained faster for the SA.
    Generally the rule is lower quality, easier training. So if its fats trainer it's gonna be easy to train him.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by DaLioS View Post
    Generally the rule is lower quality, easier training. So if its fats trainer it's gonna be easy to train him.
    hello nico just an advise with 2 competitions every days how many training you suggest fir each player and wich percentage.. also for example for a final event what is the best way for get the best form from the palyers ???thanks

  7. #37
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Generally the rule is lower quality, easier training. So if its fats trainer it's gonna be easy to train him.
    Yes, that's the general rule and like @Ποσιδονας wrote

    A 5* 80% academy 14 token player need 35 greens to get a sa.
    A 5* 95% ft, new player, need 50 greens.
    it's correct but only for the newborn players (academy or from the market).
    If it's about a 85-90% q player you had from previous season but has some skills very high, then you must follow the post #3 example and find the drills with low skills
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  8. #38
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Ok guys, here a mini guide and tips for a new player LV1.

    A new player must be aware of this

    The market now is active only for you, managers LV1 & 2 and it’s really crazy.
    Managers from LV3 till LV73 have another market (with some more logic sense) so be careful not to spend all your tokens and try to leave quickly those two first levels.

    A new player must be careful with his finance because money is an issue in the first levels.
    You read a lot in the forum about training and fast trainers but they cost a lot of money.
    So take it easy and read this #579

    You need to improve fast your lv of training so to open all the six positions of the drills.
    You do that making a lot of training when you can (better use a mix of players and drills for that).
    So better keep a lot of players in your team (26-28).
    You don’t need 28 good young 5* players for that.
    Buy some crap players for that – only for training.
    You can find cheap players for that job – 28-30 y.o. 3*.
    Don’t spend more than 3 tokens for them. If someone else bidder insisting, go for the next group.

    There are three field zones : Defense (green color), Middlefield (yellow) and Attack (red).
    Try to find players who cover 2 zones.
    For example a DL-ML or a ST-AMR.
    Those players increase more the development of training (the lv and the bonus) .

    From facilities, start with the Academy training.
    Sign the first two youngsters and keep them. They are useful in the beginning.

    About LV15 of training ( if I remember correct) you open the six places for drills and about LV18-20 you open the last drill of Defense, the Video Analysis.
    After that, you set
    From P&M
    From Attack
    Pass, go and Shoot
    Skill Drill
    From Defense
    Piggy in the middle
    Video Analysis (before reach the Video Analysis, you can use the Use your head).

    With those six drills and using the X2 adv. Video (twice), you gather the daily 4X10% bonus (using 15-20 at least players) .
    The condition loss for above, is 2X -6,75%.
    Better do that very early in the morning so to have the bonus for the games of the day plus to have some rests before the 1st game of the day.

    If you need to replenish condition for some of your players (from your stock or the blue button), better use your younger players (and ft) and not the old ones who don’t gain much.
    Remember that for a normal game, the condition loss is about -25% but if you use high pressing or man to man (or both), the condition loss can reach 40-45%.
    So you need condition for the training bonus + condition for 1-2 games.
    You must decide which players you ‘re gonna use and where.
    Better have 3-4 “key” players who are young and ft, to use them in both daily games (by giving extra greens) and do some rotation in the other positions.

    You don’t need to go with 99% condition for every game.
    85-90% is ok.

    Having available vids for stocking greens or using the X2 vid, is critical.
    Read and post here if you have questions about farming.

    Do not farm blue packs. Only green (or reds for emergency).
    Keep in mind that two blue packs (one after another) raise the moral of a player to max – no matter how low it is.
    5 reds in a row, can fix any injury of a player – I mean how many days the injury is.
    2 or more greens have no effect. Better give one after another so to see if the free vid blue button is available.

    Read this to have a clear view about bugs or not

    This thread has many good (other threads).
    Some of them maybe saying things that not exist anymore but anyway, it’s good to read.
    Al Svamberg and Toxcatl had also good threads about training.

    If you have questions about something else, post/ask in the relative thread.
    Keep that thread only for training things.
    dragoseu, DaLioS and milpol like this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    Ok guys, here a mini guide and tips for a new player LV1.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 07-25-2018 at 10:22 AM.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by dragoseu View Post
    Hello all ,

    I'm new to the game, I just started on 14th July, but I wanted to thank Nicolgiorgos for all his tons of analytic data and information, for a noob player, this is the MUST READ info if you want to have a long career in the game. So, many virtual beers from me Nicolgiorgos !!!

    I also have a question, I know you can train solo players, but will the effect of the training be the desired one ? I saw in the game that it said you need to train at least 4 players to get the bonus .... I know it's a rookie question, but that's what I am . Many thanks in advance for the answer .

    Cheers ,
    Niko covers this but a short answer: you can train a player by himself and he will gain skill points (Dribbling, Shooting, Marking, etc) exactly the same as if he were in a group. The bonus you are talking about here is just the 4 team bonuses (Attack, Defense, Possession, Conditioning) that give a boost to those areas during a game (Possession bonus gives your whole midfield a boost). For those, you do need multiple players (4 defenders to train the Defense bonus, etc). If you do drills with 3 defenders, they will each gain whatever individual skills they get but you won't get the team bonus (2%, 4%, 6%, etc).
    dragoseu likes this.

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