View Poll Results: Skill LImits - Which one is a fair distance?

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  • No limits.

    4 18.18%
  • 80% as before between Attribute Groups.

    8 36.36%
  • 100% ""

    3 13.64%
  • 120%

    1 4.55%
  • 140%

    1 4.55%
  • 160%

    1 4.55%
  • 180%

    1 4.55%
  • 200% or + (write your viewpoint)

    3 13.64%
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Thread: Poll - Bring back Skill Limits again? what is fair?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Also nordeus should do something with upselling

    Attachment 116487

    Attachment 116489

    What us the meaning of upselling?

  2. #32
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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  3. #33
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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    So what have I understood-
    Drop in beat ability margin is a separate issue.
    If there are skill limits like now then I don't see any need to apply any new skill limits.
    If Nordeus address the beat ability margin issue then no new skill limits are required.

    If I am wrong lemme know.

    Nordeus seem to have tweeted the beatability margin to try and compensate for the amount of players that were overtrained through past exploits. However until these overtrained players have left the system (retired/sold back to Nordeus) we are left with a game engine that throws out troll results more often than ever before.
    khris likes this.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by eurofieds View Post
    If only after this long thread, nordeous will actually read and make some valuable changes, glad to read that mutants is ending soon tho. Cuz I just lost the league to a 70% overall team who's striker has a finishing ability of 500%. I'm at 120% overall by the way.
    "Mutants ending soon"?
    It could be another 10 seasons before they have all retired.
    I don't know about you, but my players only last 5 to 6 seasons before they become too expensive to train. That means I'll have gone through 2 entire first teams before I can compete against teams that currently have players with skills at 340%.
    It will also be Autumn again in the northern hemisphere, and the weather will be just as ****ty as it is today. Lol.

  5. #35
    Dreamer jcohen42's Avatar
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    There are a lot of posts here so I'll keep my two cents short and sweet.

    If you are against skill limits, you are part of the problem. Training in such a way that you have players with some skills at 200%+ and some skills at 1% is not "good training"; it is manipulative training and it has to go. That is, if Nordeus cares about actually making a good and realistic game.


  6. #36
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
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    Who is against skill limit can't be part of the problem, because he can't change this, only nordeus can, so as long the training is like this he will do like this, simple.

    A.C. MILAN LEGENDS-Team Showcase
    Season 45,lvl 43(24 trebles)

  7. #37
    Dreamer jcohen42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madflo19 View Post
    Who is against skill limit can't be part of the problem, because he can't change this, only nordeus can, so as long the training is like this he will do like this, simple.
    You can be against skill limits, while also taking advantage of the exploit while it still exists. Those aren't mutually exclusive.
    Hunter likes this.


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by jcohen42 View Post
    You can be against skill limits, while also taking advantage of the exploit while it still exists. Those aren't mutually exclusive.
    But what exploit still exists?
    Association loans - gone.
    GK training - gone.
    MOM frendlies - gone.
    The only exploit left is upselling. And that is avaliable to very few players because of the need to have multiple teams on the same server at the correct levels.
    Last edited by Altiplano; 01-28-2019 at 04:34 PM. Reason: More

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    By the end of this year the only players with super high skills will have been upsold or have had hundreds/thousands of rest packs spent on them.

  10. #40
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    So what have I understood-
    Drop in beat ability margin is a separate issue.
    If there are skill limits like now then I don't see any need to apply any new skill limits.
    If Nordeus address the beat ability margin issue then no new skill limits are required.

    If I am wrong lemme know.
    Again, 3 steps are needed. Only one, don't fix the problem.
    The actual skill limits -wide- cause that the simulation covers more distances between stars -this implemented to cover the mutants effect, IMO a 1%+200% player, still been a mutant for how it trolls the engine at some point,,,.

    The beatability margin, was changed when 1st, the skill limits where deleted, so fix "only the margin" would bring us at the same point, when a 30% disstance, -so a reduced one- created 2 class of players, a 5* mutant vs a 5* non mutant, one fixing the simulation -overcoming the parameters, really- and here the reason why, the limits went to a wide ones, to allow more margin vs this type of training.
    So as said, the game implemented one step after another, the first + the corrections, and all need a roll back.

    The 3rd point when I say it's needed to a roll back in the High scores too -that where cutted "for realism" initially, this isn't related with the mutants or margins- is cause they've lost the proportionality... and we could analyze the margins and these cutted scores and probably we will realize that help the engine to troll us...
    Ive never seen such amount of low avq team teams winning vs much more lower ones...

    and I suggest all this, to "have a knowledge of how to control the game, by managers side".

    Quote Originally Posted by Altiplano View Post
    Nordeus seem to have tweeted the beatability margin to try and compensate for the amount of players that were overtrained through past exploits. However until these overtrained players have left the system (retired/sold back to Nordeus) we are left with a game engine that throws out troll results more often than ever before.

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