- Necesito 2 miembros activos
- Little Britain looking for active members
- FC avanza - level 31 - 118% now
- Active members Gold 2 association
- #74L806 the punisher
- New Active Member Required
- six star team with a very active manager is looking for a platinum association.
- Look for a platinum association - 6 star
- Gold Div 1 team needs a player
- Platinum association is searching for members
- Gold level 1 seeking new player
- Gold Div 1 team needs a player
- 6Star 39lvl Team with very active manager looking for plat association
- New association
- New Association
- looking for association, played everyday, able to chat in english
- Looking for new association (active )
- Need an association. 121% team. Lot active.
- Looking for asso
- Looking for active member
- Need an association. 119% team. Lot active.
- I need association
- Recruiting two players
- New Season
- I am lookin for an association
- New association.
- Looking for active member with good chat
- I need association 130% my team...
- Looking for potential Association
- im 130%
- Looking for a very active Platinum asociation.
- Two teams wanted or a space for three teams?
- Recruiting for next season
- Looking for active member in gold AS
- Discord Top 11 Chat Room.
- Platinum Association Space?
- Seeking active member for international gold/platinum
- Active players only, please...
- Association No Country for Old Men - Gold 1
- Gold 1 - We Ate All The Pies
- NJ Red Metro Association looking for teams.
- Se buscan miembros para asociación
- New Asso looking active manager
- Looking for Platium or Gold1 (near to Platinum) asso: actual strength 119%
- TOR Association looking for 1 member
- Member question
- Need one active player for my associations
- No Country for Old Men
- Madridista
- open platinum associations
- Looking for good active players
- Fully Active Platinum Association looking for 6 to 7 star manager
- 7 star team needs appropriate association
- looking for an active association
- Won
- Official, Join My Association!!.
- need two for my associations
- Join good and experience person
- can't look for a platinum association
- Looking for a new association
- Platinum Asso looking to replace an inactive player
- Looking for 2 New Members for Gold 2 Association Kalsbeek Kings #AMGC9A
- gold1 association looking for
- Searching For Association
- Need Active Associations
- We Ate All The Pies #NI9B6A looking for a last second replacement
- Starting an association
- Need 2 well-skilled players in Gold1 asso!
- Platinum RUSSIAN team
- Looking for someone to join my association! FC CORRUPT
- English speaking association looking for 1 active member
- PLATINUM - Little Buddha is recruiting players with excellent skills
- Two Urgent members need. 6 star teams and above.
- looking for new association
- AC Milan Club Europe
- Gold 1 association on way to platinum looking for 1 top eleven player
- #74l806
- Need an association I'm super active!
- Gold1 Association Team Sloppy Asoc is looking for a member.
- Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting
- Looking for two active 100% managers
- Plat team Play to Win recruiting 6th slot
- Santa Iria International searchs active member
- Platinum association looking for one more member
- #74L806 youneverwalkalone
- Gold 1 ManUtd, We looking for a new members
- How to get a Gold 1 association in 10 minutes
- Gold2 - Santa Iria is searching for active member
- Gold 1 pushing for platinium
- Platinum asso Play to Win: need 1 member
- Association in-search of dedicated and active new members.
- Platinum association looking for one more member
- Gold 2 association looking for a good active member!
- 2 Slots Open For RAPIER FA
- Gold1 Association Team Sloppy Asoc is looking for a member.
- Gold 1 Association looking for new member
- Association "GAME ON " seeks new active members, everyone is welcome
- Gold1 Association Team Sloppy Asoc is looking for a member.
- Gold Association Team looking for a member.
- Gunning for Platinum
- How do a kick the captain of association
- Platinum association looking for an active member
- Asso tournament points not granted
- Busco una asociación activa!
- New Asso looking for semi active players/second teams.
- 160% active .. search for gold1\platenium
- Platinum association looking to recruit one more player
- Join Association
- Active Player Needs Active Assoc.
- Platinum Asso looking to replace an inactive player
- How to send friend request to members?
- Association member urgently need.
- Nouvelle association
- Finding association for me.
- association seeks 2 members
- ASOCIACION TOP ELEVEN 6 looking for 1 active player/ buscando un jugador activo.
- Looking for two good Managers for Division One Gold
- Space for 2 members
- Cz-sk
- Newbies for future success
- Join us next season ;)
- Doing the journey again, looking for someone to join
- Looking for member for our Platinum associatio (+/-120% teams)
- New member for the end of the season
- je recherche un joueur pour mon association
- Need active managers for a new association noooooooow!!
- Looking for Association Members
- Me (113%) and a friend (113%) are looking for platinum or Gold 1 near Platinum
- Приглашаем в ассоциацию. Invite to the association.
- Looking a Platinum Association
- association ask
- Necesito apoyo en mis proximos partidos
- Necesito apoyo en mis proximos partidos
- Deutschland Nord sucht
- Gold 1 association is searching for one member.
- Space available- Gold division one
- Looking for association
- add me Mario <3 :D
- Busco compañero
- Looking for member for our Platinum association.
- Lvl 28 +100% looking for active association
- Searching for an association
- Come on feel the noise.
- Need 2 Active Members
- Switching players once a tournament starts
- Gold 2 AC Milan fans asso LF one active member
- New Association.
- How leave from a association ?
- We look new player for our associations!! PLATINUM
- join my association
- Teo Bianchi hi
- No Country for Old Man
- Looking for an association
- Phoenix PH
- Looking for an Association
- Very well trained players ( 6 * ) team looking for stable Platinum Asso!
- Gold1-Platinum association need 2 strong players
- "Once a pie eater, always a pie eater" Join us!
- Gold Division 1 Association Looking for 1 New Member
- Starting from the bottom
- Platinum association looking for an active member
- Platinum Team - 1 spot open only
- Need new players
- Association looking for players
- Active Manager seek Platinum/Gold1 association
- 6star team need assocition (gold1 or better)
- Platinum Association looking for a new member
- I distribute my federation | I am looking for federation
- Newly Plat FA recruiting 2 active players
- The Elite - Recruiting
- Climaxx are recruiting *exp players only* must be active *
- 119% Team looking for plat/gold 1 active association
- Gold level 1 seeking 2 new teams
- Looking for an active member , working from the bottom again
- Footbal
- Active members plz no time wasters
- Asociatia Romailor
- Desigualdad en torneos de asociacion
- A new association is recruiting! We want you!
- Ultra regular managers needed for new association
- New association.
- 6star team looking for an association
- I am looking for an asso
- I need association 106% team
- Looking for a Platinum Asso, very active player!
- LOOKING for active members
- Platinum ass. searching for a professional member
- new association looking for members buscamos miembros
- ASOCIACION TOP ELEVEN 6 looking for 1 active player/ buscando un jugador activo.
- Stadiums
- ASOCIACION TOP ELEVEN 6 looking for 2 active players/buscando 2 jugadores activos
- One place available, Gold division one.
- TOP ELEVEN 6 looking for 2 active players, GOLD 1 ;1198 points actually. Send request
- Two places open Gold 1, ‘South Yorkshire Rovers’
- 180% team looking for association
- Wymiana w związku !
- Gold3 - Santa Iria - 1 or 2 free spots
- Bronze 3: New Association Seeking Members
- English Squad Recruiting ~ Silver 2 Div.
- The Resistance (Platinum) is hiring!
- Gold3 - urgent new members (3)
- Leones - Gold Division Association
- gold1 association looking for
- New association.. looking for members:)
- Dutch association is looking for active managers
- English speaking, active 1 manger wanted
- Gold 3 - new members?
- Eesti klubi
- 2 вакантных места в битве за Платину
- 115% team looking for gold1/plat association
- Come to us
- Looking for some decent active members for a gold division one team
- looking for strong association with two spots , 160 and 130 team quality
- #74L806 youneverwalkalone
- Looking for good association with two free spots
- The Lions
- Associations Talk
- https://forum.topeleven.com/member.php?u=132816
- Leones - Gold Division Association
- Gold 1. Liverpool Sweden looking for 1 active member.
- Приглашаем в ассоциацию. Invite to the association.
- Gold 2 association searching for two members
- Suche aktive Spieler / Looking for active Manager
- Приглашаем в ассоциацию.
- Enter in my associatio #KGCR76 Are 2nd Silver
- Association in 1 gold looking for players
- 106% Highly active manager looking for an association
- Me han dado un codigo
- I need association 100% team
- Returning player looking for a association
- Busco asociaon activa
- 105% level 19 6 Star team currently Gold 1 looking for an active association Gold 1+
- 106% level 8 active playerlooking for association platinum level.
- Looking for gold 1 association
- Six star, will be seven star soon... looking for platinum team
- Looking for an Association
- Busco Managers para Asociación Nueva
- Lokking for an association to join
- Ex 3 season plat looking for new association
- Busco asociaon
- Join our Gold level 1 Association
- Join our Gold level 1 Association
- #74L806 youneverwalkalone
- Gold 1 FA recruiting
- Fair friendly match in associations
- 2 New Members Required
- looking for active gold 1 association
- Gold 1
- Looking for one active manager - GOLD 1
- #etivei