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  1. Necesito 2 miembros activos
  2. Little Britain looking for active members
  3. FC avanza - level 31 - 118% now
  4. Active members Gold 2 association
  5. #74L806 the punisher
  6. New Active Member Required
  7. six star team with a very active manager is looking for a platinum association.
  8. Look for a platinum association - 6 star
  9. Gold Div 1 team needs a player
  10. Platinum association is searching for members
  11. Gold level 1 seeking new player
  12. Gold Div 1 team needs a player
  13. 6Star 39lvl Team with very active manager looking for plat association
  14. New association
  15. New Association
  16. looking for association, played everyday, able to chat in english
  17. Looking for new association (active )
  18. Need an association. 121% team. Lot active.
  19. Looking for asso
  20. Looking for active member
  21. Need an association. 119% team. Lot active.
  22. I need association
  23. Recruiting two players
  24. New Season
  25. I am lookin for an association
  26. New association.
  27. Looking for active member with good chat
  28. I need association 130% my team...
  29. Looking for potential Association
  30. im 130%
  31. Looking for a very active Platinum asociation.
  32. Two teams wanted or a space for three teams?
  33. Recruiting for next season
  34. Looking for active member in gold AS
  35. Discord Top 11 Chat Room.
  36. Platinum Association Space?
  37. Seeking active member for international gold/platinum
  38. Active players only, please...
  39. Association No Country for Old Men - Gold 1
  40. Gold 1 - We Ate All The Pies
  41. NJ Red Metro Association looking for teams.
  42. Se buscan miembros para asociación
  43. New Asso looking active manager
  44. Looking for Platium or Gold1 (near to Platinum) asso: actual strength 119%
  45. TOR Association looking for 1 member
  46. Member question
  47. Need one active player for my associations
  48. No Country for Old Men
  49. Madridista
  50. open platinum associations
  51. Looking for good active players
  52. Fully Active Platinum Association looking for 6 to 7 star manager
  53. 7 star team needs appropriate association
  54. looking for an active association
  55. Won
  56. Official, Join My Association!!.
  57. need two for my associations
  58. Join good and experience person
  59. can't look for a platinum association
  60. Looking for a new association
  61. Platinum Asso looking to replace an inactive player
  62. Looking for 2 New Members for Gold 2 Association Kalsbeek Kings #AMGC9A
  63. gold1 association looking for
  64. Searching For Association
  65. Need Active Associations
  66. We Ate All The Pies #NI9B6A looking for a last second replacement
  67. Starting an association
  68. Need 2 well-skilled players in Gold1 asso!
  69. Platinum RUSSIAN team
  70. Looking for someone to join my association! FC CORRUPT
  71. English speaking association looking for 1 active member
  72. PLATINUM - Little Buddha is recruiting players with excellent skills
  73. Two Urgent members need. 6 star teams and above.
  74. looking for new association
  75. AC Milan Club Europe
  76. Gold 1 association on way to platinum looking for 1 top eleven player
  77. #74l806
  78. Need an association I'm super active!
  79. Gold1 Association Team Sloppy Asoc is looking for a member.
  80. Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting
  81. Looking for two active 100% managers
  82. Plat team Play to Win recruiting 6th slot
  83. Santa Iria International searchs active member
  84. Platinum association looking for one more member
  85. #74L806 youneverwalkalone
  86. Gold 1 ManUtd, We looking for a new members
  87. How to get a Gold 1 association in 10 minutes
  88. Gold2 - Santa Iria is searching for active member
  89. Gold 1 pushing for platinium
  90. Platinum asso Play to Win: need 1 member
  91. Association in-search of dedicated and active new members.
  92. Platinum association looking for one more member
  93. Gold 2 association looking for a good active member!
  94. 2 Slots Open For RAPIER FA
  95. Gold1 Association Team Sloppy Asoc is looking for a member.
  96. Gold 1 Association looking for new member
  97. Association "GAME ON " seeks new active members, everyone is welcome
  98. Gold1 Association Team Sloppy Asoc is looking for a member.
  99. Gold Association Team looking for a member.
  100. Gunning for Platinum
  101. How do a kick the captain of association
  102. Platinum association looking for an active member
  103. Asso tournament points not granted
  104. Busco una asociación activa!
  105. New Asso looking for semi active players/second teams.
  106. 160% active .. search for gold1\platenium
  107. Platinum association looking to recruit one more player
  108. Join Association
  109. Active Player Needs Active Assoc.
  110. Platinum Asso looking to replace an inactive player
  111. How to send friend request to members?
  112. Association member urgently need.
  113. Nouvelle association
  114. Finding association for me.
  115. association seeks 2 members
  116. ASOCIACION TOP ELEVEN 6 looking for 1 active player/ buscando un jugador activo.
  117. Looking for two good Managers for Division One Gold
  118. Space for 2 members
  119. Cz-sk
  120. Newbies for future success
  121. Join us next season ;)
  122. Doing the journey again, looking for someone to join
  123. Looking for member for our Platinum associatio (+/-120% teams)
  124. New member for the end of the season
  125. je recherche un joueur pour mon association
  126. Need active managers for a new association noooooooow!!
  127. Looking for Association Members
  128. Me (113%) and a friend (113%) are looking for platinum or Gold 1 near Platinum
  129. Приглашаем в ассоциацию. Invite to the association.
  130. Looking a Platinum Association
  131. association ask
  132. Necesito apoyo en mis proximos partidos
  133. Necesito apoyo en mis proximos partidos
  134. Deutschland Nord sucht
  135. Gold 1 association is searching for one member.
  136. Space available- Gold division one
  137. Looking for association
  138. add me Mario <3 :D
  139. Busco compañero
  140. Looking for member for our Platinum association.
  141. Lvl 28 +100% looking for active association
  142. Searching for an association
  143. Come on feel the noise.
  144. Need 2 Active Members
  145. Switching players once a tournament starts
  146. Gold 2 AC Milan fans asso LF one active member
  147. New Association.
  148. How leave from a association ?
  149. We look new player for our associations!! PLATINUM
  150. join my association
  151. Teo Bianchi hi
  152. No Country for Old Man
  153. Looking for an association
  154. Phoenix PH
  155. Looking for an Association
  156. Very well trained players ( 6 * ) team looking for stable Platinum Asso!
  157. Gold1-Platinum association need 2 strong players
  158. "Once a pie eater, always a pie eater" Join us!
  159. Gold Division 1 Association Looking for 1 New Member
  160. Starting from the bottom
  161. Platinum association looking for an active member
  162. Platinum Team - 1 spot open only
  163. Need new players
  164. Association looking for players
  165. Active Manager seek Platinum/Gold1 association
  166. 6star team need assocition (gold1 or better)
  167. Platinum Association looking for a new member
  168. I distribute my federation | I am looking for federation
  169. Newly Plat FA recruiting 2 active players
  170. The Elite - Recruiting
  171. Climaxx are recruiting *exp players only* must be active *
  172. 119% Team looking for plat/gold 1 active association
  173. Gold level 1 seeking 2 new teams
  174. Looking for an active member , working from the bottom again
  175. Footbal
  176. Active members plz no time wasters
  177. Asociatia Romailor
  178. Desigualdad en torneos de asociacion
  179. A new association is recruiting! We want you!
  180. Ultra regular managers needed for new association
  181. New association.
  182. 6star team looking for an association
  183. I am looking for an asso
  184. I need association 106% team
  185. Looking for a Platinum Asso, very active player!
  186. LOOKING for active members
  187. Platinum ass. searching for a professional member
  188. new association looking for members buscamos miembros
  189. ASOCIACION TOP ELEVEN 6 looking for 1 active player/ buscando un jugador activo.
  190. Stadiums
  191. ASOCIACION TOP ELEVEN 6 looking for 2 active players/buscando 2 jugadores activos
  192. One place available, Gold division one.
  193. TOP ELEVEN 6 looking for 2 active players, GOLD 1 ;1198 points actually. Send request
  194. Two places open Gold 1, ‘South Yorkshire Rovers’
  195. 180% team looking for association
  196. Wymiana w związku !
  197. Gold3 - Santa Iria - 1 or 2 free spots
  198. Bronze 3: New Association Seeking Members
  199. English Squad Recruiting ~ Silver 2 Div.
  200. The Resistance (Platinum) is hiring!
  201. Gold3 - urgent new members (3)
  202. Leones - Gold Division Association
  203. gold1 association looking for
  204. New association.. looking for members:)
  205. Dutch association is looking for active managers
  206. English speaking, active 1 manger wanted
  207. Gold 3 - new members?
  208. Eesti klubi
  209. 2 вакантных места в битве за Платину
  210. 115% team looking for gold1/plat association
  211. Come to us
  212. Looking for some decent active members for a gold division one team
  213. looking for strong association with two spots , 160 and 130 team quality
  214. #74L806 youneverwalkalone
  215. Looking for good association with two free spots
  216. The Lions
  217. Associations Talk
  218. https://forum.topeleven.com/member.php?u=132816
  219. Leones - Gold Division Association
  220. Gold 1. Liverpool Sweden looking for 1 active member.
  221. Приглашаем в ассоциацию. Invite to the association.
  222. Gold 2 association searching for two members
  223. Suche aktive Spieler / Looking for active Manager
  224. Приглашаем в ассоциацию.
  225. Enter in my associatio #KGCR76 Are 2nd Silver
  226. Association in 1 gold looking for players
  227. 106% Highly active manager looking for an association
  228. Me han dado un codigo
  229. I need association 100% team
  230. Returning player looking for a association
  231. Busco asociaon activa
  232. 105% level 19 6 Star team currently Gold 1 looking for an active association Gold 1+
  233. 106% level 8 active playerlooking for association platinum level.
  234. Looking for gold 1 association
  235. Six star, will be seven star soon... looking for platinum team
  236. Looking for an Association
  237. Busco Managers para Asociación Nueva
  238. Lokking for an association to join
  239. Ex 3 season plat looking for new association
  240. Busco asociaon
  241. Join our Gold level 1 Association
  242. Join our Gold level 1 Association
  243. #74L806 youneverwalkalone
  244. Gold 1 FA recruiting
  245. Fair friendly match in associations
  246. 2 New Members Required
  247. looking for active gold 1 association
  248. Gold 1
  249. Looking for one active manager - GOLD 1
  250. #etivei