View Full Version : Associations

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  1. Yet againā€¦.
  2. Anyone interesting in joining my association?
  3. MONSTERS FA has TWO openings, 6*****+, DivSilver2(upcoming)
  4. New association
  5. India-Association Creation Any body In?
  6. FC PREDATORS have 1 vacancy
  7. Invite non-friend players
  8. need advice.
  9. Looking for one active, dedicated player!
  10. Association Silver 3 need one member
  11. Looking for a SERIOUS association with 700+ points. My rating: 141%
  12. Search a member for association
  13. need active people
  14. Need one active player to join a great association!
  15. Looking for an association: just starting out, no token buying, relaxed longterm play
  16. Any Indian out there???? We are recruiting again!!!!
  17. Need 1 more fairly active player for Association
  18. Upcoming Games :(
  19. Join VWFA
  20. Playing against the same association for the 3rd time in a row!
  21. Can you be promoted two levels at once?
  22. Nordicdreamteam want a new member
  23. Scots Abroad looking for a new member
  24. Captain of Associations
  25. FC Predators looking for 1 active member
  26. Training day
  27. it's a lie! it's not about stars!
  28. Six Pack Crew needs one member ASAP
  29. K23 Gang is recruiting new member
  30. Recruiting >>>HUNGARIAN<<< team for our hun asso. (Dobj egy privit)
  31. What happens if you only have 5 players when the draw is made?
  32. The best team with 6 stars request 2 members
  33. Welcome to join our Six stars team , team code ULKRL0
  34. Please join our team - ULKRL0
  35. Join my association please and let us rule
  36. We are together recruiting
  37. Ohio SA looking for 1-3 Ohio located players! V7I93O
  38. point scoring
  39. Red cards in Association matches !
  40. FC Predators will have a vacancy soon
  41. Conditions for winning association matches
  42. O.M.A. The Cheerleaders Throne serch for member
  43. This weekend I hate assocations
  44. Local server change
  45. Friendly matches in assocations
  46. Jersey Dragon FA seeking new members
  47. team 6 stars
  48. recrut
  49. Can I get my points back...if I rejoin my previous association???
  50. ASSOCIATION - 6th player needed - YQASSW FIFA
  51. 133% team ends season with approx 150% needs top 10 team
  52. Biggest Indian association in TE Recruiting
  53. 5 Star Association in need of One Player
  54. Uneven draws
  55. Searching for association members x4 or 2 members for your association!
  56. Need 1 (maybe 2) new assocation members
  57. time not changed
  58. Associacion Uruguaya de Futbol is looking for 1 Player
  59. Cheating happen in association
  60. Looking for 1 team member
  61. Give me his tokensssS :D
  62. chat messages
  63. High level association looking for 2 players
  64. Bugs and other issue`s
  65. bronze division 1
  66. Associations draw
  67. The Great Tacticians #ZJJMVB
  68. Two accounts looking for an association!
  69. Association Matches
  70. Rebuilding association.More inside!
  71. Looking for an association ... I'm 119%
  72. Lvl 6, almost 6 stars looking for association
  73. Association visibility problem
  74. Associations tournaments should be suspended...
  75. Superman enters & played for opposition,
  76. predetermine results!
  77. Associations is completely broken!
  78. LOL think you guys could make this thing work
  79. Association Players Required
  80. Looking for 1 active player for association! :D
  81. Associations - Bugs/Issues
  83. New Player
  84. Association required!!!!!!!!
  85. Showing Innacurate Stars
  86. 2 spots opened
  87. Spot came free
  88. problem again.... the match start...but never end....
  89. When do we move to the next(upper) division?
  90. Successful association invite one new member
  91. Top Division Vs Rests/Token to be earned ?
  92. Three straight wins
  93. How long must we choose between being competitive in league vs association
  94. Goodfellas Mobsters Wants YOU !!
  95. Finished 1st... told we finished 8th... and whats up with the vids
  96. Association was promoted but lost 52 points?
  97. Can't view association matches once the preseason starts
  98. is that a cheat or a mistake by the admin.
  99. Join the revolution
  100. Join me
  101. looking for association 137%
  102. O.M.A. The Valley of Escotia Throne
  103. Associations End of Season weekly schedule
  104. Assocations ending?
  105. Points 3-1-0 ?
  106. Borrowed field player replaced by 2nd GK
  107. Association Matches frozen but Nordeus declare a draw for the "Defeated" team
  108. Need ONE member
  109. Join my Active Association with 5 Star Loan Players
  110. 25/26.06.2016 Associations
  111. Hash Tag
  112. Friend Adding
  113. Last tournament of this season
  114. game freeze
  115. This happened after the semifinal
  116. Moschato 21 Recruit
  117. High quality association member required
  118. Association is looking for players
  119. How Bonuses work in Associations
  120. Goodfellas wants you !!
  121. Association Recruiting
  122. Assoc Season 1
  123. Looking for great active association
  124. So what to do?
  125. Seeking assosiation with communication..
  126. World Top 20 - week 1
  127. top100
  128. Good captin
  129. fans for association matches
  130. ****ed Up points system
  131. a fake
  132. friendly's
  133. leaving association
  134. Ass Swap Shop
  135. Association player statistics
  136. Association "Kings" Recruiting
  137. Player condition before Association game
  138. Replacing managers during tournament
  139. get back my Captin sign
  140. 4 teams versus 6 teams associations
  141. Replacing or kicking out members
  142. Associations Home Match Times
  143. Fedeations update
  144. Relegation in Association.
  145. adding friends
  146. Associations Ticket Prices
  147. Loan players
  148. David Rocastle Tribute Association
  149. 5*,looking for a good association
  150. [Looking for an Association] Level 10 - Quality 92.7%
  151. Join my association. 5+ stars. The 1776.
  152. Looking for 1 more member
  153. Football Associations
  154. I'm in need of 1 more member.
  155. 6* legends??
  156. Association chat notifications AAAAAHHHHHHH
  157. Player FOR association.
  158. Some previews and doubts
  159. O.M.A. The Cheerleaders Throne (Association)
  160. Liverpool supporter Assosciations?
  161. Q & A - Associations [Please Read]
  162. Liverpool Slovenia recruiting
  163. how to dismiss the association??
  164. Associations Club
  165. [Looking for an Association] Level 39 - Quality 92.5%
  166. Loomong for members to join 5 star+
  167. Association, level 37
  168. Associations rules
  169. BeckStar Association
  170. i just hope...
  171. vice captain
  172. divisions
  173. More than 6 members
  174. BG Š°ssociation
  175. Official join my association!
  176. Searching teams as good as mine for association team.
  177. O.M.A. Association #PEZCPY
  178. Searching teams as good as mine for association team.
  179. FPL / OMA Association who is in?