- Active, strong player needs a platinum association
- Recrutement
- Looking for active players. Starting from bottom.
- Active Gold Division 1 association looking for 3 new members
- active platinum division association looking for 2 new members
- Gold 2 - Active association searching for 1 manager!
- Gold div 2
- New Associate Member required
- Need an association
- New association searching for members
- Looking For The One
- Association Concerns
- Who want join us
- Se busca equipo para asociación
- 108% team ,always active, needs a platinum Association
- Looking for association
- Gold1 club looking for 1 active member
- Looking for an active association
- Anyone to join GOLD 1 association?? #SB70US
- A rebuild
- level 12 active manager seeking new active asso
- The captain lost his account
- Looking for an active 110+ team for Platinum.
- Gold Division 1 Association is Looking for 1 Active Members
- Gold 2 association INTERNATIONAL UNION seeks active members. 1 or 2 for the moment.
- Brand New Association - Looking for members
- Gold Division One looking for new member
- New manager looking for association
- Gold 1 / 1133 points ass. looking for new member
- Association members in friends list!
- Points system in association
- 112% team seeking for Active associations Gold 1 or Platinum
- Need active players for my association
- Quebec FC Gold 3 division Looking ffor 2 players
- Seeking new association.
- Need a member for gold devision 1 association
- Looking for associations Gold 1 or Platinum ACTIVE
- Join our association
- Looking for a new team? Gold div 1
- Join Ghiscari
- Platinum Division Association looking for a 6* plus active player
- High International - Platinum Division
- Need an association Gold 1 or higher urgently....
- For filipinos join us!!!
- Verona Italian Club (Gold 1) looking for a new 5* member
- Stop the press!!! UP THE ARSENAL looking for members!
- Join regalade fc
- WeDontCare "Gold 1" looking for 6th member
- Italy Top Team looking for new member
- New asso looking for active AC Milan fans
- Gold 2 looking for 6th member
- platinum association looking for active member
- Association member search - Gold 2
- search association
- Gold 2 looking for a member
- GOLD 1 association needs member
- Scots Abroad looking for a new member
- Looking for association
- bug asociatii
- 6stars and 117% team seeking for "gold 1"
- Search for gold level 1 ?!
- Looking for an asso, preferably gold 1
- Looking for an association gold 1
- Toulouse Faith - Gold 1 association, needs 1 player for next season
- Help!
- 3 Spare Places for our Association team
- Gold 1 looking for 1 active member
- Looking for a member for new association
- Player required for association
- Looking for compettive people to reach plat[Gold 2 RN]
- Any ITALIAN for a Platinum/next month Gold 1 association?
- Question: if member leave
- Sesli Chat Siteleri
- Need an association
- ***figt or fight recruit***
- Looking for an association gold 1/ platinum
- gold 2 association looking for active members
- Join my association
- Looking for association
- Disadvantage as only 5 members?
- 7star team 130% ratings looking for platinum
- Looking for an active association with mutual cooperation
- Join my Association and let's have fun
- New member for Gold One
- Looking for Gold1/Platinum Association
- Looking for members of association
- Association
- I search for a association golde one or platinum
- Search for active members for an association
- Looking for Gold/platinum association
- Active Squad looking for Members
- 114% Team looking for gold1/Platinum Assoc
- Busco Asociación activa :D
- Platinium Assocation Looking For Members
- Good team looking for Gold1/Platinum association
- Association Level.
- Looking for a gold association
- Official Add Me! Thread - For Gifts & Support
- PLATINE association needs a new member
- Join our push for platinum
- Level 52 looking for Gold 1/Platinum Association
- Membru pentru asociatia mea
- Gold 1 quality player for the federation
- The Dark Side Germany
- Looking for a Gold 1 association
- Join my association
- Platin league federation needs a member
- XEO'FREESTYLE Association
- association SPURS , tottenham
- Join my association now !!! [Need Active members]
- Standings
- Two teams looking to join platinum division
- Need a association
- Gold 1 association looking for a last member!
- PLATINE association needs 2 new members
- Looking for association Gold 1 and
- Platinum association Looking for a new member
- Association
- Join our association
- Platin league federation needs new member
- NEW Australian Assoc for active players - Needs 2 more!
- Looking For New Members
- 95% (and going up soon) manager looking for association
- Need Association
- Looking for 3 members
- does anyone want a friendly soonish?!
- How is this even possible?
- I need help please. How many points we get for 3rd place associatiom? Thanx
- Recruiting to my Associations
- Association looking for a new member
- Association vacancies, Gold Division 2
- Platinium Assocation Looking For 7-8Star Members
- Need association
- Association
- Need a good association
- Platinum association hiring!
- Unfair Asso
- ***figt or fight recruit***
- Association going for Gold Division 1 Looking for Active manager with strong Team
- Looking for association, on a short term basis.
- Manager needed ASAP to help Gold 1 team back to Platinum
- Association member(s) wanted
- Looking for Platinum Division
- ENIGMA TEAM - Association
- Searching association
- Need Assossiation
- Association need active manager
- We need 2 active members to make a full active association
- Looking to join someone
- 105%+ need a new association
- question about associations
- Silver 3 assoc recruiting active players
- Player for federation
- Level 15 Manager Looking for Association
- Need an active gold association.
- No token for association down level?
- One spot available!
- gold1 association
- we need new friend
- Association No Country for Old Men - Gold 1
- Malandrakatas search new member
- New Association, looking for Members
- Platinum recruiting
- Association creation
- Super Team recruits
- Active manager looking for gold 2 / gold 1
- Association Captain is not playing anymore....what will happen
- Association member nedded
- Gold Division Association is Looking for 3 Active Members
- Former gold1, 6-7star squad, looking for a new active association.
- Looking for new Associations
- New association member needed for gold div one association
- Need Active Members
- 112% Winner looking for an association
- Gold Division 3 Association is Looking for 3 Active Members
- Silver 1, moving to Gold, looking for 2 active members
- Gold 2 Association
- i need active players in my association
- CSKA 1948 is looking for 2 members
- Need 2 active managers (Gold 3)
- Looking to join an association
- We are looking for 1 active manager, Gold one level
- Need 1 for Gold 1
- Association Token Power
- Need Active Members Join.
- Join My Association . Have a Look
- We need 2 active managers(Gold 3)
- Looking for managers to start fresh
- Active manager looking for active and fun association
- I need member!
- Join my Assosiatcion!
- Looking for a sixth Member in Gold division 2 Association
- Very active manager looking for people to start association with
- The Erring Tacticians
- Gold 3 Association looking for an active manager.
- *NEEDED* Active manager(s) to join our assosiation.
- Gold level 1 want to push for platinum
- New members needed.
- Figuring out associations draw system
- Platinum looking for members
- (Hellas) Verona Italian Club (Gold 2) looking for a member
- the best GOLD 1 association is recruiting
- **WANTED** Platinum Association Looking For A New Member
- Unbelievable Jeff
- i need members for my association
- Anyone have April fools style results? LOL
- Lookin for a couple ov players join us
- Join my association for April 2017
- Gold 1 association recruiting active member
- 6 stars manager 108% looking for an active and ambitious association
- Gold 3 Association needs 1
- Looking for an association gold1 or higher
- Gold Div association Nedd 2 Players...
- Looking for 2 members who are very active to join gold 2 league
- Platinum Association Looking for a Player
- A Gold 1 association needs an active new member
- Looking for an ambitious member
- Ambitious Association looking for new member
- Gold 2 Association Looking for a new member
- Looking for an association with all very active members!
- 101% player looking for new association
- Association finding good member
- Need a 4th manager and more (level 1-12)
- Gold Division 3 Association looking
- WE ARE SPARTANS!! 2 warriors needed to help return us to Gold 1
- Looking for new member in assocation.. five star rating minimum..Trio Xxx United, nee
- Who wants join us?
- 125% team looking for Gold1 Association
- Ambitious GOLD 2 association needs 1 more member
- Gold 2 Associations looking for a new member
- awsome gold 1 association recruiting
- Highly active player looking for gold 1 association
- Tanking teams and association matchups
- Gold 2 Association "BangerCrew" looking for 1 new active manager!
- Gold 2 Association search members to find again his glorious past
- Hello need one active guy for Gold 2 association
- Platinum association in first 100 in world need member
- Gold division 2 New members needed
- Join Belgian Hills silver division . Nice rewards
- Lightning Squad association
- HIGH INTERNATIONAL Gold 2 Association looking for new member
- [OFFICIAL] Issues with the Association Tournament last week
- Neva-Sport
- Dedicated Players in NAAFC Eagles looking for same
- Looking for a 6th member in associations
- Searching for F.A. members! : Cateau F.A.
- Anyone else having this problem?
- i need 2 players in my association
- Finding some members to join our association