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  1. Active, strong player needs a platinum association
  2. Recrutement
  3. Looking for active players. Starting from bottom.
  4. Active Gold Division 1 association looking for 3 new members
  5. active platinum division association looking for 2 new members
  6. Gold 2 - Active association searching for 1 manager!
  7. Gold div 2
  8. New Associate Member required
  9. Need an association
  10. New association searching for members
  11. Looking For The One
  12. Association Concerns
  13. Who want join us
  14. Se busca equipo para asociación
  15. 108% team ,always active, needs a platinum Association
  16. Looking for association
  17. Gold1 club looking for 1 active member
  18. Looking for an active association
  19. Anyone to join GOLD 1 association?? #SB70US
  20. A rebuild
  21. level 12 active manager seeking new active asso
  22. The captain lost his account
  23. Looking for an active 110+ team for Platinum.
  24. Gold Division 1 Association is Looking for 1 Active Members
  25. Gold 2 association INTERNATIONAL UNION seeks active members. 1 or 2 for the moment.
  26. Brand New Association - Looking for members
  27. Gold Division One looking for new member
  28. New manager looking for association
  29. Gold 1 / 1133 points ass. looking for new member
  30. Association members in friends list!
  31. Points system in association
  32. 112% team seeking for Active associations Gold 1 or Platinum
  33. Need active players for my association
  34. Quebec FC Gold 3 division Looking ffor 2 players
  35. Seeking new association.
  36. Need a member for gold devision 1 association
  37. Looking for associations Gold 1 or Platinum ACTIVE
  38. Join our association
  39. Looking for a new team? Gold div 1
  40. Join Ghiscari
  41. Platinum Division Association looking for a 6* plus active player
  42. High International - Platinum Division
  43. Need an association Gold 1 or higher urgently....
  44. For filipinos join us!!!
  45. Verona Italian Club (Gold 1) looking for a new 5* member
  46. Stop the press!!! UP THE ARSENAL looking for members!
  47. Join regalade fc
  48. WeDontCare "Gold 1" looking for 6th member
  49. Italy Top Team looking for new member
  50. New asso looking for active AC Milan fans
  51. Gold 2 looking for 6th member
  52. platinum association looking for active member
  53. Association member search - Gold 2
  54. search association
  55. Gold 2 looking for a member
  56. GOLD 1 association needs member
  57. Scots Abroad looking for a new member
  58. Looking for association
  59. bug asociatii
  60. 6stars and 117% team seeking for "gold 1"
  61. Search for gold level 1 ?!
  62. Looking for an asso, preferably gold 1
  63. Looking for an association gold 1
  64. Toulouse Faith - Gold 1 association, needs 1 player for next season
  65. Help!
  66. 3 Spare Places for our Association team
  67. Gold 1 looking for 1 active member
  68. Looking for a member for new association
  69. Player required for association
  70. Looking for compettive people to reach plat[Gold 2 RN]
  71. Any ITALIAN for a Platinum/next month Gold 1 association?
  72. Question: if member leave
  73. Sesli Chat Siteleri
  74. Need an association
  75. ***figt or fight recruit***
  76. Looking for an association gold 1/ platinum
  77. gold 2 association looking for active members
  78. Join my association
  79. Looking for association
  80. Disadvantage as only 5 members?
  81. 7star team 130% ratings looking for platinum
  82. Looking for an active association with mutual cooperation
  83. Join my Association and let's have fun
  84. New member for Gold One
  86. Looking for Gold1/Platinum Association
  87. Looking for members of association
  88. Association
  89. I search for a association golde one or platinum
  90. Search for active members for an association
  91. Looking for Gold/platinum association
  92. Active Squad looking for Members
  93. 114% Team looking for gold1/Platinum Assoc
  94. Busco Asociación activa :D
  95. Platinium Assocation Looking For Members
  96. Good team looking for Gold1/Platinum association
  97. Association Level.
  98. Looking for a gold association
  99. Official Add Me! Thread - For Gifts & Support
  100. PLATINE association needs a new member
  101. Join our push for platinum
  102. Level 52 looking for Gold 1/Platinum Association
  103. Membru pentru asociatia mea
  104. Gold 1 quality player for the federation
  105. The Dark Side Germany
  106. Looking for a Gold 1 association
  107. Join my association
  108. Platin league federation needs a member
  109. XEO'FREESTYLE Association
  110. association SPURS , tottenham
  111. Join my association now !!! [Need Active members]
  112. Standings
  113. Two teams looking to join platinum division
  114. Need a association
  115. Gold 1 association looking for a last member!
  116. PLATINE association needs 2 new members
  117. Looking for association​ Gold 1 and
  118. Platinum association Looking for a new member
  119. Association
  120. Join our association
  121. Platin league federation needs new member
  122. NEW Australian Assoc for active players - Needs 2 more!
  123. Looking For New Members
  124. 95% (and going up soon) manager looking for association
  125. Need Association
  126. Looking for 3 members
  127. does anyone want a friendly soonish?!
  128. How is this even possible?
  129. I need help please. How many points we get for 3rd place associatiom? Thanx
  130. Recruiting to my Associations
  131. Association looking for a new member
  132. Association vacancies, Gold Division 2
  133. Platinium Assocation Looking For 7-8Star Members
  134. Need association
  135. Association
  136. Need a good association
  137. Platinum association hiring!
  138. Unfair Asso
  139. ***figt or fight recruit***
  140. Association going for Gold Division 1 Looking for Active manager with strong Team
  141. Looking for association, on a short term basis.
  142. Manager needed ASAP to help Gold 1 team back to Platinum
  143. Association member(s) wanted
  144. Looking for Platinum Division
  145. ENIGMA TEAM - Association
  146. Searching association
  147. Need Assossiation
  148. Association need active manager
  149. We need 2 active members to make a full active association
  150. Looking to join someone
  151. 105%+ need a new association
  152. question about associations
  153. Silver 3 assoc recruiting active players
  154. Player for federation
  155. Level 15 Manager Looking for Association
  156. Need an active gold association.
  157. No token for association down level?
  158. One spot available!
  159. gold1 association
  160. we need new friend
  161. Association No Country for Old Men - Gold 1
  162. Malandrakatas search new member
  163. New Association, looking for Members
  164. Platinum recruiting
  165. Association creation
  166. Super Team recruits
  167. Active manager looking for gold 2 / gold 1
  168. Association Captain is not playing anymore....what will happen
  169. Association member nedded
  170. Gold Division Association is Looking for 3 Active Members
  171. Former gold1, 6-7star squad, looking for a new active association.
  172. Looking for new Associations
  173. New association member needed for gold div one association
  174. Need Active Members
  175. 112% Winner looking for an association
  176. Gold Division 3 Association is Looking for 3 Active Members
  177. Silver 1, moving to Gold, looking for 2 active members
  178. Gold 2 Association
  179. i need active players in my association
  180. CSKA 1948 is looking for 2 members
  181. Need 2 active managers (Gold 3)
  182. Looking to join an association
  183. We are looking for 1 active manager, Gold one level
  184. Need 1 for Gold 1
  185. Association Token Power
  186. Need Active Members Join.
  187. Join My Association . Have a Look
  188. We need 2 active managers(Gold 3)
  189. Looking for managers to start fresh
  190. Active manager looking for active and fun association
  191. I need member!
  192. Join my Assosiatcion!
  193. Looking for a sixth Member in Gold division 2 Association
  194. Very active manager looking for people to start association with
  195. The Erring Tacticians
  196. Gold 3 Association looking for an active manager.
  197. *NEEDED* Active manager(s) to join our assosiation.
  198. Gold level 1 want to push for platinum
  199. New members needed.
  200. Figuring out associations draw system
  201. Platinum looking for members
  202. (Hellas) Verona Italian Club (Gold 2) looking for a member
  203. the best GOLD 1 association is recruiting
  204. **WANTED** Platinum Association Looking For A New Member
  205. Unbelievable Jeff
  206. i need members for my association
  207. Anyone have April fools style results? LOL
  208. Lookin for a couple ov players join us
  209. Join my association for April 2017
  210. Gold 1 association recruiting active member
  211. 6 stars manager 108% looking for an active and ambitious association
  212. Gold 3 Association needs 1
  213. Looking for an association gold1 or higher
  214. Gold Div association Nedd 2 Players...
  215. Looking for 2 members who are very active to join gold 2 league
  216. Platinum Association Looking for a Player
  217. A Gold 1 association needs an active new member
  218. Looking for an ambitious member
  219. Ambitious Association looking for new member
  220. Gold 2 Association Looking for a new member
  221. Looking for an association with all very active members!
  222. 101% player looking for new association
  223. Association finding good member
  224. Need a 4th manager and more (level 1-12)
  225. Gold Division 3 Association looking
  226. WE ARE SPARTANS!! 2 warriors needed to help return us to Gold 1
  227. Looking for new member in assocation.. five star rating minimum..Trio Xxx United, nee
  228. Who wants join us?
  229. 125% team looking for Gold1 Association
  230. Ambitious GOLD 2 association needs 1 more member
  231. Gold 2 Associations looking for a new member
  232. awsome gold 1 association recruiting
  233. Highly active player looking for gold 1 association
  234. Tanking teams and association matchups
  235. Gold 2 Association "BangerCrew" looking for 1 new active manager!
  236. Gold 2 Association search members to find again his glorious past
  237. Hello need one active guy for Gold 2 association
  238. Platinum association in first 100 in world need member
  239. Gold division 2 New members needed
  240. Join Belgian Hills silver division . Nice rewards
  241. Lightning Squad association
  242. HIGH INTERNATIONAL Gold 2 Association looking for new member
  243. [OFFICIAL] Issues with the Association Tournament last week
  244. Neva-Sport
  245. Dedicated Players in NAAFC Eagles looking for same
  246. Looking for a 6th member in associations
  247. Searching for F.A. members! : Cateau F.A.
  248. Anyone else having this problem?
  249. i need 2 players in my association
  250. Finding some members to join our association