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  1. Ultimate !!..
  2. Silver 1 association need 3 players
  3. join my frienly championship #01HF4F
  4. Diamond assoc need manager.
  5. join my frienly championship #01HF4F
  6. Platinum association looking for new members
  7. Söker en spelare
  8. Phoenix Fire Diamond Need You
  9. Diamond asso looking for ambitious manager
  10. We need two new active members in our association. Black Cats - #SK1RQM
  11. O.M.A. Market Application Excel Form (to search for FA or Managers)
  12. looking for active association
  13. New Bronze 2 Association in need of 1 member, maybe 2!
  14. Association Description
  15. making new association anyone intrested?
  16. Looking for good assoc
  17. We need a new member in Platinum! We need you!
  18. Looking for association ultimate or diamond
  19. Looking for *ACTIVE* association Platinum+
  20. We need a quality player
  21. Brazilian people who wants to join our association
  22. We need a new active member in DIAMOND association #K4SQAC The Red Bull
  23. One slot available in the elite Diamond Association
  24. Bigger Associations
  25. Gold1 above
  26. looking for top ultimate association
  27. We need a quality player
  28. Searching for ambitious association
  29. Yeni Federasyonumuz Kuruldu.
  30. Recruting 2 new players for diamond association
  31. level 94 active player
  33. Looking for Association!!
  34. We need you in Gold1!
  35. Gold 1 association position open
  36. Looking for an association
  37. Unite cup Farce / impossible
  38. This is ridiculous!
  39. Back in Platinum but need a couple of active players
  40. Disqualification from Associations
  41. Friendly league
  42. #01C78F ELEMENTARY LEAGUE - Friendship Championship
  43. Ultimate association looking for a new member
  44. Gold 1 - one slot open
  45. Looking for an Ultime Association
  46. Looking for a Gold 1+ Association
  47. One slot available in Diamond Association
  48. 146.9% Seeking Active Association Invite...
  49. Platinum association looking for member
  50. Recruitment! New Diamond association member needed
  51. Association
  52. Looking for Plat+ association
  53. Two place available in ULTIMATE DIVISION
  54. One place available in ULTIMATE DIVISION
  55. One slot available in the elite Diamond Association
  56. Looking for Platinum or Ultimate association
  57. Platinum association needs 1 member!
  58. Diamond Division association looking for manager
  59. Friendly championship -- Cafe Sofas Cup!
  60. Looking for an association
  61. Friendly league
  62. Join my friendly championship
  64. ZION looking for one more manager
  65. Diamond association looking for manager
  66. New assoc looking for easy-going managers
  67. Looking for an active Association (Platinum +)
  68. Loocking for active manager. Association #8TQZJT Blackwar
  69. Ultimate miracle look formanager
  70. Ultimate miracle look formanager
  71. looking for an ultimate association
  72. Ultimate manager seeks high-ranked FA
  73. Asociacion top cracks (españa) en division diamante, busca un jugador activo.
  74. Looking for an association (Plat or higher)
  75. Looking for an active player
  76. Association
  77. Looking for a platinum association
  78. Association
  79. Association look manager
  80. Moving towards Gold
  81. Looking for platinum and higher
  82. #018YJO Kindergarten League friendly championship
  83. Diamond assoc need manager.
  84. Platinum assoc looking for active players
  85. Join our new brand new association
  86. Platinum Division Association looking for new managers.
  87. Looking for Diamond association
  88. Looking for association, Gold 1 or higher
  89. Looking for new members
  90. Hello
  91. Ultimate - Phoenix Fire Club #IGL7KF
  92. places available for 2 good managers in diamond
  93. Asociación Top Cracks en división DIAMANTE, busca dos jugadores activos.
  94. Looking for active association
  95. Ass
  96. Diamond assoc need manager.
  97. Looking to join an association
  98. join my frienly championship #017C35
  99. Diamond Asso looking for new active manager
  100. Platinum ass req
  101. 134% club looking for decent association
  102. join my frienly championship #017C35
  103. That feel when you're Top3 in the world..
  104. Platinum need new member
  105. Platinum Association Looking For 1 member
  106. 0182D5 PLAY FOR GREEN and for friendship
  107. Platinum Association looking for new players
  108. Friendship tournament
  109. Platinum Division Association looking for new players
  110. join my frienly championship #017C35
  111. Diamond Asso looking for 1 manager
  112. Ultimate association
  113. Lille OSC in or 1 - join us
  114. Looking for a good association
  115. Looking for an active Association.
  116. Experienced Diamond association looking for 1 member
  117. Ultimate association looking for a real manager
  118. Join Diamond Association, we have one vacancy now
  119. TCB Snipers in Platium looking for two members
  120. Active association looking for members
  121. Diamond association looking for member
  122. Looking for ASSOCIATION
  123. looking for top manager to join us in ULTIMATE DIVISION from sunday !
  124. 1 member needed for association
  125. Join us
  126. Looking for an active association team members.
  127. Track members performance and swiping team options.
  128. Diamond assoc need manager.
  129. Looking for association +100% lvl19
  130. Veteran Return looking for ASO from Gold 1 up and Friendly Championship.
  131. Asociación TOP CRACKS ORO 1 busca un jugador activo
  132. Bronze One - KIA Motors
  133. Sliver association recruiting members
  134. Join our Association NSNO
  135. Diamond Association recruiting active member
  136. Dịch vụ in tem nhãn chai nước thể hiện độ tinh khiết và an toàn
  137. Looking for top association (diamond minimum) for a serious and competitive player.
  138. Searching for active association
  139. Gold One team needs at least one member
  140. Two spots available silver 2 div
  141. Platinum asso looking for 1 manager
  142. New Association Brentford PL
  143. Full bonus association looking for new member
  144. looking to active alliance
  145. I'm looking for a federation
  146. Returning manager looking for an active association
  147. Two trophies - no points?
  148. Top Diamond association has vacant seat
  149. replace absent player
  150. returning player looking for active association
  151. Looking for an Active Association
  152. Racing Europa Recruiting
  153. Friendly Championship Invitation
  154. Looking for active manager for Platinum
  155. Platinum Association looking for managers
  156. Looking for diamond or above association
  157. Diamond Association or above
  158. Association
  159. Join my Association and Friendly Championship
  160. Brand New Association Looking for 4 Managers
  161. Friendly championship june_july2021
  162. Gold 1 Looking for 1 more
  163. Diamant Association - 1 free spot
  164. Busco asocación nivel ORO 1
  165. Diamond association
  166. Official join my association!
  167. Looking for Platinum alliance
  168. Top Eleven Managers - Bronze 3
  169. Plat Association looking for a new member
  170. Looking for Plat association
  171. Looking for Platinum alliance
  172. Lideres inactivos
  173. Association Event- free play only after 4 hours?
  174. Necesitamos Un equipo para la asociación FA
  175. Looking for Plat/Diamond association
  176. Guys you are welcome to Join my Friendly Championship, code is: 0138ZP
  177. New Association # 8TQZJT BlackWar looking for active managers
  178. Looking for an active menber - buscando un jugador activo
  179. Can we switch to another FA mid-season now?
  180. Ranking nuevo de Asociaciones
  181. About resetting association points after each season?
  182. Platinum Association looking for a 6th member
  183. The Kings of Spartacus
  184. Asociación PLATINO busca
  185. Looking for a platinum association
  186. Join the Association destined for the top
  187. Platinum asso
  188. DIAMOND association looking for two active managers
  189. Looking for Active Platinum/Diamond Association
  190. eliminazione di un mebro
  191. Returned to T11, looking for Gold association
  192. New FAs Top 100 Tracking Thread
  193. We need a new member in Gold 1! We need you!
  194. Friendly Championship Rewards
  195. New association BlackWar
  196. Need platinum assoc for two good teams
  197. Searching for new active members platinum!
  198. 120 points for the 1st place not given
  199. join Elites Fallen, Gold 1 -- we will rise the ranks together
  200. Rewards
  201. platinum association looking for new manager to join us. we are TOP 8 in the division
  202. question on association rules
  203. one available position in our Platinum division!
  204. Engine calculation changes this season
  205. Friendly championships
  206. Un cupo en la asociación en Platino, #ZAMEPU
  207. Fair Friendlies
  208. Recruitment
  209. join my frienly championship #00ZYCL
  210. Association Recruitment
  211. Association is looking for 1 active player to fill the squad
  212. New FA Set Up
  213. join my frienly championship #00ZYCL
  214. Top association looking for active manager
  215. Necesito una asociación
  216. Very active and successful platinum association
  217. join my frienly championship #00ZYCL
  218. Join a New Association
  219. Misioneros de la Buena Nueva
  220. We have a very active and fun association
  221. Association in platinum división looking for active members
  222. Association in Platinum Division looking for active members-Asociacion Platino busca
  223. Members Needed
  224. Association member needed in gold 1 division
  225. New association. Need one More team to start
  226. We need 1 player for our assoc.
  227. Join my association
  228. New association. Newbies please come join
  229. Gold dig 1, looking for 2 members
  230. Top association looking for active manager
  231. Successful Platinum Association needs new members
  232. New members/Potrebni clanovi
  233. Looking for Associations
  234. Busco asociación española recién creado
  235. Gold 1 need 1 new member
  236. Looking for good assoc
  237. Top association looking for replacements with strong winning mentality and team ethos
  238. Busco Asociacion
  239. New Association
  240. Association
  241. Seeking for an Association
  242. join my frienly championship #00X52A
  243. Friendly championship #00Z06R
  244. looking for one more teammate
  245. join my frienly championship #00X52A
  246. Looking for Association
  247. Join our association
  248. join my frienly championship #00X52A
  249. Gold Division 1 Association Looking For One More
  250. Join my fresh association