- Nordic Allstars looking for engaged teams
- looking for association
- Looking for active and ambitious assoc
- Looking for association
- Platinum association looking for a manager
- Looking for active association
- Looking for an active association
- looking for a new association (platinum only)
- Seeking a manager for platinum association ( OPEN INVITATION - NO DEADLINE)
- Santa Iria - Gold1 - searching for an ACTIVE member
- The 6 Dragons
- Is this cheating?
- Association Cheating Once Again
- One More Member - Platinum Association
- Introduction
- Gold 1 Team looking for one more Player
- Santa Iria - Gold1 - searching for an active member
- 920 points at S2 now, recruiting 7+ player
- Look for good player. Send your request.
- Associations
- 90% Team, Looking for Association
- Active Player Looking for a gold (1,2,3) association
- 7-star team looking for association
- Super-posao
- Member needed for Platinum Association
- O.M.A. Panem et Circenses - Gold 1
- Experienced Manager looking for a gold1 /platinum association
- Join our association!
- Looking for new member in association
- Looking for new member in association
- Nordic Allstars looking for engaged teams
- Looking for platinum or gold 1 association
- GOLD 1 association looking for 1 member
- looking for a 95-100% member for our association
- The Punisher
- looking for an active association
- Experienced Manager looking for a gold1 /platinum association
- 7 star players looking for new assoc
- looking for one player - gold 1
- Suchen Viertes Aktives Mitglied für Deutschsprachigen Neun Verband.
- Platinum ass. looking for 2 members ..
- Play to win is recruiting.
- New members for silver 2
- Available soon platinum forever
- Strong silver 2 recruiting
- 6* active team with 34%+ training bonus
- Looking for a GOLD 1 Association
- Looking for an active association
- Why the top 100 in the association has always almost max. point every weekend??
- Looking for a Gold 1 or a Platine Association
- GOLD 1 Association "Game On" looking for active member
- platinum or gold 1
- Available to join a good association.
- Looking for 1 player
- 8-Sterne Team sucht Verband
- Very active group looking for 1 manager
- looking for new recruit
- 105% Player Looking for an association
- Division Or 1 1251pts research one player
- Want an association
- Looking for an active manager Gold 1
- Looking for an active association
- Looking for new association to join
- The Punisher
- Good 7 star team looking for Good association.
- Gold 1 ''International Union'' is seeking 1 active member.
- 858 high points silver 3 recruiting
- Recherche association
- 6* team, level 12 manger rating, and active!
- Jolly Crew recruiting new 6* member!
- 7 star assoc in gold 1 looking for new member ( platin league next season)
- Recherche association
- Teamd with active coaches!
- Associations draws
- I want to join any associations
- need a association
- New asso forming (?)
- Gold 3 association looking for active manager
- Plat association looking for a new member
- Gold 2 Association with messenger chat group recruiting.
- Recrutement
- Gold 2 six star Association needs 2 managers
- TÜRKLERİ Federasyonuma Beklerim Adı : Diriliş Kayı Boyu
- Need a new association
- #0906TC join join gold div 1
- Looking for 2 active members in Gold 1 Association
- Looking for one member for gold 1 assoc
- Skillers are looking for new member.
- GOLD 1 Association "Game On" looking for active member
- Santa Iria - Gold1 - searching for an active member
- Association division OR 1 recrutement
- hello
- Very active member looking for a platinum ass.
- No Country for Old Man
- new recruits needed for gold 1 asso !!!!
- Platinum association has three vacancy
- Quality question.
- Association Rewards
- Strong platinum association recruiting
- Very Active Association looking for members
- Gold 1 association looking for an active member
- Level 17 team rating 117% looking for serious association
- Join Us...
- Association name. The beaulful game...Join
- International Cup - Share your experience!
- New champs on the block...name 'champions only'
- Gold2 - Santa Iria needs two members
- Toon Army 2018
- Come join The Future Champions
- Very Active Association Looking For A 6th Manager
- need new members for association
- level up
- New member needed
- Association looking to recruit.
- Looking for serious Associations
- No Country for Old Man
- 6 star looking for association
- 1 more active member - Gold 1 Association
- Gold 2 wants an active member, "EXTRALIGA"
- If you're looking for a fresh start join Zappy starting from scratch at Bronze 3!
- Looking for a gold1/plat association
- Santa Iria International searchs active member
- looking for gold 1 or platinum association
- Gold 1 wants active member
- Association draw
- Association ONZE DE FRANCE Gold1
- Platinium asso looking for a good player
- A question about promotion
- One team for my association division platine
- Looking for an association.
- Researh member for association Division Or 1
- World best assoc with some lousy teams... How is that possible?
- Salfords no1 association needs you...
- Recherche membre actif pour association en or1
- I'm looking for assocation ( 1050+ )
- Looking for a serious Association
- Berliner Fußballverband is looking for a new member
- Looking for association
- Looking for an association
- Active Association
- The ShadowWalkers
- New association - Winners
- Rising GOLD 2 needs one active member
- Competition for the top
- Open spot
- Race for Platinum
- Quebec FC is recruiting (Gold 1)
- Gold 1 Association looking for Active Manager
- platinum association need 2 more active managers
- Platinum association looking for one more member
- Gold 1 looking for active manager
- Gold 2 association looking for a member
- Gold 1 association is looking for new member
- Gold 1 association looking for an active member
- Gold 1 association is looking for one new member
- Good 1 Association requires members!
- New members
- Brand new association LIVERPOOL LEGENDS looking for Liverpool Fans to join me !
- New captain FA?
- Looking for 2 new managers to join Gold 1 association
- Bag of Cans - Looking for Members
- Platinum association looks for one good manager
- Gold division 2 looking for 2 teams
- Promoted-to-Platinum association recruiting
- Looking for an Association.
- Searching for Active association Platinum or Gold 1
- No Country for Old Man
- 50 tokens guaranteed
- cerco nuova associazione
- Thank you Nordeus for nothing ! A corruption you do nothing about !
- Gold1 looking for a member
- Looking for association
- Join me
- Join My Association
- Join My Association
- Join My Alliance [THE INVADERS]
- Join association
- Platinum association looking for another member.
- PLATINUM association looking for one more
- Platinum association members needed!!
- Need a member for Gold 2 association
- Members needed
- 118% Team. Looking for platinum association. Active
- Members needed
- Gold Association - 1 with 5 active managers, looking for one member
- Hi everybody
- Looking for members
- Looking for 3 active member to join our team #K1MC51
- Looking for Two New Members for my Gold 2 Association Kalsbeek Kings #AMGC9A
- Gold 1 association looking for an active member
- Gold 1 Needing Active Members
- Just received a PM on FB offering me 1000 tokens for my association !!!
- Looking for platinum association
- our points total in the association is incorrect. HELP ADMIN !!!!
- #K1MC51 come join us
- Feck arse industries
- New members needed
- New member for Platinum Association needed
- Platinum association looking for active manager
- 140% need association
- High Points Bronze 2 Recruiting
- Looking for new active member
- Need a Gold 1/ Platinum association
- ‘South Yorkshire Rovers’ one space open, Gold 2
- Gold 2 team needing active managers
- Looking 1 big player
- Gold1 or platinum association
- hello
- hello!!
- We ate all the Pies
- Platinum association looking for an active member
- Gold I looking 4 an active manager
- How are the points accrued during association matches?
- Gold Div. 1 Assoc. looking for a Manager
- Dedicated Players needed.
- Looking for association.
- Searching active player for gold 2 ass
- Looking 2 active players for gold 2
- Looking 2 active players for gold 2 association
- search for a gold 1 or platinium asso
- Platinum AS looking for a active player
- Looking a Platinum, active association for next season.
- Looking for an active manager
- Recruiting 5 star+ and active!
- Gold1-Gold2 team need new players!
- Association sult open
- French League looking for 6th player
- Recuiting! New members
- I look for strong, tough association (1st gold or platinum division)
- (Recruiting) Active gold 3 association
- Gold 1 with 3 115%+ and 1 130% looking for 6th player
- Hi Everybody
- Looking For Associations.
- Gold 1 association needs one good member!
- 128% Team looking for Platinium Active Associantion
- need 1 good manager to fight for platinum division
- Need new active members to return back to Platinum!
- Need active managers for a new association noooooooow!!
- Gold Div 1 seeks 1 more manager
- Как узнать на каком сервере я играю???
- Association #C9DCOK
- OMA Masters League need 2 managers ...
- 2 New Members for Gold Division 2 Association
- New Association - Little Britain Needs You!
- Looking for active asc/buscando asociacion activa
- Looking for good active association...
- Need a Gold 1 // Gold 2 association
- Gold div 3 looking for active ambitious managers x 2
- Need a Gold 1 association
- The punisher