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  1. Nordic Allstars looking for engaged teams
  2. looking for association
  3. Looking for active and ambitious assoc
  4. Looking for association
  5. Platinum association looking for a manager
  6. Looking for active association
  7. Looking for an active association
  8. looking for a new association (platinum only)
  9. Seeking a manager for platinum association ( OPEN INVITATION - NO DEADLINE)
  10. Santa Iria - Gold1 - searching for an ACTIVE member
  11. The 6 Dragons
  12. Is this cheating?
  13. Association Cheating Once Again
  14. One More Member - Platinum Association
  15. Introduction
  16. Gold 1 Team looking for one more Player
  17. Santa Iria - Gold1 - searching for an active member
  18. 920 points at S2 now, recruiting 7+ player
  19. Look for good player. Send your request.
  20. Associations
  21. 90% Team, Looking for Association
  22. Active Player Looking for a gold (1,2,3) association
  23. 7-star team looking for association
  24. Super-posao
  25. Member needed for Platinum Association
  26. O.M.A. Panem et Circenses - Gold 1
  27. Experienced Manager looking for a gold1 /platinum association
  28. Join our association!
  29. Looking for new member in association
  30. Looking for new member in association
  31. Nordic Allstars looking for engaged teams
  32. Looking for platinum or gold 1 association
  33. GOLD 1 association looking for 1 member
  34. looking for a 95-100% member for our association
  35. The Punisher
  36. looking for an active association
  37. Experienced Manager looking for a gold1 /platinum association
  38. 7 star players looking for new assoc
  39. looking for one player - gold 1
  40. Suchen Viertes Aktives Mitglied für Deutschsprachigen Neun Verband.
  41. Platinum ass. looking for 2 members ..
  42. Play to win is recruiting.
  43. New members for silver 2
  44. Available soon platinum forever
  45. Strong silver 2 recruiting
  46. 6* active team with 34%+ training bonus
  47. Looking for a GOLD 1 Association
  48. Looking for an active association
  49. Why the top 100 in the association has always almost max. point every weekend??
  50. Looking for a Gold 1 or a Platine Association
  51. GOLD 1 Association "Game On" looking for active member
  52. platinum or gold 1
  53. Available to join a good association.
  54. Looking for 1 player
  55. 8-Sterne Team sucht Verband
  56. Very active group looking for 1 manager
  57. looking for new recruit
  58. 105% Player Looking for an association
  59. Division Or 1 1251pts research one player
  60. Want an association
  61. Looking for an active manager Gold 1
  62. Looking for an active association
  63. Looking for new association to join
  64. The Punisher
  65. Good 7 star team looking for Good association.
  66. Gold 1 ''International Union'' is seeking 1 active member.
  67. 858 high points silver 3 recruiting
  68. Recherche association
  69. 6* team, level 12 manger rating, and active!
  70. Jolly Crew recruiting new 6* member!
  71. 7 star assoc in gold 1 looking for new member ( platin league next season)
  72. Recherche association
  73. Teamd with active coaches!
  74. Associations draws
  75. I want to join any associations
  76. need a association
  77. New asso forming (?)
  78. Gold 3 association looking for active manager
  79. Plat association looking for a new member
  80. Gold 2 Association with messenger chat group recruiting.
  81. Recrutement
  82. Gold 2 six star Association needs 2 managers
  83. TÜRKLERİ Federasyonuma Beklerim Adı : Diriliş Kayı Boyu
  84. Need a new association
  85. #0906TC join join gold div 1
  86. Looking for 2 active members in Gold 1 Association
  87. Looking for one member for gold 1 assoc
  88. Skillers are looking for new member.
  89. GOLD 1 Association "Game On" looking for active member
  90. Santa Iria - Gold1 - searching for an active member
  91. Association division OR 1 recrutement
  92. hello
  93. Very active member looking for a platinum ass.
  94. No Country for Old Man
  95. new recruits needed for gold 1 asso !!!!
  96. Platinum association has three vacancy
  97. Quality question.
  98. Association Rewards
  99. Strong platinum association recruiting
  100. Very Active Association looking for members
  101. Gold 1 association looking for an active member
  102. Level 17 team rating 117% looking for serious association
  103. Join Us...
  104. Association name. The beaulful game...Join
  105. International Cup - Share your experience!
  106. New champs on the block...name 'champions only'
  107. Gold2 - Santa Iria needs two members
  108. Toon Army 2018
  109. Come join The Future Champions
  110. Very Active Association Looking For A 6th Manager
  111. need new members for association
  112. level up
  113. New member needed
  114. Association looking to recruit.
  115. Looking for serious Associations
  116. No Country for Old Man
  117. 6 star looking for association
  118. 1 more active member - Gold 1 Association
  119. Gold 2 wants an active member, "EXTRALIGA"
  120. If you're looking for a fresh start join Zappy starting from scratch at Bronze 3!
  121. Looking for a gold1/plat association
  122. Santa Iria International searchs active member
  123. looking for gold 1 or platinum association
  124. Gold 1 wants active member
  125. Association draw
  126. Association ONZE DE FRANCE Gold1
  127. Platinium asso looking for a good player
  128. A question about promotion
  129. One team for my association division platine
  130. Looking for an association.
  131. Researh member for association Division Or 1
  132. World best assoc with some lousy teams... How is that possible?
  133. Salfords no1 association needs you...
  134. Recherche membre actif pour association en or1
  135. I'm looking for assocation ( 1050+ )
  136. Looking for a serious Association
  137. Berliner Fußballverband is looking for a new member
  138. Looking for association
  139. Looking for an association
  140. Active Association
  141. The ShadowWalkers
  142. New association - Winners
  143. Rising GOLD 2 needs one active member
  144. Competition for the top
  145. Open spot
  146. Race for Platinum
  147. Quebec FC is recruiting (Gold 1)
  148. Gold 1 Association looking for Active Manager
  149. platinum association need 2 more active managers
  150. Platinum association looking for one more member
  151. Gold 1 looking for active manager
  152. Gold 2 association looking for a member
  153. Gold 1 association is looking for new member
  154. Gold 1 association looking for an active member
  155. Gold 1 association is looking for one new member
  156. Good 1 Association requires members!
  157. New members
  158. Brand new association LIVERPOOL LEGENDS looking for Liverpool Fans to join me !
  159. New captain FA?
  160. Looking for 2 new managers to join Gold 1 association
  161. Bag of Cans - Looking for Members
  162. Platinum association looks for one good manager
  163. Gold division 2 looking for 2 teams
  164. Promoted-to-Platinum association recruiting
  165. Looking for an Association.
  166. Searching for Active association Platinum or Gold 1
  167. No Country for Old Man
  168. 50 tokens guaranteed
  169. cerco nuova associazione
  170. Thank you Nordeus for nothing ! A corruption you do nothing about !
  171. Gold1 looking for a member
  172. Looking for association
  173. Join me
  174. Join My Association
  175. Join My Association
  176. Join My Alliance [THE INVADERS]
  177. Join association
  178. Platinum association looking for another member.
  179. PLATINUM association looking for one more
  180. Platinum association members needed!!
  181. Need a member for Gold 2 association
  182. Members needed
  183. 118% Team. Looking for platinum association. Active
  184. Members needed
  185. Gold Association - 1 with 5 active managers, looking for one member
  186. Hi everybody
  187. Looking for members
  188. Looking for 3 active member to join our team #K1MC51
  189. Looking for Two New Members for my Gold 2 Association Kalsbeek Kings #AMGC9A
  190. Gold 1 association looking for an active member
  191. Gold 1 Needing Active Members
  192. Just received a PM on FB offering me 1000 tokens for my association !!!
  193. Looking for platinum association
  194. our points total in the association is incorrect. HELP ADMIN !!!!
  195. #K1MC51 come join us
  196. Feck arse industries
  197. New members needed
  198. New member for Platinum Association needed
  199. Platinum association looking for active manager
  200. 140% need association
  201. High Points Bronze 2 Recruiting
  202. Looking for new active member
  203. Need a Gold 1/ Platinum association
  204. ‘South Yorkshire Rovers’ one space open, Gold 2
  205. Gold 2 team needing active managers
  206. Looking 1 big player
  207. Gold1 or platinum association
  208. hello
  209. hello!!
  210. We ate all the Pies
  211. Platinum association looking for an active member
  212. Gold I looking 4 an active manager
  213. How are the points accrued during association matches?
  214. Gold Div. 1 Assoc. looking for a Manager
  215. Dedicated Players needed.
  216. Looking for association.
  217. Searching active player for gold 2 ass
  218. Looking 2 active players for gold 2
  219. Looking 2 active players for gold 2 association
  220. search for a gold 1 or platinium asso
  221. Platinum AS looking for a active player
  222. Looking a Platinum, active association for next season.
  223. Looking for an active manager
  224. Recruiting 5 star+ and active!
  225. Gold1-Gold2 team need new players!
  226. Association sult open
  227. French League looking for 6th player
  228. Recuiting! New members
  229. I look for strong, tough association (1st gold or platinum division)
  230. (Recruiting) Active gold 3 association
  231. Gold 1 with 3 115%+ and 1 130% looking for 6th player
  232. Hi Everybody
  233. Looking For Associations.
  234. Gold 1 association needs one good member!
  235. 128% Team looking for Platinium Active Associantion
  236. need 1 good manager to fight for platinum division
  237. Need new active members to return back to Platinum!
  238. Need active managers for a new association noooooooow!!
  239. Gold Div 1 seeks 1 more manager
  240. Как узнать на каком сервере я играю???
  241. Association #C9DCOK
  242. OMA Masters League need 2 managers ...
  243. 2 New Members for Gold Division 2 Association
  244. New Association - Little Britain Needs You!
  245. Looking for active asc/buscando asociacion activa
  246. Looking for good active association...
  247. Need a Gold 1 // Gold 2 association
  248. Gold div 3 looking for active ambitious managers x 2
  249. Need a Gold 1 association
  250. The punisher