View Full Version : Formations and Tactics

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  1. How to play against this strange formation 3W-2(DMC's)-1(MC)-3W(AML/R/C)-1ST
  2. how to play agains 3N-2MC-3-2ST
  3. How to beat this 4-3-3
  4. How to beat 3w-1-3w-1-w?
  5. How to beat a 4-2-1-3
  6. What are the best tactics to use Narrow Diamond?
  7. How To Beat 3W 1 3N 2W 1
  8. How to beat 3N-3W-2N-2N
  9. Please can somebody help me level 8 formation!
  10. 4-2dmc-cm-amr-st-st?
  11. hot to beat 3-1-4-2 formation
  12. How to beat 3N-3W-3N-1???
  13. I need help
  14. best tactics please+order please
  15. orders for 4-1-3w-2 formation needed
  16. How to beat this difficult formation?
  17. 4-2-3-1
  18. 3-2-2-2-1 butterfly tactic
  19. Need a Victory 10-0 against a Inactive.
  20. How to Beat 4dc 2mc 2aml/amr 2st
  21. Need some help to play against higher team
  22. against 4-1-4-1
  23. counter against
  24. Counter formation to 4-4-2(much better enemy)
  25. PLEASE, Final round Champions // unusual tactic 3-6-1
  26. Tip how to beat 3-2-3-2
  27. Champion's league final against 3N-2W-1-2W-2
  28. Final Round Champions League , 4-4-2 how to beat
  29. need help against 3W-1-2-3w-1
  30. Iam in facing a strong 5* opponent playing with 43n12
  31. counter against 4-4-2?
  32. How to beat 4 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 , looks like a wide V
  33. How to beat 4-1-3-2 ?
  34. how to beat this 3-4-1-2 ?
  35. 4-2mc-2am(l and r)-2
  36. How to beat 4-1dmc-2-3?
  37. How to beat strong defensive 3n-3w-2-1-1
  38. How to beat a 2-3-2-2-1
  39. High scoring formation and orders
  40. is 3n-5-2v style a winning formation ?
  41. How to beat strong 3N-1DMC-3W-3 ?
  42. Need help
  43. Guys pls I need help against 3-1-4-2
  44. Weird 4-1(dmc)-1-3(AM)-2
  45. beat 3-1-3-1-2 w Please need help
  46. 3-4-1-2 orders and arrow ? PLZ
  47. Formation against 3-2-1-2-2
  48. Lost to 4 3 3 in home 1-3. How do i beat him in away?
  49. everytime i train, ijuries shows up!
  50. Need help in tactic with better team.
  51. How to beat 3W-2-2-3
  52. I need help with tactics variations.
  53. Asking for help for 2nd time
  54. How to counter this weird attacking formation 4-2n-2n-2
  55. How to beat 3-2W-3N-2
  56. How to beat 4-1-2w-1amc-2st
  57. Need help against 4--1DMC--2 (ML/MR)--2(AMC)--1
  58. Help me plz
  59. How to beat 3W-1-3N-1-2
  60. Please advise on how to beat 4-1DMC-AML/AMC/AMR-2ST
  61. how to beat this Formation??
  62. V-style
  63. Hellllp plz;( how to beat 4312 wide
  64. HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how to beat 4-4-1-1
  65. Strange formation help
  66. Cup Semi against 4-2(DMC)-3(AML/AMC/AMR)-1
  67. Champion semifinal vs 3-1-4-2 how counter?
  68. How to beat 3-2-3-2
  69. How beat tactic 3-1-2-2-2
  70. How to beat 3N-3W(DML/DMC/DMR)-2N(MC)-2(ST)
  71. How to beat 3-2-2-3
  72. please
  73. Best orders and formation against 4-4-2
  74. HURRY, I need help with a weird Formation 3N-3(DML-MDC-DMR)-2 (MC-MC)-1-1
  75. Need to win 7-0
  76. bad results
  77. How could this formation humiliated my team?
  78. How to beat 5-(ML/MR)-1-2
  79. How to beat 4-4-2ND
  80. Counter 3-4-1-2
  81. How to beat this formation 4-3(2MC+1MR)-2(1AMC+1AML)-1?
  82. How to beat 4-2-1-3
  83. How to beat 4-3-1-2 formation? i have try use 4-5-1 but i draw the match.
  84. 3-4-3
  85. How to counter and win against 4-1-3n-2?
  86. What you think about this 3N-2(DML DMR)1-2-1-1
  87. tactict against 4-3-3 at home
  88. I need orders for 3n-1-4-2
  89. urgent pls
  90. Porque hay muchos jugadores Turcos y no Españoles?
  91. 4-1-1-2 AMCs-2
  92. How to beat 3N 3W 1 (AMC) 3?
  93. how to beat 4-1-2w-1-2
  94. what tactics 4-1-2-1-2 ( small diamond )
  95. how 2 win against strange 4-2(dmc)-2-2
  96. How to beat 4-3W(1AMR)-1-2?
  97. 3n-1-3w-1-2 counter
  98. Important!how to beat this straing formation 4-1dmc- 2ml/mr-2amc-1st?
  99. How to beat 4-1-0-3-2
  100. howto beat 4-3-3?
  101. how to beat 4-2-2-2 HEX
  102. Does 3N-5-2 V style counter 4-1-4-1?
  103. Whitout mcs to win?
  104. Cl how to beat 4-1-2w-1-2
  105. how to play against 3w-1-3w-1-2?
  106. How to beat 4-2(MC) 3(AMR, AML, AMC) 1ST?
  107. Formation effectiveness
  108. deciding match of the top teams help needed plzzz????
  109. Which formation is better to beat 5-3N-2?
  110. How to beat 4-4-1-1
  111. How to beat this formation 4-3N-2-1?
  112. how to beat this illegal formation?
  113. How to beat this robots!
  114. 4-1-3N-2 orders and arrows
  115. How to beat this weird formation?
  116. Is this an ilegal formation?
  117. How to beat 4-1-2-1-2 narrow diamond
  118. How to counter 3W-1(MC)-3W-3
  119. Can someone tell me what formation is these and how to beat it
  120. I want your opinion
  121. Help against 4-5-1V with extremly unbalanced players
  122. I need help guys, first match CL lost with 0-6
  123. what formation is this please?
  124. 3DC-2DRM/DML-1MC-3AMR/AMC/AML-1ST to beat!
  125. How to counter 3-1-5-1?
  126. How to beat a special 4-3-2-1
  127. How to counter 3-2-2-1-1
  128. kindly need you guys help. how to win over 4-1-2-2-1 formation. Please advice
  129. any idea how play against 4-4-1-1 ??
  130. How To Beats 4-3DMC-1MC-1AMC-1ST ??
  131. how to beat 3-5-2 V Style
  132. Does this weird tactic works?
  133. Undeafeated 4-2-2-1-1 wierd formation. Anyone have any idea?
  134. Formation advise needed based on squad
  135. Counter a 3-2-3-2
  136. I always lost against 4-4-2 flat
  137. Confused with formation...
  138. Win against a good 3-3-3-1
  139. Counter formation for 4-1-3W-1-1
  140. 3(N)-1-5(flat)-1
  141. urgent help
  142. 3-2-2-2-1 butterfly orders
  143. How to counter 4-3-1-2 in this situation?
  144. Help ,, How to Beat 4-1-3-2 stronger than me??
  145. An very inferior team using 4-1-3-2 ended my 20 match unbeaten run
  146. How beat New Formation
  147. How to beat 5-3w-1-1
  148. Need formation feedback (against weird formation)
  149. 4-3w-2-1
  150. how to beat this formation?
  151. Really need some help to beat 3N-2DMR/L-3N-2
  152. Can someone explain this?
  153. How Counter a 4-3-1-2
  154. Odd 4,2,1,3, suggestions pls
  155. как да победим тази странна формация? 4-2dml/dmr-1mc-1amc-2st
  156. How to beat 4-1-3-2(narrow)
  157. 3n-4-1-2 formation counter :)
  158. Any advice against strange formation ?
  159. How to beat 3w-4-3?
  160. How to win This Crazy Team ??
  161. How Can I Beat 3 DC - 3 DML DMC DMR - 2 MC - 2 ST
  162. 4-2-1-3 help
  163. 412n3n
  164. Any idea how to counter 3(N)-3(DML/DMC/DMR)-1(MC)-2(AML/AMR)-1
  165. what counter of 4 - 2(MC) - 3(AML/AMC/AMR) - 1(ST).......PLEASE ?????
  166. Urgent : How to beat this formation?
  167. Facing a total weird formation
  168. Is this the 4-5-1 Victory formation?
  169. How to beat 3N-1-3W-1-2???
  170. What the ...? 3w 2dmc 1 3w 1
  171. How to beat strange formation 3N-1-2-3W-1
  172. Any ideas vs 3N - 3 DML/C/R - 2N - 2
  173. Important!how to beat this straing formation 4-3 1aml-2st?
  174. Narrow diamond vs Narrow diamond (4-1-2-1-2)
  175. Counter 3N-2DMC-1MC-3W-1
  176. Let's discuss 5-3-2
  177. Formation advice
  178. Need help with formation
  179. Ideas vs 32221
  180. How to beat 3W-2(DMC)-2W-1-2
  181. How To beat this wierd set up?
  182. Squad just isn't performing, any help?
  183. frustration from my formation--pls help!!
  184. 4-4-1-1 orders
  185. Counter and win 4-3-3
  186. how to beat 4-2-1-3?ASAP
  187. Need to Beat 4-1-2-1-2
  188. How to beat this weird formation???
  189. what is the best orders and arrows for 5-2-1-2 x style...........??????
  190. Midfield problem?
  191. 3w-5-2
  192. How To Beat 4-3-2(AML-AMR)-1
  193. How to beat this formation:3W-2N(DMC,DMC)-3W(MR,MC,ML)-2? Please help!
  194. Scouted team, 3-4-1-2
  195. 4-5-1
  196. Is this 3-6-1 a good formation ?http://prntscr.com/2ko78t
  197. 4-1-3w-2 counterr needed brothers
  198. how to beat 3-3(DML-DMC-DML)-3N-1
  199. How to beat 3W - 1 (DMC) - 2 - 1 (AMC) - 3?
  200. How to beat this illegal formation ? please help
  201. 31321
  202. Lawan 4-1-2-1 ND
  203. How would you beat me?
  204. best squad ?
  205. How to beat them?
  206. Need help to beat 3W-4-3
  207. How to win agaist 3-1-4-2
  208. How TO BEAT 4-3W-3?
  209. how to beat this incomlete ND 4-1-2-1-2???
  210. How to beat 4-2-1-3
  211. Best formation against 3W-1-5-1?
  212. How to beat 3w-(dmc/dmc)-2-1-2
  213. How to beat 4-2mc-aml-amc-amr-st
  214. Please need advise vs 3N-2MC-3(AML,AMC,AMR)-2
  215. How to beat this.... 32221?
  216. 3-3-1-2-1
  217. 4-3n-2amr/l-1
  218. 4-2-3w-1
  219. How to beat 3W-1 (DMC)- 3N-3
  220. how to beat 3-1-3-2-1 ?
  221. Need 4-2-3-1 orders & arrowing
  222. Help me 4 4 2 ND
  223. Need Tactics for my 4-3-1-2 formation
  224. 3n-5v-1-1 (3n-1-2-3w-1)
  225. Please Explain Red/Blue Arrows?
  226. how to beat 5-2-1-1-1
  227. GUYS I need your help to beat 4-2-2-2
  228. 3W-1-3-3(ST) Lineup Questions From Newbie
  229. Three Striker Formation?
  230. Tactic against 3w-1-2-3w-1
  231. Help against 4,1,3n,2
  232. Assistance required please.
  233. How to beat 4-3-1-2 (midfield wide)
  234. How to beat 4-3-1-2 (midfield wide)
  235. Formatio 3-1-2-2-2 Orders
  236. At what point do you sacrifice quality for a counterformation
  237. How to beat 4-3N-2(AML/AMR)-1? in Champions League?
  238. Out countered by a defensive 41212 nd
  239. Poll
  240. need help for this formation
  241. How to beat 3N-1-3W-3
  242. Help can't buy a win
  243. How to beat 3W-2-1-1-3
  244. How can I beat HIM?
  245. what I can to do with THIS?
  246. How to WIN 4-5-1?
  247. How to win againts a 3-3N-2-2
  248. how to beat 4-2-2-2
  249. How To Win
  250. How to beat 4-5-1 normal?