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  1. Suggestions on beating 5-1-3N-1
  2. How to Beat 4-1-1-3W (AML/C/R)-1???
  3. How to beat 3-4-3?
  4. Play Maker ! O.o
  5. Masking your tactics
  6. Beat 3-4-1-2 against stronger team
  7. 4-1-3-2 orders??
  8. Best tactic
  9. Need to win by 6!
  10. I need a win!
  11. how to beat 3n 3dml dmc dmr 2amc 2st
  12. replacement for 3N-4-1-2 tactics
  13. Facing a 2-1-4-3...no strikers??
  14. Counter for 4-2(DMC)-2(W)-1(AMC)-1
  15. How to beat 3n-1-3w-1-2
  16. How to beat 4-3w-1-2
  17. CL final - 3d-5mc-2st (3-5-2)
  18. Give a Tactics to counter 3-1-3-1-2 wide
  19. Cup Final!
  20. CL Final ! Counter 4 - 0DMC - 1 MC - 4(AML-AMC-AMC-AMR)-1 ? ^^
  21. Match to win league
  22. Against 3-3-2-1-1 Tree
  23. Against 3-2-2-3
  24. need help to counter 3(dl-dc-dr)-2(dmc)-1(mc)-2(aml-amr)-2(st)
  25. please help..how to counter 2(DC)-3(DML-DMC-DMR)-3(MC)-2(ST)
  26. Need help against 5-0-5-0 formation....
  27. Counter for 4-1-4-1
  28. Need help with 3-2-1-2-2
  29. Best formation
  30. help me. how to beat this formation
  31. how to beat this formation? Help Fast
  32. Top formation
  33. Big trouble are coming -_-
  34. how to beat?
  35. How to beat this? 3W-1-3N-2(AML/AMR)-1
  36. counter information against 4-1-3-2
  37. How against 442??
  38. 3-2-3-2 counter suggestions?
  39. Weird formation tips (2-3-2-2-1)
  40. Help for strange 4-1-3-1-1 formation ..
  41. help with tactics
  42. How to Beat This 3-1-2-2-2
  43. how to beat 3w-1-2-3w-1?
  44. Best formation with AML/AMR?
  45. i think the guy im playing in 5 hours currently has an illegal formation
  46. How to beat this formation???
  47. Irregular 4-1-3-1-1
  48. Beat 2(dc)-2(dmi-dmr)-2(mc)-2(aml-amr)-2st
  49. Counter for 4-1-3-2
  50. Cup and co games. Different home and away formations?
  51. How to beat 4-3n-2(Amc)-1
  52. what against 5:4:1
  53. vs bizzarre 4-1-2-2-1
  54. 4-5-1 v style
  55. How to beat 3-1-3-2-1
  56. Help!!!!!!!!!
  57. Ce formatie sa folosesc??
  58. smthng against 4-1-1-1-1 ? acutaly i see 10Player in squad
  59. smthng against 4-1-1-1-1 ? acutaly i see 10Player in squad
  60. ultimate 4-4-2
  61. Counter for 4 -2 MC - 2 AMC - 2 ST
  62. How to beat strange formation ..
  63. 3-4-1-2 wide
  64. Counter 3-3-2-1-1
  65. how to win
  66. help me at (3-1-4-2)
  67. help me from 16th stage in CL ...
  68. New counter for 4-5-1 flat: 4-3-3 with hard attacking
  69. orders for 4-3-1-2
  70. Counter for 2DC-DML/DMC/DMR-2MC-AMC-2ST????
  71. Counter 4-1-2-3
  72. Stronger 4-3-3
  73. Big problem in this season
  74. How to beat this?
  75. How can I beat a 4-2-3-1 formation?
  76. Counter formation 3dc-2dl/dr-2mc-1amc-2st!!!
  77. Red forward arrows on STs - when to use?
  78. against 4-2dmc-no midfield-3w-1
  79. Is this a good formation?
  80. Orders: Man to Man Marking and Long Ball Passing
  81. Orders for 4-1-2-2w-1
  82. How to beat 3w-5-2?
  83. against 4-4-2 ???
  84. I desperately need help :(
  85. which formation has been the best after the server breakdown?? HELP!!
  86. Melhores ordens.
  87. 19 goals - 0 conceded in champions league
  88. How to beat this guy 3-2-2-2-1 butterfly
  89. how to beat that weird
  90. 4-3-3
  91. How counter 4-2-2-2 (hexagon)
  92. How to figure out which formation is best for your squad...
  93. i need help...
  94. how to defeat how tactıc
  95. Vs 4-4-1-1
  96. How to counter 3N-1DMC-5-1ST
  97. How to defeat this guy? Irregular 3-4-1-2
  98. How i can play against this ?
  99. Counter against 4-3-1-2 narrow :)
  100. How to beat 5-1-2w-2 ?
  101. how to beat this weird formation 5-2-2-1
  102. 4-1-3-2
  103. Counter for 3W-2-3W-1-1?
  104. How to beat 4-2(MC)-3w(AMC/R/L)-1
  105. Orders for 4-1-2-2-1 wide
  106. How to beat strange 3w-1-2-2-2
  107. Best formation for my Squad
  108. help beating formation 3w - 1dmc - 1mc - 3w - 2
  109. Passing stile for 4-1-2-1-2 narrow diamond
  110. Park the bus
  111. 3w-2dmc-1 mc-2 (aml/amr)- 2 st counter
  112. Pls. Help me. How to beat 4 1 3n 2
  113. CL FINAL... Suggestions
  114. counter against 4-1-2-1-2?
  115. would a 3w-2-1-3-2 work?
  116. Help - Cup Final
  117. HELP - Champions League Final
  118. Cup final
  119. ...kinda fortress?
  120. 4-4-2 OP formation in general, or only this season?
  121. CUP: Chance to win the tripple - How to play vs. 4-1-1(RMC)-2(AMC/AML)-2?
  122. Beat 2-3-2-2-1
  123. How do I defeat this strange 3-3-2-2?
  124. Which formation will be perfect to beat this team?
  125. how to beat 2-3w-2-1-2?
  126. How to win with a great goal difference? ?
  127. Newbie needing assistance :)
  128. Tactics & orders
  129. I need Recommendation for tactics
  130. how to beat this formation ...
  131. How to beat 3-5V-2
  132. ilegal formation unwinnable
  133. How to beat 3N-1-3W-2(AMC)-1
  134. help, I do not win any more
  135. 1-2-5-1-1... How is this not an illegal formation?
  136. Help!!! i'm in the CL quarter finals
  137. 3-2-2-1-2 Team
  138. Orders for 4-1-2-3
  139. How can i win against this formation??? Please help!
  140. Counter against 5-1mc-2aml/amr-2?
  141. need help faast . against 4-2n-3w-1
  142. 4-2-3-1 tactics
  143. How to beat 3N-1DMC-2MC-3(AML, AMC, AMR)-1ST
  144. statistics of players
  145. Help me!!
  146. Cup! Urgent! How to counter 4-3w-1-2?
  147. My attackers can't score
  148. Enable counter Attacking and DEF
  149. Counter for this variant of 3-1-4-2
  150. advice
  151. Plan 4-2-3-1 how to face
  152. Keep losing HOME games....why ?
  153. How to beat 4-1-0-3w-2? urgent
  154. HELP PLEASE TO COUNTER RARE FORMATION... 3 w - 2 dmc - 1 mc - 2 amc - 2 st
  155. Please help?
  156. How to beat this... ?
  157. Help.
  158. HOW TO COUNTER RARE FORMATION 1dc - 4 dml/dmc/dmc/dmr - 3 mc - 2 st !!!
  159. how to beat 4-4-2
  160. Can't figure out what to do
  161. Weird formation
  162. What kind of formation is: 4-2(DMC)-1-2n(AMC)-1
  163. Which one is better?
  164. 4-5-1v vs 4-3-3
  165. Need some opinion pls
  166. Formation Visuals Please
  167. Top Eleven 2015 counter formations really works?
  168. Help! How to beat weird formation 2 dc - 3 (dml/dmc/dml) - 3 (ml/mc/mr) - 2 st
  169. ASAP: 5-2-2w-1. Lost 1st leg, HELP PLEASE ASAP!
  170. hello
  171. Up against 4-3-3 with a DR and 3 DCs
  172. 3-4-1-2 asymmetrical formation
  173. Beat 4-2-3-1
  174. Weird formation: 2-1-4-3
  175. Beat 3w-1-3w-1-2
  176. 3N-5-2 V-Style vs 4-2-2-2 Hexagon
  177. I see this system for the first time !
  178. need help with 3-2-2-1-2 offset
  179. how to beat 4-3n-2(MC)-1
  180. Help me masters!
  181. vs 3-1-3-2-1
  182. How can I defeat this?
  183. Strange formation! How can i win?
  184. Problem with a player
  185. How to beat a 5-2-3?
  186. 2-5-3 flat?????
  187. How to 4-2-1-3 narrow please help me
  188. up against this weird formation
  189. How to counter a stronger 3-4-3
  190. counter formation against 3n-1-2-3w-1
  191. 41212 wide diamond counter formation
  192. Counter formation for 4-4-2 :)
  193. Counter for 4132 very annoying somebody pls?
  194. opponents tactic not fully showing
  195. Some recommended formations/tactics
  196. counter against 4-1-2-1-2?
  197. Can flat five at the back be effective?
  198. How can i win against this formation??? Please help.
  199. 1-3-2-2-2
  200. how can i beat ...
  201. please help a lot.
  202. Ucl champ - i beat a hard weird formation --- 3n - 2 dmc - 3w - 2 st
  203. S.o.s!!! --- help me counter 3 n - 2 dmc - 3 ml/mc/mr - 2 st ucl final in 1 hour!
  204. Emergency!!! --- help me counter 3 n - 2 dmc - 3 ml/mc/mr - 2 st ucl final in 1 hour!
  205. CL Final Counter for 5-2-3 !!
  206. Help please!!! How to beat 3 dc—2 dmc—3 w—2 st ??? Champions league final!!!
  207. Counter 3dc-3dm-3mc-1st
  208. Help me! How to play against this weird formation at CL final
  209. Cup Final Counter
  210. Counter 4-1-2-2-1
  211. Strange formation. Please help?
  212. whats the best way to win big against 4-3n-3
  213. HOW TO BEAT 3n - 1 dmc - 2 ml/mr - 2 amc - 2 st — CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL!
  214. Counter Formations (Android App for you)
  215. a 4-3-3 counter ?
  216. How to counter 5 1 3 1
  217. I have no idea what to do
  218. 3n-1-2-1-3 narrow diamond
  219. What do you think of this formation?
  220. 3-4-3 what is that?
  221. Attacking Formation
  222. i lose all my games, any advice?
  223. Need a little Help to build my team
  224. Any ideas?
  225. best tatics for 4-1-3-1-1?
  226. Newbie needs help to survive 4-5V-1
  227. Help!!! How to beat... 4 dc - 2 mc - 1 amc - 3 st
  228. Tactics
  229. 4-1-4-1 and 4-4-2? Plz help me
  230. how good is this formation ?
  231. Vs 5-2mc-1amc-2
  232. 4-2-2-2 not hexagon
  233. Help conter
  234. I want a good formation for whole season
  235. A middle season drop ........ Again ........... offfffffffffffff nordeus
  236. Need some help with formation
  237. How to beat this tactic?
  238. Gameplay
  239. Counter against?
  240. please how can i beat 4213 ?
  241. Help with my formation - im loosing with weaker
  242. How to beat 4-5-1
  243. what about win bonces .......... please !!!!!!!!
  244. Ultra defensive formation - how to score
  245. how to beat this,,,
  246. How to beat 3n-2w-2n-2w-1 (Butterfly)
  247. orders for 4-1-2n-1-2
  249. Why can not I win?
  250. How beat this formation 4-1-2mc-2amc-1 ????