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  1. Barcelona kits and Emblem
  2. Tactics are meaningless.
  3. Help with Premium Special Abilities
  4. What do I do with a 21 y.o. fast trainer?
  5. Training help
  6. Stubborn
  7. how to purchase
  8. Easy manipulation
  9. Is 4-5-1V goog versus 3-1-2-1-3?
  10. How do I start my career in it?
  11. Special Sponsor Tips
  12. are fast trainer still a thing?
  13. Playing against an illegal formation
  14. How do i further increase his white skill?
  15. Are the training overviews of any use?
  16. Is it possible to play this game without watching ads ?
  17. Training Level Help
  18. no performence??
  19. The false back line .1423 formation
  20. Please i need advice on tactics for these formations
  21. strange behavior of my player in the game
  22. What features do the attributes have?
  23. How can I give/transfer the game ACC to my family members?
  24. How to beat asymmetric 4-1-2(MC-ML)-2N-1?
  25. Tactics Formation
  26. Know your opponent tactics easily!
  27. Join my friendly championship!!!!?
  28. Campionato amichevole Maradona D1OS
  29. Κωδικός
  30. Formation
  31. how do you guys progress and get better teams ?
  32. Help! 4-2-1-3
  33. Best drill sequence for St who also has Amr role
  34. The best advice you can give a new player
  35. How to beat strong 3n-1-3w-3w-0
  36. New Online Fast Trainers Calculator
  37. Counter Formation
  38. How to beat strong 2-2w-2-2w-1-1
  39. [Official] Playstyle Types
  40. Bonus System
  41. How to beat 3-1-2-3-1 wide formation?
  42. A simple question
  43. [Official] Football Associations Tutorial Video!
  44. [Official] Football Associations - New Swapping Mechanic!
  45. What's the best way to test GK performance in friendlies?
  46. Track Player Overall Rating by (13/15)
  47. Love it when it happens like that
  48. Get Top Eleven Tips
  49. Who should I train?
  50. Average quality explication
  51. Beat 3-4-3 or 3-4-1-2
  52. How to build a solid defense
  53. Problemas en entrenamiento
  54. Level 2 manager against level 3
  55. Mejor entrenamiento para ST
  56. Is my tactic considered as suicide?
  57. How is this possible?
  58. Who ?
  59. Trying to train/level up a single player
  60. can someone explain this
  61. How to preserve player energy
  62. What drills should I use?
  63. How to counter 4-1-3W-2
  64. Laptop Won't charge even connected to the charger?
  65. For new managers
  66. training calculator
  67. How many greens?
  68. Weather?
  69. Incredible stats
  70. How to beat 4-2-2-2 hex, 4-5-1v, 4-2-3-1
  71. Their is a problem, Nordeus.
  72. What did I do wrong? Some advices would be welcomed
  73. Troubleshooting ads for vacation packages
  74. Como adiciono meu amigo no jogo?
  75. Super Cup scores
  76. Obiettivi nascosti
  77. Official Bundles - wtf??
  78. Seasonal track-keeping on optimal ticket price and attendance
  79. Any advice to beat this team
  80. Ola amigos
  81. Is there a hidden attribute of a player who shines in big games?
  82. Internal programming of your Team
  83. Cup & CL finals tactical suggestions (if interested)
  84. Injuries 2015 Update
  85. My team can't win anymore
  86. Tactics to Finish Road to Glory
  87. Tactics
  88. How do you get fans to attend your games?
  89. Nordeus explain this super team.
  90. Where the fast traders in the auction
  91. How to save condition -experiment-
  92. Champions League
  93. Help me to come back this season
  94. Level
  95. The luck factor
  96. Verlies
  97. Why it is legal to create a mutant player?
  98. TRAINING - Share your drill sequences!
  99. AGE SLABS - Players Age Categories -Basics-
  100. A bunch of Notes about Dominant and contributive power
  101. List special coach - youth academy
  102. Support
  103. Contrarestar juego defensivo, con contras y por las bandas
  104. training players by position
  105. Training youth academy players with special sponsor coaches
  106. Train the 8th star
  107. slump without any explanation
  108. What are my chances?
  109. How do I get the 5% attendance bonus
  110. Secret Position - Shadow Striker
  111. Restart facebook account
  112. The "Rule of 4"
  113. How easiest way to train players to get new star
  114. Message to you all
  115. Habilidad a balon parado?
  116. Hello, I ask about 4-0-3w-1-2 , how can I play with it in my stadium?
  117. Should u buy new players before promotion am lvl 1 going up to lvl 2
  118. Team bonuses
  119. Eventos
  120. Question about percentage comparisons
  121. How to train a GK
  122. Kralların Kralı Hakkında
  123. Power training tool
  124. Unbeatable/Much Successful Formations and Orders
  125. Using AMC
  126. Join a strong association
  127. TE20 training calculator
  128. Beginner: Fast trainer / value Identification
  129. Counter formation- big cl game
  130. One-on-one Chances
  131. Tactics
  132. Multi position players - pro and cons
  133. Como devo jogar?
  134. Advise on counter to 4-1-2-3 AML/AMR
  135. Strikers Seasonal Form UP & Down
  136. Question about the season
  137. when to counter attack?
  138. Reto Pichici
  139. Orders of 3N-3W-2-1-1
  140. How to avoid this?
  141. More instructions
  142. Pls Help Me! Thx!
  143. When is the good time to buy and sell players?
  144. How to get Jose Mourinho to support your team for an important match?
  145. How do we know who is the good players instead of Fast Trainer?
  146. Tokens
  147. Can anyone help me?
  148. How to beat an irritating tanker?
  149. join our league 002jbe the average is 6 stars
  150. FORMATION TO COUNTER 4-2-1-3 No Striker please??
  151. What are white skills in T11?
  152. TRAINING CALCULATOR 2020 Ed. &Various Forms of Interest
  153. Difference between DC and DL/DR in a 3-man backline
  154. Counter formation please
  155. Training
  156. Help me pliss!!!
  157. Help w Stronger team. 4-1 -2-2-1 AMR and AML
  158. Help! How to counter a weird formation 1-3-1-1-4
  159. Man-to-Man Marking and Offside Trao
  160. New player, everything i must know - training, formation, tactic!!! For dummys(me)
  161. Counter for 3-3-1-3
  162. Negociations with other levels?
  163. Counter-formation for 2-3-2-2-1
  164. Jose Mourinho 5% support
  165. 4-5-1v vs 4-3-3 false 9
  166. Good positions to give the 2nd special ability to
  167. Help! Against 4-3-3-0! A formation without ST????
  168. Help needed to counter this formation 3-2-2-3 ?
  169. How to increase the tokens ?
  170. How to avoid ties?
  171. a formation with seven midfielders
  172. How to beat all opponent new EVENT Top eleven 2020 vs FIVE Boroughs SC
  173. Who is the best top Eleven youtuber teacher
  174. i have a question does the 4-2-4 formation really work
  175. Any tips to not match with super strong teams at start of season
  176. Top Eleven 2020 Beginner's Guide from Level Winner
  177. Player bonus
  178. Training mr goal keepers.
  179. 请问受伤后可以自行恢复
  180. How to counter 3 DC
  182. 4 New achievements revealed!
  183. SETTINGS - Guide How to Spot the oppos settings by Khris
  184. Playing without a ST
  185. Question, guys
  186. How can I improve players fast?
  187. There is a contradiction in something I do not understand
  188. Fast Trainers Finder
  189. Assistant Manager -How to manipulate his offers
  190. Tipps/Tricks of the Top 10 Associations
  191. is this tactic good
  192. A scientific approach to the all-new youth academy
  193. Morale on Fire mini guide
  194. Training skills past 180%
  195. Best time to buy a player at auctions
  196. The Myth of good and bad players
  197. Tutorials for New Players (videos)
  198. New season values
  199. Top Eleven WIKI -external site link-
  200. Training or Buy players ..
  201. Young Players
  202. Some basic training guides
  203. Experiment: Sub' the GK
  204. 10% Team Bonuses
  205. Overall Rating or White Skills?
  206. Good counter for a 3N 3N 4 Formation
  207. Experimental Thread: The Dynamic Ratings and an attempt to Manipulate them
  208. What about ... youth players?
  209. Εfficient Training
  210. Goalkeepers - is there any way to train for best results ?
  211. Are the ML/MR positions wasted?
  212. Counter Orders: what do you do when you think your opponent is doing X?
  213. how to counter 3w-1-3w-2w-1
  214. Introduction
  215. How to buy a player
  216. Problem with Building up my Mutant
  217. How to prepare for new season? (Suggestions needed)
  218. Counter 4231
  219. Live Animation On or Off? Pros && Cons!!!!
  220. Need inputs.
  221. Counter Tactics, Need Urgent Help😀
  222. Old Wiki restored
  223. What to do with Older players?
  224. position
  225. Special ability training
  226. Keep loosing. Need help.
  227. Counter tactis! Need help!
  228. Need some help with training players.
  229. France tour mini guide
  230. Following the top of the Server 38-222
  231. Urgent help. Hw can I improve these players
  232. I have discovered a new formation for those who have been struggling lately.
  233. How do you set arrows on MacBook
  234. New position
  235. Maths 101. How many free rest packs do you get per season?
  236. Question about rests & training.
  237. Perfect MC
  238. Train the players
  239. Developing legendary player
  240. Is Powertraining a waste of time?
  241. ST Abilities: Freekick specialist vs. One-on-one scorer
  242. Need advice and guidance for managing team with a lot of resources
  243. prefered formation and style
  244. Pressing/Marking
  245. Any tips on how to get more money?
  246. A small guide to build and maintain a 90+ squad with special abilities (SA)
  247. Test of MoM and High pressure.
  248. Guide by Khris - How to read an scenario?
  249. Managerlevel 1, Season 2 preparation
  250. Cup 2nd leg help