- I invited my friend, he registered and it didnt count as a referral?
- wrong match times
- Server problem, could not log in
- Maint
- I played by game server and loss very important match!!!
- Huge problem after a match!!!
- 2-0... server shut down... then 1-5
- Match problem!!!
- Direct Transfers
- WTF ... all friends became anonymos... and all pictures erased
- nordeus game card
- transfer problems
- Sold a player and did not receive the funds!!!
- My team is disappeared
- flag
- cup and champions league rewards
- auction stuck
- Token Delay
- lost my tokens
- WTF !?? (Problem while buying a player)
- The game don't work
- bid button grey-ed!
- :mad: Not getting my daily tokens ????
- problem with post on facebook
- Server might be down for maintenance, please try again later !
- server problems... again!
- Special Abilities
- Problem with buying Token
- tokens
- 2 games witin 30 minutes?
- Mega bugggggggggggggggggg
- Where's my goalkeeper? Give back to me!
- My brother and I can't see eachothers games
- Pratfall after the substitution
- Problem with watching friends matches
- Bug multiple value of array element property slot?
- Leaving Facebook
- Negative tokens !!
- Game out of sync?
- Where are my tokens?
- game notloading
- Extremy low shot eficiency ..
- Spectators/crowd
- At least 2 injury daily??!!!
- the problem with connection
- Why you dont add sounds to the game , it will be better !!??/
- Problem Token
- Either guide or game bug
- I can't connect Top eleven with my mobile phone.
- No Bid button
- Rewards for surveys/sign ups/watching adverts not working
- Where are my tokens?
- Buuuug!!! Help me asap!
- connection problem
- Player bought
- Bidding
- Problem connecting server
- I can not enter since Monday
- Lost some friends in Top Eleven!
- Transfer bug
- Live game score bug?
- android
- Wait and Deadline errors on transfer auction
- My team only have 20% posesion since 2nd leage
- Tokens by videos
- Can someone help me?
- Jersey bug
- Different prizes for the Cup?
- win auction, playes ir not in my list.
- Account reset
- Now TV tokens not delivered
- Negotiation Tranfers
- About 1 week and the game won't start . need help please :)
- Friends' Fixtures
- 5 star player is not appear on transfer window
- T-shirt not selecting
- Help so frustrated!!!!
- "free tockens"
- No game and 1 goal
- Trikot token lost
- iPhone issue
- Why my token is gone?????
- She took my money with a cell phone and did not get tokens
- Game not loading
- Crash meant lost red boosters
- incomplete squad?
- Top eleven sucks ass 2day
- Game Crashes when i press tokens
- Can't bid on 4-3 star players.. HELP!
- New Phone - Free tapjoy tokens dont work - Please Help
- bug game
- change my server
- Save option glitching on my game
- time between matches.
- Please clarify relation between skill progress and gained skill points
- Can't access News
- man of the match bug
- Bug! I do not see the tactics of the enemy
- Prize Money
- Can't see my facebook friend's matches
- Why can't you make Top Eleven available on windows phone????
- Creating young players
- 00:00:00 bug
- How to divide the league team in one season
- I think this is not right...!
- Match overview bug
- Bog or WTF?!
- my friend can't see my game and i can't see my friend game. why?
- Tokens problems in the Negotiations
- Bug: Result from last match switched
- Problems with the auctions
- Admin please help! Can Only Log in via Facebook on my phone
- poor support
- Very angry because of disabled bidding button!!
- The game doesn't load for 4 days now!
- i started a new season and my players lost their gained stars
- Can't Bid
- I can't give skill point to atack in some players
- เข้าเกมไม่ได้ I can't join a game.
- top eleven fb keep loading=.=
- Still can't log in 24 hours later
- Bidding button disappeared!
- No Tokens from referral bonuses.
- Player disappeared.
- Cant enter top eleven on fb?
- Unable to change Jersey
- Balls Problem
- Post Photo to Facebook doesn't work
- My Friend's matches
- Extremely Peeved!
- enchère
- Bidding - Dropouts
- Problem with injured players
- Player disappeared.
- Mysterious 3rd Bidder in Round 1
- Pictures
- Buy tokens
- Wtf is wrong with the time?
- Help anonymous again !!!
- Problem with connecting with facebook
- Lost match from the last...
- Bought 500 tokens. Didn't add my total tokens and it shows -193tokens...
- 3 points
- only get 1 gift but?
- token with inkclub !
- Bug: Control percent always 20/80.
- I can login at website but can't load to server
- Bought player but transfer failed?
- How is this possible?
- Problem with topeleve.com site
- tokens not received
- Haven't got any spectators attending my games
- Not receiving gifts or game rewards
- You are thieves !!!!!!
- always got higher level team in CUP Match than mine. frustrating, fix it!!!!!!!!!!!
- I stopped getting alerts for games on my Android
- Loss in a draw
- Possession imbalance and wrong scores
- spectators money
- Wtf thats not real injurys
- Win Tokens
- Player sent off, yet my team has 11 players on the field
- Bug concerning youth school improvements
- Cannot log in to Top Eleven via computer
- Android cant connect to fb
- token
- Friends
- The best team in lague at 8. position.
- Lost all the token, cash and packs
- More then 11 players on the pitch?
- Bug In My Friends's Fixtures
- injustice
- i scored 2 goals but it dont shows on scoreline and result!
- I can't find my country in the list
- I bought tokens and didn't get them!
- Can a club exceed its budget to buy a player?
- Problem on auction
- Can't assign skill points on players
- Recovering the game on another phone
- Token purchase problem
- why
- This thread is written for the administrators..
- Buy Token
- cash shop
- wtf about my accout and a player that was in auction??
- Bidder!
- Loosing auctions because of server issues
- Bug Transfer Player
- Got a whole different team this season
- Hiii ,,, I Need To Support And Play With My Friends !!!
- Error buying in-app purchase!!!
- more than week didnt get gift, please help!
- Problem with Bonus tokens for inviting friends.
- Error code 1
- What server am I on?
- Login error on Android phone with Facebook account
- Help Me and My Friend Please :/
- Bids not staying registered?
- Cannot buy Token with SUPER REWARDS (by SMS)!!!
- me not any of the tran the beginning of the your me for equity effect for them?
- token problem
- Knockout rounds seems not working fine
- Help no gift no friends !!!!
- Can't logging in from iPhone and data plan.
- Probléme amis
- Supersonic Vids problem
- seems i'm not logged in
- Problems in synchronozing
- Transfer problem
- Can't buy tokens anymore
- Tokens stolen
- Delay
- Help me :( !
- help me,help me,plz
- Friends Problem
- account
- Tokens
- Help
- No gift :(
- No I have friends in T11
- I cant receive gifts from my friends
- nao recebi os tokens
- Help !!!!!!
- Now i cant connect to this game and i found it T-T
- Why I can't confirm the offer of the negotiations?
- i was buying a player
- My friends are missing from my friend list and I'm playing as an Anonymous
- Wage problem causing
- About Transfers
- My ST skill point can't be added...why?
- Friends disappeared from Friends List
- Ingresar mediante android - Login using android
- Iphone vs. Android
- lost tokeno,o
- bug to make offer
- Why i cant support my friends team?
- different market for every user???
- I can not connect to the server
- Cup question
- Ayuda
- Can i link the team i created on android to my fb account?
- problème de ligue
- can i play with my team if i reinstall app on android?
- Why My Token Minus?
- Video money
- I cannot assign skill points
- sponsorpay downloads not giving out token rewards
- I find the application and twitter messages
- Why I can not see lso matches my facebook friends?
- cash und token videos dont run