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  1. Two results for a same match.
  2. Previous match report doesnt show up.
  3. Glitch 200+ player
  4. Red star dublin cant connect since sunday
  5. Daily Update Issues - August 18 - No League Table; Condition Reset
  6. Didnt get top goalscorer bonus
  7. In Game help is USELESS!
  8. Appearance bug
  9. Special Sponsor: Top recruiter bug
  10. 15th of 15 attendances didn't register for Special Sponsor
  11. I can’t claim my Friendly championship reward
  12. I lost 30 rest packs without reason!
  13. special sponsor is gone
  14. Associations Matching BUG!
  15. 0 Spectators in Cup matches
  16. Income from Friendlies bug??
  17. Game keeps sending notifications for messages from the Support that I already read.
  18. My friend disappeared and we can't support each other :/
  19. Start 3 matches with bonuses at max
  20. haksız yenilgi aldım. NORDEUS TINLAMIYOR
  21. Shame on you (8th august)
  22. Workover Match
  23. Special Sponsor task: Optimal team bonus bug
  24. Trouble with home games attendance
  25. again... match details are gone once again...
  27. Cant load URL..help me please..
  28. GK jersey selection doesn't work and disconnects
  29. Special sponsor & Youth Acadamy
  30. King of kings challenging lagging really bad
  31. Everything disappear - New bug
  32. Android - No Club Menu, No way to exit tutorial.
  33. ANNOUNCEMENT - Walkover Matches - 8th August - Details
  34. Verbände
  35. Special Sponsor and Youth Academy Bug
  36. the logo icon still shows the old 10th birthday logo
  37. Special Sponsor issue
  38. Complain to nobody
  39. it doesn't grow when I train new role
  40. Training 2 positions same time help
  41. Friends BUG ?
  42. Error not able to watch any League game
  43. need help , game constantly keeps on crashing over and over again
  44. top eleven always crashing while trying to invite friends in a friendly championship
  45. Faults, faults and more
  46. please help , i'm not able to join a friendly championship
  47. Preseason Notification
  48. Events - Friendly championship, can't CLAIM awards! HELP!
  49. Fix the glitches
  50. Can anyone explain why the game says I finished 2nd?
  51. Special Sponsor
  52. Green pack video bug, how can we report?
  53. lag on web
  54. Cant connect Facebook
  55. “No Internet Connection”
  56. The match is finished and results of match will be available soon error.
  57. Youth academy player head coach(x3.2) bug
  58. T11 problem
  59. Impotent support as usual
  60. Academy bug or sponsor bug?
  61. Patrocinador Especial
  62. Special Sponsor doesn't award the 50 points for finishing a new role for a player.
  63. a special sponsor did not give the x20 coach !!! I won this award !!
  64. No tokens :(
  65. I didnt get the tokens i bought
  66. Is the game down?
  67. Academy numbers BUG
  68. Special Sponsor Rewards and Tasks issues
  69. Free Tokens
  70. Special Sponsor Rewards bug
  71. Can't load the game
  72. Academy special sponsor position trainer not fixed.
  73. Special sponsor
  74. Special Sponsor is not available on my account, I can't see the event
  75. Cách sắp xếp hiệp hội
  76. Game will not load
  77. Not able to log in
  78. Association matches not shown in fixture
  79. Long-existing and new visual bugs on live match highlights
  80. No he recibido el premio pichichi
  81. game freezes on friendly championship window
  82. Special sponsor players cant be claimed
  83. Videos boosters
  84. Green pack free bug
  85. Where to check my fanbase + attendees?
  86. Training bug
  87. Bug & Technical problem? Very important, from special event interest with Prizes?
  88. Bug
  89. Confirmed BUG 21 June 2020- Cup walkover, didn't even play
  90. I can't play cups matches
  91. Notifications iPhone
  92. Please remove the facebook connection with Top Eleven
  93. My game is always stuck saying "loading" on the web page
  94. [ANNOUNCEMENT] Special Sponsor Youth Academy Rewards Issues - Coaches Applied
  95. Can anybody explain to me
  96. My player new position training reset itself after 49.
  97. Issue with the attendance
  98. in 4 minutes there is going to be a top 11 crash ! lmao
  99. Substituion
  100. How EVENTS **** on your season quadruple dreams
  101. Friendly championship event and Association match schedule/Preview gone
  102. King of Kings event disappeared
  103. Issue after finish event
  104. King of the kings second phase
  105. need very fast help
  106. Event Disappeared
  107. I haven't have videos of the suitcases.
  108. Taraftar Sorunu
  109. Bug ?
  110. I'm putting this here before the match
  111. game ended
  112. Association games lagging
  113. Special sponsor: Didn’t get reward
  114. Friendly championship
  115. Video very big problem
  116. Live Match Issues - Match Reports/Substitutions
  117. Italian Tour NOT FIXED YET
  118. Website log with Facebook NOT working
  119. Video Playback Error
  120. Do you have to go in and out of the games often to see the videos?
  121. Issue connecting to Facebook
  122. Italy tour is BROKEN
  123. Button to Chose between Accounts disappear (Google/Facebook)
  124. Association friendly game not possible
  125. Wrong score/match
  126. The Game is not loading again on PC.
  127. 2X Training, Free Training, Treatment and $ Video advert are not working.
  128. Video problems - Problemas nos videos
  129. Match Attendance and Match Report
  130. Game not loading on PC
  131. Game disconnected me before kick off and the match was never played
  132. Easy League Bug
  133. I bought a player and disappear
  134. Can't join the match
  135. Purchased Player MIssing from Squad
  136. Auction player
  137. Level Up issue
  138. TV Rights contract is shown wrong days.
  139. Didn't get the 100 tokens
  140. Bug match players rewards
  141. Match bonus time not working properly
  142. Bugs and Bugs ( Bonus Bug + substitution not done)
  143. Managers on same Server
  144. Bug when pausing new position training
  145. Help please
  146. Awanse
  147. Unequal Matchmaking
  148. Cannot load match preview
  149. can't claim friendly championship reward
  150. No skill progress on matches! Help pls!
  151. Players sold but money not received
  152. unable to get 2x bonuses or free green packs
  153. Association match no start
  154. I need assistance
  155. On Fire Broken?
  156. Top eleven not linking to facebook
  157. 10 Years of Disgrace
  158. Cant link to Facebook
  159. Match reports not available.
  160. Connection interrupted or lost
  161. Free rest ads won't load
  162. Special Sponsor event + Bad technical support
  163. i can't to schedule any friendly matches at all
  164. Top scorers
  165. Connection error after sending thanks to supporters. (minor bug)
  166. Problems with free video rewards
  167. Top scorers bug
  168. Game bug on 10/05
  169. Hello
  170. Hello
  171. Feedback
  172. Cannot get free token
  173. Přišel jsem o první místo v lize
  174. Problems in Friendly Championship
  175. Times does not match
  176. Will there really be a restriction of 4 games per day?
  177. Champions match lost by a weaker team and impossible to view match
  178. Admin I am still awaiting a solution!!!
  179. 1 + 1 “ On fire” not working.
  180. anyone else had server problems there?
  181. Misterious results
  182. change system
  183. Friendly Matches
  184. [Announcement] Connectivity Issues - May 10
  185. Referral rewards!!
  186. Some problems with the health of my players after the game and Special Sponsor tasks
  187. i can't buy rests!
  188. This is important - top eleven
  189. Issue in moving players
  190. I deleted the data from my phone - got guest profile
  191. Etkinlik hatasi Şampiyonlarin Kralı hile
  192. Server down?
  193. Videos not crediting with green/+15%
  194. BUG Sponsor Event Task: Level Up (Gain a Star)?
  195. Objetcs from Friends Bug?
  196. Player Sell Issue
  197. King of kings games not starting
  198. Getting really pissed
  199. TP bonus issue....again
  200. game won't charge since launch of KIngs Challenge Final
  201. Cant Connect connect account to facebook account
  202. Substitution doesn't happen
  203. Notifications issue
  204. New Event "Special Sponsor" does not appear
  205. Stat Bonus After match
  206. Top Eleven (Nordeus) - Cheating
  207. Have that bug for few matches
  208. Performance issue
  209. I just bought a new player through the observer but the player changed completely
  210. Videos.
  211. Big issue!can’t log in!
  212. i haven't re received my association rewards
  213. Problem with matchs
  214. Can't play friendly games vs most people
  215. Two matches at the same time (?)
  216. Server down
  217. Appearance after Latest Update
  218. Fix bug
  219. Matches 2 minutes apart!
  220. League match error
  221. Accomplished token app
  222. Dernek
  223. Fixtures Screen/FA Draw Not Loading
  224. Two matches at the same time!
  225. THIS IS NORMAL ? FINAL 155% VS 112% lvl 3
  226. Train bonuses
  227. Page not redirecting correctly
  228. Can’t sell players through negotiations
  229. Transfer
  230. Player positions
  231. Achievement stuck and always loading
  232. Can not manage asso match
  233. How to Report a player?
  234. I can not get in the game
  235. This is annoying...
  236. Cannot load other live matches
  237. Google play game issue
  238. probleme mit dem tablet im spiel!! anzeigen verschoben...
  239. Vídeos gratuitos para recompensas
  240. League match not played
  241. Attandence bug?
  242. Association game not scheduled
  243. Special Sponsor - Stage 8 1st Special Ability messed up
  244. king of champion
  245. Set my device back?
  246. Ads Don't load
  247. Did not get achivement for sending officiall
  248. Special sponsor
  249. Lost 4% training bonus in a day
  250. iOS app became ugly-looking too