- Two results for a same match.
- Previous match report doesnt show up.
- Glitch 200+ player
- Red star dublin cant connect since sunday
- Daily Update Issues - August 18 - No League Table; Condition Reset
- Didnt get top goalscorer bonus
- In Game help is USELESS!
- Appearance bug
- Special Sponsor: Top recruiter bug
- 15th of 15 attendances didn't register for Special Sponsor
- I can’t claim my Friendly championship reward
- I lost 30 rest packs without reason!
- special sponsor is gone
- Associations Matching BUG!
- 0 Spectators in Cup matches
- Income from Friendlies bug??
- Game keeps sending notifications for messages from the Support that I already read.
- My friend disappeared and we can't support each other :/
- Start 3 matches with bonuses at max
- haksız yenilgi aldım. NORDEUS TINLAMIYOR
- Shame on you (8th august)
- Workover Match
- Special Sponsor task: Optimal team bonus bug
- Trouble with home games attendance
- again... match details are gone once again...
- Cant load URL..help me please..
- GK jersey selection doesn't work and disconnects
- Special sponsor & Youth Acadamy
- King of kings challenging lagging really bad
- Everything disappear - New bug
- Android - No Club Menu, No way to exit tutorial.
- ANNOUNCEMENT - Walkover Matches - 8th August - Details
- Verbände
- Special Sponsor and Youth Academy Bug
- the logo icon still shows the old 10th birthday logo
- Special Sponsor issue
- Complain to nobody
- it doesn't grow when I train new role
- Training 2 positions same time help
- Friends BUG ?
- Error not able to watch any League game
- need help , game constantly keeps on crashing over and over again
- top eleven always crashing while trying to invite friends in a friendly championship
- Faults, faults and more
- please help , i'm not able to join a friendly championship
- Preseason Notification
- Events - Friendly championship, can't CLAIM awards! HELP!
- Fix the glitches
- Can anyone explain why the game says I finished 2nd?
- Special Sponsor
- Green pack video bug, how can we report?
- lag on web
- Cant connect Facebook
- “No Internet Connection”
- The match is finished and results of match will be available soon error.
- Youth academy player head coach(x3.2) bug
- T11 problem
- Impotent support as usual
- Academy bug or sponsor bug?
- Patrocinador Especial
- Special Sponsor doesn't award the 50 points for finishing a new role for a player.
- a special sponsor did not give the x20 coach !!! I won this award !!
- No tokens :(
- I didnt get the tokens i bought
- Is the game down?
- Academy numbers BUG
- Special Sponsor Rewards and Tasks issues
- Free Tokens
- Special Sponsor Rewards bug
- Can't load the game
- Academy special sponsor position trainer not fixed.
- Special sponsor
- Special Sponsor is not available on my account, I can't see the event
- Cách sắp xếp hiệp hội
- Game will not load
- Not able to log in
- Association matches not shown in fixture
- Long-existing and new visual bugs on live match highlights
- No he recibido el premio pichichi
- game freezes on friendly championship window
- Special sponsor players cant be claimed
- Videos boosters
- Green pack free bug
- Where to check my fanbase + attendees?
- Training bug
- Bug & Technical problem? Very important, from special event interest with Prizes?
- Bug
- Confirmed BUG 21 June 2020- Cup walkover, didn't even play
- I can't play cups matches
- Notifications iPhone
- Please remove the facebook connection with Top Eleven
- My game is always stuck saying "loading" on the web page
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Special Sponsor Youth Academy Rewards Issues - Coaches Applied
- Can anybody explain to me
- My player new position training reset itself after 49.
- Issue with the attendance
- in 4 minutes there is going to be a top 11 crash ! lmao
- Substituion
- How EVENTS **** on your season quadruple dreams
- Friendly championship event and Association match schedule/Preview gone
- King of Kings event disappeared
- Issue after finish event
- King of the kings second phase
- need very fast help
- Event Disappeared
- I haven't have videos of the suitcases.
- Taraftar Sorunu
- Bug ?
- I'm putting this here before the match
- game ended
- Association games lagging
- Special sponsor: Didn’t get reward
- Friendly championship
- Video very big problem
- Live Match Issues - Match Reports/Substitutions
- Italian Tour NOT FIXED YET
- Website log with Facebook NOT working
- Video Playback Error
- Do you have to go in and out of the games often to see the videos?
- Issue connecting to Facebook
- Italy tour is BROKEN
- Button to Chose between Accounts disappear (Google/Facebook)
- Association friendly game not possible
- Wrong score/match
- The Game is not loading again on PC.
- 2X Training, Free Training, Treatment and $ Video advert are not working.
- Video problems - Problemas nos videos
- Match Attendance and Match Report
- Game not loading on PC
- Game disconnected me before kick off and the match was never played
- Easy League Bug
- I bought a player and disappear
- Can't join the match
- Purchased Player MIssing from Squad
- Auction player
- Level Up issue
- TV Rights contract is shown wrong days.
- Didn't get the 100 tokens
- Bug match players rewards
- Match bonus time not working properly
- Bugs and Bugs ( Bonus Bug + substitution not done)
- Managers on same Server
- Bug when pausing new position training
- Help please
- Awanse
- Unequal Matchmaking
- Cannot load match preview
- can't claim friendly championship reward
- No skill progress on matches! Help pls!
- Players sold but money not received
- unable to get 2x bonuses or free green packs
- Association match no start
- I need assistance
- On Fire Broken?
- Top eleven not linking to facebook
- 10 Years of Disgrace
- Cant link to Facebook
- Match reports not available.
- Connection interrupted or lost
- Free rest ads won't load
- Special Sponsor event + Bad technical support
- i can't to schedule any friendly matches at all
- Top scorers
- Connection error after sending thanks to supporters. (minor bug)
- Problems with free video rewards
- Top scorers bug
- Game bug on 10/05
- Hello
- Hello
- Feedback
- Cannot get free token
- Přišel jsem o první místo v lize
- Problems in Friendly Championship
- Times does not match
- Will there really be a restriction of 4 games per day?
- Champions match lost by a weaker team and impossible to view match
- Admin I am still awaiting a solution!!!
- 1 + 1 “ On fire” not working.
- anyone else had server problems there?
- Misterious results
- change system
- Friendly Matches
- [Announcement] Connectivity Issues - May 10
- Referral rewards!!
- Some problems with the health of my players after the game and Special Sponsor tasks
- i can't buy rests!
- This is important - top eleven
- Issue in moving players
- I deleted the data from my phone - got guest profile
- Etkinlik hatasi Şampiyonlarin Kralı hile
- Server down?
- Videos not crediting with green/+15%
- BUG Sponsor Event Task: Level Up (Gain a Star)?
- Objetcs from Friends Bug?
- Player Sell Issue
- King of kings games not starting
- Getting really pissed
- TP bonus issue....again
- game won't charge since launch of KIngs Challenge Final
- Cant Connect connect account to facebook account
- Substitution doesn't happen
- Notifications issue
- New Event "Special Sponsor" does not appear
- Stat Bonus After match
- Top Eleven (Nordeus) - Cheating
- Have that bug for few matches
- Performance issue
- I just bought a new player through the observer but the player changed completely
- Videos.
- Big issue!can’t log in!
- i haven't re received my association rewards
- Problem with matchs
- Can't play friendly games vs most people
- Two matches at the same time (?)
- Server down
- Appearance after Latest Update
- Fix bug
- Matches 2 minutes apart!
- League match error
- Accomplished token app
- Dernek
- Fixtures Screen/FA Draw Not Loading
- Two matches at the same time!
- THIS IS NORMAL ? FINAL 155% VS 112% lvl 3
- Train bonuses
- Page not redirecting correctly
- Can’t sell players through negotiations
- Transfer
- Player positions
- Achievement stuck and always loading
- Can not manage asso match
- How to Report a player?
- I can not get in the game
- This is annoying...
- Cannot load other live matches
- Google play game issue
- probleme mit dem tablet im spiel!! anzeigen verschoben...
- Vídeos gratuitos para recompensas
- League match not played
- Attandence bug?
- Association game not scheduled
- Special Sponsor - Stage 8 1st Special Ability messed up
- king of champion
- Set my device back?
- Ads Don't load
- Did not get achivement for sending officiall
- Special sponsor
- Lost 4% training bonus in a day
- iOS app became ugly-looking too