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  1. [Announcement] UPDATED - Login Issues - iOS - 9 Apr
  2. Cant run the game
  3. Cannot login
  4. New event special sponsor turkish translate mistake !!
  5. Problemas with trainings
  6. Ads don work! :(
  7. Special Sponsor 10% shooting not in??!!
  8. Bug Especial Sponsor
  9. Appearance of Matches
  10. I buy my loan player but i was release
  11. Mom
  12. Special sponsor friendly match not completing
  13. Some??
  14. Numerous bugs on Firefox
  15. Bug buying the loan player obtained in special sponsor live event
  16. Log in with facebook
  17. Error in the game
  18. Getting new star without being on fire
  19. Miss Wendy
  20. “Payment pending” on IOS
  21. Trainng Screen on Laptop Doesn't display players names
  22. Classification bug
  23. Lost account
  24. Selling players bug?
  25. Wrong position in live match
  26. 0 friends
  27. there is a bug with friends fixtures.
  28. Quality can affect you negatively
  29. Youth academy bug
  30. Somehow game centre login session has expired and cannot access of account
  31. Can't connect to server.
  32. Game not loading on Safari
  33. Fyber didn't give me my tokens
  34. Lots of bugs in the association
  35. Çıkan Oyuncum Kırmızı Kart Yedi
  36. Ads are not working.
  37. Fire morale
  38. Rests and Morale booster ads not available
  39. Our association members on the wrong side!
  40. When Support ignores you
  41. Top eleven - shamrock cup
  42. Facebook issue
  43. Match time error
  44. Friends fixtures troubles
  45. Can’t buy Monthly Card!
  46. all of my opponent's league matches have never been played yet
  47. No Videos
  48. Special event, special sponsor
  49. No one buys my players?!
  50. Cant create friendly associations
  51. 199 unread chat messages
  52. condition ... again ...
  53. Can you explain?
  54. Referral not working for me
  55. Watching ads for bonuses
  56. iron source is an absolute joke
  57. looks like i'm not able to go to tapjoy anymore
  58. IOS TE app crashing
  59. x2 training
  60. My players dont sell in auctions anymore
  61. Lost connection
  62. association matches bug!
  63. Auctions not available for over an hour
  64. Special Sponsor not to see.
  65. Youth players
  66. Another problem with greens/rests
  67. Special support bonus doesn’t work
  68. lower the star of the player
  69. New event bug?
  70. Bug
  71. Cannot join top scorer event
  72. Recommended player disappeared
  73. buggy chat notification
  74. Player isn't growing anymore after the update.
  75. Players not selling
  76. [Announcement] Important - Follow Up to Issues from March 1st
  77. Association Captain Issue
  78. what about my rest packs?
  79. [Announcement] UPDATED - Known Issues/Training Issue - 1 March
  80. Players condition
  81. Issues with the new season
  82. Cannot get into game
  83. Defect bug
  84. FB issue log in?
  85. Error en mi resultado final
  86. Player with talent free kicks doesn't score
  87. Asso notification bug
  88. Players atributs
  89. Game results not same in live game and in game statistics
  90. Supporting twice
  91. Connection error
  92. Association problem
  93. Wrong Champions League table position
  94. FB login issue
  95. Facebook Login Problem
  96. failed server
  97. Daily ads problem
  98. Formation Problems
  99. Wierd visual bug on game Highlights page
  100. Payment made, tokens have not been added
  101. Tại sao đăng nhập vào Top eleven không được?
  102. Latency problem
  103. Auctions bug or new feature?
  104. Payment problem help!
  105. My 3 hour rest time resets each time I log on
  106. No association tokens
  107. rest pack
  108. Facebook problem
  109. Can't make a sub in final Asso match 1st leg.
  110. Ads loading issue for packs
  111. Rest
  112. Lunar event issue
  113. Cannot enter association game
  114. Match has not been rated
  115. Tokens
  116. Can’t open the game???
  117. Association rewards
  118. top eleven on facebook
  119. server down
  120. Associations klatrzed again...
  121. Comment of the as.manager about training
  122. Cup Opponents Level
  123. Help is this right or what's happened x40 intensive coach only gained 7.7 perc
  124. Watching friends games, unable to
  125. Token and Club Icon
  126. Disappeared chips
  127. Pay me back, dident get the tokens i paid for!!!!
  128. Purchase official item
  129. Connection Issues - 19 Dec
  130. Cannot play challenge
  131. Facebook Log Error in Andriod 9 - Xioami A1
  132. Top Eleven, answer me and give the tokens.
  133. GMAIL Recommendation -Link Facebook T11 accounts to Gmail Please
  134. Taking a player off of auction list
  135. Low on memory computer, the web page of TOP Eleven???
  136. Still missing the bonus for the bomber
  137. Association stars visual
  138. No rewards from association
  139. Redeem error
  140. Log In Issue
  141. TE 2020 bugs
  142. Missin token
  143. associations bug 1/12
  144. match start - min ago= lose
  145. Match details error
  146. game is live and is not notifying me about the start of the match
  147. Advertisement videos abort sometimes
  148. The contracts are not renewable
  149. Facebook login error
  150. Daily x2 training
  151. Goal stolen !
  152. Serious bug
  153. Ugh It is always 11 morales needed
  154. matches not being played - teams has 15 fit and eligible players
  155. matches delay
  156. [Announcement] Log in issues - 28th of October
  157. Evening Associations Live Match Frozen For Long Periods (Live Screen Like On Pause)
  158. New Day Not Started Yet (Sunday 27/10/2019)
  159. Lost Connections (Server Down)
  160. New Event and the bugs are already reach us !
  161. Team training bonus not working
  162. Can't Join Matches As Spectator on PC
  163. Info display area goes black after auction wins and training level ups
  164. Connection error
  165. Time of games is broken
  166. Season 124 bugs
  167. Daily maintenance not finished
  168. Boosting Morale Not Working Despite That Blue Packs Were Deducted
  169. Can't see opponents in Association games
  170. [Announcement] Shop and Negotiations issues - 10th of October
  171. Recommendation Player List Not Showing But Countdown For The Next List Shows
  172. Bugs 4-6 October
  173. Have offers been disabled?
  174. Open Play Assists Not Taken Into Account
  175. i completed an offer but i didn't get any of the tokens at all
  176. Can't leave the game over the " Yes " button
  177. Association problem
  178. Repeated Associations Notification
  179. Nordeus, counting is importanting.... one win, two wins, three wins, four wins......
  180. Trolls
  181. Match not played.
  182. Associations Search Shows No FAs
  183. Super Cup match didn't start
  184. Goalkeeper special ability bug
  185. Missing 6% condition increases
  186. Connection error, while trying to watch association match.
  187. vpn only
  188. Player's stats not being updated for extra time play
  189. Injury player's problem
  190. Stuck in loading screen in browser version
  191. Friendly game bug
  192. Can't send Gifts to my friends
  193. Aggregate score bug
  194. No records for matches for the top player in league
  195. Is it suppose to be like this?
  196. In new version where can we redeem codes?
  197. Cannot arrange a friendly game
  198. Connection error please try again
  199. Getting disconnected while live association match
  200. [Announcement] Unplayed Matches - 24/25 Aug
  201. Nordeus is stealing condition...
  202. can't delete someone from top eleven friend list
  203. Morale bugs
  204. Videos ADS for Android 4.4 disable
  205. Resultlist stand still
  206. No top scorer bonus
  207. NO FA anymore
  208. Frozen match and can't enter matches of friends
  209. Auctions are currently unavaliable.
  210. Problem of referral showing on my account
  211. Scripted games!
  212. Negotiations
  213. Missing facebook friends
  214. Association problems and bugs 10 August
  215. Training sessions not registering
  216. Facebook Issues (!)
  217. Missing a sub player in event
  218. Association problems and bugs 3 August
  219. [Announcement] Unplayed Matches - One Server - 30 July
  220. [Announcement] FIXED - Club Cash Injection Video Offers
  221. No match simustion and frozen matches
  222. Association Issue
  223. July 27 bugs - Resting time - server connection/asso problems, frozen games
  224. Missing gold tokens - association
  225. Missing Goalkeeper Jerseys
  226. I'm in a higher league championship.
  227. Double rewards from asso
  228. my TE is crushed (doesn't load correctly)
  229. x2 training
  230. Why can i not join my account?
  231. No token received
  232. Sub bug
  233. yellow cards on corners
  234. Tanking league
  235. Advertisement hangs my phone
  236. COPA America Bonuses not being PAID OUT ... AT ALL
  237. King Of Rio has dissappeared !
  238. No add friend button, why?
  239. Morale issues
  240. Bug ?
  241. Problem with auto download photos
  242. Kings of rio
  243. Juvenils
  244. Manager's profile in FA games
  245. Videos
  246. Facebook gameroom login issue.
  247. Watching ads is agony
  248. Video bonuses
  249. Green packs
  250. New bug