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  1. Videos error
  2. Auction players retain condition after transfer?
  3. Cosmetic bug after the update (graphics)
  4. Loading screen bug
  5. Game crashed
  6. Help!
  7. 2 players at S6
  8. League Cup final Glitch :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  9. Language + in game screen screwed, urgent help needed please!
  10. Income: -441k in single association match
  11. Regarding time of Association Finals
  12. Champions league elimination
  13. Game is not running
  14. Shortlist
  15. Problem with accessing Help in TE, Video offers and free tokens
  16. Association list dont load "Connection lost"
  17. Associations visual Loans bug
  18. Problem with Purchase
  19. Cheaters ?
  20. Training onmobile--different then on PC bonus
  21. Problem to buy tokens
  22. Exploit or feature?
  23. Problem with videos
  24. Bug or ...?
  25. Personal Trainer Issue
  26. Unable to change team formation
  27. Tapatalk
  28. Tapjoy offer issues
  29. How is this even possible?
  30. Sound on after each update?
  31. [major bug] android training screen recent update
  32. Still gotta download resources every login why?
  33. LOL Casper Jersey
  34. 502 Bad gateway
  35. Google login issue
  36. Bad day ??
  37. Should I have won this auction?
  38. weird notification problem
  39. Less gaining for training bonus ?
  40. (Why) Are GK ratings slow to update?
  41. Video offers
  42. data too much
  43. How do I report a problem with some ads not awarding tokens?
  44. Log in problem
  45. missing UI in newly founded clib
  46. Old version bug - team news
  47. Strange cup match
  48. Free Tokens only for US Residents?
  49. Beaten by team with only 5 outfield players selected & no goalkeeper!
  50. Training issue
  51. Player information
  52. Too many server errors!!! ;-(
  53. No notifications for upcoming matches in new season
  54. 30 Token disappeared...
  55. Chrome do not open new version as before...
  56. Twilght zone
  57. Double confirmation when receiving daily boosters
  58. screen has annoying line in new update
  59. No backgrounds on iOS since last update
  60. watching videos to gain greens...no greens added
  61. ´Wrong pic...
  62. Associations
  63. Facebook login issue
  64. Game crashes on iOS
  65. connecting
  66. Issue with auction where I was only person to bid in round 1 but lost?
  67. Can't play with chrome.
  68. Great update
  69. Facebook shortcut disappeared
  70. Big trouble loading game
  71. Feeling discriminated :)
  72. No expenses on salaries
  73. Thanks
  74. Players not recovering condition
  75. Gifts on Android
  76. White
  77. Can't change managers name
  78. Is it possible to play T11 on a PC?
  79. i keep getting Errors, what to do?
  80. Technical issue during associations match
  81. Club shop videos
  82. Ad support disappeared?
  83. Missing substitute
  84. (-_-)'
  85. Associations - No Chat
  86. Thank you tech support
  87. Bug at ASSOCIATIONS / Can't join
  88. Bug?
  89. Why don't I get my tokens ?
  90. connection closed. click to reconnect
  91. When will Nordeus fix the next, very annoying, problem:
  92. Players are not gaining stats increment after match and training
  93. Now I have become Anonymous
  94. Notifications ..
  95. Network Connection Issue
  96. Problem with iPad
  97. No fast trainers in the market
  98. Wrong Association Trophees room
  99. top eleven down?
  100. Videos bugs
  101. Really, really bad...
  102. formation bug
  103. Can't log in
  104. Morale visible for both teams on tacticts
  105. Please wait while the game is loading. Thank you!
  106. Negotiation bug in Top Eleven 2017
  107. Bugs???
  108. Error!!! (TE 2017)
  109. Site down for maintenance BEFORE THE SEASON IS OVER
  110. Penalty Bug???
  111. Unwanted notifications
  112. Three hard reboots
  113. Low memory
  114. Can't get past the welcome page on Micro edge
  115. Can't get passed the league screen?
  116. No video's for rests, morale boosters etc
  117. Less than 30 bug? - (Delete this thread if I should have post it on the other thread)
  118. Missing 2x special coach training
  119. Substitution never went active
  120. Champions League results is wrong
  121. Login problem
  122. Deleted friends are mot going away
  123. Live match bug againnnnnnn
  124. Please do something with the live stats !!
  125. Token Sham?
  126. Tactics Button Not Functioning in T11 Web/Browser - Windows
  127. Only 11 players
  128. Selling price is set at negotiations
  129. 9* player fireworks
  130. [old version] Sudden increase in unread items in News section
  131. Bug with Win BONUS in Association matchs
  132. Account
  133. Token
  134. 2 games in an hour
  135. Match in Same time
  136. Interesting league draw!
  137. Match not taking place
  138. I can't watch my game
  139. Can't log to facebook
  140. When the server daily maintenance
  141. Who buy such players
  142. Bidding contest with people in deep minus should be removed.
  143. Players could not change. no bonus. Our Federation match went.
  144. Bugs...bugs...bugs....WTF???
  145. Where is my Association Tournament Trophy???
  146. Wrong score
  147. Videos for free packs
  148. Parking is full!
  149. Connection and dd friends problem
  150. Ad's not working for Boosters and Rests
  151. Match report --> Lineup and Fans, where are the fans stats?
  152. Error at auction
  153. Rest Bonus
  154. Training bonus - bug or not
  155. Video's won't load
  156. No 2x video bonus
  157. Loading Screen
  158. Association badge
  159. No 2X option available for training
  160. Top Eleven crashes after visiting support
  161. Is 'Watch the video & earn token' offer available in India?
  162. Video: eharmony.com.au
  163. Video problem again :(
  164. Thug life
  165. 0 attandence from fans on home game
  166. Bug? Coincidence? Is is even possible?
  167. Cant buy tokens because of "China"
  168. No boosters for watching videos
  169. Unknown password????
  170. Not getting tokens after watching videos
  171. System cheat or just a bug
  172. what happening
  173. Connection closed
  174. Upcoming matches from friends
  175. Can't make offer
  176. big mistake in the championship level up
  177. Help WTF?!
  178. Upcoming matches are not showing up!!
  179. Association Doubt
  180. Cant change password
  181. friend list problem
  182. Pathetic response from Support
  183. No free videos
  184. FB Multiple Account login (iPhone)
  185. 6% training session takes 14% off players why?
  186. Problem with the 2x training booster (special coach)
  187. Moral boosters
  188. Supersonic!
  189. Auction freezed
  190. Problem with training and rests
  191. 1 advertisement
  192. Making sub at match close leaves player on screen.
  193. Cant login from PC
  194. Where is my player?
  195. Skill points assigned while training for new position/SA
  196. Unearned yellow cards
  197. Ticket Price and Attendance
  198. Match alerts on mobile phone
  199. poker advert keeps crashing my phone
  200. Completing offers and not getting rewards
  201. Fixute time seems broken!!!
  202. Fixture Times
  203. Server issues
  204. Why can't i win AUCTION in round 1 !
  205. log in problem, please help.
  206. Fair allocation ?
  207. Missing Player
  208. Where are the players in transfers??
  209. connection lost
  210. Nordgens dissapeared!!
  211. Match doesn't load properly
  212. Associations issues (22nd - 23rd of July)
  213. Top Eleven Forcefully Make you loose in Auction
  214. Cannot login through Facebook
  215. No Tokens from Offer
  216. Nordeus, where are my statistics?
  217. Game not open
  218. 50 tokens for a survey and no tokens?
  219. Login on IOS device with 2 different Facebook accounts
  220. Bug? something its wrong
  221. Bug; can't open my matches anymore
  222. Android: Next match not loading
  223. Ass match fail efter effects
  224. The winners
  225. 1000 TOKENS income, how?
  226. Bug loading game/matches
  227. Lost squad final without playing - how ?
  228. Condition during asociation game
  229. could I have some help please
  230. Issues with latest mobile update
  231. Adding friends INgame
  232. Skills points error on 2 years
  233. Rest all
  234. Lag during Matches
  235. No Training possible anymore
  236. No video offers at iOS platform since 28th june - help needed PLEASE.
  237. Can't sell player to friends
  238. Big Bug, 9000 Tokens and 2000 rest packs inexplicably disappeared
  239. no video offer and negative balances
  240. No videos for free greens
  241. Problems in Hebrew
  242. restpoints
  243. Urgent - Won an auction at 17 token - Player didn't pop on my squad.
  244. Server and level...
  245. No Video Offers on mobile device for last few days
  246. Previous Season's Last Associations' Tournament Fixtures In Current Season's Fixtures
  247. Players
  248. Game not working.
  249. how to report cheat
  250. Couldn't Get In To Manage Association Game Today