- connection server problem
- NO Facebook friends
- *** Cheat Alert *** This guy is making unlimited money. Can you do something, MOD?
- posession bug
- Play account
- LIVE game = Cheat game = controlled by bots?!?!?
- - 24 tokens...
- Free Tokens Missing - REPORT HERE!
- Samsung Tab 3
- No money for sold players
- amazing bug!!
- HELP ! delete tokens !!
- Play T11 on IPAD & FB with same account, is it possible ?
- Downloaded Kobo and Purchased book - WHERE IS MY TOKENS???
- FB connection problem
- Lost bids because of bug !!
- I don't see a friend who plays Top Eleven.
- 9 players change in a match.
- I can't see my friends in turn...
- probleme dans l'heure des match
- Account Problem
- Storage Proplem
- server problem
- Still don't have my skill points
- do not buy godaddy.com coins tapjoy wont pay you!!!!!!!
- haksız rekabet...
- Not getting credited for videos
- Fake or not?
- Game Kicked Off at different time from that shown
- Buy token
- LInux Flash Player
- GoDaddy reneges on paying tokens
- 6 missing players
- cant connect as well
- Can not connecting
- Change the Leage
- Error Connecting
- Kits don't specify if you can use the kit with another kit.
- 3 Levels on the same championship?
- Restart New day
- Skill points
- Problems with treataments
- cannot enter Inbox
- Loading Friends
- connect to facebook team
- Can't Load from FB - can't submit request to nordeus
- New players in squad that i didn't buy.
- Won the Champions League but didn't receive money
- Match Error
- Bought tokens, didnt recive
- Impossible to connect to Facebook (on Mozilla Firefox)
- Loading friends
- Cant log in in mobile phone android!! Need help plz!!
- Samsung Tab 3 7.0
- I can't see my friends any more, it's been two days.
- cheat
- Please, I want to solve the problem
- Cheating
- I have a question ...
- .Issue with the forum itself.
- cuenta de tokens
- Refresh Rate low respect iPhone
- Not compatible with Android 4.4.2
- Free tokens - not for me !
- i can't do more action in auction
- Não consigo mudar a camisa que criei
- Mudar a camisa que criei
- Change phone
- I found a bug in forum top11_vietnam
- video for money health packs etc
- Reporting spam in Feature Requests on support site
- Problem token
- Cannot Log In with iPhone 4 even the internet connection is perfect
- Where is my Money?
- I lose against teams of a star
- Why lever 4 vs lever 5 in Champions Cup??? Picture attachents
- missed player after bying
- i cant reload the game!!
- Error in connecting to the server from android
- Connection
- Supporters = 0 , Managers = 0
- This game is fully bugged
- Player Value stays the same
- i have lost my level after uninstall top eleven app
- watch and earn
- I have a problem with a player
- Top eleven gold problem
- stuck on initializing part
- Stuck on a white page
- Help me
- Match Times
- where is my player? Ibought him, but he did not arrive in my squad
- convidar amigos e nã opoder ver os jogos deles
- injure someone every workout ridiculous
- pls help me how to get back my team :(
- My team does not restart / Meu time não reinicia
- Why token is lost?
- Player bought on auction but hasnt joined my team.
- Top eleven not connecting on my new laptop
- my strong club in phone is gone, left the weak facebook club
- problem token
- Help me please. Problems after updating the game on the iphone.
- Impossible to connect to Facebook : What to do ?
- Transfer time of the match
- 2 games, 6 injuries!
- READ THIS.I was Completely cheated.
- why does my friend has that options, and i don't
- Bid Bug
- Token
- Player bought but not avaiable
- Need help. problem in phone playing
- Earn tereatment
- My team was erased!
- Win (1st place) in League level 6, but still play in League Level 6 ?
- Not receiving Gifts........
- Gone
- Problem recently added friend (gifts)
- Match not running on schedule
- 15medical packs won't work
- Cup Competition
- what is problem ?
- If I change mobile how to recover my team?
- schedule today is crazy
- Is this freaking "LEGAL" !?!?!?
- My game possession has been stuck on 20% for awhile now...
- Earn token
- Why am i level 28 and i'm playing in league level 29?
- Unable to connect
- pay by mobile
- No morale offer video's to watch since last update?
- I don' t understand
- Squares instead of text
- Credit
- Why the game has been auto disconnect when I click my facebook's message ?
- See in each other's matches?
- Delete Facebook Profile
- 502 bad gateway
- I cannot support a friend when he has a match
- Help me, I can't login my account :(
- Got a draw, but server see it like i lose, what to do?
- Lost token and money in transfer!
- No video watching rewards anymore?
- all tim lose 1 star
- Stuck at Top Eleven start
- Skill points are missing
- Port android team on facebook
- Problema calcolo affiliati
- Player gone without being put on the transferlist, and having a ongoing contract
- partita falsata
- The second corner kick is always goal
- Error connecting server from andriod phone
- injuried 20 day lol
- connection closed, try to reload application
- Connect existing team in a Android phone to the facebook
- Connection closed ,try reload connection !
- toshiba excite pure tablet with android 4.2.1
- how ???????????
- My match did not Play
- I want JUSTICE!!!!
- My GK have skill points but cant add any on the defense side
- Need Help
- Why not check the video advertisement before post
- just played a champ league 1/4 and no win money
- Problem facebook
- Hacked? Bug?
- transfer problems
- Bought a player, tokens gone, no player.
- Game closed due to maintenance and caused bug score!
- server stopped?
- ball possesion
- treatment by video
- Paid for 0 tokens
- Auction Error
- This page's URL is invalid
- Negotiations Problem!!!
- Connection issues
- don't have token aftee purchase. .
- tokens disapear
- Lost Tokens
- Galaxy S4
- Extrange transfer
- Bug connexion Top Eleven
- bug transfer
- Problem purchasing tokens
- Double account issues, please help ASAP
- I dont see all my friends in my league
- money
- inviteted friend is not connected to my account!
- Connection to server problem after DNS change
- Big bug since 4/5 matchs
- scout player problem
- Please help !! Name and friend-lists disappeared..
- Video reward?
- Loss of Possession
- team player injury
- videos doesn't give REST sience few weeks ago
- Video Blocked in Germany
- Can not watch video for getting boosters. Happened today
- Top eleven connect with other Facebook account?
- Cant send a support on nordeus support
- Wtf?
- Wrong Ipad league status games
- Stuck on "soon" status before the game
- Problem with Friends List
- Wrong match result!!
- Money gone !!!
- token
- graphic problem
- Cup : 2 Draws and I'm out
- Make offer button disappearing during auction
- Contains unread forum posts
- Problem settings auto subs
- i can't login top eleven please..
- Lost a lot of tokens because of "wait"
- new player observer Injuried wtf
- Login problem
- parrainage
- Level 8 could buy special player lvl 9
- friends from list can't be in same league?
- Spelling issues in Georgian language texts
- Facebook auto log-in
- Problems keep coming... TOKENS
- hatalar
- Winning Prize Money for the cup and champions league
- I can not read my messages.
- Problem when bidding for player
- Match time
- Not Accept Player After Buy Player
- Ball possession going to 80% out of the blue
- Having 20-80 posession at every game
- Losing stars @ end of competition
- the game get stuck with the player transfer
- Players not resting
- Offer button does not appear
- I am stuck loading top eleven @ IE10 and Firefox
- emblem premium missing
- Backup / Tablet and Smartphone with same team
- Can't see schedule/fixtures friends top eleven with friend facebook
- Sometimes can't see match my friendy games
- change login and forum display name
- No good tokens earning offers
- Missing Youth Players - Help Needed
- Total shots vs. Shots on goal
- Reload page error
- Unable to redeem Token?
- supporters
- can not buy player
- ball possesion
- Top eleven and Iphone 5s