- give my Tokens Back
- help
- a player doesnt improve in trainingskills
- Bug in competition scheme
- Problem with this game ;/
- Is it me or its a bug?
- game loading issue
- Sok sérülés
- Risarcimento tokens
- "less than 1 minute" bug
- Changed the outcome of the game!
- Cant pass "Initializing"
- Friend's fixture doesn't appear
- forum profile help
- How I didn't advance?
- How could improve time gap when substitue??
- Android Update
- Problem in videos bar
- tokens not recieved
- Scout not updating?
- Toluna
- Can't connect to Facebook
- Banner: Pepsi ile Oyunda da Kazan ?!
- Player sold but auction restarts
- Lost auction on player due to 'waiting' status
- is this ok?... i really don't think so..
- Game not starting
- One day = One player injured ?
- in the final of match
- I can not buy a token, error in IOS
- Have only 6 players in transfer market
- Bought a player... but... he's gone!
- Don't load at all!!
- problems
- 502 Bad Gateway forum issue
- didn't receive tokens
- support friends
- Random score is just Evil.
- My game won't load...
- Can I switch the server
- Main position vs Secondary position
- Whats wrong with the cup rules???
- Problem with referrals
- Matomy/Trialpay/Sponsorpay/Tokenads etc ..
- Training of reserve while team is moving to match
- my account Top Eleven can't acces...
- minas token
- Servers bla bla
- 21 free tokens offer not working!
- WTF!!! Whats happening??????
- we can't find this page.
- 20% - 80% domination.
- Problem with a friend..
- Buy Tokkens and now, nothing!!??!!
- What is this?????????
- Bought New Kits
- Commentary or note ... which is wrong?
- can´t log in in Madrid and i live in Portugal
- Too many injuriens - no tokens
- How how can appear in log let me play ..??
- Problem with Transfers!
- can't login top eleven.
- Buy tokens
- Why gets my player not sold at the transfer market?
- Help!!
- new week, new "free video" that doesn't give you anything after watching it!
- My teams reset itself
- Offer transfer problem
- buy tokens but not received :(
- Bought a game from Big Fish Games but never received my 77 tokens
- Victory after 25 tokens but no player assigned?
- Can't log into the game
- Contracts
- Cup bug ?
- where are my players stars?
- Problem With player's deal
- T11 on android not doing good....
- Tokens - How to buy, if I don't have credit card?
- token
- Unable to see friends games
- free video (Momondo) doesn't give you anything after watching it!
- Page not found. Help please
- Help Me to Get my team back :( plz
- can't send a gift to a specific friend
- Too close matches
- Hello Dear Nordeus!
- A problem with friendlies
- Can't login to top eleven
- After update - settings
- Friend's bug
- Bug in Android app
- Injury bug
- Transfers via the scout
- And suddenly 5 players got promoded !!!!!!!
- Problem with posession in game
- Watch videos and earn, gone ?
- Lag and auctions...
- Change server
- why u fu.. game everyday?possesion issue
- Huge bugs with some ads/offers
- No supporters + only 20 % possession in every game.
- Scam?
- "watch video and earn fre" doesn't work with Dead Space 3 video
- Missing gifts from friends
- training screen
- Transfer bug?
- error
- Проблема с игрой!!
- My account is blocked ..Why???
- Jersey bug
- Match freezes during playing
- Friend missing
- WTF, engine
- No morale boosters received
- No tokens
- Can't enter the game from PC
- Too many injuries
- Abuse report from valter baldini !
- Blatant CHEATING!!
- No Compensation this time?
- Just lost 2 auktions in a row because of a server problem..
- Bugs when top eleven gone a be ok ??? The site down since this morning 9h00 am is it
- Problem with loading
- server error
- Problem with the game
- Problems
- Initializing
- cannot log in
- Signing in?
- PayPal error message
- Irritating ticketing
- Have 13 players in market for shopping
- Daily Maintenance around 4pm GMT?
- Server problem with android app
- Problem with my referrals
- Bug Transfer List
- TokenAds
- Offers for players but not using facebook....
- BUG? (eliminated player 1 yellow card)
- Results awarded, game not finished
- Sexy "Cup"
- referrels
- TV-rights BUG?
- Stars and daily Token
- "price tickets & bonus which should be set in each game"
- I couldn't open my top eleven
- friendly match is not working?
- Morality????
- Injuries
- SSL problem ??
- Meaningless Games
- you do not need to buy tokens to have sucess on top 11
- Top eleven choose scout players for some players!!!!!
- possession
- t-shirt of my club have bug
- 20-80
- Can you fix it!!!
- Dummy teams
- Possession
- Help! Lost my team lost my money
- No Fans Watching my Home Games?!
- Calender>Games from Friends>allways EMPTY..... WHY???
- Can't play with Android of Nexus 7 and Samsung galaxy tablet 10.1
- slow game
- Bidding
- Broken Ad?
- Always meet my friend, up 8 levels above me in Cup.
- Bidding problem
- think its a bug or hack or something
- Can't connect to game game in facebook
- Referral Problem
- Cup prizes error
- January 12'th - Lost the league
- Bidding: Lost when 15 seconds were remaining from knockout round
- Can't connect to game game in facebook
- "unfortunately, top eleven has stopped"
- Please, Nordeus, stahp
- Match Time
- German Forum
- My computer also not running the game :/
- @@@@@conecting problems on android admins get in
- problem conect on androd device help please
- Contract length
- problem after the end of the season
- Can't connect to game game in facebook
- Can't connect to the game
- New Season, matches played not in correct times.
- My Players lost their Stars !!!
- conecting problems on android
- Updated game on android, cannot connect to gameserver anymore
- Jan 12th Problem
- Can't sell "match about to start" bug
- cant Connect to Facebook here
- Jan 12th Problem
- The Jan 15th problem
- What happen on my league position???
- Champions Leauge Prize Problem
- Problems with games virtually played
- Where is my players ??
- All Games Played
- My player was injured from the unplayed match
- Wheres the money??
- played a match that never happened
- Simularon las ultimas jornadas las corrigieron pero mis jugadores siguen lesionados
- What is going on???
- are you kidding me?
- lost my account
- Nordeus Engine Gone Crazy
- Connection problems and I'll Go faster final game
- tokens
- Mess between android and facebook play
- Transfer market changes!!!
- TokenAds
- Player played 1 match and won 2 MOTM awards :)
- auctioning - sort it out!
- 2 accounts, not the same quality players in market
- Please Improve the Android App
- The match engine is very bad again and again
- I did not get tokens
- small but funny bug
- Can someone fix my BUG???
- Problem log in
- Second account?
- Friendly got skipped ...
- Top Eleven Buy Tokens BUG !!!
- Top eleven doesn't work on my pc!
- cant sent jersey as a gift
- Cant connect in Forum with my Facebook account
- Match delayed
- Cheats ?
- wheres my money???
- how to change time games?
- Delayed Substitutions
- Can't bid for friend's players in negotiation
- Auction issue
- Man of the Game - Issue
- Error code
- Hello! plz help
- Wont start
- trouble with special abilities
- johnson & johnson video's
- TokenAds - A big swindler
- Friend bug?
- HTC One X app not working
- Can't log into the forum using facebook
- Bidding Bug
- OMG ! I cant believe! Please HElp !
- Настройки игры
- where is money ?
- Dificulty i watch games friend