- Game won't load
- No match history
- do you guys face problems with farming free rests after the latest update?
- Match time change
- Who is NORDEUS joking?
- International Cup- during half time I know that I will not win
- Connexion
- the 4 bonus finish around minute 75 .... they're not equally divided to cover 90 minu
- Season & All time streaks not correctly displayed ❗
- No comercials
- NORDEUS once for all, please solve this issue with videos
- Official List of Minor bugs -and not so minor
- Half time. Half time. Half time.
- Game not starting.
- International Cup- player missing
- Training before an association match
- Cant send thanks to friends after support.
- International CUP Qualification error
- Full attendance and only 4% attendance
- half time sub
- Error Time
- Videos Erroring Out
- My profile has been stolen and this guy sold 8 of my players
- Did they reduce free rests from 25 to 20 only ?
- I'm looking for Answers
- My result
- When you got solve the problem withic matches
- International game freez time
- IC results for 2nd round : matches were not played because the referee didn't come :D
- How to farm booster – Like a virgin
- International Cup
- Cant watch ic cup
- Todays 2 games at the same time
- time change,
- Fix this issue??
- Impossible to change time of home game
- My players stopped developing their abilities after a match (SS)
- Live match behaviour
- Possession Bonus Glitch?
- I still can’t get into IC
- Match did not begin
- International Cup - Cheated out of a player!
- Gifts for Top Eleven friends
- Server ko
- Game did not play
- Ads again
- Losing Control During Matches
- Cup bug 2nd leg
- Match ends early
- All subs get a 7 rating now, whether they played or not...
- Inappropriate SAs on Scouts and Recommended players
- Tokens not getting credited for sale of players
- nordeus is NORTH KOREA
- Friendlies, error connecting/ reconnect, unable to sack a player, matches not showing
- Issue working with next match because of friendly
- Friendlies do not work..wtf?
- Bug with Facebook last name
- Ad's loading
- Cannot sack a player
- Losing stars of players
- Friendlies
- Glitches I have noticed since update
- Issue. Fix please
- Bugs
- AFTER LAST UPDATE!!! (Message to Top Eleven)
- Incredible 2 video is not working
- Associations matches
- Association match.pls Help
- Match not happening?
- Next match details not appearing.
- Nordeus, are aware of the problem when watching the videos in version 7.0?
- The almost worst ever update
- Game played but still on home page
- More Problems..................again
- New bug: negative ages
- No more green packs after update
- No more free paks of green after update
- Are there any issues with the servers?
- 2000 حقيبة حمراء
- oh god another bug !! can't change home game times
- Association frendlies bug
- Error loading on PC
- Renamed international player reverted to original name
- Bonus not working
- please help >> i can't watch ads
- Game lost before starts...
- Interface Bug
- Nordeus threw me out of CL
- Unrealistic Player Attributes
- Two walkovers and problems with trainings - PLEASE HELP ME!
- Error accessing event - Server 207
- this match not played because defeated tean not 11 eleagble players
- The match was not played
- 11 players eligible, and my squad was full
- 11 eligible players!!!!
- Omfg. Thank you really
- Did anyone else recieve the international cup bug?
- [Announcement] Issues Under Investigation - May 21st
- Empty stadium
- Losing by a walk-over
- Need more training
- Dont screw our cup final today.
- match cancelled
- What's happening with Associations ??? Maintenance during the day ???
- Attendance 0 bug
- Can't connect to server.
- Defeat because cant connect to server
- is this a bug?
- Association game issue
- Fix this issue, when?
- No condition bonus from training during asso game.
- Players with negative quality, but represented by 1%.
- PC Browsers
- How to Change Matches Schedule
- Can't play top eleven on my phone
- Young players (18) won't get better when training
- Stop the cheats please
- Game freeze during match and result instantly changed
- I cant watch vídeos (?)
- Another meltdown
- what the heck is this???????????
- Associations games f again?
- Error adding facebook friends
- My match has been frozen for hours???
- OMG.. where are my tokens ?
- Sideline instructions are not appearing
- Konu Neden Silindi?
- No Income from competition
- [Announcement] Issues beginning on Season Day 13
- Third place in CL with superior goals
- Teamwork bonus not working
- Games already simulated - different results
- Wrong all time stats
- Same game, different results
- The was an issue whilst saving your formation
- I cannot watch some games of my friends
- My wingers stopped playing on the flanks to go defend midfield
- Bug Erro i cant play Matches with Friends
- Can't Invite a Friend from Facebook
- Top Eleven dont access data from FaceBook...
- More Bugs (Association Games)
- Help, I can't watch ads makes the game unplayable
- Why does my team tie other team but my team still is lose
- Problems watching video offers
- problem with 6% condition
- Not able to ask for the prize.
- Problem with pictures
- Bad Players when you don´t go up in next Level
- Problem give green booster to player
- Players with double positions - visual bug
- No more matches
- Locked out of association game
- Unable to watch my own match - FA games
- Subs
- downloading resources
- I can’t „farm“ any rest or morale packs anymore!! Bug or Feature??
- Right need answers this is becoming a joke.
- Can't enter from tablet
- Bazaar game ann match report. and no lost money on attendance.
- Error sending invitation to Facebook friends.
- Set Pieces Challenge bug?
- Draws in asso games
- contests - be careful, not a bug
- Asociacions gone?
- Can't enter game on PC (site and facebook)
- Today new bug : players waste a lot of condition during matches
- Do not appear facebook friends to send game invitation
- Summary of bugs - chat
- Summary of bugs
- Delete button
- App goes AWOL in auctions
- I cannot see on schedule the games of my friends
- bonuses drop
- 0-0 results is association games
- Sub didn't activate
- Someone is hacking my association
- Still broken te 6.7 and also 6.6 now serious issue do something
- Bug after update - on my 2 accounts
- No videos after update to 6.7
- Whatched some vídeos and rest back didn't count
- Game crashed while I was winning
- Instatnt match bug
- GK injury
- a bug
- No available videos issue
- Error processing purchase for 3 days now
- [Official] Technical issues for weekend of 10/3-11/3
- Negotiations
- Associations bug
- spain tour match times
- Don't sync with facebook
- Got charged but no tokens
- 12 players, missing Goalkeeper bug
- star loss
- Top 11 totally freezes when I click to view Spain Tour
- Communication training bug
- Spanish tour frozen button
- perdita stella
- Glitch or Bug
- I can not connect to facebook acc
- The math seems a little odd here...
- ios7 iphone auto update loop
- اليمن
- problem with time of game
- fix ads on top eleven
- Freezing Videos
- Token price problem
- X2 training boost problem
- No free rewards videos since the beginning.
- No longer able to attach pics to TE support
- Squad screen does not show opponent team
- No GK in my starting 11.
- Russian translation
- why 12 players in the squad?
- Quality of confederations is that of the titular team !!!
- Sound bug after new update 6.6?
- Tapjoy tokens scam
- Team Percent
- Auctions Anonymous bidders
- Failed connection when entering live match
- Quality dropped
- Videos - about resetting the Advertising ID - Read Please
- Super League, wrong rank
- no videos
- Ad problem plus x2 video
- Championship problem
- Token problem
- Where is my player?
- Screen freezing when this ad come up
- Ad can not exit
- level 62 one more time?
- Direct link to the helpshift form + Video Reporting
- Training bug or error
- Free academy player with higher quality than the other player (14T)
- Bug in AC friendlies
- Start match Push notifications makes topeleven crashing
- Bug with facebook adv
- Bug?
- Negative Reports Requesting Game
- How can i write for support of Nordeus ?
- I lost my account club
- F**k u
- Great game didn't go well?
- ''Rate top eleven'' message on Android
- community feed
- Your Paypal Error
- Free ads
- crashes in top eleven
- Nordeus THIEVES!!!!!!
- Cannot set substitute Player