View Full Version : Bugs and Technical Issues

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  1. What the hell is happening with the videos
  2. No videos/ads
  3. Ranked championship - games do not start
  4. Draw Frenzy - Can't claim 'Pack level' rewards
  5. Bought gems, got charged, but they didn't added
  6. No Ads for free rests etc
  7. reward for the king of kings?
  8. No paid coaches in accademy - bug
  9. Facebook access repeated
  10. 'Attend 4 of your League or Cup matches'
  11. Big Problem With Fraud activity from Tapjoy and Fyber
  12. Been no 3D and or 2D animation
  13. Ranked championship - choose opponent
  14. No Ads - Buttons disappeared (Most issues in Xiaomi phones)
  15. NO ADS in minipad 2
  16. Error after a match
  17. No reward for best scorer in Elite League
  18. Home advantage bug in Elite league final
  19. Phone Top 11 App keeps crashing
  20. Can NOT join OWN match if FA in windows verion of TOP 11
  21. Wrong amount of gems in offer, 400 not 420
  22. Friends Fixtures
  23. New game update
  24. Youth academy: potential player percentage
  25. Lost cup semis 0-3 because for some reason only 10 players were in my starting lineup
  26. Fixtures unavailable
  27. KotH event not started
  28. Bug computers
  29. Penalty clash bug after the 20th round
  30. I saw some people can buy the same player academy like all round x114 twice or more
  31. Ridiculous Ads
  32. association games
  33. Can't assign playstyle points
  34. when I face teams serbian the game gives them an absurd advantage
  35. Accepting terms an conditions
  36. New bug
  37. Do something with the cheating of 3 DC 1*
  38. fusion event
  39. Video bonus
  40. Super Shots is freezing in
  41. King of Kings event
  42. Game freezes after ads
  43. Roi des Roi
  44. Football Association
  45. Connection to server error
  46. Training Coach bug?
  47. Penalty Clash
  48. Play without Facebook
  49. nothing but game crashes, buffering, penatly shoot out buffering
  50. Non posso acquistare
  51. Bug at the google Chrome
  52. kick around event keeps on crashing every time i tried to roll the dice
  53. Unused Kick Around ticket claimed from special sponsor MISSING
  54. missed token reward with Fyber
  55. Boost lab
  56. Daily streak
  57. Notification "Don't be a quitter!"
  58. Support
  59. Cup history not showing
  60. Penalty event
  61. Some matches don't count towards task in Lanterns event
  62. Matches not counted on statistics
  63. Nordeus Support Team - Issue? Wait and maybe someday we solve your problem!
  64. Error when purchasing at microsoft store
  65. Cup Matches doesn't end
  66. Can't Get FA Tournament tokens reward
  67. Won trophy not showing
  68. Some adverts not giving green packs
  69. weekly epic training in store
  70. 89th minute substitution not counted for task?
  71. Draw Frenzy prizes lost
  72. changes do not work. AGAIN!
  73. how it's possible? Cheat!
  74. Free Videos Not Loading
  75. Cannot login through Facebook
  76. Problems logging into the game for the computer
  77. Text overlap in italian language
  78. No videos all day since 9 pm last night
  79. Cant log in from Facebook, NEW.
  80. Players Academy took away my best player
  81. Lost morale after one game on the same day
  82. The new update, it takes 1 minute to watch a video daily?
  83. Ive wonned the four competitions last season and i've completed the special sponsor
  84. New Role/Special ability point gain not reported in the training result
  85. Bug in new training system
  86. can you please fix this stupid situation
  87. penalty competition
  88. football fusion camp
  89. Player condition frozen
  90. Football Camp disappeared
  91. Goal Celebrator special sponsor task not counting correctly
  92. Association
  93. Vidoes not playing to completion
  94. App not active
  95. [Official] Facebook Access Issues - 17 Oct [FIXED]
  96. Game is offline on Facebook.
  97. Issue champions league fixtures
  98. penalty clash is unplayable
  99. the match is finished before start
  100. Can not load advertising and get booths
  101. injured player substituted still on the pitch
  102. After the update, soccer camp is not displayed. little time left
  103. Soccer camp Fusion Bugs and Problems
  104. Inviting friends to association
  105. Thanks to fans doesnt seem to work
  106. Bonuses boss not working
  107. Football Fall Event
  108. Monthly Card
  109. Sending Thanks
  110. Token tasks
  111. Game is freezing in
  112. 3 - 14
  113. Google Play payments issue
  114. Bug Daily Videos
  115. Association practice is not working
  116. Player's stats Bug
  117. My team is 2x in CUP?
  118. King of Kings broken?
  119. Substitute goalkeeper uniform (shirt)
  120. Counter attack is not usefull as irl
  121. Stadium attendance and also Stadium picture issue
  122. Extreme training
  123. Players' CL stats not updated
  124. Cannot log in with Facebook
  125. Accept screen
  126. Video Drills/Training
  127. Visual bug in player stats !
  128. Draw Frenzy event missing
  129. Unexpected behavior of pause training feature for NP/SA
  130. Greyed out
  131. Lost a Star 🌟 !
  132. Another Special Sponsor Problem
  133. Another Special Sponsor Problem
  134. Crap
  135. Name Changed
  136. Penalties Event
  137. Lag
  138. Fehler im Event; ELFMETER-CLASH
  139. Association matches do not update
  140. Could not access game and then same game changed to 00.45???
  141. Boost-Lab Bug
  142. Problems with games in Associations
  143. Cannot attend friends games
  144. Don't have access to Event : Commentator Callouts
  145. Super Cup
  146. League standing
  147. Training locks every time Facebook/Windows 11 !
  148. Special Sponsor - Playstyle Explorer
  149. Points not updated for FA tournaments
  150. Draw Frenzy not available
  151. Official competition matches played right after another
  152. TRAINING: Reduce "FULLY REST" Option Size
  153. forgot to play?
  154. solve this bugs , please
  155. No League Games
  156. Placed against stronger teams consistently
  157. Top eleven not responding after new season
  158. Stadium Photo Bug
  159. The maintenance takes too long
  160. Bugs and glitches
  161. Season in review issue
  162. Cannot enter a live match
  163. Association prize bug
  164. Proving grounds
  165. Transfer focus - bug or intentional?
  166. Enough with the disappearing sub
  167. Player quality
  168. Empréstimo
  169. Hora de jogo e Alterações na Equipe
  170. [Unofficial] Top Eleven 23.11 - 9th of February bugs
  171. Missed penalties
  172. Report/complaint regarding illegal tricks in FA
  173. App is crashing
  174. Crap
  175. Cant play league matches
  176. brovo norddeus
  177. Video drill do not show up.
  178. 14th january 2022 association matches cannot enter live-matches
  179. offside rewiew broken?
  180. Is this player for real or he is an Alien lost in planet earth?
  181. Tip to improve confederation disputes
  182. "Sign an Offensive Coach" task didnt clear after I use standard attacking coach today
  183. Videos disappeared
  184. Match associations
  185. Stubborn
  186. video drill event missing
  187. Someone been rewarded from Nordeus?
  188. Finished 9th but still promoted
  189. I'm pissed off...Nordeus!
  190. Special Sponsor: Super Star Maker not rewarded
  191. I was 3rd but I could not attend Champions League?
  192. Special Sponsor - "Earn 9th Star (160%)"
  193. Wrong translation
  194. Friendly Championship
  195. Game offline
  196. Bug for the Result of the Game
  197. Looks like the Super Cup is also bugged
  198. Bug with game entry, so I lost my League title!
  199. false start, rigged result
  200. Compensation for what
  201. Support in finals
  202. Issue with Associations
  203. Bug leaderboard League
  204. My team are connected and used different people? i can't understand
  205. Draw Frenzy issues
  206. Special Sponsor- Gifted and now disappeared
  207. Cannot get Draw Frenzy rewards
  208. Level mismatch
  209. Hemisphere hopping
  210. Event Bug: Hemisphere Hopping
  211. Last Season's Friendly Championship is stuck
  212. Away fans bonus in cup finals
  213. Special sponsor Task! Assign 6500 playstyle points
  214. Penalty Shoot-out activity deleted
  215. The mini game is too buggy
  216. Penalty duel broken
  217. Special sponsor SA not assignable to player with SA progress
  218. does not load video drills
  219. Problem with task, Win 2 friendly matches
  220. Unable to Invite Players to Associations & Friendly Tournaments
  221. Game freezes all the time
  222. The amount of matches frquency is nit acceptable
  223. Windows Store App : mouse wheel doesn't work with new update
  224. 8th star - spacial sponsor
  225. Cannot see player stats from cup matches
  226. Configuración injusta en las finales de Copa y Champion
  227. I lost a match, but did I?
  228. Justiça, quero meus pontos na Liga!
  229. What is going on with my players?
  230. Association Invites
  231. Help!! I lost 10 playstyle levelup boosters from frenzy event!!
  232. |HELP! I lost trainning x325 of the event "footwith ball"
  233. Unite Cup still active so can’t replace asso players
  234. Video Drills - imposibile to finish Special sponsor mission
  235. 15th October - Association problems
  236. Why does nordeus lie and give us false hope
  237. The Association Chat Gets Cleared by Itself
  238. Chrome not supported?
  239. Player Stats
  240. TapJoy offer disappeared from Rewards & Status
  241. Bug with VAR
  242. King of Kings subs not applied
  243. 2nd round of King of Kings
  244. [Official] Player Stats tab - Temporarily disabled
  245. Issue Injury
  246. Draw Frenzy reward disappeared
  247. Friends' fixtures not displayed
  248. "Sommige betalingsmethoden zijn momenteel mogelijk niet beschikbaar."
  249. I Cannot Choose The Order of My Favourite Achievements
  250. Show the coaches and referees and linesmen/women