- Mobile Top Eleven App stupid bug!!!
- Supersonicads a SCAM?
- Tokens are paid, but in game didn't appear
- Free Coins
- Skill points disppearing
- I can't upgrade gym to training ground
- Android app crashing
- Strikes glitch
- Auction problem
- Player disappeared from the list of negotiations and I do not got back my tokens
- Error 105 all times in Negotiations offer (Facebook and Android)
- Booster gift double verify issue
- Help me please! Lost tokens!
- Can see arrow orders for all matches and all teams
- Token offer problem
- Game Today and Issues In General
- game stuck on loading in Chrome... tried everything
- Trasfer is not responding
- FAIL!! Champions league - did not qualify??
- My players aren't aging.
- Crashing on iphone
- game freezes on mobile
- Champions League Tie breaker issue
- The new Android app Crashes 3.1.1
- Language bug - results
- Lack of booster videos which puts me at a disadvantage
- Friends gifts
- Match Report - Statistics (readability issue)
- very frequent problem on android
- Server
- Is quality value of this player correct?
- strong bugs since two days...
- Facebook Application Error
- Arrows in the Live match view showing opposite direction under Tactics view
- Friendly Match bug
- How is this posible?
- Players Condition - NEW
- bug in android while match in progress
- I can't see my friends games
- Forum - no longer getting notifications
- Every match day,atleast my one player gets injured
- A 5 man team?
- Scout player
- Season contracts issue
- Players Contracts
- Deception in Pokal
- Top Eleven and Windows 10
- Very stupid...
- Cant see my friend
- nothing
- skill points?
- Top Eleven is getting stupid.
- Help
- Vpn
- Chrome and Firefox issue
- I lost my skill point...
- We need technical support from nordeus
- iOS and Android Arrow Error
- Logging in to TOP11 Forum not working via Firefox
- Live Animation without the animation
- I was 3rd, but somehow I qualified to next stage in Champions League
- No skill points
- Match stats unreadable after animations update
- Players' names in Chinese
- 502 gateway error
- Some Users' Names Have Changed And Their Profile Picture Remains On Loading
- Friendly matches have no income?
- New Live Match Feature
- red fc
- What Is Going On With This Game?
- Tokens disappeared
- 1 Morale Booster not working all the time !
- My players' condition continue to reduce even while resting.
- Punctuation Mistake (Space Missing)
- Didn't level up
- Problem with thropyes and history of my club
- Lost tokens
- New player appeared in my squad
- Renewal of contract change or bug? or?
- Team shirt upside down on the app?
- Free 21 Tokens From Facebook
- League match lost beforehand
- Word Mistake And Non-Display Of Friends' Matches In The Cup Competition Section
- Android App - can't make more than one Tactics change per match
- skill points on pc auto spent, why?
- Apple Payments Issue
- Top eleven is not working
- payment bug
- Server Not Responding (Redeem Code)
- Problem in transfer
- Each game injury
- Problem with league match!
- 'Wait...' (The Problem Is Probably On Nordeus' Side); Please Fix This Problem
- always double yellow (red)
- Red Arrow And Blue Arrow On Goalkeeper
- GK Set To Another Position When Selecting Formations From Predefined List
- To meny injuries
- Problem with facebook
- Mourinho FC Won Matches And Obtained Clean Sheets Using A ST As GK
- Tabs not working
- training problem
- hackers
- iOS 9 Beta
- Crash on start on ios 9
- Offsides (Beta) and Commentary
- [Trivial] Ratings History - No space
- Tactics/positions freezes in live matches (PC - Windows)
- Team and Player Quality (Top11 Old and New Versions)
- Explain this - I be you can't
- Team Performance Affected By Certain Constructions
- Negative balance of tokens why?
- Cannot load game except in Chrome?
- Wrong Level Label On Profile Picture
- Change Time Window Is Messy
- Bug With Win Tokens
- League 'Top Rated' table
- Improve The The Creation Of New Players
- Numbers of Fans!!!!
- Player Blocked On 'Wait...'
- Top Eleven Transfers
- Avg quality is not calculated correctly
- Wrong Information In The Newsletter For Champions League Draw
- Graphic issues
- Problems with the last update!
- lost skill points?
- Forum Search Option
- Jose Mourinho Has A Lot Of Players Assigned As Goalkeeper
- Stadium Bug?
- Clasificacion a fase eliminatoria de champions
- too much injury and reds
- In Game Bugs?
- No skill points on mobile?!
- Nordeus is robbing me
- Auto-assign of skill points
- Lost next round!
- My 3 points lose
- Wasting Morale
- Can someone tell me why I dropped out of Champions League?!?!?!?
- Training bug?
- Champions league group stage ranking
- Red card bout of no where!!
- Transfer Bug
- Different servers
- New update didn't solve the problem!
- injuries
- Injury after Shirt Pulling foul
- Gift
- amazon store
- Unable to make a sub!
- why i cant get 21 free token
- Club naming rules
- Only 1-3 five-star players in auction
- facebook issues
- 6 injury in some matches
- FM with low prize
- illegal formations bug?
- iPad Mini 1 Black Screen then crash.
- error
- InGame PopUp Champions League not coming.
- Lots of new Old Players in my team
- I only earn 3 packs a day!
- Update nicht möglich / Update not possible
- Stadium Opening freezes tablet
- No match schedule!
- Top eleven 2015 app
- Daily Gifts Error
- 9 Star Player For Free Glitch
- Players with low morale on iPad and superb on the phone android and computer .
- green pack video
- Nordeus plays tricks with us (un-trainable SA's)
- No puedo ofertar mas de una vez en una subastas
- Players not getting rest every 3 hours
- Lost My Skill Points
- Friends 'Thank You' button
- Transfer Bug
- FK/Fouls in Game Stats
- Wrong user ID
- Error in free t-shirt
- My old team
- how to avoid a 100% shot efficiency?
- bad time of my matches
- champions trophy after all 6 round games
- The new version crashes most of the time
- I'm in trouble with my skill points
- Squad shirts and club crest upside down
- estou perdendo meus pontos de habilidades
- 5th birthday
- problem with buying a token on the phone with android system.
- No experience after a friendly match
- 5 Players is Injured in 5 Matches !!!! Help Me
- den Code für Geburtstagsbelohnung
- Bug in classification
- Players lost quality
- Games can not see my friends
- Can’t see my friends
- Saving training points
- Friend list problem
- Bonus for players without my permission.
- Tokens drastically reduced after bidding for a player
- Google account on web
- No reward for winning league
- Google login
- google account
- Trolled so many times. Something is wrong
- Skill points automatically assigned !
- All friend disappeared same time
- training + player value + wage
- Auction: my timer's synced.
- injured players every day!
- bug with new scout list players ?
- All friend disappeared same time
- Endind a season in 8th in League, Can I go to next level: Is that possible?
- Where is my profile???????
- champions league player lvl
- flash player
- bug on crowd
- Since Minutes wait !!! S.O.S
- I don't have to wait for trainning
- Bug and hack !!!!
- training
- Bug after update lost friends in game
- hourly problem of match
- Google+ login
- Level 1 , Token Bug , hack
- Auto assign bug even if i'm not using the new top eleven 2015 app
- Auto Assign doesn't work correctly.
- Invisible scouts :D
- footballer
- bug level
- buying bug
- Training Bug losses of Skill Points
- Illegal Formations Resurection + Servers Restruuucturation +etc
- HELP Can not play
- Young Players Can't Sign & How to train speical abilities
- sms
- direct sms payment
- keeper is missing
- MyTapjoy App can't see Top Eleven
- Game down
- Bug with friends in Top Eleven
- Tokens for ingame Cash
- wht is this **** ?
- Club > History > All Time Stats Bug
- How to stop the auto assign of training points with Android 2015 app.
- bug group table champions league
- Cannot any gifts to friends
- Not receiving back the tokens from a rejected transfer offer
- Attendance bug
- how am i suppose too watch ??
- Double Corners