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  1. season buzz challenge pitch reward bug in game, main page turn to white page of death
  2. Not all league substitutions count for special sponsor task
  3. incorrect free kick/corner kick taker.
  4. No recommended player from the assistant.
  5. Can NOT watch video for booster
  6. "FA Tournament Contributor" bug
  7. Level up players
  8. Special manager hat trick task
  9. Thought this game was for everyone
  10. Federation
  11. This player is using cheats
  12. Possible bug??
  13. King of kings disappeared
  14. Association bug
  15. Game reset in video drills and training
  16. Watching video ads don't give me rewards
  17. Constent connection error (web) & match report is unavailable (android and web)
  18. Wrong height of players
  19. Draw frenzy
  20. Transfer Window Tour wont let next stage be playable
  21. Nordeus has given up
  22. Video drills
  23. Games knackered
  24. Game is a shambles
  25. There was a problem connecting to the server
  26. Facebook /google chrome pages unresponsive
  27. association points disappeared
  28. Add and remove friend bug
  29. Game does not open computer, via facebook
  30. Special Sponsor - Vanity Collector
  31. Can not leave my association even the event is already finished
  32. Cup Final Bug
  33. Wrong pitch pattern during live match
  34. messed up goal post postion in 2D view (PC)
  35. Can't kickout an assoc member who joined after tournaments had started
  36. substitute players gets stuck and you hace to exit the game or home out and in.
  37. Man of the match didn't reward the 180% and above player anymore?
  38. Bug in gived after FA in weekend bugs
  39. Servers down?
  40. 2 players on 0% condition
  41. You need to cancel the first Asso leg !
  42. More video issues
  43. Injured players
  44. Association
  45. I cannot swap my association matches
  46. Player dissapeared
  47. Fixture date error
  48. Game down
  49. F2 Bug!
  50. STILL mess up subs in events?
  51. No rewards from last season top scorer
  52. No match highlights
  53. Problems with Video Drills event
  54. Missed penalties not showing on Highlights
  55. King of Kings only 3 subs
  56. unity error while connecting with FB (pc)
  57. Players' profile bug...
  58. 2nd half On fire morale
  59. Missing 100points in Special Sponsor for compensation
  60. Video Drills and KoK missing
  61. Connection error during training...
  62. 5 Substitutions - Special Sponsor
  63. Video drills not working
  64. Fixture bug again
  65. Play Store Points
  66. Training bug
  67. Fixture not loading
  68. Video ads take so long to load
  69. Player I substituted somehow made 2 goals and 2 assists…[emoji2962]
  70. Microsoft store game on PC stuck.
  71. Special sponsor bug
  72. Finished league below 8th place!
  73. Subbed players keep playing
  74. whats happened???
  75. Association match bug (urgent)
  76. Highlights bug
  77. 4th minute injuries and 21st minute red card
  78. Problème dans l'association
  79. Visual bug (GK Jersey)
  80. Visual bug (GK Jersey)
  81. Cannot enter any text
  82. Browsers
  83. My player scored twice from the bench!
  84. one more bug...this time in the associations part
  85. Jersey color clash
  86. Video drills doesn’t work
  87. not receiving video rewards
  88. Training Experience Points
  89. Subs come on but base players keep playing
  90. Bigger quantity of Association as usual
  91. Player with paused second position not getting rewards
  92. Training - multiple sets of drills 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x
  93. Can't play the game on PC?
  94. Second Jersey can not use
  95. Another Mourinho bug
  96. Support
  97. Problems with ads watching
  98. Can't login to Balkan server...
  99. Injured player does not sub out
  100. Stat Display
  101. Team bonus - 20 minutes or 25?
  102. “Extra time” not “overtime”
  103. Red card Mourinho bug
  104. Player suspended for Red Card but has not recieved red card this season
  105. BUG: The first player of subs. disappeared in association match
  106. Bug: Opposition View during association match.
  107. Special sponsor
  108. Player Substitutions
  109. Match not finishing properly.
  110. Going minus in Tokens
  111. Injuries
  112. Referral code in web version
  113. Live Match Animation OFF is not working
  114. Season stats not updated
  115. Playstyle event offer bug or ripoff
  116. login via facebook, on computer..
  117. Unable to login through Facebook
  118. Sponsor task earn the 6th starfor a player bug
  119. Please fix Association training
  120. Reuse Facebook account
  121. Beta 3D version problem
  122. Error Connection google
  123. connection error.
  124. Top scorer event missing from event list
  125. King of Kings tournament final
  126. Special sponsor 'New role' reward glitched
  127. Friendly match
  128. UK64 - Top Eleven BETA test
  129. Can not close ads
  130. 6 wins in a row - special sponsor
  131. [Official] Carnival: Dance-Off Event Known Issue
  132. Carnival challenge problems
  133. Players not the recovering condition ?
  134. If I select players to train, everyone trains....
  135. Won a player but didn´t get tokens back
  136. king of the kings
  137. Friendly match away team no rewards
  138. Special Sponsor - Special Ability Reward
  139. Nem kaptam meg a tokeneket!
  140. Disqualified from FA Tournaments- association matches
  141. Video failed to play
  142. Special sponsor task
  143. Boost Lab - Unable to Buy
  144. Bug, daily video
  145. Tour of the North - Final Stage rewards
  146. Assists Count
  147. been having problems lately with revu offers
  148. Association draw missing fixtures and timing
  149. Special Sponsor did't work
  150. Random potential pack bug
  151. in live games, the app itself is slow
  152. Cup final has not scheduled
  153. Stats...
  154. Latest update
  155. substitution was made but it never occur during the live-match. wtf?
  156. King of the kings event
  157. Substition reward issue
  158. Fyber reward error
  159. game kicking out on training
  160. Subs different when the match begins
  161. Can't get in the game useing web.
  162. Rewards on Android
  163. Result remains?
  164. Rewards on Android
  165. Fixtures not available
  166. Fix the ads
  167. Substitutes
  168. Game stats
  169. Cannot load from FB or web
  170. Red card visual bug seeing opponent’s team
  171. Event Error
  172. Freezing
  173. Disqualification from Associations
  174. unity error on firefox
  175. Association match timing display - affected by daylight savings time change
  176. Training bug
  177. [Official] Known Issue with Facebook Connection
  178. Link bug Computer
  179. Game isn't loading on android
  180. Bug Help
  181. hot shots
  182. Player with ball stationary animation issue
  183. Goal fest event reset?
  184. Can't open support messeage
  185. challenging the markers
  186. How Come?
  187. How Come?
  188. Player with paused position training does not increase during matches
  189. blue pack increases = BLOCK THE GAME
  190. Home screen incorrect league position
  191. What the..... bugs
  192. Game is not loading in Web
  193. Friendlys bug
  194. Wrong times showing
  195. Visual bug in training report (or issue in training)
  196. Advertising videos when switching between menu entries
  197. Subs don’t come in
  198. [Official] Special Sponsor Tasks surrounding Community Showdown - Status Update
  199. Opening Game Speed
  200. annoying visual glitch in Web Verstion. Unable to see other team %
  201. Search for Asso members - wrong multipliers
  202. Top Scorer Reward for Defender???
  203. Best striker.....Seriously?
  204. player cheating or hacking
  205. Condition bonus barely rises
  206. Connection and dd friends problem ?.
  207. Opponent changed after the first association match
  208. Game will not load at all after the update (iOS)
  209. Log issue
  210. HI MODS :) Game crashes when tryinng to claim reward in special sponsor
  211. Error Message - PC
  212. Spezialsponsor 5 Sterne Jugendakademie wird nicht akzeptiert
  213. No preparationtime for association match
  214. can't load on the phone
  215. League winner gets multiplier of X
  216. S.O.S question: FA Captain
  217. Training bug?
  218. Cups in King of Kings
  219. Today's pc update
  220. Friendlist Bugged
  221. Is this a bug or is this the max limit of green boosters some1 can have in Top11?
  222. Problems with daily video bugs
  223. My pitch is maxed out and it hasn't unlocked all of the pitch patterns
  224. interrupting during the live match
  225. Can not connect with facebook since last update july 27 2021
  226. Impossible to change opponents in Association
  227. New feature : SWAPPING in association games.
  228. [Help] I can't show mission in Token Free
  229. Cannot collect Topscorer Challenge reward
  230. Condition Rate
  231. Player stats not showing
  232. Players capped at 180
  233. Trainer for Jugendakademie
  234. Auctions bugged?
  235. Problems with videos and rewards
  236. Negotiation offer not appearing in the players card ?.
  237. World Top 100 in Assos not working properly
  238. Payment problem
  239. Automatically won game’s stat is shown as a Draw!
  240. Atend matches is not working
  241. the game it is very slow
  242. Connection
  243. Rewards not getting credited under Finance
  244. Rewards not getting credited under Finance
  245. Codes from yesterday's live stream
  246. Bug daily videos
  247. Server down?
  248. results addicteds
  249. I paid 54,99 but did not get the offer/tokens!
  250. Unfair draw in associations