- Closing after watching add or after practice NOK
- Old and very current issues
- physical therapy center
- Increase of condition loss
- Gk super bonus
- I have a problem with scheduling matches
- any solution to this?
- No fixtures
- Incorrect Subs
- Bug event (Stage 5)
- Bugged event
- Friendly games - Friendly Championship
- Changing a position twice causes game reload
- Latest 3D update - rebounds
- Pop-up advertising - Slow Daily Videos
- T11 won't load in Microsoft Edge!
- association bugs
- Associations - bugs
- season buzz challenge pitch reward bug in game, main page turn to white page of death
- Not all league substitutions count for special sponsor task
- incorrect free kick/corner kick taker.
- No recommended player from the assistant.
- Can NOT watch video for booster
- "FA Tournament Contributor" bug
- Level up players
- Special manager hat trick task
- Thought this game was for everyone
- Federation
- This player is using cheats
- Possible bug??
- King of kings disappeared
- Association bug
- Game reset in video drills and training
- Watching video ads don't give me rewards
- Constent connection error (web) & match report is unavailable (android and web)
- Wrong height of players
- Draw frenzy
- Transfer Window Tour wont let next stage be playable
- Nordeus has given up
- Video drills
- Games knackered
- Game is a shambles
- There was a problem connecting to the server
- Facebook /google chrome pages unresponsive
- association points disappeared
- Add and remove friend bug
- Game does not open computer, via facebook
- Special Sponsor - Vanity Collector
- Can not leave my association even the event is already finished
- Cup Final Bug
- Wrong pitch pattern during live match
- messed up goal post postion in 2D view (PC)
- Can't kickout an assoc member who joined after tournaments had started
- substitute players gets stuck and you hace to exit the game or home out and in.
- Man of the match didn't reward the 180% and above player anymore?
- Bug in gived after FA in weekend bugs
- Servers down?
- 2 players on 0% condition
- You need to cancel the first Asso leg !
- More video issues
- Injured players
- Association
- I cannot swap my association matches
- Player dissapeared
- Fixture date error
- Game down
- F2 Bug!
- STILL mess up subs in events?
- No rewards from last season top scorer
- No match highlights
- Problems with Video Drills event
- Missed penalties not showing on Highlights
- King of Kings only 3 subs
- unity error while connecting with FB (pc)
- Players' profile bug...
- 2nd half On fire morale
- Missing 100points in Special Sponsor for compensation
- Video Drills and KoK missing
- Connection error during training...
- 5 Substitutions - Special Sponsor
- Video drills not working
- Fixture bug again
- Play Store Points
- Training bug
- Fixture not loading
- Video ads take so long to load
- Player I substituted somehow made 2 goals and 2 assists…[emoji2962]
- Microsoft store game on PC stuck.
- Special sponsor bug
- Finished league below 8th place!
- Subbed players keep playing
- whats happened???
- Association match bug (urgent)
- Highlights bug
- 4th minute injuries and 21st minute red card
- Problème dans l'association
- Visual bug (GK Jersey)
- Visual bug (GK Jersey)
- Cannot enter any text
- Browsers
- My player scored twice from the bench!
- one more bug...this time in the associations part
- Jersey color clash
- Video drills doesn’t work
- not receiving video rewards
- Training Experience Points
- Subs come on but base players keep playing
- Bigger quantity of Association as usual
- Player with paused second position not getting rewards
- Training - multiple sets of drills 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x
- Can't play the game on PC?
- Second Jersey can not use
- Another Mourinho bug
- Support
- Problems with ads watching
- Can't login to Balkan server...
- Injured player does not sub out
- Stat Display
- Team bonus - 20 minutes or 25?
- “Extra time” not “overtime”
- Red card Mourinho bug
- Player suspended for Red Card but has not recieved red card this season
- BUG: The first player of subs. disappeared in association match
- Bug: Opposition View during association match.
- Special sponsor
- Player Substitutions
- Match not finishing properly.
- Going minus in Tokens
- Injuries
- Referral code in web version
- Live Match Animation OFF is not working
- Season stats not updated
- Playstyle event offer bug or ripoff
- login via facebook, on computer..
- Unable to login through Facebook
- Sponsor task earn the 6th starfor a player bug
- Please fix Association training
- Reuse Facebook account
- Beta 3D version problem
- Error Connection google
- connection error.
- Top scorer event missing from event list
- King of Kings tournament final
- Special sponsor 'New role' reward glitched
- Friendly match
- UK64 - Top Eleven BETA test
- Can not close ads
- 6 wins in a row - special sponsor
- [Official] Carnival: Dance-Off Event Known Issue
- Carnival challenge problems
- Players not the recovering condition ?
- If I select players to train, everyone trains....
- Won a player but didn´t get tokens back
- king of the kings
- Friendly match away team no rewards
- Special Sponsor - Special Ability Reward
- Nem kaptam meg a tokeneket!
- Disqualified from FA Tournaments- association matches
- Video failed to play
- Special sponsor task
- Boost Lab - Unable to Buy
- Bug, daily video
- Tour of the North - Final Stage rewards
- Assists Count
- been having problems lately with revu offers
- Association draw missing fixtures and timing
- Special Sponsor did't work
- Random potential pack bug
- in live games, the app itself is slow
- Cup final has not scheduled
- Stats...
- Latest update
- substitution was made but it never occur during the live-match. wtf?
- King of the kings event
- Substition reward issue
- Fyber reward error
- game kicking out on training
- Subs different when the match begins
- Can't get in the game useing web.
- Rewards on Android
- Result remains?
- Rewards on Android
- Fixtures not available
- Fix the ads
- Substitutes
- Game stats
- Cannot load from FB or web
- Red card visual bug seeing opponent’s team
- Event Error
- Freezing
- Disqualification from Associations
- unity error on firefox
- Association match timing display - affected by daylight savings time change
- Training bug
- [Official] Known Issue with Facebook Connection
- Link bug Computer
- Game isn't loading on android
- Bug Help
- hot shots
- Player with ball stationary animation issue
- Goal fest event reset?
- Can't open support messeage
- challenging the markers
- How Come?
- How Come?
- Player with paused position training does not increase during matches
- blue pack increases = BLOCK THE GAME
- Home screen incorrect league position
- What the..... bugs
- Game is not loading in Web
- Friendlys bug
- Wrong times showing
- Visual bug in training report (or issue in training)
- Advertising videos when switching between menu entries
- Subs don’t come in
- [Official] Special Sponsor Tasks surrounding Community Showdown - Status Update
- Opening Game Speed
- annoying visual glitch in Web Verstion. Unable to see other team %
- Search for Asso members - wrong multipliers
- Top Scorer Reward for Defender???
- Best striker.....Seriously?
- player cheating or hacking
- Condition bonus barely rises
- Connection and dd friends problem ?.
- Opponent changed after the first association match
- Game will not load at all after the update (iOS)
- Log issue
- HI MODS :) Game crashes when tryinng to claim reward in special sponsor
- Error Message - PC
- Spezialsponsor 5 Sterne Jugendakademie wird nicht akzeptiert
- No preparationtime for association match
- can't load on the phone
- League winner gets multiplier of X
- S.O.S question: FA Captain
- Training bug?
- Cups in King of Kings
- Today's pc update
- Friendlist Bugged
- Is this a bug or is this the max limit of green boosters some1 can have in Top11?
- Problems with daily video bugs
- My pitch is maxed out and it hasn't unlocked all of the pitch patterns
- interrupting during the live match
- Can not connect with facebook since last update july 27 2021
- Impossible to change opponents in Association
- New feature : SWAPPING in association games.
- [Help] I can't show mission in Token Free
- Cannot collect Topscorer Challenge reward
- Condition Rate
- Player stats not showing
- Players capped at 180