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  1. Association problem
  2. Account recovery
  3. New bug
  4. Association invitations problem
  5. Gk mom
  6. Transfer team to new device
  7. Connection issue.
  8. team bonus
  9. in match stats no updating
  10. Extra time win
  11. Training bugs
  12. Assistant Timer going to negative
  13. Offer¿?
  14. Best rated player bug
  15. forum bug
  16. List of international trophies is empty
  17. Bug - AWW match counted as draw in Season stats
  18. Referral system no longer works??
  19. Impossibile Cambiare Nome al Club
  20. New update new bug
  21. Only one video ad available
  22. When I play back top eleven, my star player use to have were gone
  23. IronSource ads don't credit me
  24. Auctions Bug
  25. Top scorer award
  26. Cannot typing digit in club name! Why?
  27. Bugs now
  28. Superstition
  29. Association friendly match can't start
  30. Event King of the Mountain !!!
  31. I have a problem with Huawei phone
  32. GK Special Ability bug??
  33. I just got cheated
  34. Not training a player
  35. Free Tokens Offers
  36. it bugs me my issue
  37. Stadium Capacity
  38. Game Not Loading
  39. asso point change
  40. All time stats for a new team
  41. No skill progress on matches???
  42. Stadium and other upgrade
  43. Wrong stats and notes after games
  44. Error Message on Ad
  45. Best striker award and duplicated positions in associations matches
  46. New bug in making changes during match
  47. Bug ?
  48. watch ad is not on the browser version
  49. Some Emblems and Jerseys not showing
  50. training stuck on 4
  51. Some issues ( calender )
  52. Lost player , only 10 players on the pitch , immpossible to get 11
  53. Incorrect points in FA tournament
  54. Tokens issue
  55. Where's my reward from asociacion???
  56. Error association
  57. We just won Association on GD but we’re credited points for 2nd place...
  58. FA points calculation
  59. No X 2 Bonus again
  60. True fan counter issue
  61. Games not loading though Facebook/Gameroom
  62. Done out of points
  63. Account disabled
  64. problem history
  65. Association problem
  66. Goals conceded different from actual amount foe season
  67. [Announcement] FA Tournament Notes/Issues - 20th April
  68. Not correct to count the number of goals in association games.
  69. association training bonuses dissappeared
  70. Game stuck
  71. Bugs in association Draw
  72. Why Iam not getting my token?
  73. best player still on red card and missing game
  74. Servers down?
  75. Error starting match
  76. Season Stats bug - One lost game out of nowhere
  77. [Announcement] UPDATED -Known Issues - April 17th
  78. Match not finishing properly.
  79. My season ended after 16 league rounds.
  80. [Official] Last Weekend's FA Tournament Results Unavailable - 17th April
  81. Unable to start match abs PSG
  82. Last seasons cups disappeared from profile pic since I changed to ‘anon’
  83. App drains battery
  84. gift sending bug
  85. Assistant Manager doesn't offer any position but GK in last 15 times.
  86. Ad videos not working properly
  87. No Tokens Rewarded
  88. Won player auction but not receive the players.
  89. Winner of the last champion's league but not qualify to play again this season
  90. Received asso rewards doubled
  91. Match time not correct on server
  92. Some Server issues ( calender )
  93. Tokens & player not given
  94. Unable to log in
  95. NO Top Scorer Reward
  96. Won the league but no tokens from association
  97. UPDATE FINALLY DONE AND LOOK LOL after winning the Quadruple i won nothing
  98. Redeem options not working on PC
  99. No response from tech support after 4 days
  100. Token offers didn't work
  101. Negosiation issue about token not back if rejected
  102. Red Card
  103. Player value
  104. Loosing the bonus during a game if leave
  105. The stats for my goalkeeper are outragiously wrong
  106. Goalkeeper vanished
  107. special atribute bug
  108. friendly rest not added
  109. Number of Super Cups won
  110. I didn't get Referral Achievement
  111. Wrong translations of competitions in the Arabic version of top 11
  112. can't connect through google after updating the app yesterday night
  113. Can arrange friendlies with anyone through association
  114. Vid freezing Game
  115. My position in the Champions League
  116. Cup problem
  117. whole ...................
  118. Cannot connect because of facebook
  119. Training Screen Frozen
  120. The same video is crashing my android phone. Homescapes
  121. Pause SA/NP drill bug
  122. How a manager with club lvl 2 can be in an association?
  123. Can you consider possibly spelling the games out a lot better on a day when two teams
  124. Losing stars when not promoted
  125. [Known Issue] SOLVED - Season 115 Association Division Rewards Not Given
  126. No Association tokens
  127. Bug time match?
  128. One game is stuck in the schedule of friends
  129. [Announcement] Known Issue - Some Matches Unplayed - 28 Feb
  130. Association draw
  131. Connectio
  132. FA Friendlies Win Bonus
  133. Connecting again and again on my xiaomi tablet
  134. Wrong Top5 stats
  135. Bug in tickets of associations friendlies
  136. Money gone after daily update/reset
  137. Has the daily Bonuses been taken off?
  138. Ad is Freezing
  139. League top Avg Rated players
  140. I cnt connect my facebook with it why
  141. Ad is freezing
  142. Video Ad Error
  143. Team have not enough players?
  144. Association Semi-Final Freeze ??
  145. Association chat messages not sending
  146. Free tokens not received
  147. Ads Android
  148. Club Season Stats its mentioned ONE DRAW
  149. Fake GK special ability showing.
  150. Connection issue when live game is playing
  151. FA Draw system is not fair
  152. Thank You ! Nordeus
  153. Connexion lost all the day
  154. Asso train bonus error
  155. Facebook gameroom not supported ???? :O
  156. Losing connection when searching for vids
  157. Can't see some FB friend matches in calendar
  158. what is this..
  159. The award "Top scorer"
  160. How is this possible?
  161. [Official] Assistant Manager Live Match Advice - Removed with next update
  162. Training session requirement glitch
  163. Man Of the Match don´t win 4% prize anymore?
  164. another scam of nordeus
  165. Hello
  166. How to give some tokens
  167. images flooding my google photo's
  168. FA leaving/joining bug
  169. Chat Box placements
  170. [Official] Chat Box placements
  171. Players get lost
  172. No adverts
  173. Game freezes when giving boosters to players (iOS)
  174. No Redeem Button for Codes on iOS
  175. No update
  176. Latest game not showing goals scored by my goalscorer in League table of top scorers
  177. Red card bug is back
  178. How to block another user?
  179. National Team Compensation
  180. Look at how people take advantage of the system and cheat on association
  181. Champions League Group Glitched
  182. Different result
  183. advertise freeze top11 app
  184. Error with Web Version
  185. Match report unavaliable
  186. Is this an innocent mistake?
  187. Discipline and Fair Play - Penalties
  188. [Announcement] FA Draws for the weekend of 11th January
  189. Ahahaha you did it again
  190. google play error
  191. Ads
  192. Association
  193. Federation
  194. Association Live match formation> Role
  195. How to?
  196. bondstoernooi
  197. Association problem
  198. Please tell me?
  199. Stadiu, Bug and no NATIONAL TEAM
  200. No player!!!
  201. Still can't leave association
  202. [Announcement] Server Maintenance - 11:15am CEST - 21st December
  203. win streak over bug
  204. Game refuses to start
  205. Unite against giants not fair
  206. 'Reconnecting' and 'New Events soon' on Unite Against Giants
  207. [Announcement] "Win Tokens" tab removed from web version
  208. Season Stats error
  209. Reconnecting Error
  210. Players dissappeared from my national team
  211. Data use
  212. No ads view button
  213. Game start causes mobile freeze-crash.
  214. Perpetually stuck in "players need 4 more training sessions"
  215. League fixtures not listed
  216. No videos
  217. video problem
  218. national team
  219. Associations promotions bug
  220. No promotion
  221. Not loading in Facebook
  222. Constant Red Card Glitch
  223. Cheater in my league
  224. Why can't my account be accessed
  225. Cannot remove a friend
  226. Ahoy there !
  227. What's going on ?
  228. Video playback error
  229. Asso points
  230. How it's possible...
  231. Match reminders
  232. Change facebook
  233. Bug
  234. Double attendance
  235. A simple bug which effects the assistant in cup games
  236. Goal Feast
  237. Top Scorer Challenge
  238. Perdita di stelle
  239. World Biggest Cheater of Nordeus
  240. Game crashed when I click the Adds watch button
  241. National teams did not change
  242. Facebook login
  243. hi
  244. Free Tokens Offer - Create, edit and delete your Google Play Games activity
  245. Non event
  246. Halloween Event Bug
  247. Reversing a negotiation
  248. Its crushed from today
  249. Can't see the halloween event
  250. Big bug