- Can't put my borrowed players in the lineup
- Bug11..LEAVE the game ASAP...Horrible support
- Still one match to go but in preseason mode??
- NORDEUS ADMIT TO GAME BUG! Association Matches Frozen and Walkovers not given.
- Cheater hacked the game for tokens,sell tokkens now for low price.(with proofs)
- Something wrong?
- Outcomes Of Matches Have Become A Bit '****' SInce The New Changes (Abnormal Results)
- Attendance Bug For Away Associations' Match(es)
- Urgent!
- 1st leg FA-Final was buggy
- why happend this
- Bugs with matches during association matches (froze and doesn't start - stuck)
- Issue with association
- Number instead of manager name
- Big Bug, 2500 Tokens and 10000 rest packs inexplicably disappeared
- I don't have sobstitution 2 (S2)
- IPad Issue
- Suspicious fan support for opponent
- Cant log in anymore
- Bugs (Corner Takers and Substitutions)
- Free rests, morale, treatments and money
- Association match froze and doesn't start
- Cant sell players
- Can't download the game (mobile iOS 9.3.1 iPhone 6)
- Connection Closed (Associations' Match)
- Changed name
- Latest version won't let me change set-piece takers
- how to change the flag of my assaintion???
- Transfers refresh button
- New patch database bug .Developers need fix it.
- i cant log out the game in Iphone4,pls check
- TOP ELEVEN 2016-Gathering the latest news problem
- Cant watch friendly game
- associations bug?
- please help
- No free items from shop?
- Connecting to Facebook sends me to mbasic.facebook.com and I cannot link T11 to FB
- Link facebook account to already existing team
- Substitution plus changing formation
- strange
- Bad timing...
- 0 Game - 1 Assist | WTF?
- Game Center connectivity with facebook account
- Won CL, no reward
- Suddenly "Low Memory" makes a losing 25+ of rounds of auction
- Question about facebook account
- free condition in trainingmodus
- Trouble loading game since about a week
- Can 't change bid
- this is 2nd time i got too many cards
- Very Strange, Abnormal Results Since 18/05/16 (Game Going 'Crazy')
- Substitution was counted, even if it did not happen
- i lost my green pack booster :/
- No tokens :(
- Server Down?
- sooooooo many red cards
- This is BS, is this guy hacking the fans and the game?
- Need Managers with balls!!
- Duplicate Training Drills (Browser Version 2016)
- CL 2nd leg - what a mess!!
- Major bug!!!
- Champions League : on my phone I won 0-3 , after a couple of minutes I LOST!!!!!!!!
- bugs League Champions
- Game engine gone mad ?
- Please explain... bug...
- Early Auction Time-Out
- I didn't get tokens
- See enemys arrows
- Goal Difference Issues
- 4 star player in negotiation how??
- Fyber's offers
- Pop Up Message: Top Eleven Is Low On Memory
- Can't change game 0n Iphone/Ipads since new update
- Training broken on android
- Mig og min mad / me and my food
- Champions League Table
- 1,2,3,4 or 1,2,4,3 ?
- Cant connect to Google+
- videos for rests, morale etc
- New Update 09.05.2016.
- Red cards
- training upgrade
- Login to existing game with facebook
- Can't see Top Eleven friends
- Too Many Substitutions
- Scouting system is flawed
- Player dropped more than a star during season switch?
- what is wrong?
- Still in friend fixtures but no more friend on facebook why ?
- Goal shown only after the game ended, not during
- Red card + substition bug
- cant play in new verion PC
- An Issue in Training
- Sound Bug (New Browser version 2016)
- Invalid handler code, or response not registered: 245
- Excessive Injuries
- Favorites players
- problem with ads
- unity ads
- Champions League
- Why disqualified?
- Cup: disqualified without being given a chance!
- Missing goals in a live game win
- bidding counter jumps 5-10 seconds losing opportunity to bid
- Robot thanks ?
- Substitutions and Red Cards
- Double Attendance bonus in a match.
- Blocked Players (Cancelled Substitutions)
- love the game but...
- Fixtures
- Facebook Friends
- Loading the game
- In auction 5 star player, in my team 4 star player
- No league winnings or trophy.
- Can't see Friend's Fixtures
- Phantom goals...
- Cup is *not* for teams of a similar Quality...
- Champion game delayed
- does he have a bad day or a great game, that is the question?
- Game not loading
- Missing boosting by watching advertisements
- A match was cancelled even though both teams had 11 eligible players or more
- I have try everything but will not load new game
- Player for sell by mistake what to do ???
- i cannot change contracts of players
- I sent a gift to myself?
- Can not load new version
- Stamina problem Green Packs
- Fan total
- No rests from medical centre.
- Top Eleven using mobile data
- Bug or this is possible?
- Three training sessions already today, but still being asked to do two more
- Supporter Bug
- assistant manager player
- lost token for transfer but didn't get in the next round.
- Server connection issues
- Bots in game?
- Buying a new player and his skills drop
- I lost my new player?
- Troubles with new font size
- Missing are the emblem and the core team of my team!
- this item is not available in your country
- OSX 10.11.3 & Firefox 44
- Facing issues to purchase token via Skrill via topeleven.com directly
- Didn't receive tokens after not accepting negotiations
- :mad: missing tokens :mad:
- Tokens are gone
- tokens not deliverd
- injuries
- Team level difference in cup ...team Lvl 10 vs lvl 14 !!!
- connection was closed. Do you want to reconnect???
- Substitucions issue
- Lost tokens through negotiation
- I received an offer that is not visible
- Part of screen hidden?
- APP for Blackberry
- [New Browser version] Club Matches total error
- Daily maintenance is in progress. Please come back a bit later.
- Why hasn't my keeper got his 5th star?
- Time Lag by 1 hour
- JW player
- Password recovery
- bag with Hebrew(RightToLeft language).
- No jerseys on the squad screen
- Togo Flag
- in auction freeze
- All players promoted regardless of missing skill points. Explain this picture:
- Goalkeeper skills reset
- T11 doesn't work
- Daily maintenance is in progress. Please come back a bit later.
- on bid 19 my bid said wait !! to never return again lost 19 tokens
- Watch video earn tokens.
- Friends list problem
- bidding issue?
- Transfer issues
- Final score of game impossibly different to live score!
- Problem with tokens reward
- injury
- manager rank
- 2016 still crashing alot on ipad
- Watch "Top Eleven's 5th Birthday! | 100 Million Top Eleven Football Managers" on YouT
- How to remove Top Eleven Background app from Google Chrome?
- Quick question about taptalk
- Transfer game on iphone to kindle fire
- Player issues
- Changing a player name - error code 7
- Probable spelling mistake
- I see 1 match left in fixture; while upcomming match shows none
- loading error
- Time error when login on android
- Please return to my 128 TOKENS
- hardly get tokens after got 30
- Playing with 10 men, after late login and when an injured player autosubbed
- Videos to win boost don't work...please !
- Transfer glitch.
- iOS App Won't Load
- Mvp
- the game crash when I send thanks to supporters
- hello i've got problem with my tokens while a transaction
- England Flag wrong an android app
- Animation when offside
- Phantom goal
- Lost auction
- watching free booster videos not possible
- Финансы
- A player who has some unassigned skill points is shown with an additional star
- load screen stuck
- My 2014 Mexico jersey
- Player suspended
- Bug with Rest Packages.
- Deleting friends from Facebook
- Player value issue
- Top 11 App Kindle fire HD
- Goals in extra time not counting in statistics
- Help
- Another match did not start but suddenly finished
- Bought a goalkeeper, but he never showed up in squad roster
- Promoted to next level although i finised in 8th position !!!
- App Crashes!
- Dear Nordeus please fix the CL draws
- Announced too late to bid on a player
- Matomy services video watching not rewarded........
- gifts not all been recieved
- Bug in Android
- Problems in auctions when use mobile connection
- very few players in transfer market !?
- Problem to support friends
- Penalties bug
- This match completed in 3 minutes (real world time)
- what is going on with Supporting friends
- Fraudulent!! Server maintenance!
- Lost Millions ???
- 502 Bad Gateway nginx error
- Bidding bug or just an idiot
- Technical Issue - League Schedule
- Paymend with (paysafecard)
- Help: Im not in the League!!!
- Game crashes on Transfer bid
- Where did that new player come from?
- Bug In Transfer Players
- Help!
- Players loosing training points
- Bug happen on sony z1
- Game disconnected
- Can Nordeous change this?
- Sharing shirt's and logo's
- Bug in Champions League Groups !
- I qualified to Champions League Play Off - Something rounf with Group Standings
- video`s part 2 not working