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  1. Can't put my borrowed players in the lineup
  2. Bug11..LEAVE the game ASAP...Horrible support
  3. Still one match to go but in preseason mode??
  4. NORDEUS ADMIT TO GAME BUG! Association Matches Frozen and Walkovers not given.
  5. Cheater hacked the game for tokens,sell tokkens now for low price.(with proofs)
  6. Something wrong?
  7. Outcomes Of Matches Have Become A Bit '****' SInce The New Changes (Abnormal Results)
  8. Attendance Bug For Away Associations' Match(es)
  9. Urgent!
  10. 1st leg FA-Final was buggy
  11. why happend this
  12. Bugs with matches during association matches (froze and doesn't start - stuck)
  13. Issue with association
  14. Number instead of manager name
  15. Big Bug, 2500 Tokens and 10000 rest packs inexplicably disappeared
  16. I don't have sobstitution 2 (S2)
  17. IPad Issue
  18. Suspicious fan support for opponent
  19. Cant log in anymore
  20. Bugs (Corner Takers and Substitutions)
  21. Free rests, morale, treatments and money
  22. Association match froze and doesn't start
  23. Cant sell players
  24. Can't download the game (mobile iOS 9.3.1 iPhone 6)
  25. Connection Closed (Associations' Match)
  26. Changed name
  27. Latest version won't let me change set-piece takers
  28. how to change the flag of my assaintion???
  29. Transfers refresh button
  30. New patch database bug .Developers need fix it.
  31. i cant log out the game in Iphone4,pls check
  32. TOP ELEVEN 2016-Gathering the latest news problem
  33. Cant watch friendly game
  34. associations bug?
  35. please help
  36. No free items from shop?
  37. Connecting to Facebook sends me to mbasic.facebook.com and I cannot link T11 to FB
  38. Link facebook account to already existing team
  39. Substitution plus changing formation
  40. strange
  41. Bad timing...
  42. 0 Game - 1 Assist | WTF?
  43. Game Center connectivity with facebook account
  44. Won CL, no reward
  45. Suddenly "Low Memory" makes a losing 25+ of rounds of auction
  46. Question about facebook account
  47. free condition in trainingmodus
  48. Trouble loading game since about a week
  49. Can 't change bid
  50. this is 2nd time i got too many cards
  51. Very Strange, Abnormal Results Since 18/05/16 (Game Going 'Crazy')
  52. Substitution was counted, even if it did not happen
  53. i lost my green pack booster :/
  54. No tokens :(
  55. Server Down?
  56. sooooooo many red cards
  57. This is BS, is this guy hacking the fans and the game?
  58. Need Managers with balls!!
  59. Duplicate Training Drills (Browser Version 2016)
  60. CL 2nd leg - what a mess!!
  61. Major bug!!!
  62. Champions League : on my phone I won 0-3 , after a couple of minutes I LOST!!!!!!!!
  63. bugs League Champions
  64. Game engine gone mad ?
  65. Please explain... bug...
  66. Early Auction Time-Out
  67. I didn't get tokens
  68. See enemys arrows
  69. Goal Difference Issues
  70. 4 star player in negotiation how??
  71. Fyber's offers
  72. Pop Up Message: Top Eleven Is Low On Memory
  73. Can't change game 0n Iphone/Ipads since new update
  74. Training broken on android
  75. Mig og min mad / me and my food
  76. Champions League Table
  77. 1,2,3,4 or 1,2,4,3 ?
  78. Cant connect to Google+
  79. videos for rests, morale etc
  80. New Update 09.05.2016.
  81. Red cards
  82. training upgrade
  83. Login to existing game with facebook
  84. Can't see Top Eleven friends
  85. Too Many Substitutions
  86. Scouting system is flawed
  87. Player dropped more than a star during season switch?
  88. what is wrong?
  89. Still in friend fixtures but no more friend on facebook why ?
  90. Goal shown only after the game ended, not during
  91. Red card + substition bug
  92. cant play in new verion PC
  93. An Issue in Training
  94. Sound Bug (New Browser version 2016)
  95. Invalid handler code, or response not registered: 245
  96. Excessive Injuries
  97. Favorites players
  98. problem with ads
  99. unity ads
  100. Champions League
  101. Why disqualified?
  102. Cup: disqualified without being given a chance!
  103. Missing goals in a live game win
  104. bidding counter jumps 5-10 seconds losing opportunity to bid
  105. Robot thanks ?
  106. Substitutions and Red Cards
  107. Double Attendance bonus in a match.
  108. Blocked Players (Cancelled Substitutions)
  109. love the game but...
  110. Fixtures
  111. Facebook Friends
  112. Loading the game
  113. In auction 5 star player, in my team 4 star player
  114. No league winnings or trophy.
  115. Can't see Friend's Fixtures
  116. Phantom goals...
  117. Cup is *not* for teams of a similar Quality...
  118. Champion game delayed
  119. does he have a bad day or a great game, that is the question?
  120. Game not loading
  121. Missing boosting by watching advertisements
  122. A match was cancelled even though both teams had 11 eligible players or more
  123. I have try everything but will not load new game
  124. Player for sell by mistake what to do ???
  125. i cannot change contracts of players
  126. I sent a gift to myself?
  127. Can not load new version
  128. Stamina problem Green Packs
  129. Fan total
  130. No rests from medical centre.
  131. Top Eleven using mobile data
  132. Bug or this is possible?
  133. Three training sessions already today, but still being asked to do two more
  134. Supporter Bug
  135. assistant manager player
  136. lost token for transfer but didn't get in the next round.
  137. Server connection issues
  138. Bots in game?
  139. Buying a new player and his skills drop
  140. I lost my new player?
  141. Troubles with new font size
  142. Missing are the emblem and the core team of my team!
  143. this item is not available in your country
  144. OSX 10.11.3 & Firefox 44
  145. Facing issues to purchase token via Skrill via topeleven.com directly
  146. Didn't receive tokens after not accepting negotiations
  147. :mad: missing tokens :mad:
  148. Tokens are gone
  149. tokens not deliverd
  150. injuries
  151. Team level difference in cup ...team Lvl 10 vs lvl 14 !!!
  152. connection was closed. Do you want to reconnect???
  153. Substitucions issue
  154. Lost tokens through negotiation
  155. I received an offer that is not visible
  156. Part of screen hidden?
  157. APP for Blackberry
  158. [New Browser version] Club Matches total error
  159. Daily maintenance is in progress. Please come back a bit later.
  160. Why hasn't my keeper got his 5th star?
  161. Time Lag by 1 hour
  162. JW player
  163. Password recovery
  164. bag with Hebrew(RightToLeft language).
  165. No jerseys on the squad screen
  166. Togo Flag
  167. in auction freeze
  168. All players promoted regardless of missing skill points. Explain this picture:
  169. Goalkeeper skills reset
  170. T11 doesn't work
  171. Daily maintenance is in progress. Please come back a bit later.
  172. on bid 19 my bid said wait !! to never return again lost 19 tokens
  173. Watch video earn tokens.
  174. Friends list problem
  175. bidding issue?
  176. Transfer issues
  177. Final score of game impossibly different to live score!
  178. Problem with tokens reward
  179. injury
  180. manager rank
  181. 2016 still crashing alot on ipad
  182. Watch "Top Eleven's 5th Birthday! | 100 Million Top Eleven Football Managers" on YouT
  183. How to remove Top Eleven Background app from Google Chrome?
  184. Quick question about taptalk
  185. Transfer game on iphone to kindle fire
  186. Player issues
  187. Changing a player name - error code 7
  188. Probable spelling mistake
  189. I see 1 match left in fixture; while upcomming match shows none
  190. loading error
  191. Time error when login on android
  192. Please return to my 128 TOKENS
  193. hardly get tokens after got 30
  194. Playing with 10 men, after late login and when an injured player autosubbed
  195. Videos to win boost don't work...please !
  196. Transfer glitch.
  197. iOS App Won't Load
  198. Mvp
  199. the game crash when I send thanks to supporters
  200. hello i've got problem with my tokens while a transaction
  201. England Flag wrong an android app
  202. Animation when offside
  203. Phantom goal
  204. Lost auction
  205. watching free booster videos not possible
  206. Финансы
  207. A player who has some unassigned skill points is shown with an additional star
  208. load screen stuck
  209. My 2014 Mexico jersey
  210. Player suspended
  211. Bug with Rest Packages.
  212. Deleting friends from Facebook
  213. Player value issue
  214. Top 11 App Kindle fire HD
  215. Goals in extra time not counting in statistics
  216. Help
  217. Another match did not start but suddenly finished
  218. Bought a goalkeeper, but he never showed up in squad roster
  219. Promoted to next level although i finised in 8th position !!!
  220. App Crashes!
  221. Dear Nordeus please fix the CL draws
  222. Announced too late to bid on a player
  223. Matomy services video watching not rewarded........
  224. gifts not all been recieved
  225. Bug in Android
  226. Problems in auctions when use mobile connection
  227. very few players in transfer market !?
  228. Problem to support friends
  229. Penalties bug
  230. This match completed in 3 minutes (real world time)
  231. what is going on with Supporting friends
  232. Fraudulent!! Server maintenance!
  233. Lost Millions ???
  234. 502 Bad Gateway nginx error
  235. Bidding bug or just an idiot
  236. Technical Issue - League Schedule
  237. Paymend with (paysafecard)
  238. Help: Im not in the League!!!
  239. Game crashes on Transfer bid
  240. Where did that new player come from?
  241. Bug In Transfer Players
  242. Help!
  243. Players loosing training points
  244. Bug happen on sony z1
  245. Game disconnected
  246. Can Nordeous change this?
  247. Sharing shirt's and logo's
  248. Bug in Champions League Groups !
  249. I qualified to Champions League Play Off - Something rounf with Group Standings
  250. video`s part 2 not working