- Associations bug - penalties !
- Game doesn’t accept training sessions
- no tokens accreditation
- 2x Training no longer available
- Strange request
- Bug reseting the game when i try to whatch a video ad to get bonus
- Rare case. Refuse to connect
- Illegal formations need to be punished.
- Cupwin bonus, is it correct?
- Can't open "Germany tour" challenge view
- Cant login through FB
- Watch video not rewarded pack
- Forum lay out too small
- Can't connect account with Facebook
- Free Bonus adverts
- Avg 160 quality
- Cant access to my team
- Associations bug
- Cannot set piece takers
- Players downgraded???
- Now you can play against a team of ten players only lol
- Player total Goals bug
- We have associations broken
- Problem with player change
- Tapjoy replied, still no token
- Iphone server
- I made a purchase on 12/28/2017 and until today I did not receive my tokens ...
- Bug in "Season Goal-Fest
- Mou thanks for support
- Phantom Red Cards
- Crash and texture not loading on android tablet
- Bug with TV Rights Sponsor
- Result of the champion league
- I have bug in the last game
- Browser error
- Game in asociation competition was not played
- Serious problem about ( Set Piece Takers )
- Token
- Final table
- Problem top eleven tokens
- Do not trust tapjoy
- Is this League a football simulation or pure randomness? (warning: big text here)
- Cant see ads in physio
- Wrong final result
- My games times are wrong
- How to rewert sub without rewert button during match?
- Result fix
- Searching for vids stops when a friendly match message popsup
- Can't Login to the game due to server ?
- Match time no bonus and formation button
- Associations competition bug
- 100 anniversary: No goals added after default win
- Substitutions during live matches
- Set Piece takers
- Error conection every day
- German Version
- Admin support needed !!!
- blank please help
- X2 trainingbug again?
- Advert bug
- Fix Bugs instead of new Events
- Tank, f****ng tank!
- Can not load from One of my T11 accounts!
- Chat?
- This is bug or what please help me
- Scoreline Changed from original?
- Friendlies not working
- market bug
- Youth Academy does not work
- Фейсбук
- How is it possible?
- Association bug
- Spielwertung falsch
- Tokens
- Very important
- Dominating games with little affect
- Red card and 12 players?
- Video for free conditioning
- I opened a Viki account in TapJoy offers and I didn't receive tokens
- How to rewert sub without rewert button during match?
- Player who got a red card scored two goals and an assist later in the game
- Gameroom bug after update
- Can’t connect to top eleven on iOS
- Discrepancy in match and statistics
- Uk tour last match bug
- I want to delete my acc
- Cant connect android-Fb
- iPhone 6, safari/chrome, T11 app trouble with FB
- Screen shot here
- Top eleven latest update top eleven 2018 got major problem
- Server Issue
- not the whole picture
- Match issue when I got disconnected
- not happy!!!!
- Resolution Problem
- Game Not Working
- Потерял доступ.
- This is not a balanced game
- [Tip] Android & iOS-How to get 30 videos Ads each day
- Bajnoko Ligája
- Goalkepper disapearing
- Champions League Group Placement
- Training Bug
- Booster & training issues
- Ridicioulus Enemys when you are higher Manager Level
- Association Chat broken?
- Chat server not loading in Associations.
- Problem with server
- Is the system computing the right quality during the live matches?
- Small bug in Champions League screen
- 25+25+50=98
- Top Eleven 2018 bug 200% and (3018689.4) quality
- Cannot invite friends as referral
- Physio center BONUS +6% isn't work...
- Why do i have always the same formation in matches
- Cant connect game
- Bug Videos.
- starting game
- Free tokens not awarded from mighty battles
- Some of my players do not add goals to statistics
- Notifications
- Did my opponent played in 10 players?
- New Bug? Double penalty taker
- manager nationality
- Losing in-game cash daily
- Downloading resources 39/40
- Loading Problem
- Top eleven 2018 bug - subs
- Mourinho saying about my injured player
- Players change and reconnect
- Top 11 is down ????
- Goal on free kicks not added
- I can not buy tokens.
- Goals not added to the players record
- My goals
- Ratings during match
- Boost gratuit en regardant une vidéo
- Problem with ADs
- [B]Club Stat is not updating match by match[/B]
- Negotiations - didn't get my money back
- Training does not work and morel
- Goals cup don't count
- New version: cannot make changes during the match
- Downgrade
- Bug!!!
- Cant view all of my tactics
- Connection issue on Squad screen
- Why can't i buy a player
- The strength of the Player downgrade by 20%
- Unfairly handicapped by placed in wrong level
- Bug with contracts
- Cannot view older game results
- Player current morale in match highlights (also other manager)
- Repeated Win message Top Eleven 2017
- Technical issue
- Problem with new version
- I left 50 tokens rolled. how is this possible. Why 50 tokens have been deleted.
- Asoociation games: are those still football simulation ?
- Layout on iPhone X
- Assist and score
- How is it possible??
- 1-Auto save doesn't always work 2-Subs after 1st half bug
- Can't get reward jersey
- Incorrect Season Statistics
- Squad Screen Issues
- Reconnect / Connect on mobile Apps (iOS and Android)
- Cannot log into top eleven
- Game not availible/Results not showing
- Weird bug
- autosave formation
- Overall team quality dropped after the update.
- IOS problem
- DML/DMR Positions?
- DML/DMR roles merged, not replaced
- Cannot SCROLL DOWN on TACTICS screen
- Ios and android update
- Known bug: "Missing 3rd role of players"
- NEW Update 2018
- 2X bonus has not been showing up
- Bug on association games
- Bug on Ad
- WTF lol
- glitching and bugging out
- Bug on Live Match
- Account problems.
- Bug Issue during my entire game. I was JUST a spectator not the manager
- offer removed from tapjoy
- I cannot play from topeleven.com
- Can't change language
- I cannot see on schedule the games of my friends in CH.L. and Super League
- :mad: Help Bug Fix and Solusion This !!!
- Why if i get a proposal my player doesnt get the 6% condition bonus?
- Again you modify!
- can't buy token
- daily add
- Fix this visual bug on player stars
- Association cheating/glitch?
- Bugged bench
- how important the seasons 1st match is
- Daily Reward Issue
- in negotiation is there any chance to loss star of a player from buying same or lower
- Check this out guys ! A cheating association.....
- Level 15 in Level 10 League
- is it normal?
- Selling top eleven acct
- I didnt promote to higher league, but my players lose stars!
- Need this sorted top eleven
- Fb account locked
- 699 Token Scouting Transfer bug?
- Title missing
- Free Tokens.
- Browser Requirements
- Can't enter the game when begun !
- Association penalty shoot out in the final - again!!!!!!!!!!!!
- wrong schedule !
- Browser TOP11
- Top goalscorer list not being updated
- Training Bug
- Friends list
- Game Keeps on Restarting
- Problem connecting to server
- Problem about match reports
- May i ask some question
- Match entirely missing and association result miscalculated as a consequence
- Another association bug. visual bug or the subs didn't count ???
- Trophy room miscalculates trophies
- Script error message
- Fix this now!!!!!! Unable to connect to server!!!
- Не удалось подключиться к серверу!
- Didn't receive recommended player
- Association Bugs
- The guy im playing is running an app and cheating.
- Game is not loading in browser
- Required training not decreasing after cup game
- Auction bug?
- Friends list slow to low and freezes
- Contact with Nordeus support
- Problem to gain booster with video
- Token refund
- Didn't receive the players of my academy
- Transfer issue.
- Time extension after game won
- Couldn't make substitutions
- game not loading in gameroom
- New Shirt
- Last Season's League's Standing
- A different result in the simulation of the match and the list of matches
- Reward Videos - only on cellular networks?
- Connection problem