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  1. Yellow card, collection.
  2. Power Training for the new season ? Look what is in store for you :)
  3. Force Counter Attack..!!!!
  4. Why My Tl was suck?
  5. Due To Popular Demand.... Universal Player III Season 39
  6. Training speed/age
  7. Free booster and money with videos on Facebook
  8. Auto subs
  9. when league table will be gerated??
  10. Can you see a squad when making an offer for a player
  11. How do i link my mobile accn to my facebook?
  12. What is....
  13. New Players instead of Retired
  14. when to use force counter attacks
  15. questin about NEGOTIATIONS
  16. The new cup system is freaking horse sh#$
  17. It couldn't be any closer!
  18. Qpr!!!!!!
  19. I lost 2-1 in the first leg! HELP!
  20. Where have my youth players gone?
  21. The new Cup format is disgraceful
  22. Win Bonus
  23. four defender
  24. I can not enter the game
  25. como puedo poner un jugador en venta
  26. 5 players on field.
  27. Won a cup last season ? Now you get to know which level the cup is from
  28. Complacency against lower level in cup?
  29. Age of players
  30. Lost my team is there a way of getting it back?
  31. Bidding Wars
  32. Server down while i'm bidding
  33. Friends
  34. Help please, sponsorship
  35. Question about Goalkeeper
  36. A strange question & a normal question...
  37. Team and Improvements
  38. U21
  39. Players from scout
  40. got second prize when i should get third?
  41. Friends and Promotion
  42. Cup
  43. Feeling bad about this.. :(
  44. Need an advice please
  45. Whole team lost a star at season end wth?
  46. What does your scout list look like on season opening day?
  47. New season
  48. what is the best tactics for Transcription under first day in level 4
  49. Transfer market is so dreamy
  50. why do not I get playaer 5 stars to Level 4
  51. how do I submit a Player in negotiations
  52. Strange player prices
  53. Paying my debts
  54. Resigning Expired Contract Players
  55. Token buyers come in
  56. Tokens during maintance
  57. do i get my tokens back?
  58. League 2...yeah im ****ed.
  59. when will new season start? (when will daily maintenance finish)
  60. Season 39
  61. The Universal Player III (Season 39) - Discussion Thread
  62. problems with training
  63. Sugerencia
  64. money is not received
  65. Spectacular ending to the season 9-1
  66. I have just won my league witha 100% record. How often has this been done in Top Elev
  67. Free agents
  68. Prize money?
  69. improve note player during match
  70. When to buy players???
  71. cup prizes vs CL prizes
  72. lost my skill point
  73. share your season results
  74. [Season Results] Goals for/Goals against showroom
  75. Facebook give no chances for packs the past 2-3 days
  76. The season is over so...
  77. Any advise
  78. Buy or sell? End or beginning of season?
  79. What should I do?
  80. New season questions.
  81. About The Prizes
  82. Yayy!
  83. a simple maths reference (token related)
  84. team average quality
  85. If you were a REAL team, who would you be?
  86. Screwed up score & game money .. Please read & comment
  87. How to by token by apple id
  88. Huge dip in form
  89. How to beat 2-2-3-3
  90. 26-0-0 bust!
  91. season finish and now what??
  92. how i can rest
  93. This the reason i will leave, Holy Crap...
  94. Expiring Contracts
  95. Top Eleven Score
  96. Question about scout list top eleven tips
  97. I`v WON LEAGUE but
  98. selling injured players
  99. Transfer market
  100. We are the champions
  101. Problem with referrals
  102. Your thoughts on the game?
  103. Offside trap
  104. can't play the game.
  105. Boooooyah!
  106. Ιs it worth it??
  107. Are some players more prone to injury than others?
  108. Anyone got experience with the game telling you wrong game time
  109. 18 years old player with issues
  110. I only went and won it!!!!!
  111. DUVIDA (DOUBTS) - Formação de Ligas
  112. MEGA IMPORTANT! help me PLEASE!
  113. Nearly another Season finished But how many hours have you spent
  114. power traing idea!
  115. Me and cl opp trying to out do each other
  116. Playing while on auction?
  117. I put the wrong player on transfer list why cant we take them off?
  118. Advice on a bid
  119. I want advice on how to improve my team.
  120. Real League creation date?
  121. Question re auto subs and starting line up
  122. Time of the match
  123. Apr 7th - Preliminary matches - 1st Leg
  124. What will the outcome be ?
  125. Sponsor video questions
  126. Young players
  127. Buying poor players to weaken the team ahead of next season
  128. This guy is a dirty scummy cheat (photo proof attached)
  129. This is very funny
  130. what skill should I teach my new CM
  131. About the auctions on Transfer Market
  132. im #1 in league lvl 1
  133. Surprising win.
  134. Superstar Striker!
  135. The season is all but over
  136. A warning for poster hacker`s
  137. This is bull****, i cant handle it any more
  138. I'm beginning to think that the game is random results
  139. No money!!!
  140. Whose more friendly than me
  141. We can see other leagues in some websites?
  142. Question about an injured player
  143. when to sell PLAYERS
  144. Change player names on iphone?
  145. Kiné, médecin
  146. I want this goal keeper
  147. Can anyone answer this?
  148. This is NOT funny!
  149. Ticket prices
  150. Crowd Cap
  151. Crowd
  152. CUP winners come in and show off your big, juicy shiny Piece!!!
  153. Final Champion plz help ?!
  154. yesss!!!!!
  155. Improvements needed
  156. verloren
  157. Facing a Monster in Cup Final.
  158. Who you think it will win this final cup ?
  159. Dodgy Bribery
  160. Rise from level 1/ shall I do this for level 2??
  161. A few quetions
  162. Champions WTF match time
  163. Top Eleven Hack
  164. cash vs tokens
  165. Payment disable
  166. Training, and the 20 SP of difference :)
  167. Offers to players from level 4.
  168. I would like to thank July Fourth
  169. Massive Bug
  170. Get friends on the same server
  171. Time to Sale Players
  172. Are my players EMO or GOTH?
  173. This game is s**t
  174. I maybe a level 2 rookie but I love my team
  175. Kashiwa Washi - Guess the correct cup final score and MOTM #5
  176. Real-life football players in top11 terms (Please join in :p)
  177. Why I like editing players, and have you edit your player?
  178. Trasnfers stucked at high levels
  179. Win the auction but could not get the player
  180. lol i have been banned : D have you ever been banned here ?
  181. How many tokens to go from 35.8 to 41.9?
  182. Cup Final???
  183. So Funny
  184. Playing matches with low cond
  185. How can I play in a better way
  186. Carrying Skill Points
  187. Skill Points
  188. July Fourth CONTEST Number 1
  189. I say bo the truth the truth
  190. Who knows who working top eleven engine or some programs like that!
  191. F**king friendlies!!! :mad:
  192. Real life imitating art
  193. fking afraid of lv 2, help
  194. Possession bonus in Champions/Cup finals?
  195. Finally I have a Legend :)
  196. Formation change
  197. can i reschedule a game
  198. I made cup final
  199. Important match
  200. Hi ! can any one help me PLEASE
  201. Looking for an experienced T11 Manager
  202. Help : Cant gain training point
  203. going from lvl 1 to lvl 2 selling players
  204. is it possible to play this game outside facebook
  205. How to beat token buyers!
  206. Cheaters!!!
  207. Best time to practise
  208. new season coming soon
  209. Two questions about skills
  210. Auto-subs
  211. Top Eleven - Forum League 2013
  212. Defenders taking shots on goal?
  213. Cheating
  214. Advice for new season. / L1 Beginner.
  215. It was a good day
  216. Don't know whether to cash in on this player or not
  217. Friend / Friendlies
  218. what number of 5* players can you expect on the transfer list on a new/old server?
  219. Advise please
  220. The most important game of the season
  221. Need A Friendly? - POST HERE and you could find a suitable opponent!
  222. League, starting time
  223. Playing a player out of position..
  224. Same quality, different price... :D
  225. special quality players or stars (5) when you want to transfer. help me
  226. special quality players or stars (5) when you want to transfer. help me
  227. 10,000,000+ Users!
  228. Hope Your Season's Going Well
  229. 10 Million
  230. Game Time
  231. anyone please help me!
  232. Why one user can receive just one treatment /day?
  233. Using a proxy to watch more videos?
  234. Does Nordeus even give a damn to what players suggest for the improvement of game?
  235. Top Eleven - Team Categories
  236. Private selling?
  237. Question :
  238. Young Talents
  239. Better team using all ways
  240. A lot of injuries
  241. android problem
  242. Prize Money
  243. is this normal
  244. Tutoring & Advice (Buddy)
  245. Morale - HELP!
  246. How can i know the player is fast skill gainer?
  247. Maintenance
  248. strength differences between leagues?
  249. Can u help to defeat this formation
  250. Watching videos