- Maximum players in my team
- Improvments
- Playing with 3 defenders(suggestions appriciated)+ thoughts on unrealistic formation
- No login
- Guess what is behind door number A?
- Offside or not ? #2nd edition
- Ticket Prices Help !!!
- P2w
- Profile Picture
- Troll result? But this one? Really?
- My players doesnt score . Someone help..
- Transfermarket with only 3* Players....
- What about this rating
- Have they changes the rating of the players
- Top Eleven What the Fu@k
- Dominate games but poor goalkeeper? still leaked goals, game engine tweaked?
- Training stuck at the top of L91
- Special Ability: Worth it? And if so... when?
- Top eleven via browser
- Robbed
- Recommended players ?!!?!? STILL WAITING !!!
- Moral
- Lol :')
- Cannot use personal trainer. Why ?
- when should stop bidding ?
- Training )
- [Official] Weekly Sponsor Deals event is back!
- Mythbuster : Extra player when starting new account
- Top 11 doesn't load on my computer
- [Official] Changes in healing loaned players
- [Official] Top Eleven v5.3 - 7th of February
- Seeking level 12 managers
- player pool increase to 25
- Ticket Prices
- Player attributes
- Top Eleven - Fixed Game [PROOF]
- Selling at the right time and.. price
- Finished ninth, but still promoted?
- Losing a player because of debt
- Match money low, win bonus high
- Players rating downgraded
- Season 89 Are you ready?
- Training new position
- Criteria to determine league winner?
- 8* --> *9: Worth it?
- Lessons Learnt in Top Eleven
- Blocking players
- 6* going 8* and going....*** my oppo
- and... top eleven strikes back...
- Top Eleven and You !!
- Should I keep him?
- How to put pause in match???
- Training def, mid, att ?
- Individual training for 'speed' skill only
- Random or bad orders for me?
- Is a power trained player worth it?
- Some quiestions?
- Help needed
- Emblem: shapes, patterns and symbols
- Using a nice picture from my pc as logo for my team... Is this possible?
- Pricey Hobby
- New Top eleven fans Android app /nonProfit,no ads !!
- What do stars do?
- Can't buy a friend player
- Unable to change match time
- Match Fixing in Top Eleven
- How to defeat 4-2-3-1 defensive formation?
- UPDATE: Jose Mourinho
- Trick: is this how you trigger goals?
- Hi, good morning. I have a problem with my account.
- friendly games very low +% training per condition loss ?
- El' Clasico of my TE11 league.
- Mafia between players!!!
- Help pls
- Training special ability
- Firends group
- special offer ?!?!
- No players to transfer...
- Really quick promotion
- For the 10th season in a row, I'm stuck with the same managers
- Can I lose....please???
- My facebook account is deleted.
- friend of facebok
- How assists works?
- Training sessions per day?
- Damage to players ((((
- Upload picture
- Best Way to Keep 10% Team Bonuses?
- Having more than 1 wall / aerial.
- New player Assosiaction Question
- the raport between shots and freekicks is completely off ?
- Left sided players
- How can you study your opponent ? no match history, no match descriptions
- Anyone has same problem with me?
- Corner taker idea
- Handicap for home teams?
- Manage new club - will i retain my token and $$$?
- cannot add friend in Top Eleven IOS version
- offside or not ?
- Suspension
- and again...no player on transfer market
- Special ability adds to market value ? multiple positions?
- Rest packs / health packs generation from Training and medical facility
- Where can i find my teams history?
- Lost Tokens
- League draw already happened?
- Explanation?
- Training level 91
- Delete FB acc?
- Training age threshold.
- Why i lost my stars?
- Finished 9th in league, still advanced in level? :(
- Cup draw changed to same level only?
- Season 88 - Are you ready?
- Preseason
- Level 1 Cup
- A question from newcomer !
- Please help this rookie !
- Possibility to bet on competitions
- Losing transfer auction for this "WAIT". WHY!
- Lost NML-Final by Servercrach?
- [OFFICIAL] Champions League and Super League - Rules & Competition format
- Finally it's back
- How can this happen? :confused:
- injuries
- Attendance
- Mannequin Challange Andalusia Team
- Happy New Year
- Buying a scout player, nd train him
- Why top eleven sucks hard!
- Achievements
- Why do individual abilities even exist??
- Youtube Channel
- Sequence of defeats
- Misinformation from my tac support during the match.
- A new way of cheating???
- Usaneme
- In game - player support
- You really did it this time !
- Loan deals possible?
- Unbelievable stats for 4* player
- Are the recomended transfers worth?
- So fed up with the AI
- Tips on tanking
- 5 promotional tokens!
- Youth academy upgrade
- Arrows
- Problem with Gk
- How much control do you have ?
- [OFFICIAL] EVENT - Weekly Sponsor deal
- Shouldn't have won.... or should I?
- Why was the Official Academy players thread closed?
- [Official] Top Eleven v5.2 - 20th of December
- [OFFICIAL] Vote for the jersey you like!
- 1 token and minor visual flaw
- I'm only level 4 and...
- Question: How simulation work when playing against higher level manager
- transfer market
- Disclipine
- friends is this an anomaly
- T11 2017 - unwatched teams better?
- The best training
- High levels...
- Developing special abilities
- Promotion
- High qualty league draw is back again ?!?
- Spotting fast trainers.
- re: player contracts
- How does negotiations work?
- Why is this happening???
- Same story this year thay use wrong generating from this game
- Frustrating finish
- Zero fans in association matches
- Season 87- Are you ready?
- Youth Accademy Players: Should they Lose ★ or remain the same until next season?
- Difference of red card effect between Associations and League-CL-Cup.
- Question. Does the game favour teams with higher goal difference to win the league
- Pls explain me, how this game works
- Players in a "yellow caution" position
- Cup draw system really unfair and demotivate active player
- When should you train a special ability?
- Jose Mourinho
- Fresh teams with levels
- Can i add players from my association as friend?
- Very Easy Training Drills
- Many say Quality is not the factor in this game, even the admin also say that, but...
- [Official] Top Eleven v5.1.1 - 2nd of December
- When does the next new season begin?
- How can I beat him?!?
- A question of morale...
- unbalanced transfer market
- this game is ridiculous
- Suddenly losing against the much weaker teams
- 7 STARS player
- Christmas special offers
- How to avoid player getting scout rank
- Country flag
- second place ?
- Train to Scout or let it on 99%
- Searching player who wants to help me with my second team.
- Why in Champions League have teams high level?
- How do I get 8 or 9 star players?
- stats
- 2 types of yellow cards?
- Why is assists so random?
- All notifications disappeared!
- Crazy cup match
- Important cup game and server down
- Why am I losing to a team that is 20 percent quality below me?
- Question: Weekly contract
- How to Find Good Striker
- I have not seen a fair play match in ages
- Can i see how many "fans" i got?
- league 35 to 36
- [Official] Top Eleven v5.1 - 18th of November
- Crazy bidding wars from newbies
- [Official] Chinese Support
- Max Level 53
- Question about promotion in high level leagues
- bugs in the Android version
- Having lower quality opponents at Champion League and Cup Matches
- Transfer bids
- Friends
- Americanisation of Football
- Impossible Kick-off times
- Player Good Or Bad
- Game Center login issue
- Signed a player with a full squad. Big improved contract?
- Transfer Market
- I bought tokens and do not have them
- League Draw! All opponents are friends!!
- not fair
- Average STARS in team ?
- 50 free token
- Ghost injury
- Coutinho moving to Barcelona :)
- High Level Clubs - League draw issues at high levels
- Nivea men league winners vs champions league winners should compete for super cup.
- Help me out Please..
- Players lose skills every new season
- Season 86 - Are you ready?
- Pricing and affects of Bonus
- Strange "moral" bonus
- Good team in 35 tokens
- Season Ends today ?
- Next season
- Vent Your Auctions Problems Here!
- Youth Academy Enhancement
- Need some advice !!!
- [Official] Improved Youth Academy!