- Friends and friendlies
- How does the Champions League Work?
- Lesões
- same server
- is it possible to report inappropriate team names?
- negotiation with friends
- friend
- banned by sponser
- Friends
- Change Match Time
- 3 new languages on t11
- nothing suck in this game such as young academy
- Best way to get free tokens?
- dont like this new cup set up
- gifts
- where do free agent players go?
- Daily Maintenance
- This season, my team is definitely underpowered.
- Is there a way to search a team?
- Hints and tricks
- Need help with a training issue
- player foot what mean
- Does anything happen if you train a player to 6*
- only2-5 player in transfers market
- Green / Red / Blue packs
- Training
- Upgrading facilities
- Hard time for token farmers...
- rename players
- renewing contracts
- bad luck or new strategy of t11
- weird
- Token for watcing videos
- What a f.cken transfer market
- How can you tell
- What do I do?
- Rant
- can a pro answer that?
- Thank you Mr. Bode
- Finally I decided to stay here another season
- what the hell??
- Stadium question
- Friends Lists? cant play with mates?
- Tv rights
- Zero Attendance on Friendly Matches
- Most effective way to train your players?
- Kashiwa Washi - Guess the correct aggregate score contest #1
- What you'd do with 600 free tokens? Need advices.
- why do my players always miss the goal?
- 5star players
- One guy in my server is buying all the 18-20 yr olds but....
- Crowd sizes
- Player quality and stars :)
- Weird schedule of last seasons
- Is "bullying" a too stronger word for auction bidder?
- Promoted beyond my leve
- Premium emblem?
- New formation
- Need help from the pro
- Best special ability
- Desperate need of help!!!
- Buying from friend
- Special ability
- Weird formation. How to beat this?
- Players' Condition
- No opposition!
- Buying A Player Through Negotiations
- Power Training with low condition.
- Offers
- CONTEST Edition #5 - 15.03.2013 / 22.03.2013 - SPECIAL EDITION
- Completing Survey
- Without money, it is difficult.
- First players from youth academy!
- I need opinions...Delete or no delete?
- Does inactive/very small team have a high % of winning a game against a bigger team?
- mc + amc
- Length of Auctions
- when are transfer buyer`s going to learn :)
- Omg !! XD
- How do you lose against 6 men and no Goalkeeper!?
- I'm retiring at the end of the season.......
- another retarded top eleven match
- Training older players
- S2 Build order
- Maxed out?
- Can't train my GK
- Stretching is stretcher.
- Facebook Id number on the help tab of the game
- Time to stop playing I think, waste of 3 months!
- curiosity about players quality
- Fire the scout!
- Training Points Problem
- Really starting to hate this....
- Any Explanation?
- Negotiations are usless!!!!
- Cash problem...Please help me :))))
- Best time to out a player up for sale?
- Morale
- Trainig ground and youth academy
- Training
- When I do not use facebook.
- Problem with my loggin
- tokens
- Friends
- What exactly is a scout?
- Need help for my team please :)
- Nordues Support taking so long?!
- The Oddest of Flags
- 21 Tokens without a credit card?
- for those that write in a differnt langauge
- Injuries and substitions
- suggestions for better cup format
- champions league( knock-out tournament)
- is it possible....
- Better players -> lower marktvalue -> why?
- Another proof that the game-engine decides winners before the games
- posesion
- Formation tactic
- Where do i enter the code for tokens?
- scout players
- WTH ??? how???
- YOuth Academy
- Lost my team this eve , i was on day 3 season 6 , anybody had this issue ?
- help
- i need help
- cant log in via computer!!!! help!!!!
- 5 injurys in two games?!
- Negotiations...
- Hate this game when
- Passing
- Need help
- play match with rest intensity
- What is the easiest way to throw away my cup game?
- about friends
- Players of my own academy
- Greedy sellers...
- Bidding on players!
- Ticket Prices
- Condition
- Dear Nordeus, thx so much for scheduling my league game early... not!
- Why are all of my Home games so early in the morning???
- why so **** server ?
- friends
- Crazy League!!!
- No server generated players
- New system - the money are not important now
- Advice for first scout
- Swaps For players! or anyone wanting to sell :D
- Something missing?
- Transfers
- Individual Offers - Huston, we have a problem here
- Can't wait to watch players move around during matches
- I dont get how a team this bad makes it to season 4
- Tactics for narrow diamond
- Angry : CHEATERS ???!!!
- is it worth it
- New cup system?
- Champions League
- Top Eleven Review
- payment by phone
- Buying tokens...
- NORDEUS & suddenly high injury rates and drop in moral?
- Poll
- Training bug !!!
- Post your cup format suggestion here
- Biggest Defeat
- youth academy
- My Cup format suggestion
- Transfer Bargains
- UNOFFICIAL POLL: What Cup Format Would You Like?
- Any way to turn around a 5-0 loss?
- win bonus
- Power train.
- Cup Games
- Buying 5 star players (with quality?)
- Do dead teams sell in negotiations ?
- Illegal formation?
- I may retire at the end of this season so bye m8s.
- TV rights
- New player names?
- Farming at a certain level: Is it possible??!
- Shadow Strikers?
- How to win this squad all friend?????
- what is the point in buying young players ?
- players suddenly costs a lot more in the TL compared to earlier today
- Ticket help ( lvl 14 ) Please.
- facebook privacy
- Any one know how to calculate transfer rounds?
- Tokens
- What's wrong with tm???
- How is this possible?
- help!!!!
- Is this a scout list??
- How important is Morale??
- Servers, Friends etc
- Why is this illegal?
- Attribute / Stats
- How to delete my team?
- why skills improvement is grayed for one category ?
- CL prize money
- Champions League structure
- Do new Scouts appear more frequently now?
- Miku vs Michu: The Power Training Match-Up (5*18yo vs 6*22yo)
- Man U vs Liverpool in preliminary cup round???
- New season, new tactic : I need some advices :)
- negotiations.
- player sold?
- Way to Improve scout players?
- Transfer list, players quality and age
- i want to play on other server.
- New season begins, Injury's coming
- What happened to my players' stars?
- Let's all open tickets with Nordeus - More prize money/Old Cup format
- My first Cup game
- I'm new.. only few help
- Errrrrr thank you Nordeus
- DML/DMRs o.o
- The real problem with new cup format is that prizes are too low
- New player some advice plz!!!
- transfer "negotiation?
- Nordeus give us a new option to remove our team from undesired cup competition
- asemetric formation cons and pros ??
- Need HELP !!!!
- Your purchases, LIVE!
- U21 on first day
- Advice
- Season 1 ends and My first cup match begin...!!! any idea???
- We need Our previous Cup system back .. who with me?
- Thank you T11
- Do i sell and buy or grow?
- Negoations
- New Cup Format - Token Buyers are DISADVANTAGED
- wtf ?!?!?
- the game is doom. cup an cl prize money (even 4 1 game) is crap now
- Logged in today, have 5 random players on my team
- Abandoned team?
- gift card to buy tokens
- Wrong date for first fixture
- My Emblem
- daily maintenance
- Videos!!!!!
- You know when your addicted
- The Universal Player II (Season 38) - Discussion Thread
- Season 38
- Need admin
- New season !
- Scout vs. Power Training
- How does Nordeus sort teams when you get promoted?
- FC Orlova looking for help III