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  1. Why do people bid and buy players in last days of season?
  2. I need advice on formaiton and tactics urgent please
  3. Question: Why would someone have a 115 team and lower it to 87 before the game?
  4. So what happened to “Draw Frenzy”?
  5. Getting tired of nordeus causing results
  6. Hot shots task from Special Sponsor
  7. Someone have some advice for me urgent
  8. Someone please explain this to me
  9. Experience: Is it better to stick with one two formations through season?
  10. Boost lab not working
  11. Can anyone tell me about a high star gk and how to beat him
  12. How to play without buying tokens
  13. [Official] Penalty Clash Minigame - LIVE NOW!
  14. Niveau supérieur de l'équipe adverse
  15. 22 year old ST 107% Gains
  16. I remember when...
  17. Speacial ability defensive wall
  18. Someone please explain to me training bonuses
  19. Buy or not a Loan 19 years old striker
  20. Recrutement académie junior
  21. Unfair league draw
  22. FA ASSOCIATION- Match Manipulation and Deliberate Underperformance in FA ASSOCIATION
  23. [Official] Top Eleven - Goal Rush Challenge!
  24. Season 164 - Are you ready?
  25. World Cup event or gamemode?
  26. 10 Stars or 11 Stars???
  27. Special sponsor
  28. How many stars or how much quality do players lose from phase 3 to 4
  29. I won a match but the other team advanced!!!
  30. thx nordeus
  31. I was given the wrong result and wrongfully eliminated
  32. Next game prediction
  33. Who else has this problem?
  34. What level do players increasing a star level go 'on fire'?
  35. Club Transfer???
  36. This game is bs
  37. Free Kicks are TOO OP!
  38. How can I (level 5) have a Cup opponent of Level 9
  39. Auction ignoramus
  40. Denounces disdained Brazilian FA
  41. Building a machine learning model
  42. Associations Game down, and chat box too
  43. For those complaining about playing against teams 20% / 40% higher...
  44. End of season negotiations
  45. Union Cup High level
  46. Rewards from a game
  47. Its A joke
  48. Please bring watching ads back to gameday instead of the 24h rule
  49. The server is compromised
  50. Season 163 - Are you ready?
  51. [Official] Season 163 - Trophies Update!
  52. Teams not leveling up
  53. Platinum club
  54. End of season
  55. Stadium Capacity
  56. Is this game still fair? Opinions from those who play it 7 years
  57. Is it better to power train players or buy player
  58. Como lograr el "Pichichi con estilo de juego"
  59. Away bonus
  60. New condition during game…
  61. Facilities
  62. Game lagging in iPhone X
  63. Draw Frenzy SS???
  64. Group Server
  65. Youth Academy - Stars Requires
  66. End of season
  67. My GK under perfoms always in Big games..
  68. This can't be real
  69. Level 1 sqaud
  70. Join this super championship!! Guaranteed competitive!
  71. Transfers level 1
  72. Top 11 App crash Android every time I want to watch ads.
  73. New beginner
  74. Sometimes it feels like some matches are designed to be defeated
  75. Share your emblem designs that never made it to the game!
  76. [Official] Top Eleven - Top Scorer Challenge Redesign
  77. Season 162 - Are you ready?
  78. Stop this event, give us our fixtures!
  79. Buying on last day of the season
  80. Not getting 25 ads for rests
  81. How do i solve this
  82. AMC playing defence
  83. Draw frenzy
  84. What special ability should I give to my strikers?
  85. Better player ratings and losing. Due to purchase?
  86. Time for change
  87. Experimental thread: Test your players and share the performance
  88. Fixed game
  89. Fairness against unbalanced teams.
  90. Are injuries now more frequent?
  91. [Official] Top Eleven 2023 - Player Academy is LIVE!
  92. Why can't my team retain possession?
  93. Friendly Championship 🏆
  94. wow what a great time to screw up the servers when our home asso matches should start
  95. playstyles
  96. Nordeus are you kidding me?
  97. Please -- give us goal replays, not offside replays
  98. Are division token awards still a thing in assoc?
  99. overall vs skill distribution - inconsistence
  100. [Official] Top Eleven 23.0 - 15th of August
  101. [Official] Top Eleven 2023 - Launch Season!
  102. Special Sponsor
  103. Season 161 - Are you ready?
  104. How can i avoid mutant teams in my league?
  105. Third kit
  106. [Official] Top Eleven 22.21 - 9th of August
  107. A bug bit me in my bedroom
  108. Why my cup final is at 3 am!!!???
  109. Players for sale
  110. 89' of the match and Cup result bug?!
  111. Timezones
  112. Freezing game that cost me the match
  113. King events
  114. top 11 on fire?
  115. How is this allowed?
  116. Frenzy cheat!
  117. Nordeus will go down!
  118. End of the league
  119. Rip off frenzy draw
  120. Dwarf players...
  121. Spend more money?
  122. Red card BS
  123. Roles y Habilidades
  124. Consulta sobre Patrocinador
  125. Boost Pack
  126. [Official] Top Eleven 22.20 - 25th of July
  127. Reflections on the top eleven
  128. Obsequios
  129. Nuevo Sistemas de puntos para equipos activos y triunfadores
  130. Premios por Ligas o copas ganadas
  131. Periodo de Traspasos
  132. Barra de Energía Adicional, por temporada
  133. Teams and there members
  134. gg nordeus
  135. Join my friendly championship anyone welcome!
  136. Transfert tour
  137. Nordeus Treatment packs rip-off
  138. Video Drills Event
  139. Special sponsor visual bug or new feature?
  140. Facebook /google chrome pages unresponsive
  141. Bug no patrocinador especial e confederações.
  142. association points disappeared
  143. Can not buy special sponsor from our nation
  144. TopEleven Algorithm is a Joke
  145. New season, my Level and team quality stay the same
  146. Season 160 - Are you ready?
  147. Do you guys target the player,the open space or the mentality of your opp?
  148. Special sponsor reward requires new version
  149. How to install old version of TOP 11 to watch daily video in Android 4.2 Tablet
  150. 3 double point videos in game everyday
  151. Vice Capitão
  152. Offers
  153. Inquiries about the negotiations
  154. Minimum number of players in my squad?
  155. I can not remove my inactive FA members why (Im captain)??
  156. Where does Norddeus want to take the game?
  157. Şikayet Hk
  158. Player Styles Question
  159. Work on arrangements of leagues and competitions
  160. [Official] 3D Live Match Improvements - Offsides
  161. I saw captain's armband in 3d live match!
  162. ST at 192%
  163. Could we get events for the players?
  164. This forum comes alive during the weekend
  165. Any option to link Top 11 Account to Gmail in windows app or pc??
  166. We don't need to train our players
  168. Cheat!
  169. [Official] New Event - Draw Frenzy!
  170. Association
  171. I have reached Diamond
  172. Association Match Bug
  173. top eleven scripted shambles
  174. Is defensive wall SA useless in 3D?
  175. Live events a waste of time
  176. [Official] Top Eleven 22.18 - 27th of June
  177. Matchmaking for Associations matches
  178. 'friends fixtures v now playing
  179. Some uselesss Special abilities
  180. How does the new assoc points system work?
  181. Player morale
  182. Mourinho support
  183. Missing in game friends
  184. About player height, weight and leg.
  185. Season 159 - Are you ready?
  186. Mods
  187. Looking to leave and why
  188. King of Kings event tactics
  189. Typical Stuff from Nordeus
  190. Special sponsor 5 goals in one game.
  191. Over-commercialization has made the game boring
  192. Transfer market is trash
  193. King of kings disgraceful farce
  194. Commentary only mode?
  195. King of Kings reward emblem
  196. Real money investment
  197. Official T-shirts in 3D
  198. New Role (first team and academy)
  199. videos not loading
  200. There's a GHOST in my team!!!
  201. 6 player with playstyle or 6 diffrent playstyle ?
  202. Hot Shots Again
  203. Subs On Fire ‘45
  204. Morale loss after victory by all players: moronic, stupid,and completely unrealistic.
  205. Join my friendly championship!
  206. Join my friendly championship!!!!!
  207. Nordeus Math
  208. Nordeus I do not get it, your reasoning
  209. Great match, isn't it
  210. Is it still believe in game
  211. 50 subs and 10 goals ????
  212. Exclamation
  213. Some things never change...
  214. Limit of in game friends?
  215. Applause Nordeus
  216. [Official] 3D Live Match Improvements - Fouls
  217. José Mourinho became the first coach to win all three UEFA club competitions!
  218. Could not watch game but saw . . . .
  219. Tour champions event - BUG?
  220. Can't stand this no more.
  221. championship Friendlies
  222. League draw finished this game!
  223. Player Morale
  224. Nordeus compensation
  225. New Sponsor - Same old problems
  226. Season 158 - Are you ready?
  227. [Official] Special Sponsor Update - Season 158
  228. top scorers
  229. Ratings change...
  230. Epic failure
  231. Association bug
  232. Nothing works
  233. Association multipliers
  234. Needing some guidance
  235. Returning! Can someone bring me back up to speed?
  236. Youth Team playing in youth leagues.
  237. On fire and morale
  238. People ranting about the game being pay to win
  239. Is this worth? (intensity coach x40)
  240. Offside, where have you gone?
  241. What's the best defensive setup?
  242. Hot Shots
  243. what a farce
  244. Birthday Jersey 2022
  245. league 1 gold
  246. [Official] Top Eleven 22.14 - 12th Birthday!
  247. Academy Coaches
  248. White skills vs Grey Skills does it matter anymore??
  249. will we see new opponents in official match?
  250. Boost?