- Why do people bid and buy players in last days of season?
- I need advice on formaiton and tactics urgent please
- Question: Why would someone have a 115 team and lower it to 87 before the game?
- So what happened to “Draw Frenzy”?
- Getting tired of nordeus causing results
- Hot shots task from Special Sponsor
- Someone have some advice for me urgent
- Someone please explain this to me
- Experience: Is it better to stick with one two formations through season?
- Boost lab not working
- Can anyone tell me about a high star gk and how to beat him
- How to play without buying tokens
- [Official] Penalty Clash Minigame - LIVE NOW!
- Niveau supérieur de l'équipe adverse
- 22 year old ST 107% Gains
- I remember when...
- Speacial ability defensive wall
- Someone please explain to me training bonuses
- Buy or not a Loan 19 years old striker
- Recrutement académie junior
- Unfair league draw
- FA ASSOCIATION- Match Manipulation and Deliberate Underperformance in FA ASSOCIATION
- [Official] Top Eleven - Goal Rush Challenge!
- Season 164 - Are you ready?
- World Cup event or gamemode?
- 10 Stars or 11 Stars???
- Special sponsor
- How many stars or how much quality do players lose from phase 3 to 4
- I won a match but the other team advanced!!!
- thx nordeus
- I was given the wrong result and wrongfully eliminated
- Next game prediction
- Who else has this problem?
- What level do players increasing a star level go 'on fire'?
- Club Transfer???
- This game is bs
- Free Kicks are TOO OP!
- How can I (level 5) have a Cup opponent of Level 9
- Auction ignoramus
- Denounces disdained Brazilian FA
- Building a machine learning model
- Associations Game down, and chat box too
- For those complaining about playing against teams 20% / 40% higher...
- End of season negotiations
- Union Cup High level
- Rewards from a game
- Its A joke
- Please bring watching ads back to gameday instead of the 24h rule
- The server is compromised
- Season 163 - Are you ready?
- [Official] Season 163 - Trophies Update!
- Teams not leveling up
- Platinum club
- End of season
- Stadium Capacity
- Is this game still fair? Opinions from those who play it 7 years
- Is it better to power train players or buy player
- Como lograr el "Pichichi con estilo de juego"
- Away bonus
- New condition during game…
- Facilities
- Game lagging in iPhone X
- Draw Frenzy SS???
- Group Server
- Youth Academy - Stars Requires
- End of season
- My GK under perfoms always in Big games..
- This can't be real
- Level 1 sqaud
- Join this super championship!! Guaranteed competitive!
- Transfers level 1
- Top 11 App crash Android every time I want to watch ads.
- New beginner
- Sometimes it feels like some matches are designed to be defeated
- Share your emblem designs that never made it to the game!
- [Official] Top Eleven - Top Scorer Challenge Redesign
- Season 162 - Are you ready?
- Stop this event, give us our fixtures!
- Buying on last day of the season
- Not getting 25 ads for rests
- How do i solve this
- AMC playing defence
- Draw frenzy
- What special ability should I give to my strikers?
- Better player ratings and losing. Due to purchase?
- Time for change
- Experimental thread: Test your players and share the performance
- Fixed game
- Fairness against unbalanced teams.
- Are injuries now more frequent?
- [Official] Top Eleven 2023 - Player Academy is LIVE!
- Why can't my team retain possession?
- Friendly Championship 🏆
- wow what a great time to screw up the servers when our home asso matches should start
- playstyles
- Nordeus are you kidding me?
- Please -- give us goal replays, not offside replays
- Are division token awards still a thing in assoc?
- overall vs skill distribution - inconsistence
- [Official] Top Eleven 23.0 - 15th of August
- [Official] Top Eleven 2023 - Launch Season!
- Special Sponsor
- Season 161 - Are you ready?
- How can i avoid mutant teams in my league?
- Third kit
- [Official] Top Eleven 22.21 - 9th of August
- A bug bit me in my bedroom
- Why my cup final is at 3 am!!!???
- Players for sale
- 89' of the match and Cup result bug?!
- Timezones
- Freezing game that cost me the match
- King events
- top 11 on fire?
- How is this allowed?
- Frenzy cheat!
- Nordeus will go down!
- End of the league
- Rip off frenzy draw
- Dwarf players...
- Spend more money?
- Red card BS
- Roles y Habilidades
- Consulta sobre Patrocinador
- Boost Pack
- [Official] Top Eleven 22.20 - 25th of July
- Reflections on the top eleven
- Obsequios
- Nuevo Sistemas de puntos para equipos activos y triunfadores
- Premios por Ligas o copas ganadas
- Periodo de Traspasos
- Barra de Energía Adicional, por temporada
- Teams and there members
- gg nordeus
- Join my friendly championship anyone welcome!
- Transfert tour
- Nordeus Treatment packs rip-off
- Video Drills Event
- Special sponsor visual bug or new feature?
- Facebook /google chrome pages unresponsive
- Bug no patrocinador especial e confederações.
- association points disappeared
- Can not buy special sponsor from our nation
- TopEleven Algorithm is a Joke
- New season, my Level and team quality stay the same
- Season 160 - Are you ready?
- Do you guys target the player,the open space or the mentality of your opp?
- Special sponsor reward requires new version
- How to install old version of TOP 11 to watch daily video in Android 4.2 Tablet
- 3 double point videos in game everyday
- Vice Capitão
- Offers
- Inquiries about the negotiations
- Minimum number of players in my squad?
- I can not remove my inactive FA members why (Im captain)??
- Where does Norddeus want to take the game?
- Şikayet Hk
- Player Styles Question
- Work on arrangements of leagues and competitions
- [Official] 3D Live Match Improvements - Offsides
- I saw captain's armband in 3d live match!
- ST at 192%
- Could we get events for the players?
- This forum comes alive during the weekend
- Any option to link Top 11 Account to Gmail in windows app or pc??
- We don't need to train our players
- Cheat!
- [Official] New Event - Draw Frenzy!
- Association
- I have reached Diamond
- Association Match Bug
- top eleven scripted shambles
- Is defensive wall SA useless in 3D?
- Live events a waste of time
- [Official] Top Eleven 22.18 - 27th of June
- Matchmaking for Associations matches
- 'friends fixtures v now playing
- Some uselesss Special abilities
- How does the new assoc points system work?
- Player morale
- Mourinho support
- Missing in game friends
- About player height, weight and leg.
- Season 159 - Are you ready?
- Mods
- Looking to leave and why
- King of Kings event tactics
- Typical Stuff from Nordeus
- Special sponsor 5 goals in one game.
- Over-commercialization has made the game boring
- Transfer market is trash
- King of kings disgraceful farce
- Commentary only mode?
- King of Kings reward emblem
- Real money investment
- Official T-shirts in 3D
- New Role (first team and academy)
- videos not loading
- There's a GHOST in my team!!!
- 6 player with playstyle or 6 diffrent playstyle ?
- Hot Shots Again
- Subs On Fire ‘45
- Morale loss after victory by all players: moronic, stupid,and completely unrealistic.
- Join my friendly championship!
- Join my friendly championship!!!!!
- Nordeus Math
- Nordeus I do not get it, your reasoning
- Great match, isn't it
- Is it still believe in game
- 50 subs and 10 goals ????
- Exclamation
- Some things never change...
- Limit of in game friends?
- Applause Nordeus
- [Official] 3D Live Match Improvements - Fouls
- José Mourinho became the first coach to win all three UEFA club competitions!
- Could not watch game but saw . . . .
- Tour champions event - BUG?
- Can't stand this no more.
- championship Friendlies
- League draw finished this game!
- Player Morale
- Nordeus compensation
- New Sponsor - Same old problems
- Season 158 - Are you ready?
- [Official] Special Sponsor Update - Season 158
- top scorers
- Ratings change...
- Epic failure
- Association bug
- Nothing works
- Association multipliers
- Needing some guidance
- Returning! Can someone bring me back up to speed?
- Youth Team playing in youth leagues.
- On fire and morale
- People ranting about the game being pay to win
- Is this worth? (intensity coach x40)
- Offside, where have you gone?
- What's the best defensive setup?
- Hot Shots
- what a farce
- Birthday Jersey 2022
- league 1 gold
- [Official] Top Eleven 22.14 - 12th Birthday!
- Academy Coaches
- White skills vs Grey Skills does it matter anymore??
- will we see new opponents in official match?
- Boost?