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  1. Kits 2014-2015 - Who failed?
  2. GMT server reset
  3. Squeaky bum time
  4. My frend matches
  5. How to steal the cup from a much stronger opponent guide
  6. Player retiring immediately after i bought him!
  7. Where are THE new Barcelona shirts?
  8. Financial Problems
  9. tank/champ
  10. 14 seasons with Greek players in it...
  11. Level of manager
  12. Joining friends into the league
  13. The players you want on your team
  14. The Chimera - Champions League Final
  15. Can someone get me up to date?
  16. Final: home team and scheduling change!
  17. Terrible end of the season
  18. Add a friend
  19. How do I beat A Better Team?
  20. Masters League Advice
  21. Spitting ...
  22. Persoal trainer price and learning a Special ability or a new role.
  23. Mother of all milestones
  24. Friends, restricts and getting benefits from it
  25. Results of matches
  26. Potential Signing - Worth it or Not?
  27. Loading from 0% every time...
  28. Funny player names
  29. Official Jerseys for a friend
  30. players at end of season
  31. Do over-signed players carry over across seasons?
  32. Question about tie-breaking system.
  33. Zonal v Man making
  34. Poll on other factors ...
  35. Poll on Counter Formation...
  36. Poll on Team Quality...
  37. So am I in the final?
  38. Last day to sign expiring contracts?
  39. Nordeus, you can just f**k youself..
  40. More Strong Evidence Suggesting Hacking/Cheating. Explain this?
  41. Level 17, Q104 Fast Training Striker, 18 yo
  42. Simple the games rigged
  43. lower team rating at the end of season?
  44. Do Training points carry over ?
  45. how to train young kickers
  46. FreaKING injuries
  47. Thank Supporters
  48. Bug again!!!!!!!
  49. Multiple Positions
  50. How to be manager of two teams?
  51. gift too supporter`s ?
  52. please add relegation
  53. bad midfielders?
  54. Training 'Footedness'
  55. How can this happen???
  56. I saw a player called "Hello Kitty"
  57. Broken Leg
  58. New annoying thanking you pop up...
  59. Tokens
  60. no booster vids!
  61. No FA
  62. Free agents quality
  63. 10 Man Mystery
  64. Buying Nordeus Gens...
  65. Player's form and how to improve it
  66. What the hell did i do wrong?
  67. Champion League Knock out Stage - Draw Score Question
  68. Do your Skill point (Cones) make it to the new season.
  69. AMR - Who has one?
  70. Lets Celebrate!
  71. Can I own more then 1 team??
  72. Iam losing the lead,need advice please
  73. abbility to chance server!
  74. bad gateway ?
  75. Cheating or simply too rich???
  76. Changing Game Time Questions
  77. Question about TOKENS
  78. Fast Trainers &Slow Trainers?
  79. Is there a way to report somebody in this game?
  80. Player Negotiations - How Do They Work?
  81. New Season Jerseys
  82. Troll Results-the facts.
  83. Higher level Finances?
  84. regalos
  85. How does phone's game data works?
  86. New Jerseys season 2014-2015
  87. Recovered injured player
  88. Skills from one season to another
  89. Help me to improve my team !!!!!
  90. Supporting Team
  91. Just my luck! (Transfer)
  92. yeaaah.. a lottery for me!! hahaha
  93. Injured/suspended players v players i have available. Would make a good match
  94. Bad rating despite scoring
  95. Whats going on?
  96. gilette vid?
  97. Players struggling to play multiple games in a day
  98. 1 BILLION mark...
  99. young players and their quality
  100. Sorry For Cheating :)
  101. Champions league
  102. Player Friendship
  103. Rules for Cup Draw
  104. Youth players
  105. My injured/suspended bench would almost beat my full squad in a match
  106. Another injury thread..
  107. weirdest team name in your league or seen ????
  108. If you ????
  109. Passing style - short passing vs long passing
  110. Question about league teams
  111. Type of trophies
  112. why so expensive?
  113. No BOOSTER offer available in any Country...
  114. facebook reminder`s
  115. The Sneaky New Market
  116. Retiring players?
  117. Server Change
  118. injuries during friendlies
  119. New Transfer Market in US
  120. How do I change the username?
  121. Top11 support BS
  122. Brazilian football results
  123. Help
  124. Would you keep 2. goalkeeper ?
  125. vietnam team unbeatable?
  126. So, I was watching a friend's match...
  127. Youth Academy Player and Training Speed Nerf Exposed...:D...
  128. Stadium upgrade issue
  129. Cup Question
  130. Do Bad players Stay Bad??
  131. attendance for a friendly
  132. What is your team position in the league at the end of mid season?
  133. Knee Cartilage Tear from low intensity stretching.
  134. when will the new kits be released?
  135. Arrows in the formation
  136. 35T Achievements
  137. MC with one on one SA?????
  138. my worst player ever
  139. I am in cup quarter!!!!!!!!!
  140. ST player on MC position
  141. This is not a rant
  142. Uefa champions league jerseys and emblem
  143. Achievements on Top Eleven | Logros en Top Eleven
  144. whats power training
  145. Why I lost?
  146. Injury rate increased? Tech help.
  147. Best Strickers
  148. Supersonic Ads support email?
  149. BS
  150. How long is a game?
  151. Not getting free rest, boost, treatments from Olive Garden video for a week now?
  152. Enough, Nordeus!
  153. Suspicion
  154. Ticket Prizes
  155. I don`t get it
  156. Price of the players
  157. Change server
  158. Come back later for more offers
  159. What don`t you like about Top Eleven
  160. Why do you like Top Eleven?
  161. To Buy, or Not To Buy?
  162. Goalkeeper scores a goal?
  163. Reduced training speeds
  164. player transfer
  165. Friendly matches
  166. Friends in the league
  167. How to get the no St achievement?
  168. I couldn't find this anywhere (U21 Topic)
  169. Although still annoyed BUT
  170. Bye bye CUP!
  171. Nordeus is on crack
  172. Goalie qualities
  173. I think the rules of illegal formation have changed.
  174. Does this happens with NORDEUS only ???
  175. How to make sure player retires at the latest possible?
  176. keeping skill points for new season
  177. Betway - free tokens
  178. Just tell me NORDEUS, who I am supposed to WIN...
  179. SupersonicAds Missing token trouble
  180. Is this a joke?
  181. Top Eleven recent technical errors and comments Vietnamese wrong too.
  182. Definition of AIDS in Top Eleven (Double corners).
  183. Youth academy player
  184. Poll on New Commentary...
  185. Nordeus Fail !! New commentary !
  186. how to add another top eleven account on Facebook or delete the previous one?
  187. Keep an eye on your market!
  188. Farmers of the whole UNITE!
  189. bug
  190. Logic?
  191. Nordeus! WTF?!
  192. just logged in and
  193. Losing to much moral every game this season
  194. Where is free agents ?! :@
  195. New Commentary.
  196. Loosing too many games???????
  197. Loosing
  198. achat ou prêt de joueurs avec un filleul
  199. Biggest league domination?
  200. Can I play online via login with my ID
  201. Has playing a DMC worked for you defensively?
  202. New Forum League, who is interested in play a new league next season or in 2? POLL.
  203. Achievements
  204. do good MC exist ?
  205. Max League level 19?
  206. achievements, surely i should GET
  207. terrible start for 18y nord gen - league matches played: 0 league matches banned: 2
  208. Am I being trolled?
  209. Are you kidding me Nordeus PART THREE (As requested by Sid)
  210. Foot and position
  211. Friend Limit
  212. Skill points
  213. Momentarily excited! Then hopes dashed!
  214. Remove Poker Face Achievement...
  215. Vraiment déçu
  216. Kinani
  217. morale
  218. Are you f*cking kidding me Nordeus PART TWO LOLOLOL.
  219. problemi con il gioco
  220. Unfair
  221. Desigualdad y jugar con ventaja
  222. No ads to earn boosters
  223. Football awards for finishing in 1st place
  224. Negotiation Type Transfer How?
  225. Problem Top Eleven
  226. My First Youth Academy Player...
  227. How do I view my Acheivements?
  228. What determines a Captain
  229. Maybe coming soon.... The O.M.A. Masters League
  230. injuries
  231. comprei 5 tokens por celular e nao chegou
  232. Are you f*cking kidding me Nordeus?
  233. CL Group standings
  234. OMA Group: New Achievements List
  235. Statistics and history
  236. Please NORDEUS bring back the OLD TRAINING SPEED...
  237. What is going on ?!! since Day 1 at least 1 player gets injury every match !!
  238. Win Bonuses - Are They Worth It?
  239. Perfect Tactics Rogers Cup Giveaway (FB Game Card Giveaway)
  240. Aggression factor increased or just Nordeus Engine trolling..
  241. level 19 supporters
  242. New campaign for promotion
  243. Transfer (in Negotiations)
  244. Very unbalanced league
  245. More Help With Negotiations ?
  246. What is your worst match?
  247. winning bonus
  248. Supper pro or hack?
  249. Get your witless fools buggy game I will not spend money on crap
  250. No FA