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  1. Amazed ! MC with only 4 stars was sold in 14th knockout round for 611K??
  2. Question on attributes
  3. Let's discuss the game !!
  4. The biggest debt i have every seen in my top eleven career!
  5. Fans problem
  6. Scout players
  7. Transfers
  8. How much should I set a ticket price? (Level 42)
  9. Did anyone achieved this?
  10. Don't give up! (ALL ROADS LEAD TO SUCCESS)
  11. My Best player of all time so far
  12. Power Training
  13. Favourite in the league!
  14. Token video
  15. Spam attack
  16. Upgrade order
  17. Special Ability
  18. Nordgens
  19. The best workout to gain XP
  20. Condition Bonus vs. Player's Condition
  21. Primary vs secondary position
  22. What's The Difference Between Champions League and Cup?
  23. Does this makes sence - 14 x 9 Star players ....
  24. Is My Triple winning season Over !!!
  25. How do i spot the fast trainers? (lvl 19)
  26. My Team!
  27. How much does a injured player degenerate, while injured?
  28. Pairing in CHL knock-out phase?
  29. Individual numbers at the end of the match
  30. 4-3-2-1 - Striker not scoring.
  31. Can anyone solve this?
  32. The Invincibles... When do I get it?
  33. Quick Questions
  34. whats the current highest league level in game
  35. Attack wins matches,defense wins championships!
  36. A golden number... of injuries?!
  37. New version training
  38. T11 Loads slowly after february update?
  39. Referrals
  40. To buy or not to buy?
  41. Top 11 is not fair to goal Keepers
  42. Gifts
  43. Zamalek f.c.
  44. Compare your team to real club team
  45. No player to buy
  46. What is the better option?
  47. From REAL MADRID to Borussia Dortmund!!!!!
  48. Matthew Smith
  49. Confusing windows screens..Bug..kekeke
  50. facebook account
  51. Buying a player
  52. Referres trolling
  53. My achievements till date...with only 35T
  54. Recommended Players
  55. Strange bidding, can anyone explain?
  56. Player motivation
  57. Actual players and player bought at auction from level 4
  58. Top11 Error
  59. Quick question
  60. Dont have enough players!!
  61. Cup Level
  62. Help to choose The New Jersey!!!!
  63. Never known facts finder t11
  64. Psychologist Center
  65. player wages are not logic
  66. Unlocking globes in training
  67. Comms reset at start of live match
  68. Negotiations
  69. Recommended players
  70. Champions League Draw
  71. The Cup
  72. Season 78 - Are you ready?
  73. New season start time?
  74. Activation Of Dribbler And Shadow Striker Special Abilities
  75. My three all time greats
  76. Upset to fix result
  77. Keeper training
  78. Help with end of season
  79. Treble is a funny word
  80. Retained Treble 4-5-1v to thank switching to 4-1-2-1-2 in between match if need be
  81. This is why I love this game!
  82. Friend Possession bonus unfair as hell
  83. The new iOS version burns through data like a wildfire. Read if you are on iOS!
  84. How you play against strong teams?
  85. New function earning tokens
  86. All my history during 6 seasons
  87. Mission Impossible ?
  88. At Last!
  89. Winning the treble
  90. Coincidence?
  91. Recreate the champions league system.
  92. The best team
  93. Stay Tuned 1st April
  94. level is not a barrier for token buyers.
  95. Irregular team
  96. To give a black cat
  97. New items in the Club Shop! - Romania
  98. Server crashed ?
  99. Witnessing/Managing an eventless game
  100. League or Champions League ?
  101. Passing with focus.
  102. Placing players on the negotiations list, how?
  103. Manipulating Champions League
  104. current fan base
  105. Training bonus intercepted friendly matches?
  106. Is the game screwing with me
  107. Hating to love Top 11
  108. best formation to beat 3-2-3-1-1
  109. Made to the Semi-Finals of my Cup, but not understanding how I got there
  110. What is happening? Read this, outrageous..
  111. Token offers best choice!
  112. Training your players
  113. Earning Tokens
  114. how are rules regarding yellow card suspension?
  115. Injuries
  116. Training only defense, with defense-players. But no defense bonus after training?
  117. Escobar vs Tebily
  118. CUP rules
  119. Who played most games for your team?
  120. Letting players go
  121. [DRILLS] Meet all drills
  122. highest goals scored
  123. Southwest Area
  124. Win by forfait? Never seen this before!
  125. Playing or training?
  126. Auto subs
  127. How to fight
  128. weird..
  129. Morale Low!
  130. Players Rest Condition
  131. Question about tokens
  132. Goalkeeper stories
  133. Can someone explain this bull*hit?
  134. Away goal rules in cup
  135. Sharing is caring..
  136. Transfers
  137. Additional Star despite training new role?
  138. match animation
  139. First half/Second half when to attack/defend.
  140. Where are all the norden players at?
  141. How do i report someone cheating!
  142. max budget ?
  143. Struggling with conditions and morale
  144. Morale
  145. Old training system
  146. A couple of firsts
  147. This football sucks
  148. 3 red cards in a match. WTH???
  149. Age v/s peformance.
  150. Thank the support after the game - IDEA
  151. What are you auction bidding strategies?
  152. Last Thing to do?
  153. Score 4 goals in last 10 mins. WTH???
  154. Strikers or not
  155. Tactics - another idea
  156. Testing thread of the season - No ST's
  157. Is it possible ? a question for people lv 15 or more plz
  158. Question of the day
  159. Recommended players
  160. Calculation table for arrows.
  161. Negotiations
  162. Confusion: Right/Wrong
  163. Has the ST scoring been fixed in the new season?
  164. Teams Unbalanced In League
  165. I'm a newbie. (Experiment)
  166. start again
  167. about favorite word ?
  168. How many leagues?
  169. How many training levels?
  170. Top eleven Survey v3
  171. Cup Heartbreak Again -- The Last Straw
  172. Player quality rule made players likely to be on auction?
  173. negotiation players
  174. How do you UNfriend!
  175. contract renew
  176. New player won't level up
  177. How to handle Season, Cup and Champions League at the same time.
  178. 0-24h time? Where is it?
  179. Special ability
  180. notification ?
  181. Market sad story
  182. Team Quality
  183. Losing of stars and stats
  184. i want demonstrate what top eleven became boring..guess teams next season
  185. unfriend
  186. Season 77 - Week 4
  187. club statistics
  188. best way to start next season
  189. Get more exciting
  190. Chat :--- Important! [Poll]
  191. I have some questions
  192. Assistant manager comments
  193. All month Strikers
  194. London City wound up.
  195. How to make fresh start?
  196. Top eleven and marketing
  197. I need help
  198. Who is best finisher of your club?
  199. where are all the decent scouts
  200. Observations and Questions
  201. Blue packs/morale boosters
  202. What does successful teams means?
  203. treble & runner up
  204. New code!
  205. How to unfriend inactive manager
  206. Viewing Other Friends Stadium / facilitys
  207. Top eleven survey v2
  208. New training
  209. free tokens question
  210. How do you pick CK, FK, PK?
  211. Club lvl up
  212. What is the meaning of favorite
  213. New football rule from nordeus=)))
  214. friends gifts
  215. Did you get any help from the new Attack - Defense bonus ?
  216. Good and bad views on new update!!
  217. OMG Not Loading without focus?
  218. About New Training Feature?
  219. Special ability symbols - what do they mean?
  220. Top eleven survey
  221. Change Club
  222. My Questions: Answer Please (Urgent)
  223. Players stars
  224. buying players from other managers
  225. Tickets and bonuses
  226. The Fluctuating Fees of the Coach
  227. Nice survey!
  228. someone please confirm the numbers
  229. Can't bid on players lower than 3 stars
  230. need 4 section of training for next match???
  231. the historic club
  232. Inquiry
  233. 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 with only 8% burn condition ? possible.......
  234. What is the exclamation mark (!) On player
  235. This is almost comical
  236. Bonus boost - explain please!
  237. My players are exhausted all the time
  238. Too early kickoff
  239. The Killer
  240. 12 clean sheet been broken
  241. Questions we want to ask to developers of the game
  242. How to put my players on the negotiation list?
  243. your club badge shirt to buy
  244. negotiation players
  245. the ghost goal...
  246. Injury free training
  247. so thats confirmed now. SP vs PP
  248. free rests
  249. Nothing to build.
  250. Tactics[HELP]!