- How much should I set a ticket price? (Level 42)
- Did anyone achieved this?
- Don't give up! (ALL ROADS LEAD TO SUCCESS)
- My Best player of all time so far
- Power Training
- Favourite in the league!
- Token video
- Spam attack
- Upgrade order
- Special Ability
- Nordgens
- The best workout to gain XP
- Condition Bonus vs. Player's Condition
- Primary vs secondary position
- What's The Difference Between Champions League and Cup?
- Does this makes sence - 14 x 9 Star players ....
- Is My Triple winning season Over !!!
- How do i spot the fast trainers? (lvl 19)
- My Team!
- How much does a injured player degenerate, while injured?
- Pairing in CHL knock-out phase?
- Individual numbers at the end of the match
- 4-3-2-1 - Striker not scoring.
- Can anyone solve this?
- The Invincibles... When do I get it?
- Quick Questions
- whats the current highest league level in game
- Attack wins matches,defense wins championships!
- A golden number... of injuries?!
- New version training
- T11 Loads slowly after february update?
- Referrals
- To buy or not to buy?
- Top 11 is not fair to goal Keepers
- Gifts
- Zamalek f.c.
- Compare your team to real club team
- No player to buy
- What is the better option?
- From REAL MADRID to Borussia Dortmund!!!!!
- Matthew Smith
- Confusing windows screens..Bug..kekeke
- facebook account
- Buying a player
- Referres trolling
- My achievements till date...with only 35T
- Recommended Players
- Strange bidding, can anyone explain?
- Player motivation
- Actual players and player bought at auction from level 4
- Top11 Error
- Quick question
- Dont have enough players!!
- Cup Level
- Help to choose The New Jersey!!!!
- Never known facts finder t11
- Psychologist Center
- player wages are not logic
- Unlocking globes in training
- Comms reset at start of live match
- Negotiations
- Recommended players
- Champions League Draw
- The Cup
- Season 78 - Are you ready?
- New season start time?
- Activation Of Dribbler And Shadow Striker Special Abilities
- My three all time greats
- Upset to fix result
- Keeper training
- Help with end of season
- Treble is a funny word
- Retained Treble 4-5-1v to thank switching to 4-1-2-1-2 in between match if need be
- This is why I love this game!
- Friend Possession bonus unfair as hell
- The new iOS version burns through data like a wildfire. Read if you are on iOS!
- How you play against strong teams?
- New function earning tokens
- All my history during 6 seasons
- Mission Impossible ?
- At Last!
- Winning the treble
- Coincidence?
- Recreate the champions league system.
- The best team
- Stay Tuned 1st April
- level is not a barrier for token buyers.
- Irregular team
- To give a black cat
- New items in the Club Shop! - Romania
- Server crashed ?
- Witnessing/Managing an eventless game
- League or Champions League ?
- Passing with focus.
- Placing players on the negotiations list, how?
- Manipulating Champions League
- current fan base
- Training bonus intercepted friendly matches?
- Is the game screwing with me
- Hating to love Top 11
- best formation to beat 3-2-3-1-1
- Made to the Semi-Finals of my Cup, but not understanding how I got there
- What is happening? Read this, outrageous..
- Token offers best choice!
- Training your players
- Earning Tokens
- how are rules regarding yellow card suspension?
- Injuries
- Training only defense, with defense-players. But no defense bonus after training?
- Escobar vs Tebily
- CUP rules
- Who played most games for your team?
- Letting players go
- [DRILLS] Meet all drills
- highest goals scored
- Southwest Area
- Win by forfait? Never seen this before!
- Playing or training?
- Auto subs
- How to fight
- weird..
- Morale Low!
- Players Rest Condition
- Question about tokens
- Goalkeeper stories
- Can someone explain this bull*hit?
- Away goal rules in cup
- Sharing is caring..
- Transfers
- Additional Star despite training new role?
- match animation
- First half/Second half when to attack/defend.
- Where are all the norden players at?
- How do i report someone cheating!
- max budget ?
- Struggling with conditions and morale
- Morale
- Old training system
- A couple of firsts
- This football sucks
- 3 red cards in a match. WTH???
- Age v/s peformance.
- Thank the support after the game - IDEA
- What are you auction bidding strategies?
- Last Thing to do?
- Score 4 goals in last 10 mins. WTH???
- Strikers or not
- Tactics - another idea
- Testing thread of the season - No ST's
- Is it possible ? a question for people lv 15 or more plz
- Question of the day
- Recommended players
- Calculation table for arrows.
- Negotiations
- Confusion: Right/Wrong
- Has the ST scoring been fixed in the new season?
- Teams Unbalanced In League
- I'm a newbie. (Experiment)
- start again
- about favorite word ?
- How many leagues?
- How many training levels?
- Top eleven Survey v3
- Cup Heartbreak Again -- The Last Straw
- Player quality rule made players likely to be on auction?
- negotiation players
- How do you UNfriend!
- contract renew
- New player won't level up
- How to handle Season, Cup and Champions League at the same time.
- 0-24h time? Where is it?
- Special ability
- notification ?
- Market sad story
- Team Quality
- Losing of stars and stats
- i want demonstrate what top eleven became boring..guess teams next season
- unfriend
- Season 77 - Week 4
- club statistics
- best way to start next season
- Get more exciting
- Chat :--- Important! [Poll]
- I have some questions
- Assistant manager comments
- All month Strikers
- London City wound up.
- How to make fresh start?
- Top eleven and marketing
- I need help
- Who is best finisher of your club?
- where are all the decent scouts
- Observations and Questions
- Blue packs/morale boosters
- What does successful teams means?
- treble & runner up
- New code!
- How to unfriend inactive manager
- Viewing Other Friends Stadium / facilitys
- Top eleven survey v2
- New training
- free tokens question
- How do you pick CK, FK, PK?
- Club lvl up
- What is the meaning of favorite
- New football rule from nordeus=)))
- friends gifts
- Did you get any help from the new Attack - Defense bonus ?
- Good and bad views on new update!!
- OMG Not Loading without focus?
- About New Training Feature?
- Special ability symbols - what do they mean?
- Top eleven survey
- Change Club
- My Questions: Answer Please (Urgent)
- Players stars
- buying players from other managers
- Tickets and bonuses
- The Fluctuating Fees of the Coach
- Nice survey!
- someone please confirm the numbers
- Can't bid on players lower than 3 stars
- need 4 section of training for next match???
- the historic club
- Inquiry
- 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 with only 8% burn condition ? possible.......
- What is the exclamation mark (!) On player
- This is almost comical
- Bonus boost - explain please!
- My players are exhausted all the time
- Too early kickoff
- The Killer
- 12 clean sheet been broken
- Questions we want to ask to developers of the game
- How to put my players on the negotiation list?
- your club badge shirt to buy
- negotiation players
- the ghost goal...
- Injury free training
- so thats confirmed now. SP vs PP
- free rests
- Nothing to build.
- Tactics[HELP]!
- Taking over new club
- My team's rating ( judge it)
- want to unregister
- Champions League tie breaking...
- Fixture Announcements and Notice - TE FAIL
- lost tokens
- [END] 13 league matches