- Why is no one buying my players?
- Why cup prizes are different for the same level teams?
- Injury Riddled. As usual. Wtf.
- 20:80 Ball position (20:80 Ballbesitz)
- Can anyone explain tanking
- Funny screenshot
- A special request
- about injuring
- 10-0 Victory
- What means tanking?
- player`s changing sever ?
- Scout-player doesn't perform lvl 7
- So we have new admins
- Players dont get along in my team?
- Power Training
- 20% possession penalty.
- Always lose or draw to weaker team
- Question regarding VIEWS...
- Deducted 500 tokens when entered Level 9
- Great game but NOT realistic
- Goalkeeper with free kick as SA????
- calling on level 17 and above manager`s for help
- Any help appreciated! Formation - Rest
- How is this possible??
- New to the game but happy with this comeback
- Cup Rules and Generic Questions
- my season so far.
- The Vent Thread #3 + Latest Discussions Index
- Shadow Striker Sucks
- Me esta empezando a defraudar top eleven.
- How do I move players about in the squad?
- Supersonic swindlers
- Are Nordeus just going to close off all contact with us?
- Negotiating Market
- negotiations gone wild
- My new AMC scored hatrick and 2 assist in his first game.
- End of an era !!!! long live the king lol
- Many NordGen players today...
- again with the false promises
- who programs this crap without testing it?
- Change the team on ANDROID app
- matches time
- about corners
- Am i the Best Manager on Here!!?
- What would you do?
- Is there any way to tell if a player on the transfer market will train well?
- high ranked players ? how?
- Mourihno on friends list ..
- Scout players
- They turned the Old market into the New market!
- urgenntt
- A huge thank you !!!
- Having multiple teams...
- Cup Matches
- The day of injuries!
- Nordeus Spanish facebook?
- That's impossible...
- Speechless..too much troll results n funny thing in here
- Illegal formation! How did that happen?
- 18 Year Old Striker-skill 84-approx. value?
- They are ruining the old market as well.
- The O.M.A. -Hall of Fame
- Player dissappear
- Why are there sometimes players in blue on the transfer market?
- My Goalkeeper scored hatrick
- Looking for some advices
- bank balance in the minus
- Negative credit money
- formations...goalkeepers played as strikers
- What happens to my current (old) team if I join another club?
- transfer help
- Scout Players above the level they should be ?
- New Admin McS ?
- Entrants for cup competitions
- Just for the good o the game .....
- New Bidding System???
- problem with friends
- League arrangements
- Most 'Supporters' an opponent has brought to a match
- Can't assign skill points, why?
- Out in the first round of the cup. Season is over before it have started, snuff!
- Best 17m i ever spent!
- help me please!
- Jersey Winners Revealed!
- Do away goals count in extra time???
- Early goals!!!
- Player Auctions and Budgets
- What is your team history?
- Two Games, Two Injuries
- New 'comments'
- Special Abilities
- is it possible.?
- Hahah... What's this...
- highest prices of the players !! Help
- 120 they say?
- Negociations
- The most highest TopEleven level ?
- Yayyy, trolled in the Cup yet again! :D
- New season goals
- WTF, get injury in a friendly game i did not start???
- I want to delete my profile here.
- Logos
- New Player in my team?
- 1st Treble for my A team Double for my B team
- Skill points
- Maillot a gagner ??? ou sont les gagnants?
- 111
- My Market
- When does the new season begin and what are your plans for the season
- Red FC - Player of the Year
- Season 52 (06.04.14/03.05.14)
- Less amount of Goal Againt's in a league ?
- You are corrupt or racist top 11?
- Cup
- End of the season?
- Daylight Robbery by Nordeus
- Anybody still think Nordeus are good guys?
- Failing Hard Doesn't Guarantee
- HALL OF FAME | Unofficial Achievements List [REMASTERED]
- Tokens
- I changed team today, Awesome!!!
- Really?
- Seasons Results
- Friends and server
- Forum Avengers
- money problem
- Who is ready for there free shirt !!!!
- 'Spitting' players.
- If i bought an emblem in top eleven in sale would i sell it with more tokens ?
- whats the point of doing friendly matches??
- Refferal progress question
- Old to new market??!?!?!
- Someone said something about false formation, say again please.
- How to invite friends to your match?
- Screw this game!
- Is it worth to keep the youth academy?
- Cl final
- Be happy, New Update!!
- Rating
- + 2
- A gem in my team!
- can someone help me what is this and explaine
- Can't beat weaker teams
- Re: What those for?
- SCP - Something good at last ;)
- Pleas some body answer
- statistics of club
- Would Top Eleven be better with games twice/week?
- Feel cheated!
- Different reward in Cup from match in same level?
- Champions league qualification?
- Another LONG-TERM INJURY DAY - Day 25 of 28
- Im back
- messaging other players
- New Game of Nordeus - TopFive Basket Manager Game Online
- End of season injuries...
- Need advice in advance for my youngsters academy
- T11 for Windows Phone?
- Skill Points - Cones - Youth Players
- Forum team name poll
- The O.M.A. Guide of Facilities
- Free agents
- Final week: Post your semi's and finals
- Remove Injuries from the game!!!
- Send premium thing
- Just a question!!
- Not a cent from me
- No explation, Thats enough
- CUP semifinal and the server crashes...
- game update in an inconvenient hour?
- How do I know in which server I'm on?
- If 4 friends each send me a gift rest, am I supposed to receive 4 rests?
- question
- Poll: What do you thinkk is the most determining factor of fixture results?
- Curiosity
- Nordeus apologists, please explain...
- Why I like the new transfer market
- Why is this happening to me?
- waarom is er geen Nederlands forum ?
- Training: 2xStretching or 1xCardio?
- Frustating
- Being harassed by Friend-Reques Spam
- Question about TV rights
- problem with buy token
- Low form goalkeeper and defensive midfielder and central midfielder
- I can't stand this game!!!
- 10 day injury
- Team Name needed
- Treinos
- Wtf
- Bonus to players really helps?
- investments
- A few questions
- What does playing in a friendly do for you?
- just oddness.........
- Im Not Angry Im Just Bored Of This Happening
- Forum Players' League
- Great Game by a Player, but not so great classification
- free tokens please
- This was a little bit pathetic
- Now I am an Vietnamese...
- Wow
- How to find someone in Top Eleven
- A new poll...
- Got lucky today
- and to start new team
- Watching Videos getting nothing.
- Scout Power on above level 13
- How can you tell if a Young player (18-22) has a lot of potential to become a 5 star?
- New recruit doing awesome work
- Why i got access to so few players?
- How can i ???
- Power training
- Question about Team selection if both game draw in CL
- Got bankrupt...Feeling SAD...
- Where is the fair play?
- Should I sell my players at the end of the season?
- auto subs
- Nordeus messed up a game got robbed
- My Most intense match ever
- :mad::mad::mad::mad:
- Rating for Cup Level
- takeover of a new team
- MUST-SEE MAGIC SHOW by Nordeus Top Eleven
- What a waste of time and money !!!!
- Fire the architect !
- If only this was real!
- Question about retirement
- player condition!
- can Nordeus explain
- aeriel Speciality
- Buying Frenzy
- what's the highest Season?
- strange
- 100% record gone!
- Very irritating problem
- Not good
- nordgen players
- noob just joined :D
- Injury Fest this season....
- What Star Quality do you aim for?
- Kits exchange
- Nordeus gens
- player names
- Players - Historical statistics
- player FORM
- Just when I thought all bot teams where invincible this happens!
- Lose 5-0 against weaker team with the same tatic. Really??
- Youth Players