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  1. Does top eleven have computer generated opponents?
  2. Money struggles
  3. defenders down arrows ?
  4. Tips on special abilities
  5. Like falling into a Cup with low quality
  6. Are scout players worth it?
  7. Highest token reward ever ?
  8. Training point lost
  9. Heavy tackling
  10. Scorers - How are your attackers?
  11. Sometimes it works.. sometimes it doesnt :D
  12. Match Report
  13. Scammed by ad partners! Please advise!
  14. Scammed by ad partners! Please advise!
  15. Beginner Tips that you wish you could have done
  16. Fast Trainers
  17. Star ratings
  18. How to get more coins
  19. Have you spent any money?
  20. Obat Aborsi Alami - 081221648889 - Obat Penggugur Kandungan - Obat Telat Bulan
  21. Days in which players who are on the scout are updated
  22. Questions of Newcomers Sponsored by Khris -vol I -
  23. English flag
  24. Playing TopEleven saturday night...
  25. Why Khris always say that one have to test player for fould and corners?
  26. How do you buy players...
  27. Mission Completed
  28. Clash of Titans :D Try to predict the score !
  29. Clash of Titans :D Try to predict the score !
  30. What did I do wrong, Nordeus ?
  31. How to counter 4-5-1 flat in cruch CL game?
  32. What was that.. :D Sack a player and pay 123Mil ? rofl.
  33. What do Defensive Wall, Playmaker, Dribbler and Shadow Striker do?
  34. Players gets very tired this season
  35. Players suffer fatigue after heavy training
  36. How???
  37. Shot effiency
  38. Player sold for 833 million
  39. Sell your player if you won't use him!
  40. What's wrong with attacking group?
  41. Did i hear something about improovment of injuries? :)
  42. [TICKET SALE] Suggestion to make money
  43. Not sure if top eleven or draw eleven
  44. Rep your team's nationalities
  45. How can I win a title? Looks like the game doesn't want me to...
  46. My Group of Death..Champion League
  47. Тренировка
  48. Academy players please help
  49. How can i chat with players
  50. Has the number of tokens for youth players been reduced..
  51. Paid 49 Tokens & 0cash for a scout with ST/AMC position and One on one scorer.. wtf:D
  52. Game results
  53. So I mixed music at an event this past Saturday and this happened....
  54. Come on, we’re better than this! Tell the guys to start running!
  55. don't invest in strikers anymore
  56. No Fairplay
  57. Which Goalkeeper?
  58. Goal scored by Ronaldinho in the Top Eleven
  59. Tips to tank?
  60. League season 73
  61. Odd one on the transfer list....
  62. Emblems
  63. Madness
  64. Scout ST vs Defensive Line POLL
  65. Not impressed with injury
  66. Cup is a joke now!
  67. So I bought a Scout Player !
  68. Had a feeling ?
  69. champions league , why
  70. problem with the game
  71. Decrease in Wages
  72. Why always 0 fans
  73. Hard tackles normal tackles
  74. Guess the formation...
  75. POLL- What will Khris do with this team?
  76. Low attendance to start the season?
  77. Win bonus for level 18 ?
  78. Match Preview Stats!
  79. NO Injuries
  80. Season 73 - Week 3
  81. Avanced to next lvl from 8th place
  82. Negotiation
  83. New season 73
  84. Super Keeper
  85. I am so so sad ): Dramatic ending to this league ):
  86. The most dramatic end of the seasson in lvl 33
  87. I have a friend who has a higher level stand-in.
  88. English players wrong flag!
  89. new draw random or?
  90. What a player.
  91. GoalKeeper Stats
  92. The new feature - recommended player
  93. Being screwed over at the ultimate moment........
  94. New Mobile Features
  95. i cant connect to server since on month via android. Could anyone halp me????????
  96. DML and DMR?
  97. Draw/Lose When Watching Match
  98. Throwing it away
  99. Soon-to-be Level 4
  100. Tokens
  101. i made a bid in negotiations by mistake
  102. the number on the on the photos
  103. Buy Token through Mobile Payment
  104. New season, new scouts players.
  105. Maximum budget more than 2.14B
  106. Unbeaten Campaign
  107. Jual Obat Aborsi Aman | 081221648889 | Obat Telat Bulan
  108. Why am I not seeing the Animated Live Match on my phone?
  109. Why aren't I seeing the Animated Live Match on my phone?
  110. The Underdog
  111. League Games End In Draw
  112. Transfer market very poor
  113. Question?
  114. So penalties ...
  115. Question?
  116. Keep or Sell?
  117. The Stupid me
  118. Players Form
  119. Good news on injuries
  120. Man of the match
  121. New improvements to the game...
  122. Moony F.C.
  123. ticket prices and attendances
  124. End of seasons strategy
  125. Is my assistant troll face?
  126. Won the league with 6 games left
  127. this is Stupid ?
  128. Young players are too poor to ever use
  129. watch video to earn token
  130. why top eleven Sucks
  131. Do not waste your time and money for this crap...
  132. Home grown players
  133. how has this hapend
  134. Many people complain, but..
  135. Tips to win the league?
  136. how to fix a striker
  137. I'm level 11 and my next opponent in the cup competition is level 25. Why?
  138. Give up and left game.
  139. Stats half season
  140. Same eleven vs squad rotation: what's your choice?
  141. Tell me what do you think about this formation
  142. Using long pass + counter attack during a match!
  143. Is something going wrong with the strikers lately ?
  144. Where are they ???
  145. anything
  146. With Regards to team captains
  147. [REDEEM CODE] Active code in the game
  148. I know this has probably been asked before....
  149. BRING THIS FORUM BACK TO LIFE ! /2nd attempt.
  150. no top eleven from mobile
  151. Did I miss something?
  152. Do in-game orders have any effect?
  153. New video commercials require to sign up
  154. player notes
  155. Token ads and supersonic ads scam!!!!
  156. the BEST way to counter 45v1
  157. Great Champions draw!
  158. Squad Rotation tips?
  159. help
  160. Daily update
  161. Top Eleven Screenshoots on Facebook
  162. 14 days for a broken leg
  163. Something I've noticed with the earlier levels
  164. Nuggets of wisdom from the Assistant Manager...
  165. Server reset time
  166. Highest payout Competition
  167. Missing tokens from ladbrokes, who to contact
  168. Old Newbie Questions.
  169. Question about GK
  170. akun TE nyangkut di android orang
  171. Some Thoughts as the Game goes on.
  172. 44.4 vs 34 quality team 1:4???
  173. Keep it going Nordeus
  174. Has somebody seen a derby in Top Eleven?
  175. what do u think of these stats
  176. Rest Time Delayed
  177. Strange Match
  178. [PLAYERS ONLINE] - Update for Browser
  179. The world's biggest complaint about the game oppressed
  180. Omg
  181. Worst start in the league despite having the best avarage quality squad.
  182. What if a Cup tie was a one-legged affair?
  183. Clocks going back 1hour tomorrow
  184. You put us among players spending 100€ per month in this game but you won't bend us!
  185. Cones
  186. NEW ITEMS - Biggleswade
  187. Wtf
  188. @Biggleswadeutd on Twitter
  189. Shocking result
  190. New code on top eleven
  191. Crazy game or few players?
  192. How to spot fast trainers on higher levels (lvl 17+)?
  193. cup
  194. Punished for not buying tokens!!!!!
  195. Looking for this emblem
  196. Fan base/ number of fans
  197. ummmm. where are my league games?
  198. Nordeus must love this guy so much!!
  199. Goodbye top eleven!
  200. Automatic Skill point - "New Skill" Allocation
  201. dammmmm you Barcelona
  202. who said not worth non token youth
  203. The Season 72 Injury Vent Thread...
  204. Scout List Transfers with names of real players???
  205. Finally a good negotiation offer..
  206. Season 72 - Week 3
  207. Impractical special abilities of scout players
  208. Question about de League Draw
  209. [RECORDS] Some records in the league
  210. my player`s will 100%
  211. Resolve this dilemma please
  212. Not saved skill points in the new season..
  213. Supah' match of Saturday July Fourth vs FCBayern München
  214. Can't figure this out
  215. Man of the match - how did this happen again ?!
  216. Rewards
  217. Manager destroying player form
  218. What do you all think ?????????????
  219. what are the best formations that you can easily switch from defense to attack?
  220. Player`s rating`s
  221. This is not football. I am out
  222. Let's add eachother on facebook.
  223. 26 Trebles in a row !!! WHAT THE HELL :OOOOO
  224. How to improve my team with 273 Tokens?
  225. Mix of servers ?
  226. Just a Thought to Share
  227. MAD MANAGERS :D hahaha
  228. Do not complain
  229. What a bull**** this game is
  230. Negotiation
  231. What is your dream-player?
  232. 3D
  233. i lose 77tokkens why??
  234. What image sites can I use to host my signature?
  235. i should try this LOL
  236. no justice!!!!!
  237. New official items 15/16
  238. Mythbusters Lab
  239. Skillpoints
  240. Mythbusters of top eleven
  241. Manager level 2 with players of LEYEND level... How can be possible?
  242. **** striker
  243. Servers
  244. [NEW ITEMS] We will have updates?
  245. Players Forms
  246. Did they change something or I'm just unlucky??
  247. 11 subs?
  248. Successful without investing real money!?
  249. What is "sell now"
  250. FIX this pls.. am not watching any live match so i can win