- Does top eleven have computer generated opponents?
- Money struggles
- defenders down arrows ?
- Tips on special abilities
- Like falling into a Cup with low quality
- Are scout players worth it?
- Highest token reward ever ?
- Training point lost
- Heavy tackling
- Scorers - How are your attackers?
- Sometimes it works.. sometimes it doesnt :D
- Match Report
- Scammed by ad partners! Please advise!
- Scammed by ad partners! Please advise!
- Beginner Tips that you wish you could have done
- Fast Trainers
- Star ratings
- How to get more coins
- Have you spent any money?
- Obat Aborsi Alami - 081221648889 - Obat Penggugur Kandungan - Obat Telat Bulan
- Days in which players who are on the scout are updated
- Questions of Newcomers Sponsored by Khris -vol I -
- English flag
- Playing TopEleven saturday night...
- Why Khris always say that one have to test player for fould and corners?
- How do you buy players...
- Mission Completed
- Clash of Titans :D Try to predict the score !
- Clash of Titans :D Try to predict the score !
- What did I do wrong, Nordeus ?
- How to counter 4-5-1 flat in cruch CL game?
- What was that.. :D Sack a player and pay 123Mil ? rofl.
- What do Defensive Wall, Playmaker, Dribbler and Shadow Striker do?
- Players gets very tired this season
- Players suffer fatigue after heavy training
- How???
- Shot effiency
- Player sold for 833 million
- Sell your player if you won't use him!
- What's wrong with attacking group?
- Did i hear something about improovment of injuries? :)
- [TICKET SALE] Suggestion to make money
- Not sure if top eleven or draw eleven
- Rep your team's nationalities
- How can I win a title? Looks like the game doesn't want me to...
- My Group of Death..Champion League
- Тренировка
- Academy players please help
- How can i chat with players
- Has the number of tokens for youth players been reduced..
- Paid 49 Tokens & 0cash for a scout with ST/AMC position and One on one scorer.. wtf:D
- Game results
- So I mixed music at an event this past Saturday and this happened....
- Come on, we’re better than this! Tell the guys to start running!
- don't invest in strikers anymore
- No Fairplay
- Which Goalkeeper?
- Goal scored by Ronaldinho in the Top Eleven
- Tips to tank?
- League season 73
- Odd one on the transfer list....
- Emblems
- Madness
- Scout ST vs Defensive Line POLL
- Not impressed with injury
- Cup is a joke now!
- So I bought a Scout Player !
- Had a feeling ?
- champions league , why
- problem with the game
- Decrease in Wages
- Why always 0 fans
- Hard tackles normal tackles
- Guess the formation...
- POLL- What will Khris do with this team?
- Low attendance to start the season?
- Win bonus for level 18 ?
- Match Preview Stats!
- NO Injuries
- Season 73 - Week 3
- Avanced to next lvl from 8th place
- Negotiation
- New season 73
- Super Keeper
- I am so so sad ): Dramatic ending to this league ):
- The most dramatic end of the seasson in lvl 33
- I have a friend who has a higher level stand-in.
- English players wrong flag!
- new draw random or?
- What a player.
- GoalKeeper Stats
- The new feature - recommended player
- Being screwed over at the ultimate moment........
- New Mobile Features
- i cant connect to server since on month via android. Could anyone halp me????????
- DML and DMR?
- Draw/Lose When Watching Match
- Throwing it away
- Soon-to-be Level 4
- Tokens
- i made a bid in negotiations by mistake
- the number on the on the photos
- Buy Token through Mobile Payment
- New season, new scouts players.
- Maximum budget more than 2.14B
- Unbeaten Campaign
- Jual Obat Aborsi Aman | 081221648889 | Obat Telat Bulan
- Why am I not seeing the Animated Live Match on my phone?
- Why aren't I seeing the Animated Live Match on my phone?
- The Underdog
- League Games End In Draw
- Transfer market very poor
- Question?
- So penalties ...
- Question?
- Keep or Sell?
- The Stupid me
- Players Form
- Good news on injuries
- Man of the match
- New improvements to the game...
- Moony F.C.
- ticket prices and attendances
- End of seasons strategy
- Is my assistant troll face?
- Won the league with 6 games left
- this is Stupid ?
- Young players are too poor to ever use
- watch video to earn token
- why top eleven Sucks
- Do not waste your time and money for this crap...
- Home grown players
- how has this hapend
- Many people complain, but..
- Tips to win the league?
- how to fix a striker
- I'm level 11 and my next opponent in the cup competition is level 25. Why?
- Give up and left game.
- Stats half season
- Same eleven vs squad rotation: what's your choice?
- Tell me what do you think about this formation
- Using long pass + counter attack during a match!
- Is something going wrong with the strikers lately ?
- Where are they ???
- anything
- With Regards to team captains
- [REDEEM CODE] Active code in the game
- I know this has probably been asked before....
- no top eleven from mobile
- Did I miss something?
- Do in-game orders have any effect?
- New video commercials require to sign up
- player notes
- Token ads and supersonic ads scam!!!!
- the BEST way to counter 45v1
- Great Champions draw!
- Squad Rotation tips?
- help
- Daily update
- Top Eleven Screenshoots on Facebook
- 14 days for a broken leg
- Something I've noticed with the earlier levels
- Nuggets of wisdom from the Assistant Manager...
- Server reset time
- Highest payout Competition
- Missing tokens from ladbrokes, who to contact
- Old Newbie Questions.
- Question about GK
- akun TE nyangkut di android orang
- Some Thoughts as the Game goes on.
- 44.4 vs 34 quality team 1:4???
- Keep it going Nordeus
- Has somebody seen a derby in Top Eleven?
- what do u think of these stats
- Rest Time Delayed
- Strange Match
- [PLAYERS ONLINE] - Update for Browser
- The world's biggest complaint about the game oppressed
- Omg
- Worst start in the league despite having the best avarage quality squad.
- What if a Cup tie was a one-legged affair?
- Clocks going back 1hour tomorrow
- You put us among players spending 100€ per month in this game but you won't bend us!
- Cones
- NEW ITEMS - Biggleswade
- Wtf
- @Biggleswadeutd on Twitter
- Shocking result
- New code on top eleven
- Crazy game or few players?
- How to spot fast trainers on higher levels (lvl 17+)?
- cup
- Punished for not buying tokens!!!!!
- Looking for this emblem
- Fan base/ number of fans
- ummmm. where are my league games?
- Nordeus must love this guy so much!!
- Goodbye top eleven!
- Automatic Skill point - "New Skill" Allocation
- dammmmm you Barcelona
- who said not worth non token youth
- The Season 72 Injury Vent Thread...
- Scout List Transfers with names of real players???
- Finally a good negotiation offer..
- Season 72 - Week 3
- Impractical special abilities of scout players
- Question about de League Draw
- [RECORDS] Some records in the league
- my player`s will 100%
- Resolve this dilemma please
- Not saved skill points in the new season..
- Supah' match of Saturday July Fourth vs FCBayern München
- Can't figure this out
- Man of the match - how did this happen again ?!
- Rewards
- Manager destroying player form
- What do you all think ?????????????
- what are the best formations that you can easily switch from defense to attack?
- Player`s rating`s
- This is not football. I am out
- Let's add eachother on facebook.
- 26 Trebles in a row !!! WHAT THE HELL :OOOOO
- How to improve my team with 273 Tokens?
- Mix of servers ?
- Just a Thought to Share
- MAD MANAGERS :D hahaha
- Do not complain
- What a bull**** this game is
- Negotiation
- What is your dream-player?
- 3D
- i lose 77tokkens why??
- What image sites can I use to host my signature?
- i should try this LOL
- no justice!!!!!
- New official items 15/16
- Mythbusters Lab
- Skillpoints
- Mythbusters of top eleven
- Manager level 2 with players of LEYEND level... How can be possible?
- **** striker
- Servers
- [NEW ITEMS] We will have updates?
- Players Forms
- Did they change something or I'm just unlucky??
- 11 subs?
- Successful without investing real money!?
- What is "sell now"
- FIX this pls.. am not watching any live match so i can win