- Increasing Stats Lowers Market Value
- Ticket prices
- Any way to get iphone game to computer?
- Missing referrals?
- negotiations
- Auction or Scout ??
- Should I Do It ?
- TIP: How to follow a player you are selling at the start of a new season.
- Level 4 Negotiations
- Won CL and didn't clasified
- Focused training at the beginning of the season?
- Wtf?!
- How do you call the Cup?
- Debating a cup boycott...
- bonus money for players
- Cup drawing
- Renewing player contracts
- Why my players always have unnecessary passes
- About the 2 times per week contract
- New league with friends
- Can't buy a player to a friend ?
- these old freebies
- Mourinho Team
- i have many good players for level 4 managers
- Players Offers
- My tokens are gone and my money
- season has ended but the players...??
- Common Questions
- Games of my friends ???
- Can you feel it???
- Injury Thread for Colin FC - Season 6
- Help!
- Nordeus steals tokens?
- Universal Player V (Season 41)
- Injury Report - June 2013
- New Season - Players lose a star.
- Top Eleven Four Stars League has been RESUMED
- Daily maintenance back?
- Squad For New Season
- Season 41
- League/CL/Cup winners - Share your tactics here
- Messages
- Something about the player stats...
- Last round of a same league should begin at the same minute, isn't it??
- People don't use forum and there is no information about illegal formation
- Rejecting Negotiation offers on android
- Advice
- Somebody want to buy profile?
- Unsigned dplayer
- Perfect Season!
- Amazing Season.
- Top eleven evolution
- how many tokens do you have :) :) :) :) :)
- Picking your own opponents for League
- Moral
- OK folks, time to get serious about injuries.
- LoL Cannot Add Points To The Attack ?
- can someone tell me?
- Title decider tonight season 1
- How much does player value drops?
- Players level
- Watch this space
- Do external factors influence player value?
- how are the leagues sorted
- Is it worth it?
- pls help
- To play or not to play
- chage server
- Season Dates
- starting a new account.
- rightly or wrongly ???
- Scout list refresh days confirmed.
- I can understand a crapy server that provides 28days
- How does club ownership work?
- Bermuda Triangle Season Review
- Waiting around for next season...
- help
- Top Eleven Four Stars League
- Training duration:if 7real days are just 1 day. 1 real hour training should be 1/7h
- So,after 6 levels and as we are waiting for new season
- AEPRE FC Player of the Season Awards
- NO!!!!!!
- not conect to facebook
- Season 40 conclusion : What are your final statistics ?
- CL Final: New Team VS Catalunya FC LIVE!
- Football Manager new team
- help! I bought a player learning a special skill
- Why do i keep losing?
- Just won the treble! :-) Thank you guys!
- Champions League Final XV - LIVE!
- Where's my Supporters ?!
- Bernard's Watch
- Mourinho!!
- Should I sell?
- Why would I want to train defending attributes in strikers?
- Admin help !!!
- Youth Players - Way too expensive?
- Need big Final help !!
- how to choose friends to be with me in the league
- goalkeepers
- Style of play
- Training intensity influences while playing the match?
- When do I unfriend?
- Question on stadium upgrade
- Champions League final preview and live updates
- Why ****ing extra time for friendly matches?
- Should i sell
- how to win
- how can i play with my frind in the same ligue
- My player sent-off wrong
- Can anyone explain ??
- How this is possible
- Cup Final t minus 45ish minutes....
- Scouts in your transfer list at the end of the season
- Top Eleven is finished
- MC is Bomber..34 goals in the league :D
- Champions league final match
- If you won the Cup, post here!
- Congratulations!!! This is the fairiest of all games!!
- geschenke system
- Explain me...
- What should my orders be for the cl finals ?
- hi
- What's the worst injury you've had on the game?
- who win???
- Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- What went wrong?
- Problem :))
- 2 different levels in one league !!
- is this right or bug?
- I Think Its Really To Much ...
- scout ages
- Not recieve any tokens after purchased ????
- lol. what a fake ****ing game
- Possession in my team does not exceed 20%
- How many people here...
- Skill Points
- i don't understand
- I want my 31 tokens back
- how long dose a yellow card stay on a player for ????
- What actually happened
- Youth Training facilities = dirty tricks = deception = way to take your money
- What will happen if both teams are using illegal formation?
- Can I still sell him ?
- Transfers market idea for the forum
- Facebook ID to transfer my game to another.
- My nerves ended( for admins)
- God have mercy on me plz :(
- Wow, I figured this would happen...
- Yes, this is a RANT !!
- Anothers Online Football Manager
- short passing & players positions
- !!!!!!!!!! increase in condition if we must wait 3 hours for just 5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- pregunta
- Which player to sell?
- german tokenads: watch now ;)
- Friendly's should only be played when accepted by both teams
- Player Conditioning linked to fitness?
- will i be punished for playing asymmetrical ?
- Seriously slumping, bad time.
- Negotiations
- prizes from videos
- Why level 4 is in league 5
- Why I cant add friends who are higher level?
- It's getting harder to sell players at the higher levels of the game!!!
- Top eleven stop selling tokens, stop cheating
- Top eleven give me 21 tokens
- hmmm, decisions, decisions
- Replacement Phone
- Contract expires at end of season??
- Where are the Heineken video that give a free packs ?
- Skill point - To Assign or not to assign?
- Any ideas how to set up for return leg?
- English T11 Groups???...
- (Nearly) impossible to sell players...
- Iphone app question...
- Just amazing !
- Bidding System
- Need help for Champions League Semifinal
- My 2nd season in top 11 and im doing well
- Devasa Bir Oyun
- Finance question
- About A Particular Player I Want . Pretty Urgent
- Auctions
- Top Eleven
- 3 stars fast trainer
- Why saving skills point ???
- signing youth
- Should I feel obligated?
- Would you play this formation vs this Tommy?
- Should I sell or wait ???
- noob questions
- TOPKERS TV Rights -> Tokens "extra"??? Where are the "tokens extra"???. SWIDDLES...
- When to start playing all subs/reserves? League just about wrapped up
- where the fu.. are the token vids?
- how to put my player on the negotiation list ???
- when is the new update?
- shlomo afuta club
- Jersey & emblem exchange
- Buying strategy when season 3 start
- Terrible Transfer List
- youth players
- request fixture rearrangment?
- just wondering if your having problem
- help!!! unable to connect to server
- negotiation list
- Any experience against this formation?
- what about africain managers; support african topmanager
- play now not loading
- This is unfair !!
- Injuries every single game
- enjoy working this out
- can't make my mind up on formation
- Black-box operation?
- What happens with player in next season if he now has 1year left?
- How?
- Helpp!!!
- Tapjoy Madness
- TL suddenly changed
- Do players gain experience if...
- Account has been disabled
- Log in issues using HTC..!?
- Request .. please help
- Who do I sell ?
- token deals NOT working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Retiring/Old player
- Help me! Good?
- I really need advice from MDKII
- Whats wrong on login android ?
- About training youngster !!
- No fkn way!!!!!! got a GEM for 1 token!
- 2 questions from a noob
- 3*, 18 yo VS 5*, 33 yo
- Removing fav payent method.. Plss hellpp meee
- Are they banned from T11?
- Does This Look Suspicious to You?
- Help for a new beeee and hello to forum :)
- Unwanted friendlies V2
- Problem with tokens
- how can i put my player
- como enfrentar estas 2 formaciones!!!! AYUDA
- Anyone bought tokens or players from scout list before?
- best winger !!!!
- Player Value increase
- team/player performance
- Tokens Not Received
- an interesting days results...
- What happens when you have a problem with Nordeus
- Fake accounts
- freeze the team