- Searching Jerseys.
- Name dropping
- The Triple
- Just won another double
- I just won the treble!
- less than 11 players can play
- I bought a player who retire on same season
- Picking team to play
- Hi help
- If no one bids after round one and I remain leader...
- Facebook friends not top 11 friends
- my stadium attendance didn't improve with carpark
- Does older players improve faster with matches?
- when to add skill points and sell low quality players
- Switch from Iphine to Android
- Cup-draw system
- little fun - :D, :D - My stadium :)
- Free U21 Players
- about multi accounts
- Transfer Madness
- oyun esnasında oyuncuların derecelerini görmek
- Relax and Bet ^^
- CUP FINAL season 46
- lot of possesion but not great stats
- Nordeus update Top eleven ?!!
- if I'm determined to increase a player skills....
- tokens in less
- HALL OF FAME | Unofficial Forum 9* Legends Club
- Break-back ingredients
- Injuries, injuries, injuries, oh... and, more injuries!
- Log to the game without facebook account ?
- play without Facebook?
- End of Season
- Defensive teams win Cup competitions
- match fixing
- Left foot _ Right foot and Position !!
- its not right
- if I substitute a player 15min into a match, will that player still get maximum....
- watch and earn ?
- Cup-Problems
- Facebook conspiracy
- ST selection, which one should be sold
- Are scouts worth the tokens???
- Jugadores/Players
- Average price of 5 star player in Level 3?
- Translation of T11 in french // Traduction de T11 en francais
- Is this a HACK?
- Halp
- DMC Ratings
- cant open my team
- Friend trying to register but we have a problem:
- Can't add more points into attack, why?
- DC/DL vs DL/DC
- Will Top Eleven remain competitive if Tokens are taken away??
- Profitable transfer strategy
- I couldnt log into the game
- Attacking down only one side ... advice needed
- Progress that fast
- lvl 3 vs lvl 1
- 5 games to go ....tight top 3
- Not watching because I want to counter attack?
- Young players with less stars or older players with more stars?
- Did all the attacking midfielders on my server die ?
- if I transfer my hp SIM card to another similar phone still can work?
- playing card
- You can only focus on league or Cup but not both
- Only Midfielders from youth academy
- Average rating.
- Some leagues might have nearly all Bots n inactives
- Anyone league champion yet?
- Different types of injuries in Top Eleven.
- Any idea on what this means?
- budgets and transfers.
- Does anyone have a good MC?
- Most boring day on forums!!!!
- problem whit my friends list
- Peanut labs
- Ticket prices
- Playing with an itouch 2G IOS 4.2.1??
- Skill points unassigned for expiring players
- Attendance level 7
- Highest possible age before retiring????
- Where do they get players?
- What is Average ?????
- Why does he have so many reserves????
- Is he making a shop of Goalkeepers????
- Weird Possession stats!!!!!
- LVL3: Where to spend tokens?
- My team is very young, have good data
- please tell me how to make good order for 3-1-4-2
- Weird GK ??
- Why none of my friends are on my server?
- Is it just me or has this forum got boring?
- Token prices go up !!
- This isnt right is it?
- 24 friends...i can only support 3...
- Saving skill points
- How can i see wich players train faster ?
- How to check ratings during match ?
- Negotiations or Auctions
- prieteni-sustinatori
- Question about skill points, qualiy and contract details
- 2 match suspension!!!!!
- Negotiation Question
- Low condition in Extra Time
- Skill Progess Bar and Gain%
- Questions about Stadiums and crowd bonuses
- Selling players on app version
- How many token you earn one day
- What's wrong ? Limited in the game?
- Server is down ?
- Player Pricetag
- I really need some stuff.
- You don't get cash for wins in CL and cup
- So what is the importance to this forum site?/ also random questions I need answered.
- in 3 days 3 times same player was injured after spending 30 injury treatmans on him
- Getting nothing for watching videos.
- Cheaters and Hackers
- Help
- Community Managers
- Expiring contracts
- HALL OF FAME | Unofficial Achievements List
- Foro en Español...?
- Any updates MDKII? again
- Forum Rules (Please read it!)
- Tokens to cash question
- content restricted
- worst game ever
- Tokens nicht erhalten obwohl es Abgebucht wurde!! Admin bitte
- 3W-2CDMs-2MCs- 2AMCs-1
- Ratings and why I still dont understand them
- Longest injury list
- Any updates MDKII?
- Strong young player training at low speed
- Contract Extensions.
- Nordeus - There ignorance baffles me
- Money leaking
- Luck or Bad Luck??
- How r u doing in the league so far?
- ID Lost. What i can do?
- Any Top Eleven Guinness world record here? I'd love to submit my stats,then!!
- Fixtures Timing NORDEUS
- The weird formation 3-2-3-1-1
- Some newbie questions
- Too Many Young Players?
- nordeus is crazy
- decline offer
- Nordeus is actually doing as a favor!
- FCNordeus
- should changelogs be released
- cost of tokens in your country
- Concerned!!
- results question
- Why is the player name blue?
- results question
- Meaning of Top level of server?
- Can a player inherit anothers spot mid season ?
- Training.
- the forum is deadly calm some recents weeks
- Problem free packs
- A little entertainment! :D
- what constitutes a troll win?
- Lets take a break and maybe laugh
- What will happen?
- Are u serious? Wtf is this?
- Help - How do I Change "my opinion" details
- An effective application for learning Spanish or Thai languages
- new facebook account
- New players placement
- 5 Star pop to 6 Star?
- How do i hire a Psychologist - Driving me mad
- Nordeus's players
- Getting ready for my 3rd season.
- July Fourth
- Somethings are wrong in this game
- How are Training point quantity decided?
- Young Players
- Selling player at the end of a season or beginning?
- Please never give up although you have massive lose at home! I'm an example
- How to get in the same league with my friends
- Supporters increase possession of a match and is important
- Take a look at my team and tell me how you would play against me?
- We should thank those who bought lots of tokens
- We should form a supporters club
- Jersey and Logo Storage
- Seems some players do well in Cup n some in League
- Special abilities
- Packs Converter
- Why have I stopped playing
- Question for experienced players of top11 only please
- i wish a bug suddenly gimme a Messi type player
- Offer
- How many leagues are there ?
- Funny incidents - Bidding - Last minute goals - ETC
- I think mine can be considered a big club
- Some players are injury prone
- cannot bid ????
- Another cup defeat
- strange problem
- 35T League Edition 3: The Anniversary (Starts May 2014)
- bug?
- injuries injuries injuries!
- What's the point of youth players?
- Is salary stated during Transfer List the exact salary when player joins?
- losing to lower lvl teams
- how to add friends in the game?
- I ended up paying higher salary for new player!!
- Random ratings or...?
- U21 Mini Camp Question?
- what does bracket (f) in transfer list mean?
- How many of you here are super young puppies? aka 14 year olds
- How to tolerate the boredom in-between matches!!??
- Top Eleven
- Moving Top11 to a new Facebook account
- No one buying my 3 stars GK n MR !!
- I wonder which league the highest now, not shown anywhere
- Seems no way for morale to automatically improve with time ?
- A tiny team is long term problem
- Disillusioned and jaded.
- nordeus playcard
- This is a very big error!!!
- Player Performance
- 2x token sale
- Massive bidding war for a free agent?
- What is 'tanking' and how can formations be classed as 'illegal' (Newbie here)
- Tokens every day and booster received from friends
- How team average quality is calculated (& cup draw speculation)
- question
- Player levelling up problem, please help!
- how to beat5-4-1 formation
- 6 star on transfer list
- How to deal with those !!
- auction!
- Crazy fixture times
- No Tokens when I log in
- Contrataçao
- Changing Match Timings and the Handicap
- Player Performance
- Cup matches, Training academy for money players
- Emblem issue
- The CUP issue again
- Player fatigue
- Powertrain scouts?
- Cheated again.
- Can anyone explain this to me?
- Arsenal's-like jersey needed.
- These guys are crazy I stopped at round 4
- Who Level 40-46?
- supporters